What if Michael was the actual King? Thread 1

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Comment Author: Camlaw
Posts: 16 (5/30/01 10:19:52 pm) What if Michael was the actual King?

Please take the time to read the thread before you comment. You never know.......

Fehr is Fehr, Owl and myself have began speculating as to the possibilty of Michael actually being the king & not Max. I must honestly say that the mere thought of it just boggles my mind. With a little contemplation, if the characters were reversed, just think of how many questions could be answered. Tess actually being Vilandra and the original traitor. Michael & Isabel the king & queen. Max the second in command and bethrothed to Tess. Tell me your thoughts... Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/15/01 7:23:47 am

SnoWmn93 Moderator
Posts: 21 (5/30/01 10:22:14 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

I could never see Michael being the King, he doesn't seem like the type for it, but that's just me..I personally think Max is and should be the king =) Arista Hanson
Posts: 19 (5/31/01 12:47:14 am) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Well at first I thought Michael should be the king, but now I think no one should be the king or queen. I think they should have a voting system. This is because I don't believe one person is better than anther and I that a person as to earn their leadership, which I don't think Max or Michael have done.

But if I had to chose a leader it would be Isabel, who said a man as to be the leader.. EmRal Isle Unregistered User (5/31/01 3:09:24 am) Re: no kings or queens and Isabel --great leader!

Arista Hanson, you're brilliant! I think that's a great idea. I love all the characters, and the way they demostrate their incredible strengths against all odds! Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 39 (5/31/01 10:24:19 am)

As the plotline goes..............

Got to jump in here and say..........it's not about what we want, it's not about what we have been told, it's about what the truth will be, once revealed, as far as the plotline of Roswell goes.

I myself, don't think people should be governed, by royalty or government. It's a whole anarchy thing for me.

But as far as this show goes, and the story they are telling, there is some VERY compelling evidence that Michael is, in fact the king.

Most people don't want to even consider it. Closing off their minds and believing what the show seems to be telling them, but remember this..........

Most of the information about who is leader came from Nesado and Tess, two people who clearly cannot be trusted.

I have an entire outline on this theory and will be posting it in pieces, as it is quiet long.

All I can say is, I never would have thought Michael was king last year, but there are TOO many clues that point to it, now that two seasons have gone past.

Simply put, if "It's Graceland, and you're Elvis", what does that make him????? The king, baby!!! Now that's what I call gross forshadowing.

Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... alpha romeo Unregistered User (5/31/01 12:36:56 pm) What if Michael was the actual king?

I love a mystery! When can we read your outline on the theory? Michael as king! Wow!

Tall Tree Unregistered User (5/31/01 12:47:55 pm) mystery

I'm crazy about mysteries and solving them and I adore Roswell. Please forgive me for being dense. I just never could quite understand the king thing, no matter who it might/might not be. I enjoy the plotline for where it has taken us and where it is leading. And when the ads for "Into the Woods" appeared, I wanted desperately for them to see their home planet.

That didn't happen and that's ok. What puzzles me is why the individual who might have been king is relevant in any way. On our planet, in this time frame, we seem to have outgrown kings. Sure aliens would probably have different values from humans. It just seems like Kings and royalty thoughout our history have been associated with constraints on personal freedoms, including the personal freedoms of the kings.

Honestly, I mean no disrespect for plotlines. Again, I emphasize how much I enjoy Roswell and its storyline. Maybe someone can explain to me what the importance of kingship or queenship might be.

Thanking you in advance for any insight you might offer.

PS I am also looking forward to your theories.

SnoWmn93 Moderator
Posts: 25 (5/31/01 1:01:37 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Arista, that is a very good point! I would love to see Isabel be the leader, she is my favorite! KDkins Unregistered User (5/31/01 1:04:08 pm) kings

Being a huge Sci-fi fan, I really like the show. (Both seasons and all the characters).

In my opinion, the king angle probably reflects the preference and objectives of the author(s). Also, I think kings and queens might represent fantasy and romance for some people. Sometimes it's tough to work in romance with science fiction. I think the era of kings and queens is now seen as a romantic period, where things weren't so rushed and people had time to sit back, reflect, and ponder.

On the other hand, on this show things are frequently not what they seem, so who knows? vc318
Posts: 3 (5/31/01 1:32:47 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Man, everything would be in chaos. Ooops, it already is.

Posts: 1 (5/31/01 4:44:26 pm) Re: As the plotline goes..............

I would love here your ideas. It does make sence, for Michael to be the king. I love the show any way. Camlaw
Posts: 20 (5/31/01 8:24:21 pm) Open Minded

I started this thread to see what theories others might conjour up if roles were reversed & Michael was the king. My priliminary conversations with other posters started me on a unique journey and I thought it might be kind of fun to see how far we could take this story line, what evidence we might have to support our theories and possibly see if our theories hold true next season. It is best to keep and open mind and not let the obvious storyline blind you from the possibilities. Ramona40
Posts: 25 (5/31/01 8:51:47 pm)

Re: Open Minded

I fully agree Camlaw! There is no telling where next season will take us. The thing that we have found out this season more then probably anything else is that nothing is what it appears to be! So when Fehr to Fehr was talking about this, I started looking over some episodes that seemed questionable along these lines. Needless to say I found a lot of clues as well that I had or probably would have never even considered.

I am still researching this and as soon as I can I will post what I have found! This was a very interesting theory and again like I said before, I would have never thought about this if it hadn't been for you and Fehr to Fehr.

Maria to Michael -"You stayed for me" - From Departure. picture from www.Crashdown.com

Fehrian, Lolly, Candy Girl, Mohawk, Donor, Stargazer, Cowboy, Lamptrimmer and Dreamer

There are things inside of me that I'm not proud of, but I've thought about it and I want you to see me." From Departure

Michael and Maria Rock My World! Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 43 (6/1/01 7:36:36 am)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Good morning everybody!

Hi Camlaw, Ramona, and all you lovely Roswellians

Justy running by real fast to say.............

The weekend is upon us and I will have time to post my overview of season one. I just finished watching the whole first season, AGAIN, and have my notes all ready to go.

So I will probably be getting them up here tonight and tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a terrific day and I'll be seeing you beautiful Roswellians later. Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/1/01 7:37:51 am

not like i love you
Posts: 39 (6/1/01 11:46:09 am) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

it wouldn't suprise me if michael ended up being the king, personally i think they should just not bother with who is the king, and who is this or that just be themselves, let it play out blessed be Willow grace www.czechoslovakian.homestead.com jt
Posts: 10 (6/1/01 5:49:04 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

I think it could be possible. In the season 1 finale they met their mother. It wasn't a live greeting. Sort of a video message for the royal 4. She didn't address any of them by name. They just assumed who she was talking to.I think the possibility of Michael being the king is a strong argument. We were led to believe that Tess was loyal to Max and look how that turned out. I can't wait to season3 and find out. Arista Hanson
Posts: 21 (6/1/01 7:19:27 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

I just read this fanfic "Lies" by Icalynn that gives the theory that Michael is the King and that the reason Max as that thing is head was to throw off the enemies. Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 45 (6/2/01 1:20:43 am)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Hey guys!

Sorry I didn't get a chance to really post anything on here tonight. We had a line of severe storms roll through here and a tornado touched down about 10 miles fom my place!!!! Lightening, thunder and hail. GEEZE!!!

It is after two in the morning and I am just gonna wait til tomorrow, cuz if I try to type this stuff up yonight I'll be here editing my typos til the sun comes up.

I do want to say how cool it is that so many people on this board seem to be willing to at least ponder the idea that Michael is or was the king. A very open minded group we have here. I love it!

Goodnight and I'll see ya on the flip side. Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 46 (6/2/01 1:22:50 am)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Yonight!!! See what I mean about typos???

