The world is being stupid and frustrating, and a coffee frappuccino didn't help as I had hoped it might. Little things don't usually get to me, and my sister has actually gotten mad on occasion because I'm "so damn cheerful." But now the little things are just getting me more and more uptight and annoyed.I think it's all linked to a suicide that has shocked/saddened/angered me -- which has, in turn, resurrected the same feelings over a May suicide that also really upset me. And though those two suicides are the most upsetting, this seems to have been suicide summer for me. I'm not the type to ever consider suicide, but it's pretty mind-blowing when someone else does it, and those feelings get compounded when more people do it. Maybe after I attend Monday's funeral all of them will be behind me.
I'm not sure what the point of this entry was. But it's my blog, so I'll write what I want to write, when I want to.
Posted by Layla at 11:59 AM, August 03, 2005