At first, I thought a television station had either put its newscast scripts directly on the Internet or used a voice-to-text program to do so. I thought this because I've generally known the NAACP as just that, rather than the "N-Double-A-C-P". Yes, I know it's pronounced the second way, but acronyms are still acronyms, no matter how you pronounce them.However, it looks like a whole bunch of TV and radio stations do this. A search for "N-Double-A-C-P" over at Google news currently returns 569 hits. This is most peculiar.
(Context: "The inquest was held at the insistence of the N-Double-A-C-P." The story is about a black man who was found hanging and people began wondering if it was just a suicide or, in fact, a lynching.)
Posted by Layla at 11:17 PM, July 28, 2003