I'm gonna just leave it, it's funny. Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 48 (6/2/01 3:24:12 pm)

The Theory and how it came about...........

Well the best way to go about this is to go ep by ep, describing and pondering the things that happen in each one. That way there is a timeline that is easy to follow and there won't be any jumping around, back and forth.

And do want to repeat right here, that I have watched Roswell since it's first ep aired in Oct. of 1999. It did not occur to me that Michael may be the actual king until the fall of 2000. In Harvest, as I said. When Maria and Michael were checking out Courtney and Maria found the shrine..........

"It's Graceland, and your Elvis!"

To which I actually shouted out loud, "OMG!!! Micahel is the king!"

I mean, come on!!! Elvis is the king, and if Maria called Michale Elvis, that to me was a blatant clue, as to who really is or was the king.

It just hit me like a slap in the face, and really got me to wondering if there were other clues I had missed along the way.

Then I went back and started watching all over again, from the Pilot. And yes, there were alot of things I had either missed or didn't pay close enough attention to, or just completely didn't see them for what they were.

The Pilot:

In the Crashdown after Liz is shot and Max gets up to go to her, Michael stops him and asks what he is going to do. After the healing Michael demands the keys, "Keys, now!" Clearly ordering Max to give him the keys and assuming the position of authority.

When Isabel realizes what Max has done and that he told Liz the truth, Michael is very upset and says it's time to leave Roswell. Max thinks they should go back to school and act normal. Setting for me, the first example of Max's military thinking, hide in plain site, statedgy.(sp)

Close to the end of the ep, when they are in the jeep leaving Roswell, Maria and Liz block them in an alley. Michael clearly steps to the forefront and demands they move the car. "We're not together. Now move your car." Assuming the position of authority, yet again.

When Max says he will turn himself in, Isabel freaks and they decide to try Liz's plan, which I think is exactly what Max knew would happen if he threated to turn himself in. Max convinces Michael the plan will work, in my mind playing the role of counsel and advisor, the second.

Michael, "It won't work."

Will be back with ramblings from the Morning After a little later. Just got IMed and have company coming over. There are alot of important things in this eppy.

Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/2/01 3:42:17 pm

Arista Hanson
Posts: 23 (6/2/01 4:30:05 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Anther thing in the pilot is that when Michael tried to stop Max from healing Liz that show logical thinking. Granted I agree with what Max did and if I had the ability to heal I would be doing all the time, but it wasn't very smart and when your a leader you need to be able to make sacrifices. But the fact that Max did it any ways shows he's indecent which is something every leader should be.

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Comment Author: Iddy
Posts: 4 (6/2/01 10:02:57 pm) What If Michael was the actual king?

A lot of what Fehr is Fehr says makes lots of sense. But after reading and article about the importance of LIZ at I just don't know any more. I love Michael, he has a lot of character, and truly loves Maria, Even if he doesn't show his feelings like Max does for Liz. I think Michael is capable of a lot of great things. Let me know if any of you guys have read the article in the link above. And does it make you change your opinion that Michael might be the actual king?


PS: I tried editin the link to see if it works on 6/3 at 6:00 PM

Edited by: Iddy at: 6/3/01 5:09:04 pm

Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 50 (6/2/01 10:48:34 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Hi guys.

If that is a link to the "Liz's importance to the alien mythology" thread, I do go by and read that from time to time. If it isn't a link to that, then it's something I haven't seen probably, but I will go check it out. Thanks for the link.

I whole heartedly think Max would make a better leader. He is rational, plans and thinks things thru, before he acts. But that he would make a better leader doesn't mean he was in their other life. The reason everything went bonkers is because the person on the throne made bad decisions and did not lead well. I do not base that on anything Tess, Nesado or the momgram said, but on what Courtney said.

She proved her loyalty by taking her own life, so I think we can pretty much believe what she said. She said they were on the brink of a golden age and there were those who wanted the second on the throne. That they thought he could bring peace. Okay, does that sound like Michael to you??? No! It sounds like Max. I think Courtney was laboring under the same assumptions everyone else was in this life. That Max was king and Michael his second. Therefore she was mistakenly following the wrong person. I think Courtney and the other rebel Skins were followers of Max.

Okay, now I've gone and talked about season two stuff and I said I was going to go in order. Well I will keep posting observations about each ep in the correct order, but I will also be addressing the different things everyone else posts.

Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 51 (6/2/01 10:57:06 pm)


Sorry but that link isn't working. If you could copy what it says and paste it over here I would love to read it. Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... cirenscape Unregistered User (6/2/01 11:07:53 pm) address link to

HTML Comments are not allowed cirenscape Unregistered User (6/3/01 12:23:44 am) What? Q to moderator

address link to

HTML Comments are not allowed

sorry, I don't understand. What did I do wrong? All I said was the link that Iddy posted didn't work and then I copied and pasted in a line from the page that did come up, which basically said there was a problem. Why is that not allowed? I'm pretty new and I just do not get it. Please explain so I don't make the same mistake again.

Also my statements that I like this topic were wiped out as well.

Any assistance you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely, cirenscape Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 53 (6/3/01 12:09:11 pm)

Links ect..........

I don't know about posting links on this board. Sorry I'm not much help. There is that one guys who has UPN expert or something like that under his sign on name, he can probably answer your questions. Good luck. Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... Camlaw
Posts: 36 (6/3/01 12:19:43 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

I have been thinking the exact same thing Fehr is Fehr. What if Michael was sent here to be reborn and learn from his previous mistakes? Michael has until recently had no compassion for others. It is his relationship with Maria that has opened his heart and given him some compassion. Maybe his lack of compassion led to their demise. That he was too stubborn and too strong willed to compromise and bring peace forth for the good of his people.

I reread the transcript to Viva Las Vegas and something caught my eye. During the last scene Max mentioned he was acting as Michael's chaperone instead of his friend. What if that was the case in their previous lives? Traditionally speaking it is typically the second in command that helps keep the king grounded and in check. Max thinks things out and is more rational at times, but he is overly emotional to me(strictly speaking as a leader mind you). Michael has always been able to see things as black & white. Where all Max sees is gray. I think they both are too extreme in their philosophies. I think it is with the right balance of both, they could both be an effective ruler.

I agree that between Michael and Max, Max tends to have more quailities to be a leader and to bring peace to their home planet. But something inside me says that Michael has a depth to him that has yet been reached. If he continues on the path he is on now, in time it will show him to be the true leader. Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 55 (6/3/01 12:29:52 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Camlaw I just posted some juicy pix on the Michael thread. You will probably see them, but just in case I wanted to let you know.

I like the way you think. We have similar views about Michael and Max.

Well I have some RLS to do so I gotta go get to it!!! Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... Camlaw
Posts: 40 (6/3/01 12:38:43 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

I saw them! And now I am having a hard time stopping the drool! ronihart Unregistered User (6/3/01 3:13:32 pm) Isabel as leader

I think that you have the answer. She is decisive and solid. She is reliable and responsable. I think she would make the perfect ruler. Then everyone would have a purpose and a goal in the new season. Max and Liz, to themselves and Micheal and Maria, to their new and improved relationship. That leaves Isabel. She can figure out their fate and how to rescue max's baby. Iddy
Posts: 5 (6/3/01 5:14:33 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Hi guys

I fixed my link on the top of the page and tried it and its working.

Camlaw and Fehr is Fehr, you got me thinking again, I just finish reading the transcript of Viva las Vegas, and you are so right. But if the clues left all over the episodes are true then what is Liz importance to the Royal 4. Check out my previous link and let me know what you think.

Well Roswellians have a great Sunday.

