A big ruling from a federal judge was announced yesterday and, naturally, both the competing paper and I wrote about it. It's a good thing I didn't use the written statements from two attorneys but instead hunted them down and got my own quotes. It turns out those statements are ALL my competition used.The only reference from the ruling that he used was one repeated in the attorneys' statements, and he used that article to include the big news that I mentioned yesterday. Oh, and he apparently doesn't know how to reach attorneys for the other side.
Am I laughing at him? No. I think he's been doing a LOT lately to make reporters look dumb and lazy, and I hate it when reporters do that. I don't care if he's the "Lodi Bureau Chief" for a newspaper three times the size of ours. That doesn't give him the right to make reporters look stupid.
Posted by Layla at 8:17 AM, April 02, 2003