What if Michael was the actual King? Thread 2

Comment Author:Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 330
(6/17/01 3:38:28 pm)What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Originally posted by Camlaw:Fehr is Fehr, Owl and myself have began speculating as to the possibilty of Michael actually being the king & not Max. I must honestly say that the mere thought of it just boggles my mind. With a little contemplation, if the characters were reversed, just think of how many questions could be answered.

This was the opening post on the first Michael as king thread. We went through an entire thread rather quickly! So we are on our second thread and the speculations continue............. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 331
(6/17/01 3:42:05 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Link to the first thread........


Hope it works, I've never posted a link on this board.

~~~~~~~~~~~Edited to say~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It worked! WooHooHoo!


Well the best way to go about this is to go ep by ep, describing and pondering the things that happen in each one. That way there is a timeline that is easy to follow and there won't be any jumping around, back and forth.

And do want to repeat right here, that I have watched Roswell since it's first ep aired in Oct. of 1999. It did not occur to me that Michael may be the actual king until the fall of 2000. In Harvest, as I said. When Maria and Michael were checking out Courtney and Maria found the shrine..........

"It's Graceland, and your Elvis!"

To which I actually shouted out loud, "OMG!!! Micahel is the king!"

I mean, come on!!! Elvis is the king, and if Maria called Michale Elvis, that to me was a blatant clue, as to who really is or was the king.

It just hit me like a slap in the face, and really got me to wondering if there were other clues I had missed along the way.

Then I went back and started watching all over again, from the Pilot. And yes, there were alot of things I had either missed or didn't pay close enough attention to, or just completely didn't see them for what they were.

The Pilot:

In the Crashdown after Liz is shot and Max gets up to go to her, Michael stops him and asks what he is going to do. After the healing Michael demands the keys, "Keys, now!" Clearly ordering Max to give him the keys and assuming the position of authority.

When Isabel realizes what Max has done and that he told Liz the truth, Michael is very upset and says it's time to leave Roswell. Max thinks they should go back to school and act normal. Setting for me, the first example of Max's military thinking, hide in plain site, statedgy.(sp)

Close to the end of the ep, when they are in the jeep leaving Roswell, Maria and Liz block them in an alley. Michael clearly steps to the forefront and demands they move the car. "We're not together. Now move your car." Assuming the position of authority, yet again.

When Max says he will turn himself in, Isabel freaks and they decide to try Liz's plan, which I think is exactly what Max knew would happen if he threated to turn himself in. Max convinces Michael the plan will work, in my mind playing the role of counsel and advisor, the second.

Michael, "It won't work."

The Morning after:

At this rate it will take me til August to cover all the eps! Hey that's a good thing. Something to occupy my time waiting for the new season.

This is an important eppy because it shows that Micahel is capable of receiving images that Max and Isabel cannot.

Firstly though, I would like to pause here and say that even this early in the series, and even though Michael tries to come off like he is above it all, only cares about the pod squad and tuff, his reaction to Liz coming to his place shows he really is a good guy. She apologizes for just showing up there, and Michael is matter of fact about it, saying, "This is where I live."

He apologizes to Liz if Hank said anything, and Liz say's that he didn't. Michael says, "You just kinda hafta ignore him."

Liz has from the first ep acted in the role of protector to them. ALL of them. Going to Michael's showed great courage on her part. Remember that at this stage in the game, Maria was completely terrified of them.

**********************************************As usual Michael being Michael, he has to get into Valenti's office to find the picture of the 1959 murder victim that Valenti showed Liz.

Michael at first tries to get into the sherrif's office with his brilliant, "I'm selling candies for charity" ploy. That was a no go. So he breaks in. He looks for but doesn't find the photo. He does find Valenti's thermos and the key inside the top. When he touches the key he has a strong vision that knocks him back and unto the floor.

Max and Isabel both try to get a vision from the key, but both are unable to.

*This is the first of many pieces of information that Michael discovers. Michael seems to intuitively have more information or know where to look for information, than Max or Isabel.


How long have you guys waited for me to get this one up here???