I miss Roswell

Bye ,

Iddy Edited by: Iddy at: 6/3/01 5:24:58 pm

Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 57 (6/3/01 7:07:19 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

I checked out the link at it works fine now. Thanks.

It is to the Definitive Dreamer Dictionary, and the summary is from the Liz's Importance to the Alien Mythology thread on Fanforum. All of those are different people's opinions and theories about Liz's role. None of it is based in fact, it is just theories, like my theory about Michael.

I do think Liz has alot of importance, and Max is not complete without her. I think when it is finally discovered that Michael was the king, he may recend the throne to Max, because Michael knows Max would be a better ruler.

There is alot of talk about Venus, but the constellation the home planet is in is Aries. The zodiac sign associated with Mars, which is the god of war. I think that is an important message. The V symbol is not complete until Venus aligns with the Aries constellation. Love and war. To me I think it is an indication that through love they will end the struggle on their home planet.

Michael has found love in Maria. He has truly grown into a man, not a spoiled boy any longer. Max and Liz have love, but they have alot more learning to do, as far as trusting each other and the dangers of keeping secrets. Isabel realized too late that she had real love, but she did at least have it, so now she knows what real love is.

As for Tess........even when accepted into the group it made no difference. Even though accepted into the Valenti family, it didn't change her. Even after Max supposedly gave himself to her, and was going to leave the only home he has ever known, she was still going to turn him, Isabel and Michael over to Kivar. She had an agenda, and even though many people showed her they cared, it did not pentetrate her stone heart. Ultimately by not being able to experience real love she was discovered and sent back home alone. Because no one who knows love could do the things she did to Alex, and also to Kyle. You do not turn over the man you love and the father of your child to his enemies.

So now that I've rambled on and on..................

My point is I think War and Love go hand in hand in this plotline. Alot of people want to play up the importance of the Venus connection without really exploring the Aries constellation and what that constellation stands for as well as the planet Mars that represents it.

Boy am I long winded today???

Sorry. Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... Camlaw
Posts: 44 (6/3/01 7:52:59 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

I have not dove into the other characters and how they fit into the Michael is King scenario. My poor little mind is overloaded between two or more Nasedos, a nick name for the humans assisting the "Pod Squad", what Max's new vehicle should be, the fate of a fourth season, the podsters special gifts, and whether the baby exists or not. WHEW! I am about to explode.

With that said, Ferh Is Ferh I disagree with one of the items you said concerning Michael. "Michael has found love in Maria. He has truly grown into a man, not a spoiled boy any longer." Michael never came off as spoiled to me, but as lost. He was constantly searching for where he belonged. If anyone was spoiled it was Max. He always found Michael's struggle and loneliness as a sign of immaturity instead of need.

Now as for the Love and War aspect, that is what makes a war story epic. The passion stirred by love fuels the desire to fight, protect and ulitmately win the conflict. You need compassion & humanity to survive, and whoever the true king is, they were sent to earth to learn that.

Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 60 (6/3/01 8:08:59 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Hey Cam. I don't mean spoiled as in material possesions or having unconditional family love or having been let do whatever he wanted. I mean spoiled as in not realizing what kind of effect his actions had on other people. Or in alot of cases in season one, not really caring what reactions in others his actions caused. Michael just wanted to do what Michael felt like he needed to do, and often didn't think of the consequences, to himself and others. Maybe rash or selfish would have been better choices of words, but to me a big part of being spoiled is not realizing or caring what your actions do to others. Did I make that clearer or just more confusing? Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... Camlaw
Posts: 46 (6/3/01 8:25:39 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Yeah! It makes sense to me now. But I would have preferred selfish and rash over spoiled. BE MORE CAREFUL WITH THE ADJECTIVES! Don't make me set you straight again!

Okay! So I am a little protective of Michael. I just love the guy! There is something about his personality that draws me to him. Seeing his abusive past, his isolation and loniless, and his vulnerability make me want to sheild him from the world. I find him being misunderstood by everyone at times, including Maria. Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 61 (6/3/01 8:30:31 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Cam I love ya!!!

We are cut from the same cloth, I can tell! Everything you said, I coulda said, and have on many occasions before.

I don't mind you trying to keep me in line. Somebody needs to! Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... Camlaw
Posts: 48 (6/3/01 8:43:34 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Right back at you Ferh is Ferh! I look forward to reading every one of your posts. You really make me think. Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 62 (6/3/01 9:16:12 pm)

The Morning After.........king theory continued.........

At this rate it will take me til August to cover all the eps! Hey that's a good thing. Something to occupy my time waiting for the new season.

This is an important eppy because it shows that Micahel is capable of receiving images that Max and Isabel cannot.

Firstly though, I would like to pause here and say that even this early in the series, and even though Michael tries to come off like he is above it all, only cares about the pod squad and tuff, his reaction to Liz coming to his place shows he really is a good guy. She apologizes for just showing up there, and Michael is matter of fact about it, saying, "This is where I live."

He apologizes to Liz if Hank said anything, and Liz say's that he didn't. Michael says, "You just kinda hafta ignore him."

Liz has from the first ep acted in the role of protector to them. ALL of them. Going to Michael's showed great courage on her part. Remember that at this stage in the game, Maria was completely terrified of them.

********************************************** As usual Michael being Michael, he has to get into Valenti's office to find the picture of the 1959 murder victim that Valenti showed Liz.

Michael at first tries to get into the sherrif's office with his brilliant, "I'm selling candies for charity" ploy. That was a no go. So he breaks in. He looks for but doesn't find the photo. He does find Valenti's thermos and the key inside the top. When he touches the key he has a strong vision that knocks him back and unto the floor.

Max and Isabel both try to get a vision from the key, but both are unable to.

*This is the first of many pieces of information that Michael discovers. Michael seems to intuitively have more information or know where to look for information, than Max or Isabel.

Also in this ep, when Michael is at the Evans' house, he makes a comment to Isabel about her outfit, saying, "Why are you wearing that?" She answers saying, "God Michael. Because I have a date, ect." At the time it struck me as odd, but now it seems clear to me that it was said more like a brother would say to a sister, not like a jealous comment, but protective like a brother. It may be possible that the whole Vilandra betrayed her family thing is a lie fabricated by Nesado and Tess, and that the whole confrontation with Congresswoman Whitaker was a mindwarp. We have to remember that Nesado and Tess were in league with the Skins. Also on that note I want to remind everyone how evil the Dupes seemed. Both Vonnie and Rath killed Zan, together. Ava on the other hand was very upset about what happened, and when she realized they may do the same thing to Max made it clear she wanted no part of it. Tess seems much more like the Dupes to me. I think her and Ava's pods were switched and that Ava actually belongs with the podsquad.

We've all heard it.....United we stand, divided we fall.

The first rule of war is.........divide and conquer. They may have been trying to plant seeds of doubt in an attempt to seperate and isolate the podster from each other. Pit Isabel against Max. Also Tess was helping Michael with his powers, which was driving a wedge between Michael and Max.

They really need to grill Larek and get some answers about what really went down back home.

Now see, I went off on another tangent!

Cam make sure you check my adjectives for me.

Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/3/01 9:27:45 pm

Posts: 6 (6/4/01 12:54:25 am) max in the city

I like the theory of michael being the king, but max was the one who passed the brain scan, in the negotiations in new york, with nicolas and larik. Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 64 (6/4/01 7:15:45 am)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Brain scan is an interesting way to put it.

If the beings that created the pod squad can replicate, splice and clone DNA, I don't think switching the royal seal would be too difficult. The best way to protect the king would be to have a decoy. Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... ********************************************** PAGE 3
Comment Author: jennifehr
Posts: 8 (6/4/01 7:54:36 am) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

A decoy... hmmmm that is very interesting! Putting the Royal seal in Max's brain and not Michael's, something to think about!

