A Reporter's Life

Busted speeder

A word of advice: If you're a 16-year-old out joy-riding with your friends, it's not always a good idea to speed just because you're outside city limits. You never know when a police sergeant in an unmarked car will just happen to be behind you. He might just have a radio, and he might decide to follow you and note when you run stop signs.

Needless to say, my police scanner sometimes amuses me. I do feel a bit sorry for the kid, because the police ran his license plate and contacted the registered owner of the car. That person just happened to be the kid's dad, who then called his son's cell phone and told him to stop.

The sergeant may have received a Medal of Valor for his role in shooting a suspect (the man now has to use a colostomy bag because of this officer's shot), but I still think a parent who was called by police would be the one I'd most hate to reckon with.

UPDATE, two hours later: The story just got better, because the kid's dad is a sheriff's detective. The kid said he didn't stop because he didn't know who was following him and was scared. However, he had a cell phone and his dad's in law enforcement. If it were you, wouldn't you call your dad? Ah, kids these days.

Posted by Layla at 1:14 PM, August 12, 2003

— Comments —

Layla, thanks for the tip.... the next time I'm 16 and out joy riding, I'll stop at the stop signs.

I've been trying to get my boss to get a police scanner in our office but it keeps getting put off. He probably knows we'd all be surrounding it in situations like that.

Posted by: Tom at 12:40 AM, August 13, 2003

Tom: You'll be 16, when, next month? (Ooooooh.)

You definitely need a scanner. Yes, it would probably distract you at first, but you'd soon learn to work and just pay attention when something important comes across the scanner. Your paper may be a weekly, but nobody said weekly papers can't go cover breaking news.

Posted by: Layla at 9:11 AM, August 13, 2003

In totally unrelated news, LOOK AT THIS: http://www.rednova.com/news/stories/5/2003/08/13/story002.html.

Posted by: Sarcasmorator at 6:50 PM, August 13, 2003

Sarcasmorator: That must have been the basis for a recent episode on "Without a Trace." See, I knew they based those TV shows on truth! Hahahaha

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