In this ep Michael still questions why he got a vision from the key. Isabel and Max are clearly very uncomfortable about all of this. At lunch Max asks Michael, " Please put it away", when Michael is holding the key and telling them they have to find out where it leads to. Michael thinks it may belong to the corpse from 1959, but Isabel insists he is grasping, reaching, ect. Michael insists farther that they have to find out, that they can't just hide.

Also Max seems to be very aware of the importance of not frightening Maria. That it is dangerous and not wise to make Maria see them as something so different from herself. Urging Isabel to find some common ground.

Also I found Maria's reference to Isabel as "Queen Amadala" at the Crashdown to be in indication that things may not be as they seem. In that film the queen had a servant that doubled for her in a ploy to throw off enemies.

When Max questioned Milton about the incident in 1959 it seemed as though he was doing it for Michael, not himself.

Max asked Liz about Maria going to talk to Valenti. Seeming concerned about what she may say. He comes across as being a protector in this scene. Like it is his job to make sure they will not be exposed.

Michael on the other hand questions her directly and makes no bones about how upset he is. Max makes no effort to stop him.

Of course in the end it is shown that Maria is completely trust worthy. Her statement to Isabel that she was frightened was an understatement, but then she realized what it was like to be her, was a first step in an ongoing relationship between the podsters and the human league in building lines of communication and trust, and that although Maria and Liz may be human, they DO understand the position Isabel, Michael and Max are in and that they will do what it takes to protect them.

***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/17/01 4:40:54 pm

Arista Hanson
Posts: 95
(6/17/01 4:52:48 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

"The mommygram never stated who was who..." That's what Icalynn over at the Debate Forum(pub75.ezboard.com/bdebateforum is the website if you want to check it out.) And I agree with. Everyone just assumed it was Max.

Icalynn also wrote this fanfic, 'Lies', it said that the reason why Max as that thing in his head was to throw off the enemies. jt
Posts: 53
(6/17/01 6:54:34 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

I could find everything you've said here as plausible and possible,but I do have one question. You mentioned the episode in which Maria and Michael go to Courtneys apartment to check things out. They find the shrine. Agree there. When they confront her with all of this she says that there are those among them that think Michael SHOULD have been the rightful King.That they felt Max wasn't a good king. I don't know if this has any bearing or not. It's just something I remembered. I like your ideas. They're alot of fun to read and debate and think about. charcarr
Posts: 1
(6/17/01 8:26:38 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Fehr is Fehr

Are these the theories that you were going to share with us at the last lunch?

Very interesting. I'll have to keep reading.

Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 334
(6/17/01 9:57:32 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Hi Char! So friggin good to see you over here. Yes, this is the theory. I am all well and ready to eat!!! When is the next lunch???

jt I think Courtney was assuming the same thing everyone else has assumed. She thought Max was king and Michael second, but more than likely back home she was a follower of Max, the second, but on earth everyone thinks Max is the king, because thats what they assume. So she was following around the wrong person. Do you follow what I mean? It is a little confusing, but Courtney said they were on the brink of a golden age and he could have brought peace to their people. I love Michael, but honestly can't see him as a peace maker, I think she was a follower of Max, but since they don't look the same, she followed who she thought was the second, which everyone here assumes is Michael.

Hi Arista. Yes I believe the royal seal was placed on the decoy. On the old thread I asked, what better way to protect the true king, than to have a decoy??? Thanks for that link, I will be checking it out. Do you know when the fic was written? I have had this theory rolling around in my head since the fall. Wonder if others were thinking like this longer than I have been. It will be cool to meet some more people who think this might be right.