Michael as King, that worries me though... I'm not quite sure why but I am uneasy with that. Not that I don't think Michael is worthy of such a title. He is! Most definitely... Let's say he is found to be the true king, what would happen then to his relationship with Maria? I mean if he has this whole other responsibilty?? I am just very protective of Michael and Maria's relationship. As long as they are together I can sleep at night! Crazy as it sounds!!!

So Fehr is Fehr give me some feedback! I love to read your posts! They make me think too! Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 70 (6/4/01 5:35:07 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Cam and Jen you guys are gonna make me have a big head! I've just been stewing on this idea for seven or eight months, a long time to ponder alot of different aspects.

Jen fear not!!!!! We are only a few eps away from my outline for 285 South. Another very important eppy in this theory. I will put your mind at ease though and remind you of what Maria and Michael were talking about in the "nookie motel". Remember the whole........."cuz, I thought, there has to be something better for me out there than Roswell NM" ??? Maria tells of dreaming about her father coming in a limo to take her and her mother away "to live like royalty". Michael says to "replace the limo with a spaceship and you get the idea".

There! Doesn't that make you feel better?

Michael has found in Maria what he could never find anywhere else. He has found confidence, in himself and in others. He has found he has worth, beyond whatever his role may have been in his other life. He has found that he is loved and cared for by others(both Maria and Amy), other than the people like him(Max and Isabel). He has found trust and a knowledge he doesn't have to pretend to be something he's not(tuff, fearless, cold, ect.). He has also found that he can love in return. He has found he doesn't have to hide who, what and how he is, and what made him that way, out of shame. "There are things inside me I don't want people to see. There are things inside of me I'm not so proud of". This to me is the most important, because I believe a huge part of why Michael was the way he was, was out of shame about how he was raised and treated. Deep feelings of worthlessness, and that he wasn't deserving of love. Maria broke down all the barriers and walls he tried to build around himself by showing him that her love for him was pure and true, and that she would stand by him, even when he tried to push her away, through good and bad, because she knew what he could be, if he could only belive in himself, and her love for him.

Oh I'm gushing!!! I'll stop now. Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... Iddy
Posts: 6 (6/4/01 6:35:47 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Hi guys, Like Jen I am waiting just to read what Fehr and Camlaw have to say.

I read what you post go back read the transcript on that chapter, and open my eyes to a new possibility, since all that you said make a lot of sense once you know what you are looking for. I was thinking that if Michael was the king as I seem to think now. On Destiny when they release the picture of the kings mother and she says "If you are seeing me now it means that you are alive and well ............My son you were the beloved leader of our people. I have sent you your young bride. My daughter, the man you were betrothed to and your brother's second in command." So if Michael is really the king, that would mean that Tess is his sister and the traitor as she prove at the end on departure. Does this make sense to you guys. I look forward to seeing your post.

Bye for now,


Ps. Excuse my typos and grammar (English is my second language) Camlaw
Posts: 49 (6/4/01 7:06:15 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

I am in the process of planning a wedding and a vacation and I am sitting here on the boards. I need help. Oops sorry! Wrong thread. Should save that for the Roswellians Anonymous.

Ferh is Ferh your adjectives were perfect. Iddy, I have not focused on how the characters relate to the whole Michael is King scenario. But I too mentioned that with Michael as king that would make Tess as Vilandra and the past betrayer. Unless we say that basically the roles of Max & Micheal were the only ones switched. I could see Tess' attempt to make Max fall in love with her failed because they never had a past relationship. And maybe it was Micheal she was married to. And until Michael met Maria he had little compassion for others. I won't say he had none, because as Ferh is Ferh pointed out in that scene with Liz showing up to his place, he was concerned & not only embarassed by what Hank might have done or said.

ANYWAY, Ava of the Dupes said that Zan was always looking for something else. Maybe that also applies to their previous life as well. Like I have said in another thread before, most royal marriages are traditionally arranged. Maybe the king and queen never loved each other & were only companions for their nation. There are so many avenues I could take to explain the relationships of the others.

Ferh is Ferh I do like some of the issues you brought up. I need to research that particular episode a little more and get back to you.

Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 73 (6/4/01 7:31:10 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Iddy I waver on who I think is the traitor. As I said before, I think maybe the sister didn't betray any of them. Maybe that was a lie planted by Tess, the true traitor. Isabel has always acted toward Michael in a very sisterly fashion. She also has shown a great love and devotion to Max. As Michael's sister, Isabel would have been betrothed to Max, and maybe that is why she is so devoted to him in this life. That would make Tess Michael's bride, and maybe that is who really betrayed them. But then again..............Tess could be Michael's sister and the traitor and she lied to make everyone think it was Isabel. Perhaps she planned it that way all along. As part of her pact with the Skins to deliver the three of them to Kivar. Make Isabel think she betrayed them, as I said before, to divide and conquer. Or maybe Tess doesn't know she is really the king's sister and that she is the one who betrayed them all. Maybe she really thinks she is the king's bride. She obviously thinks Max is the king.

As I already said, I am not sure on this aspect yet. As soon as I think I am sure which one is which..........I switch again.

Well company just showed up so I gotta scoot.

Camlaw I will be back to post about what you posted. Thanks for checking behind me. I need it! Happy to know I passed this time. Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 78 (6/5/01 9:53:56 am)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Cam when Liz told Ava about Max saving her, Ava seemed like she was kinda in shock about it. Not just surprised. She had a weird look on her face and her voice sounded strange. I have often wondered if there was some type of prophesy concerning that this would happened and it plays some role in ending the struggle on their planet. I think Ava may know of this prophesy. She did know Liz would be different now, changed. How did she know that? As I have already said before, Liz has acted in the role of their protector since the very first ep. They may have been sent here to find her and help end the war. Quiet an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave..... jennifehr
Posts: 21 (6/5/01 6:23:14 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Fehr is Fehr thanks for the little reminder... yes I feel better!

I have to say your analysis of Michael and his feelings was so beautiful! Michael is such the wounded little boy and watching him learning to trust by being loved by Mariais sweet. Your right.. her love for him is pure and true, and I think this is a big step for her too. Afterall she has had to deal with being left by her father... and she has been afraid that Michael will leave too.

The whole Michael as King thing... well it's another twist in the story and believable. I love to read it all! It makes me think and gives me great ideas for fics!!

I am really glad I found this board!


Fehr is Fehr
Posts: 95 (6/6/01 7:15:06 am)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Well tonight I'll be going over Monsters, which is one of my favorite eps!!!

Thanks for the comp Jennifehr. Just like Cam, I want to make everyone understand Michael. You are so right about Maria. She has some pretty serious abbandonment issues herself.

Hope everyone has a great day. See you tonight. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 101 (6/6/01 5:49:33 pm) What do you guys think about Rusty Antler?

But I would like to know how the rest of you feel. Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/11/01 11:12:53 pm

Posts: 63 (6/6/01 8:49:31 pm) Re: What do you guys think about Rusty Antler?

I kind of worry about the content since there are children on these boards that are like 12 years old. While he is creative and maybe others find his humor appealing, I tend to find him repulsive. I look at his posts, but I think I have only responded to one of them. Not really my cup of tea. Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/11/01 11:14:34 pm

Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 105 (6/6/01 8:57:49 pm)

Thanks Cam

Cam can you email me. Yours is not listed.

