Blog bots win
The spamming blog bots have won. I've gotten 85 spam replies on my weblog today, and the day isn't even over. Not only are they annoying, but I have to MANUALLY DELETE EVERY GOD-DAMNED SPAM. In case you're wondering, deleting 85 of them will probably take a good 15 minutes of steady clicking and waiting for the program to update. I've come to hate Movable Type because of things like that.That stupid blacklist program wouldn't work and I can't make heads or tails out of Thomas's suggestion (especially when I looked at his page and couldn't see how he'd made any changes). Travholt's suggestion is a couple years old and apparently meant for an older version of Movable Type, David's suggestion would require paying for the latest version of Movable type, and my mom's suggestion made no sense to me and is meant for some other program.
So, unless I find some other way of fixing it, I'm going to run a full back-up and delete my blog. I only post stupid crap and my main page hasn't been updated since May, so why the hell do I have a blog, anyway?
Posted by Layla at 6:45 PM, November 21, 2004