Hey guys, please go through and read the old thread, we covered alot of different things and you may have comments you may want to add. Also it keeps us from repeating ourselves constantly. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/17/01 10:02:26 pm

Dhamon GrimWulf
Posts: 62
(6/17/01 10:20:56 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Fehr is Fehr,First, this is not a bash, I think the idea of Mike being the King is interesting, I just would like your thoughts on the following.I will never have time to read all the past postings on Mike being the King. But I have a question. In the episode's where Michael was taking an aggresive role in the situation, this could also be taken as the sign of a good First Officer, or Second as they state on the show. The King is always the higher power, but there are times that a King would let his First or Second take control of the situation if he had complete trust in him. And also it is the job and duty of the first and second to keep the King out of situations and out of trouble that they find themselves getting into. In the old Royal courts the King rarley left the Castle, and then only under heavy guard. This is the same as today with the President, and Royalty. There is always someone around to take control and keep their leader from harm.If Mike is not the King, I have to say that Max is lucky to have him around. "May God Stand Between You And Harm In All The Empty Places Where You Must Walk!"

Posts: 2
(6/17/01 10:30:14 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

I like this idea very much and I hope this isn't just theory. So, that would mean that Tess was actually Valandra and Isabel is actually Max's wife and not his sister? I am watching all of the eps on tape until the season starts. Arista Hanson
Posts: 97
(6/17/01 10:34:08 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Hey Ferh is Ferh-I believe she wrote it May 22, 2001, at least that's when she first posts over at the Roswell Rambles board (pub10.ezboard.com/brandom...amblings).

If your planning on going to the first board I posted you should know that bashing is allowed there and Max and Liz are our favorite targets. But we are all open minded to peoples theories. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 336
(6/17/01 10:43:03 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Hi Grim Wulf I just posted a message to you on the image thread. Good to see you here.

Well from what you just posted it seems you lend credence to my theory, becaue Max was constantly trying to keep Michael's butt out of trouble the first season. As a good second should. A good first officer as you seem to be saying Michael acted as when he was aggressively seeking clues, would not take unneccessary risks and chances. Michael was often wreckless and risked exposing them in his attempts to find out things, often leaving Max in the position of bailing him out. Like in Valenti's office when he went to find info on the 1959 corpse. Max got there just in time to get him out of there before Valenti came in. Or when Michael broke into the UFO center and Milton was there and Michael got taken to jail. Max came and vouched for him, saying Michael was there to get something for him. Also, it was Max who went to the reservation in Riverdog, leaving Michael back at the Crashdown with Isabel and Maria.

Not knowing he is a king, Michael didn't know how he was suppose to act. All he knew is he wanted answers, NOW! Michael has learned a great deal of patience and the value of keeping a low profile this past season, but not so in season one. What was it Max said to Liz after she went to see Michael in the Morning After??? "You can't just go over there like that. You don't know Michael. He's not big on let's go over our options." Do you see that Max comes off as the one who needs to watch over Michael? Almost like a babysitter.

Michael and Max in season two have acted often in the way they thought they should, because of who they think they are, but in season one, before they had any idea who or what they were, Michael and Max acted alot differently. And it really is something that spans over time, often with small little instances that within the framework of the ep, doesn't stand out, unless you are looking for it. But even in season two there are glaring clues, and only time will tell.

Did I even come close to answering your question? I tend to ramble. Sorry. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 337
(6/17/01 10:54:08 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Monkey shines I am not one hundred percent who is who when it comes to the girls. I am leaning toward Isabel being Michael's sister. Tess his bride, and that it wasn't the sister who betrayed, but the wife. That would make Isabel Max's betrothed. But next week I will change my mind again. Cuz it is likely that they are all switched not just Max and Michael, which would make Tess Michael's sister, and Max's betrothed, and Isabel as Michael's bride. See, I told you I wasn't sure!

Arista it's cool if there is bashing. Roswell Ate My Soul is a total bashfest, but it is accepted practice there, so it's every man for himself. I can deal. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Dhamon GrimWulf
Posts: 64
(6/17/01 10:58:56 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Fehr is Fehr, I posted some new info just a few minutes ago on that Image thread. Please read it, you may be able to delete most of those posts and keep one open with the info I put there. "May God Stand Between You And Harm In All The Empty Places Where You Must Walk!"

Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 340
(6/17/01 11:18:59 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Grim we have got to stop meeting like this! I saw it. Thanks. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Arista Hanson
Posts: 98
(6/18/01 12:51:29 am)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

More reasons why I think Michael might be the real king and not Max...