Well I have been reading the threads and it seems its a fifty fifty split. I also am concerned about this. jennifehr
Posts: 39 (6/6/01 9:05:55 pm) Re: rustyantler

I have to agree with you fehr is fehr and camlaw, this person is saying things that aren't okay for younger visitors. I can't understand what the deal is.... Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/11/01 11:03:52 pm

Posts: 65 (6/6/01 9:11:04 pm) Re: Thanks Cam

I do not see where your email is listed either. I will sort of code mine for you to email me. Ummmm...aol with a 26....I hope that makes sense to you... Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 107 (6/6/01 9:27:59 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

I'm editing my profile. Then you can just click on my user name.

Hi Jen. I'm gonna see what I can do. I posted you a nice long reply on the other thread. jennifehr
Posts: 43 (6/6/01 9:29:35 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Thanks Fehr is Fehr! Iddy
Posts: 7 (6/7/01 1:07:44 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Hi Roswellians!!!

I haven't had a chance to post anything in the last 2 days, I've been very busy at work. But every chance I get I go online and read the messages on my favorite topics, and this one is one of them. I love MM so much that ever since I read the first post by Camlaw I've been reading episode transcripts to see if I see any clues my self. Usually after I read what Fehr or Camlaw post and see what I missed my self. Anyway I was reading a transcript of Missing, (that is the episode where Liz diary is missing), well towards the end of the episode when Michael gives Liz her diary back that he says to liz " I had to know the risk ..... so I had to know what your journal said." It is my opinion that he acted with authority. He took charge of a situation that could have been very bad for Max, Isabel and himself. What do you guys think? Do I like Michael so much that I want him to be the king and see things were they are not?

I got to go now my husband (who works with me) is looking at me kind of weird.

I looked forward to reading all of your post.

Have a great day. I miss Roswell.............. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 129 (6/7/01 3:35:29 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Hi Iddy. So good to see you.

Only have a minute so this will be short. Sorry.

Missing is a rockin' episode! There are many things in that one. No I don't think it's that you like Michael so much. If it's there, it's there.

I have been bad and not been keeping up with my postings about each ep. Gonna hafta get my act together on that.

Cam also has some things she is going to post. Can't wait to read what she has to say.

I am dismayed it seems alot of you don't have the eps on tape. I will be having my VCRs cleaned and then I can make copies for those who need them. How does that sound? Only want dough for the cost of tapes and whatever the shipping may be.

Well I gotta get on out of here. Another storm looming in the distance. I like thunderstorms, I just don't like having to get offline. Iddy
Posts: 8 (6/7/01 5:24:26 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Hi Fehr!

I would love to get copies of all the episodes. Let me know as soon as you are able to make copies. My e-mail is public. I am looking foward to reading your comments and Camlaw's on all the episodes.

Bye for now

Iddy Camlaw
Posts: 71 (6/7/01 10:13:18 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Iddy, that is so strange. I just re-read the transcript to Missing and not only did I see that particular section as a clue, but a couple others as well. The flashes when Michael held the key that no one else could get. The constant explanation to Michael from Max explaining why he around Liz or talking to Liz or whatever. It was almost like Max was talking to his superior and not his second in command. The comments Michael made towards the end about envying Max and finding Liz as thier true friend. If I could only find my notes, this post would be so much more clearer. I was going the reread 285 South tonight, but I have had a really long day. So I will try to make it up to you tomorrow. And hopefully find those notes. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 144 (6/7/01 10:29:21 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Cam you can't find those notes cuz you're too busy looking for that confounded whip! Sorry about your long day. Hope tomorrow is a better one.

Iddy I will let ya know as soon as I'm ready to start making copies. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of business do you and your husband have?

Well it looks like we are talking about Missing. I'll go back to Monsters later. Cam you are so right about the posture and tone between Max and Michael in this eppy. Even in the Pilot when they are in the alley with Liz and Maria, Max says something like, "Michael we can't keep this secret forever, and I'm not sure I want to." It seems almost like he is asking permission.

Gonna go check a couple of other threads, then hit the sack. Busy, busy day tomorrow. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....*** ********************************************** PAGE 4
Comment Author: alpha romeo Unregistered User (6/7/01 11:03:00 pm) Fehr is Fehr

Hope your thunderstorms are past (so you can be online!)

How do you make copies of episodes? I'm interested if you make extras.

Thank you SunshineZzi Moderator
Posts: 12 (6/7/01 11:38:58 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Fehr is Fehr -- I agree with you ;-) I could see Michael as being the King, and Izz the wife. I have this whole idea that Tess made everything up, or totally twisted the truth, making certain things appear better than they actually were.. (I Really feel that the Future Max was one of her own personal plans.. because she did try to mind warp max into liking her when she first appeared).

Also, Eva did tell Liz that she was different because Max had healed her. Neither of the Maxes were attracted to Tess/Eva.. which is another big hint~* --------------------------- .§un¤§hine¤ Camlaw
Posts: 80 (6/8/01 10:44:37 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Here is the thread you were looking for Sunshine. SunshineZzi Moderator
Posts: 31 (6/8/01 10:46:32 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Thanx Camlaw ;-) ---------------------------------

Max was only told by Tess and Narcedo that he was the king. They brought back numerous memories that backed up this belief. The king was supposed to marry a particular woman; Narcedo stated that Max was supposed to Marry Tess.

Now-- Max was not originally attracted to Tess. Tess had mind warped him when she first appeared.. and there were many decieving acts that she had played through out her entire presence in Roswell. Then Eva, Tess' double, stated that the other Max (I forgot his name) was never attracted to her and always seemed to be looking elsewhere... It could be possible that Max was one of Michael's followers and his wife, Tess, betrayed their kingdom, as Tess was about to do at the end of the last episode.

Izabelle and Michael had had visions of eachother for awhile, and that they had a baby. Tess tricked Max into having a baby~* I dont think it was a coincidence.

--------------------------- .§un¤§hine¤ Edited by: SunshineZzi at: 6/8/01 10:49:21 pm

Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 156 (6/9/01 12:01:52 am) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Sunshine I think Tess made Michael and Isabel have those dreams. Isabel even said she thought Tess made her have them.

Why had I never put it together that neither Max or Zan was attracted to Tess or Ava???

Ohhhhh...........that's right, cuz I'm a goofus!

Very good point Sunshine.

Hey Cam. I guess you finally got to see how protective I can be of Michael. But you know what? I could list twice as many things about Michael's personal growth and real nature. That "I'm a jerk" act he pulls is alot of times really a defense mechanism to keep people away. But I know you know that. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 157 (6/9/01 12:12:29 am) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Alpha romeo I have two VCRs so I tape from tape to tape. A thread will be going up about people who are willing to make tapes for those who need them. Iddy
Posts: 10 (6/9/01 11:09:58 am) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Hi Roswellians!!!

I've been very busy, so I am going to make this one short. To answer your question Fehr, we own a Cellular and Beeper Store, In Miami Fl. We've being doing this for 10 years. Thursday, Friday and Saturdays are really busy. So I go in read, a little and get out. Don't forget please to email me when your VCR is working. How would love to watch first season again. Please Cam and Fehr keep analysing chapter by chapter. I love your coments, and I am sure everyone else does too.

Bye for now,

Iddy Rachishere
Posts: 7 (6/11/01 8:56:24 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Hey, Fehr is Fehr, I love your theory. At first I thought it was nuts, but since I have been reading your post I think you are on to something. What do you think of this? If Michael were king in his past life he would naturally have had wealth and power. In this life(before Maria of course) he had no one, no money, and a foster father who only kept him around for the monthly checks. It's the ultimate irony.

P.S. Keep posting. I liked when you were doing the episode by episode analysis. Camlaw
Posts: 87 (6/11/01 9:04:06 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

I finally discovered what happened to my notes. They were accidentally thrown out. Not too happy about it, but oh well.

