Last week’s 11:11 a.m. Tuesday Time-Waster didn’t happen because I was gallivanting around New York City, when I wasn’t running 26.2 miles through it along with 47,000 other crazies.
During the marathon, I saw people from more countries than I can count. I saw people in all kinds of outfits, including the four people wearing lacy yellow underwear over their black running tights. Late in the race, I passed a guy in a hot pink sasquatch-like costume, but my friend Erin later informed me that a guy dressed as grapes — covered in purple balloons — was far ahead of me.
One guy I wish I could have seen was the New York Times cartoonist who sketched his way through the marathon, posting photos of the drawings to Twitter.

Go look at his blog post that I linked up there. It’s pretty fantastic, and definitely worth a few minutes of your Tuesday.