Max has never actually excepted the fact that he's part alien and that there are people he's suppose to save. And if he as, he doesn't seem to care. He has said it himself many times.

I think Michael has excepted the fact that he's an alien and I think he does care about the people he's suppose to save. Obviously not as much has Maria, but he still cares.


P.S. Ferh is Ferh can you please give me the web address for Roswell Ate My Soul, thanks. Icalynn
Posts: 1
(6/18/01 8:42:33 am)

Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Ferh is Ferh here is the direct link to the fic in question...


Thanks, Arista, for the plug for my fic as well as for the site...

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."-William Shakespeare Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 362
(6/18/01 9:34:29 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Coolness! Thanks for coming by. Why don't you tell us some of your reasons why you think Michael is the king. I'll take any back up I can get. Sometimes it's not easy convincing people this is even a possibilty. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 363
(6/18/01 9:45:57 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Well crap! Arista the link to the debate thread isn't working. The one to the fic is okay. I really want to read the debate thread. Woe is me............... ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Arista Hanson
Posts: 109
(6/18/01 9:48:00 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

I don't know what to tell you, it works fine for me. I'll look in to it.

Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 364
(6/18/01 9:52:43 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Thanks. When I click on it it says, the page has been moved, the name has been changed or the page is unavailable. They just don't want me to see it!!! They are torturing me!!! ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Arista Hanson
Posts: 110
(6/18/01 9:56:52 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Try this pub75.ezboard.com/fdebateforumfrm2. It'll bring you directly to the Roswell debates. Ramona40
Posts: 106
(6/18/01 10:01:43 pm)

Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Fehr if everything else fails on this link just trace Icalynn's previous post by clicking on her name and that will bring up a previous post which will lead you to the Debate Forum.

Ramona**********************************************Page 2
Comment Author:Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 365
(6/18/01 11:44:44 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Arista it worked. Thanks.

Ramona right as I thought of that the link worked.

I gotta get more used to this ezboard stuff. I'm used to FF. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Arista Hanson
Posts: 112
(6/19/01 10:48:22 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

I was of thinking that maybe Michael was the king of the skins. On Earth we have more that one government, so why would Antar. Maybe it was divided into two governments, Michael's family were the royalties of one, they ruled the skins, and Max's family ruled the other. They both decided it was time to merge the two races and Max became king (Because he was older or that was just part of the deal or whatever) and Michael his second command and then to make it official Michael would have to marry Isabel and Max would have to marry Tess (Michael's sister) that way the two species would be united.

But Kivar and the most of the other skins didn't really like it and Max's people (God I wish they would give the name of their Race) didn't like it either so a civil war was started. Because they didn't like the merge most of the skins followed Kivar. Except for the renegades like Courtney, who believed that, because Michael was loyal to Max and people had excepted him as part of the royal four, but still skin royalty that both sides would except him as the true king.

Ok did that make sense?

Arista Edited by: Arista Hanson at: 6/21/01 12:48:53 am

Posts: 142
(6/20/01 5:50:34 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

If Michael is King can Maria be his Queen??!!

Posts: 143
(6/20/01 5:51:21 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

If Michael is King can Maria be his Queen??!!

Oops I forgot! sheilabehr
Posts: 13
(6/20/01 6:29:08 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Yes. Of course she can. Jennifehr I saw you post in support of us Dreamers, that thread was closed so I couldn't thank you over there. I so happy you know about the whole "my computer- internet thing" see you on Monday.

Sheilabehr *.:.*sheilabehr
Posts: 14
(6/20/01 6:38:32 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

I would prefer that Michael be the king. I think that would build Michael's self esteem and make him feel like he has a part in the whole aliens on earth thing. I am a full dreamer supporter and my comment is because I think it's good for the whole pod squad. Not because I think Max can't handle being a king.

sheilabehr *.:.*Rachishere
Posts: 14
(6/21/01 12:05:46 am)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Hey Fehr,The last episode was Monsters, right? Which is next? I can't remember?

I'm not rushing, just trying to keep things rolling. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 399
(6/21/01 12:41:21 am)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Hey there! The next ep will be Leaving Normal. Been wondering where you got to?