285 South...Just finished reading this transcript and I must say a few scenes intrigued me. Michael referring to Maria as a "princess" when they first arrived at the motel. Maria's account of the dreams she has about her father, "He would come in a limo and pick me and my mom up and take us off to some exotic place where we'd live like royalty. Because, you know...I thought to myself...there's got to be something better out there for me than Roswell, New Mexico." The line about an exotic place living like royalty really struck a cord in me. Could this be forshadowing? And Michael's qoute from Ulysses "What incensed him the most was the blatant jokes of the ones who pass it all off as a jest, pretending to understand everything and in reality not knowing their own minds." This is such an interesting passage that I had to read it outloud several times. It kind of describes the second season to me. But it also makes me wonder if it is referring to the characters themselves, pretending to know what is going on yet they have no clue who they really are, what is real or who the real leader is? The quest to Atherton's home is led by Michael. He discovers the key, the secret room, he is the only one to receive the flashes...Max uses the excuse of being there to get Michael out of trouble. Which to me implies the role of a protector, a second in command to keep the king grounded and in touch with reality, but also Max seems to lack the ambition and the courage to pursue this lead. Someone could argue that this point actually proves the opposition. That Max is more diplomatic and Michael is more the warrior. Maybe, but my response is, I don't want to see it that way!

Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 201 (6/11/01 9:13:59 pm) Rachishere.....

Thanks for posting and bringing this back up to the first page of the board. Now everyone knows what a slacker I have been and not kept up with my ep by ep posting. No really, I needed a reminder to get back to it!;b

It is ironic, isn't it? To have been a king then a pauper, but that is one of the oldest themes around, when you think about it. The thing that really, really stands out is that Michael was so reluctant to go near Max and Isabel and even hid from them for a time after coming out of the cave. Perhaps after just emerging from the pods he had some residual fear from his experience of being betrayed and ultimately killed, by those who he was supposed to have been able to trust. I don't think all of Michael's issues with trust stem from the way he was treated by his foster father, Hank. Because even though he knew Max and Isabel were like him, he still often kept them at arms length many times throughout season one. In the Balance he finally began to accept that he needed them and that they would be there for him. "No more running away. No matter what."

I'm off work tomorrow so I will post about Monsters, Leaving Normal and Missing. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....*** Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 202 (6/11/01 9:21:27 pm) Camlaw you posted while I was typing my post!!!

Too funny.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............285 South baby!!! You got it on the money honey. But I will not be swayed off the path of the straight and narrow. I will behave and post on Monsters, Leaving Normal, and Missing first. Then what? Oh Riverdog! I love Riverdog!

I will say I read James Joyce's Ulysses because of 285 South and it is one long weird ars book!!! Some sentences are just three words long, others as long as a paragraph with almost no punctuation. Maddening I tell you. But even more than that, in mythology Ulysses is a wandering, warring king defending his kingdom, is he not?

And about someone using Max's lack of ambition to take up the quest and that he is not like a warrior..........

I say a truly great warrior never under estimates his enemies, is always cautious and plans his attacks very carefully, after weighing all the facts and evidence before him. He does not act rashly because more often than not, this will put him at risk and make him an easy target.

That is Max to a T. To a fault even

Iddy where ya at??? We miss you. Hopefully you have just been busy in your store and will come to visit when you have some time to relax. I am actually going to have my VCRs cleaned and have the belts changed. Kinda like a VCR tune up. I am even thinking of buying two more so I can makes lots of copies for people who need them.


Okay I don't want Cam and Jen to kill me for not telling this before........I just posted this on another thread and I starting thinking, "Why have I never posted this on the King thread?" Brain cloud! That's my story and I'm sticking with it! Anyways..............

Went to the Philly party, met Kevin Kelly Brown. He is actually very nice and spent alot of time with the people attending the party. Alot of people had questions about the story line and characters, to which he had pretty pat answers. You know he must get asked alot of the same questions over and over and over.....so he has his answers all ready to go. In an off moment as he and I were in the hall getting some water we spoke for a few moments. I apologized to him for some of the things that were going on at different message boards and assured him we were not ALL like that. He was very nice and said he knew we weren't. We chatted for a few minutes, then we were going back in to the main room. As we walked I told him "I know I am one in a million, but I am convinced Michael is the real king." To which he said nothing for several seconds, looking like he was trying to think of what to say, then he finally said very slowly, "Well....., it will be interesting when we get there." He opened the door and we went in. I don't know if I surprised him or if he hadn't thought of it before, but either way, it was pretty cool.

And this concludes the longest post ever put on this dang thread!

***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....*** Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/11/01 10:36:53 pm

Posts: 90 (6/11/01 10:53:03 pm) Re: Camlaw you posted while I was typing my post!!!

Ferh is Ferh....Well, how did this thread get on the first page if I had not posted before you? And what made you decide to come back and read what I had written? I laughed at your comment about showing how much you slacked off on this thread. We all have kind of slipped a little but we are getting back on track. That Ulysses quote just haunted me. It has some type of meaning. But it all depends on how you interpret it I guess. Put me down as one of the Roswellians wanting episodes. I can send you cash IMMEDIATELY.

MUST...SLEEP...NOW...HAVE...TO...WORK...TOMORROW... The stinking job is always getting in my way. Until tomorrow.

Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 207 (6/11/01 11:01:47 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Rachishere must have posted while you were typing your post. I saw it on the main board and came in and started typing, then you must have posted while I was typing. Great minds think alike, do they not? Sleep well and dream of Roswell..............

And ITA, it has some type of meaning. And let me say this, I don't care what Nicholas claimed to recognize as dull behind Michael's eyes.......if Ulysses is his favorite book, there ain't nothing dull about his mind!!!

Now if Jennifehr checks in it will be all good ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....*** Rachishere
Posts: 8 (6/11/01 11:17:05 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Thanks, Fehr is Fehr. I was the one who brought this thread back to the first page. Two weeks ago when the thread first started I read your posts and I was intrigued. Then my modem went out, I was house sitting across town, and my best friend got married, I had a busy week and was unable to visist to see if you had continued with you theory. As soon as I was able (took forever for them to send someone to replace my modem)I came to this site to look for this thread. I have been thinking about it all week. Is that sad? Thanks for continueing. I can't wait until the next installment.

P.S. Thanks also for correcting the spelling on quite in your sig. Ramona40
Posts: 53 (6/11/01 11:20:35 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Fehr is Fehr That could definitely have some meaning there! If that is so, I can just imagine Kevin's face when you mentioned that to him. He had no idea that some one could detect or even summize that Michael could be king! How funny

lol Edited by: Ramona40 at: 6/11/01 11:21:31 pm

Posts: 9 (6/12/01 5:04:20 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Fehr is Fehr I was watching Viva Las Vagas this afternoon. Isabel is in some girls wedding, after she goes back to the group's room with Dave. He says something about how nice the room is. She says it a friends. He says something her dating a Kennedy or friends with a Kennedy, something. Isabel says "More like a prince." I was like OMG! Michael paid for the room, right? So she had to be talking about him. Jo fehrian
Posts: 16 (6/12/01 7:40:48 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

I've just been reading this thread and there are some really interesting points about Michael being king.

Sometimes, I think he could be king. He seems to think more on the defensive and protecting the group to make sure they're not exposed, mainly because he cut all his emotional ties with people. Whereas Max tends to show his feelings and emotions more which makes him vulnurable(can't spell today, sorry). Then there are some other times where I think it could be a bad idea. He is reckless at times and has almost put them on the spot (like in Crazy where he drove out in the middle of nowhere, meeting up with Topolsky, and dropping the Orb for Valenti to pick up). Now that he is opening up though I really think he could be king if it ever came to that. But really I don't think there should be just one dictator. They're all capable of making right or wrong decisions. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 227 (6/12/01 9:30:53 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Jo Fehrian the whole point kinda is that yes, the way Michael used to behave was very wreckless, acting without thinking, taking too many chances that were very risky, because in his other life he never had to ask anyone's permission, he was king, and not such a great one as it turned out and it all went to hell in a hand basket. Max is the cautious one, always thinking first, always weighing all the options, for leading an army and advising a king is not something one does lightly or wrecklessly. In their other life Max would have probably been a better leader, and as Courtney said, could bring peace to the different factions, but Max was not on the throne, Michael was and he made bad choices and trusted the wrong people and they all got killed.

