Bad reporter, bad book
So the autobiography written by disgraced New York Times reporter Jayson Blair has flopped in a spectacular way. At this rate, extra copies of the plagiarist's book might be best used as kindling.In case you missed the negative tone in those last two sentences, I don't feel sorry for the guy. He stole the work of others and fabricated lies, all while working for the New York Times as a supposed journalist. So many of us work so hard, but he goes and does a thing like that to disgrace the field that is already hated by most of the world. Frankly, I'm glad there was so much coverage of his actions, because now nobody wants to read his book.
The friend who sent me that link wondered if there was any way the publishers could get back some of the six-figure advance they gave Blair. Unfortunately, I think Blair made out like a bandit -- again.
Posted by Layla at 7:58 AM, March 19, 2004