Sheilabehr I am a total dreamer and canyclanner. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Rachishere
Posts: 16
(6/21/01 6:40:51 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

On the show when they say Michael is second in command, for some reason I think of him on a battlefield leading soldiers. But, if Max is second in command, what better power to have on a battlefield than the ability to heal? Rachishere
Posts: 17
(6/21/01 6:43:26 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

I've been on everyday, I just haven't added my two cents in awhile. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 403
(6/22/01 12:49:45 am)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Well start putting in your two cents worth! I think you have a valid point about Max's power to heal. I had thought on this myself and it seems that perhaps Max has this power, to heal the king if anything should ever happen to him. Also Michael's power certainly is for self protection. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Camlaw
Posts: 101
(6/22/01 9:50:32 am)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Hello all! I come back from vacation and find all kinds of new & interesting threads.

Ferh is Ferh, I am so glad you finally made it up to Monsters. I am up to Blood Brother. So I guess I need to wait for you to catch up so we can be at the same point on time line. I enjoyed your post recapping the things you have said in the first thread along with the pictures to show which scenes you are referring to. You are so thorough.

MonkeShine, I am like Ferh is Ferh regarding the female alien roles, except I tend to think they were paired correctly. That Tess is Vilandra, the king's sister, betrothed to Max and the true betrayer. But then that would mean that I took Congressman Whitaker for being completely truthful, and I just do not want to trust that woman. Why does there have to be a betrayer at all? And why send all four of them down to be reincarnated if one of them did betray the others? I am starting to wonder if the Vilandra story is even true.

History shows that all leadership dynasties come to an end. I remember in my Western Civiliation course in college learning about different monarchies being overthrown by a new & more powerful one. Maybe that is what simply happened. Kivar was stronger. That the time of the current king had peaked and he was left vulnerable for another to take over his reign. What do you guys think?

Well, I am off to catch up on the new threads. Can't wait to read more of your theories!

Posts: 154
(6/22/01 4:09:23 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Camlaw.... HI! I missed seeing you around the boards!!!! Hope you had a good time in Vegas!Glad you are back! Rachishere
Posts: 18
(6/23/01 2:11:31 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Hi, I just went to Crashdown to remind myself which epi Leaving Normal was. I don't know of anything in that episode that would suggest that Michael was the actual king. Of course I only read the episode synapsis. What to y'all think?

Fehr is Fehr, I clicked on Rustyantler's name and it said he was no longer a member. Was he kicked off? I only read two or three of his post, I didn't see anything that offensive, but maybe I just didn't read enough. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 408
(6/23/01 2:24:06 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Hi Cam! Welcome back! We missed you. I am going to be watching a bunch of eps this weekend. Although I have my notes, it seems I notice different things every time I watch. I love Blood Brothers cuz it has Michael's whole "Girls my age just don't do it for me" speech in it! Does a thirty something year old's heart good.

Thunder!!!! Dang it! Everyday for three days!!! I may have to get off here if it gets worse.

Leaving Normal actully has alot of things in it to support the Michael as king, Max as second theory. I am getting ready to rewatch it, again, just to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Hi Jennifehr. Did you like the Brendan pix on the other thread??? I know, dumb question, huh?

IDDY where are you??? Come visit us. We miss you. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 409
(6/23/01 2:26:49 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

I am not sure Rusty was ever a registered user. I doubt he got booted off here. And if he did, I had nothing to do with it. He posted yesterday.....I'm sure he's still around. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Rachishere
Posts: 19
(6/23/01 3:17:22 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

I found out how to get to RNN, but you have to apply. If you are accepted then you can read post. What's up with that?

Back on topic. I can't wait to hear your theories on Leaving Normal. I only logged on to check my email and now two hours later I am logging off. I'll be back tonight to see if there have been any new post. Sadly, I have no life. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 427
(6/23/01 10:55:03 pm)King Theory/Leaving Normal

Rachishere I don't know what's up wif dat. I didn't have to register, but my ezboard account is global so maybe thats why. I really don't know. Hummmmmmmmmm........