I don't think their parents would send them here for no reason, to just return home for history to repeat itself, they sent them to here to learn important lessons and to return equipped intellectually and emotionally to overcome the obstacles that brought war and strife to their world. They all needed to learn different things. Michael to be more thoughtful and less wreckless and headstrong. Max to learn when to stop Michael and advise him more strongly and in a firmer fashion to keep the same type of mistakes from occurring again. Isabel to trust in herself and to truly love. I think Tess is the original betrayer of the group, and perhaps Isabel knew or had suspicions but didn't act in time to save herself, Max and Michael.

What can I say??? I believe this theory!

Hi Rachishere. Didn't you have a different name? No prob on fixing the spelling. Sorry you had such a rough time!:Lordy! Glad your modem got fixed. Tell your friend congrtas. VLV!!! I love that eppy! Dr. Love!!! And as Tess would say, "Pay attention. There are signs everywhere." At the craps table when Michael yelled, "Ohhhh! The king ladies and gentlemen!" I was screaming at my TV, "OMG NO! He did *NOT* just say that!!!!! Oh yes he *DID* just say that!!!" Laughing and clapping. All my friends who know me and "the theory" were like, "Oh no, we'll never hear the end of this!" They said as soon as he said it they were imagining how I must be reacting

Ramona KKB's face went pale. If it turns out I am dead wrong down the line, oh well I was wrong. But I'm doubtin' it. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....*** Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/12/01 9:40:19 pm

Posts: 10 (6/12/01 9:55:40 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

I go by several names on FanForum I am Raych. I have only posted 60+ times so you probably don't remember me. On gist fan club I am Nexus.

Anyway, you have totally converted me. I am still confused on the whole sister thing though. Would Tess be his sister or Isabel.

I forgot the craps table. I was actually doing paperwork. Sometimes I put in the tapes for background noise, but half the time I start watching and I end up finishing my work at night.

Hopefully you'll have time to get to the next ep Monsters soon. I'm not rushing you, just curious. I guess I could put in my tapes and see for myself but the first half of my first season does not have very good quality and it makes me crazy when I can't see Michael.

Actually, right now I am supposed to be doing my expense report. I guess I'll get my check late, yet again. ShyRoswellGrl3
Posts: 4 (6/13/01 12:07:25 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Sorry but if Micheal were king it wouldn't work I think Isabel should rule cuz she is really dedicated i mean she is already going to college and um Alex isn't here and i think her parents would understand. She could do it, but i don't want her character to go.

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Comment Author: Nehal
Posts: 7 (6/13/01 1:53:12 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Having Michael be King would be political suicide...not only was the guy completely irrational first season and most of second season...he wanted to stay behind when the others went home! Hardly Kingly behavior-

Michael's characteristics fit those of the defender perfectly because the writers have meant them to.

Courtney simply wanted Michael to be king, in the same way as how some people in the UK want Princess Anne to be the next Queen of England instead of Prince Charles...

Nehal Alex--"You mindwarped me for 2 months while I decoded that silly book for you and now there's nothing left for you to warp! I might as well be dead!" Iddy
Posts: 16 (6/13/01 2:22:43 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Hi Roswellians!!!!

Hi fehr, sorry I've been very busy at work + I am leaving on vacation tomorrow. So it has been crazy. I've been reading all your postings, especially this thread which I love. I belive in my heart that Michael is the king. Keep on posting your theories and I promiss when I come back from vacation I'll coment some more. I am going to miss you guys.

Bye,, Iddy

.........Roswell rules.......... Arista Hanson
Posts: 58 (6/13/01 2:27:26 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

That's true Nehal, but he's better than Max. Rachishere
Posts: 12 (6/13/01 6:39:39 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Fehr is Fehr isn't saying that Michael was a good king, just that the signs point to the fact that he was king. Isabel and Max just assumed that momogram was for them because she said he son and daughter. They don't know for sure that they are brother and sister, just because they were raised that way doesn't mean they are. Camlaw
Posts: 92 (6/13/01 6:54:46 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual king?

Nehal...I would NOT characterize Michael as irrational, nor do I think him being the king is political suicide. Michael was head strong, stubborn at times and emotionally immature the first two seasons. But he also possessed the ability to make tough decisions that were not always popular. Like the decision to stay behind while the others were going to leave. He was not ready to face the uncertainity of his home planet. He found a place where he finally belonged and felt comfortable. I do not find them going back home as a sign of nobility. Max was acting as a parent, returning home to save his child. He did not consider the obstacles they may face when returning to their home planet, the prejudices, the danger from Kivar. And I think it was selfish of Max to expect the others to tag along knowing they had enemies left behind on earth that could do anything to their beloved friends & family.

You say that Michael's characteristics are of a defender, but the same can be said about Max. It all boils down to interpretation and the infinite possibilities. Not everything is as it appears to be. People are complex. Just because the writers tend to emphasize certain aspects of a character's personality does not mean that the more subtle characteristics should be ignored. Keep an open mind. You never know. As the show progresses we could find out that Kyle is the actual king. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 239 (6/13/01 7:46:05 pm) Please read the thread before commenting.........

All I can say is PLEASE read the thread before you comment on this subject.

And as for Michael deciding not to go, HAHA! Had he not decided that, they would have all gone back to be slaughtered like cattle.

What can you say to that???

For whatever reason Michael knew not to go. Maybe everyone assumes he stayed for Maria, which of course was a big part of his decision, but I think it was more than that. He died once in another life, perhaps something in him sensed he was safer to stay here on Earth. Obviously he did the right thing. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....*** season3 Unregistered User (6/15/01 4:01:33 pm) King Mike

Wouldn't it be great?

Then Max gets to be whinney and defiant with all of Michaels decisions. Payback's what you say?

Could anyone be worse that Max as King right now. The very idea that he would lead a rebellion against Kivar makes me LOL. Max is indecisive, easily manipulated and aggressive when things (or people) do not go his way. Yeah, I'd look to him for answers.

All year Max should have been finding out about what's going on with the home planet. But what is he doing..."coming for Liz" and "Observating" Tess. Yeah, he has his priorities all right.

Michael is a man of action. He can be impartial, objective. Max is too emotion, too in touch with his feminine side (or at least, with feminine bodies).

If the four really want to go back, then they should focus on that. Dump the humans and FOCUS. I don't think Max is up for the job. He's surely going to be suspicious of EVERYONE now that "tess went evil".

Max should be in therapy. Put Michael in charge.

RIP Max of S1 Arista Hanson
Posts: 86 (6/15/01 4:08:23 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual King?

Season 3-So agree with you and I just want to say I love the way you write your posts, you know how to get your point across really well. I wish I could write like you. Now that I'm done with a$$ kissing, I will turn back into my b!tchy self. Edited by: Arista Hanson at: 6/15/01 4:09:49 pm

Posts: 114 (6/15/01 5:20:19 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual King?

I think we have to keep in mind that the Royal Four are not completely who they were in their past lives. When they were killed in that other life their essences were mixed with human DNA and they were sent to Earth in the ship. So they were changed somewhat from who they originally were. This could (and in my opinion does) play a big part in who they are now on Earth. Does anybody have a theory on this??? Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 290 (6/15/01 5:52:28 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual King?

