A Reporter's Life


If you've never read the Chronicles of Narnia, get thee to a library/bookstore/Amazon immediately and rectify the situation. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe hits U.S. theaters Friday, and it's not too late to read the book first.

Can you tell I'm looking forward to this movie? What gave it away?

Anyway, I've never been a sci-fi or fantasy fan, but the Narnia books are a notable exception to the fantasy rule. I read them countless times as a child, and now I just got out the Wardrobe book and read it again. Technically, The Magician's Nephew comes first chronologically, but C.S. Lewis wrote Wardrobe first. And, since the movie is coming out Friday, I decided to refresh myself with that book first. It's been a number of years since I last read the Narnia books, so a lot of the details had faded into the depths of my memory. I've now been sufficiently reminded of how great the books are, and I plan to soon re-read the rest of the series. You should, too.

Posted by Layla at 12:20 AM, December 07, 2005

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