Well I just finished Leaving Normal. What a sad eppy. With some comic relief from Michael. He sure likes to stir things up, huh?

So here it is...........

Leaving Normal

After Max takes a beating by Kyle's friends Michael questions him about who did it, clearly very angry about it. Max tells him what happened and Michael threatens to kill them.

No. Max says they aren't going to do anything. Michael is very agitated and asks what he means they are going to do nothing. And Max tries to explain that if they do something to them, then they will do something back. Rumors start up around school. What Max did to Liz comes up all over again. "We get exposed."

Michael seems to calm down somewhat, but doesn't seem thoroughly convinced.

Max explains they have to stick together and stay away from those guys.

Of course Michael being Michael he takes matters into his own hands, literally. He bumps into one guy and put the powerful almighty itch on him.

(Had to post this pic cuz it's one of my favs.... )

Michael changes the answers on a test of another one of the guys.

And who could forget what Michael did to Kyle's locker???

When Isabel confronts Max about his face and what happened she doesn't understand "why don't you just get rid of them?" refering to the marks.

Max tells her they have to stay inside, they have to be careful. He tells her the marks have to heal normally, "everything has to be normal."

Michael proudly shows Max what he did to Kyle's locker.

Max is not amused and asks Michael what he was doing. Michael says he is helping him out. Max says Micahel promised not to do anything to those guys and Michael says he said he wouldn't hurt those guys. Max tells Michael he is putting them in danger. Which really pisses Michael off and Michael tells Max he put them in danger when he saved Liz.

This causes Max to lunge at Michael and he tells him he would do it again. Michael looks stunned that Max grabbed him and Max looks surprised and remorseful about it immediately and lets Michael go.

Michael tells Max he hopes they can trust her. Max says they can. Michael says, "I don't trust anyone these days."

This ep is one of many where Michael takes matters into his own hands as if it is his right. Without thinking of the consequences or ramifications to himself or Max and Isabel. Max seems to try to council him on several occasions and make him see that they can't afford to take risks. That they cannot even play pratical jokes for fear of exposing themselves. Michael comes across as rash and only concerned with short term satisfication and not thinking of the danger he is putting them all in. Max again in this ep comes across as being very cautious, thinking things through and not taking unneccessary risks. To the point of suffering physical pain because healing himself may draw attention to them. Personal sacrifice to protect those it is his job to protect.

Rascishere you have a life! You have your fingers so you can type. People to talk with online about Roswell so it's a pretty dang good life if you ask me. I love to see your posts and wish you would talk more actually. We don't just talk about Roswell. I mean I know it's a Roswell board, but we talk about other things too. You can IM me anytime. Do you have MSN or AOL IM??? That way we could chat about all manner of things. Or email, all kinds of ways to communicate. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/23/01 11:04:59 pm

Posts: 20
(6/23/01 11:03:17 pm)Re: King Theory/Leaving Normal

Wow, great point. I like that pic of Michael too.

In the Prom episode Liz wore that necklace. It was her Grandma Claudia's, right? I think there was more to her than they have told us. I know that is way off the subject, but I just had to mention it. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 428
(6/23/01 11:13:55 pm)Necklace

I don't think it's the same necklace, but a similar style. The one Liz wore to prom looked like some kinda roadkill shrunken head to me!

I agree there is much more to Grandma Cluadia than we have found out. I hope they explore that some in the new season. She did afterall write a book about native Americans. Where the heck is Riverdog while we're at it??????? And that "friggin Eddie" was sorta cute. Where'd he get to??? He and Isabel would make a hot couple. Oh my imagination runs wild....................... ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....*************************************************Page 3
Comment Author:Rachishere
Posts: 21
(6/23/01 11:21:51 pm)Re: Necklace

I have been wondering the same things.

Edited by: Rachishere at: 6/24/01 3:09:46 pm

Posts: 22
(6/23/01 11:23:11 pm)Re: Necklace

Oh, by the way, what is the next episode?I guess I should really have these memorized by now, I do have them all on tape. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 430
(6/24/01 12:23:01 am)Next up.......