Jennifehr I would would VERY interested in knowing where Max and Isabel's genectic material came from! Tess's as well. Perhaps by finding that out, we would find out who are really siblings, because I think they would have used genetic material from real siblings. I found it rather odd the reaction Isabel had to Laurie Dupree and wondered if Isabel's genetic material recognized her as someone from the same gene pool.


Lets please not go off on another topic here. This is about the signs and clues that Michael is the real and actual king. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....*** Camlaw
Posts: 95 (6/15/01 6:54:36 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual King?

I see you edited my original post on this thread Ferh is Ferh. Is it true that they close down threads after 100 postings? I am about to head out of town for a week so I wanted to get my posts in.

River Dog...OK, so I re-read this transcript and certain scenes stood out for me. When Michael first saw the necklace he immediately recognized the symbol as did Isabel. Max had to be shown pictures to remember. Could the symbol on the necklace be a royal seal? Maybe the true royal leaders recognize it instantly. Also, as I replayed the encounter of Liz & Max's meeting with River Dog in my mind, I feel like they are acting as diplomats for the king. Michael immediately wanted to investigate the Indian reservation lead, but Max talked him out of it. Michael reluctantly agrees to Max's plan but is impatient because he wants to meet with River Dog himself and not play bait to the agent that is following them. He was upset that Max was on his "vision quest". That is sort of typical of leaders to reluctantly send their representatives to the forefront, no matter how much they want to go themselves...Off the subject...but I love the scenes between Michael & Maria, especially their first kiss. ...Max does pass the little test River Dog puts him through, but I wonder if Michael had been there, could he have passed it? Sometimes I feel Max stifles Michael. Max is always quick to disagree with Michael, and most of the time needs to be coerced to take any sort of actions. Granted Michael is hot headed and stubborn and needs to be kept grounded, but those all the characteristics that make me think he is all the more the king. Sometimes I find myself comparing him to the character of the president on the show The West Wing. The president is hot headed and intelligent and needs his advisors around to keep him grounded no matter how right he may be. I see those characteristics in Michael. What do you guys think? Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 294 (6/15/01 7:18:26 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual King?

Oh Cam!!! Don't go away!!! Okay, you deserve a vacation. But we'll miss you terribly!!!

Hope you are not upset about the edit. : I just get kinda tired of people who post blindly without bothering to read, ya know. They might have something different to say if they would just read.

I am assuming the threads close at 100 cuz the Michael thread did. Then I reopened it but it closed again. Kinda Twilight Zone to me. They close on there own!!! : I think that is the way Jason has it set up. I need to email him, frankly cuz I need to know this stuff!

I am totally fried!!! Work was insane today!!! The day went by so friggin fast I feel like I got hit by a truck! Not in a bad way, just in a OMG! Is the day over???? Kinda way. I am tired, but I'm in a good mood. I got a raise. Three dollars more an hour, raise! Now that's a friggin raise! Sorry I'm way off topic but I am so happy right now.

Plus if anyone wants to see what really put me over the edge as far as my brain not wanting to function anymore tonight, go read my post on the "what will it take to make you stop watching thread", about cells, cloning and remembering.

Right now I can't remember jack! What's my name again???

Hope you have a nice vacation and we will have a brand spanking shiny new thread for you when you come back. Be safe and you and yours will be in my thoughts ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....*** Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/15/01 7:21:17 pm

Posts: 97 (6/15/01 7:33:19 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual King?

Congrats on the raise! I just got one myself on Monday.

Heading out to Vegas on Sunday. "It's a place without rules, without responsibilities, a place where we can forget about our troubles, it's a city of dreams...Vegas baby!" I need a little sin and debauchery in my life.

I understand about the editing of the thread. I will hate to see this original one close though. But if there is 100 post rule, then I guess we need to abide by it. I am STILL waiting on your theories miss thing. You better get to work! You are WAY behind here. Don't make me get the whip out.

I should be back online on Thursday. Keep the fort down and do not let Rustyantler become too out of control.

Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 297 (6/15/01 7:38:13 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual King?

Maybe you should keep that whip on the ready! I just get side tracked commenting on what everybody else is saying.

Have a good time, you of age party machine!!!

I think rusty is happily posting away over on Roswell Ate My Soul. But I have no doubt he will be by to stir things up just for fun. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....*** season3 Unregistered User (6/15/01 8:48:42 pm) Mike is King

Arista Hanson ...consider the 'kiss' received : Thank you. I think I ponder about this show WAY too much. I, for one, am relieved to have the summer 'off' because my brain needs a break and yet, here I am.

Fehr is Fehr Thank you for your opinion regarding the different beings issue. I really needed someone, anyone to agree with me on that FACT.

Wouldn't it just rock everyone's world if Michael was the king? Maria would have the "number one"...what a great first lady she would be. Don't get me wrong, I love Liz but she's more of a science lab kinda gal than a "meet the leaders of the other planets" kinda gal.

Can't you just SEE Maria telling another alien dictator not to get his antenna in a twirl during peace negotiations? :

Posts: 93 (6/15/01 9:10:56 pm)

Re: What if Michael was the actual King?

Hey Fehr and Cam congrats on your raise! It is always great to be recognized for your merits.

As far as the 100 post rule, it is not Jasons idea, but ezboards idea and it went into effect a couple of weeks ago. Up until then you could post countless replies, but now you can't unless you pay the extra money to become a Gold Member of CSC or Blue Member. We had to go through this on the Fanfic Board that I am a Mod on two weeks ago. The Administrator finally payed the money so the thread's replies could exceed the 100th reply and keep from closing. There are other boards out there who have just accepted it and when it reaches the 100th reply it closes and they start a new thread. The rule was placed into effect cause the downloading of the board was becoming very slow and some other technical lingo was used as well. Anyway if it is a 100 and under the page will load faster and it want use up a lot of space or something to that effect.

If you want to know more about the situation, you can click on the gold or blue orbs at the top of the page. It explains all this technical jargon.

I know this is off topic and for some reason I am doing that tonight so after you read this hon, if you want to just delete it. Again congrats!

Anyway that is what is going on. LOL Edited by: Ramona40 at: 6/15/01 9:41:20 pm

Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 309 (6/16/01 12:40:42 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual King?

Thanks for the info Ramona. I don't mind talking about other things within the topic. I mean we are all posting on this thread together so it makes sense for us to talk about things other than the king theory. Especially as we get to know each other better. Thanks for the well wishes on my raise as well. It does feel good to be appreciated. I have only been managing the studio two months, so I was surprised I got such a large raise, but hey.....I ain't complaing!

Season3 no problem backing you up. Glad to help. I have actually read some pretty good books on the whole subject of cloning, evolution and the whole issue of cells remembering. You may want to go to the library and see if you can find some of these titles.................

1.) Beyond Evolution: The Genetically Altered Future of Plants, Animals, the Earth...and Humans written by Dr. Michael W. Fox.

2.) The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems by Fritjof Capra.

3.) The Fifth Miracle: The Search for the Origin and Meaning of Life by Paul Davies. He also wrote God and the New Physics, which I am going to get a copy of, it sounds really interesting.

4.) A Change of Heart: A Memior written by Claire Sylvia, who is a transplant patient. It is an amazing story of her experiences after her heart/lung transplant.

5.) The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark written by Carl Sagan. This book is a powerhouse! It explains how thousands of years of superstition can and was explained away through science. I've read it twice!

So there ya go. All of those are really good books.

***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....*** Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/16/01 12:58:02 pm

Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 329 (6/17/01 3:31:14 pm) Re: What if Michael was the actual King?

Time to start the new thread.

***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***