Missing! I love that eppy. Should be posting on that tomorrow. Camlaw will be so happy. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Rachishere
Posts: 23
(6/24/01 12:28:10 am)Re: Necklace

This is my last post for the night I promise. I looked on Crashdown and Missing is next. After that is one of my all time favorite episodes, 285 South. Well, I'm going to bed now. See everyone tomorrow. Goodnight. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 433
(6/24/01 6:18:08 pm)Weirdness.............

The main board says Rachishere posted something at 3 something PM. Darn cyber monkies messin wif stuff.

Camlaw where ya at girlie???????

Jennifehr post, post, post!!!

Iddy have you forgotten us????? ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Rachishere
Posts: 24
(6/24/01 9:01:25 pm)Re: Weirdness.............

: I edited a post this afternoon that I had posted last night. I had said something about another site that some might have taken offense to and not wanting to make waves, I edited it.

Sorry to mess with you mind. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 449
(6/25/01 1:14:42 am)

Re: Weirdness.............

Rachishere admit it.....you're just out to make me think I'm nuts! I was a skeered the cyber monkies were a gonna git me! I don't really think anyone would have been put out by what you posted. It wasn't harsh or anything. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/25/01 1:20:19 am

Posts: 25
(6/25/01 6:14:10 pm)Re: Weirdness.............

Probably not, but I have this guilt gene planted by my mother. Plus I am a people pleaser. Bad combination.

So are we up to Missing yet?

Did I also mention I need instant gratification? Man, I'm high maintenance. Rachishere
Posts: 26
(6/25/01 6:23:15 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

P.S. There was this huge arguement over on FF spoiler board between the site I had mentioned and the FF folks. I was not apart of that and I did get a huge kick out of it, but I didn't want the same thing to go on over here. Sorry, just had to mention it. Blame my weirdness on my parents, I owe everything I am to them. : Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 460
(6/26/01 9:21:41 am)

Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Rachishere hopefully I will be able to post about Missing tonight, late. Working today(on my day off) and later this evening, but I will try to get it up here. It may be tomorrow though. Don't wait for me, post your thoughts!

I know all about the tif between RNN and FF. Kinda funny, in a demented sorta way.

I don't want to work today!!!!!!! I want to stay and post pix of Brendan. And Max too. Oh well, I like to eat and have electricity so I guess I need to go............... ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/26/01 9:23:43 am

Posts: 34
(6/26/01 8:38:25 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Okay, so I watched Missing, again. Michael wakes up in the middle of the night, with dreams of the vision he had. Michael is the only one to get the vision of Atherton's house. Michael is obsessed with drawing this thing. He makes the comment that he can't get it out of his head. If Max were the real king wouldn't he be the one that is getting the visions?

So then I watched 285 South, which as I said before, is one of my all time favorites. I'm going to go ahead a tell my observations about this episode because I have a business trip and I won't be back until Thursday. Michael breaks into the UFO Center. If he were this great soldier, I think he would have everything more planned out and be less likely to get caught. Same thing with stealing Maria's car and kidnapping her. Then the car breaks down. I would think a soldier with powers would be more adept at using them. The way Max is. I could see how a king being pampered all his life would have little reason to use them, because everything is done for him. That may be reaching, but what the hey. In the motel he tells Maria to quit being such a princess. Is that foreshadowing or what? Then Maria tells Michael that she used to imagine her father picking her and her mother up and they would live like royalty. Again, foreshadowing? Then the James quote which Fehr is Fehr mentioned in the last thread. Also, Max tells Isabel and Liz that he doesn't like the idea of Michael going to Atherton's without them checking it out first. Why would a king check out something before his soldier? I mean, George W. doesn't do a sweep of the area to make sure it's okay for his secret service agents. Finally, at Atherton's Michael gets another vision, this time telling them that there is a hidden room. Okay. Sorry such a long post. I'll see everyone Thursday night. Iddy
Posts: 17
(6/26/01 9:40:30 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Hi Roswellians!!

Just got back this morning from a Vacation in Cancun. I am so burned I look like a lobster . I just printed the thread I'll do some reading and I'll post my comments tomorrow.Thanks Fehr for thinking of me.Night everyone I got a lot of reading to do.

Iddy Camlaw
Posts: 103
(6/26/01 10:08:09 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Hello again gang! I am finally here. My summer guest has arrived and I am in the middle of last minute preparations for a friend's wedding taking place this weekend. THANK GOODNESS! So I have not been able to post or read threads or anything.

Ferh is Ferh...Did you miss me? Simple ole me? I am touched. And I am proud of you. Keep on coming with those eps girl! Or the whip will be after you.

Rachishere...I had the exact same observations concerning 285 South episode. That quote just struck me. I kept reading it over & over again outloud.

Iddy...Poor baby. Lobster red huh? Hope you enjoyed your trip to Cancun.

I will try to post everynight before I go to bed. Just the next few weeks are going to be extremely busy for me. I miss chatting with you guys. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 469
(6/28/01 12:12:14 am)

Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Rachishere I apologize for not being on more to talk about this. Work is so busy and my son's birthday is this week. I don't know if I'm coming or going the last couple of days. Things should calm down by the weekend.

Hi Cam

Welcome back Iddy!!! Cancun? I'm so jealous. Bet you had a great time. Well, I hope you did.

Excuse me while I go totally off topic.......I'm gonna post some pix for Jennifehr and her sons.

This is the link to the Eastern Southern Observatory.www.eso.org/

This is to the Anglo Australian Observatory.www.aao.gov.au/

Have fun. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/28/01 1:33:51 am

SunshineZzi Moderator
Posts: 65
(6/28/01 1:22:50 am)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

What about those of you that read the Roswell High books? Did that series go farther than the tv show? ~* (I'm curious) --In regards to Michael being the King of corse --

.§un¤§hine¤ Edited by: SunshineZzi at: 6/28/01 1:23:49 am

Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 473
(6/28/01 1:31:53 am)

Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Sunshine there is no reference in the books to any of them being royalty. There are completely different sets of circumstances. Although the starting point is the same, with Liz being shot. In the book series one of the biggest primary focuses is on the relationships between Isabel and Alex, Max and Liz, Michael and Maria. I will say in the books, Michael is much more in control than Max is. I don't want to tell too much for those who haven't read the books yet. ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***jennifehr
Posts: 187
(6/28/01 8:02:36 am)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Fehr thanks... my kids and I will be checking out the links tonight!

Iddy!! Welcome Back!!! Sorry to hear you cooked yourself!!

Hey Cam...

Sorry for the OT post guys!!

Posts: 35
(6/28/01 9:11:20 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

I go away for two days and the thread ends up on the second page. I wasn't around to nag about the next installment of the What if Michael was the actual king theory. :

(6/28/01 10:06:58 pm)What if Michael was the king #2

Hi everyone.

Rachishere, you are so right, about the observations on 285 South. I think that is one of the episodes for those of us that believe that Michael might be the king. It does make you think, the way he acted and his references to Maria being a princess.

I haven't had time yet to finished reading all the post you guys made while I was out. My office has been a mess. Anyhow I think you are so lucky to have the episodes taped and be able to see them anytime. I think I am going in to shock here I really need to see them again, specially now that we are in the hunt for clues that point that Michael is the king.

Ferh is your VCR ready yet to get some copies. Let me know. Sorry this post was long. See you guys later.

*******Roswell Rules********

Iddy Iddy
Posts: 18
(6/29/01 9:03:40 pm)Re: What if Michael was the king #2

Where are you guys?????

Well I believe you guys left off in 285 south. Next comes River Dog. Here are what I think are some of the clues in this ep.1st of all at the beginning when they were discussing going thru the files Michael acts like a king he just wants to get to the bottom of it as fast as possible, not really thinking and maybe bringing in outsiders to help. Max says its all up to them alone, protecting since they don't know what they will find. Then when Michael says he thinks he was being follow and Max reveals that he was being follow before also but he didn't said anything not to worried them. Why should Max have kept that a secret. He was acting cautious and protective. Also when Michael sees Isabel necklace and Isabel tells him that there is this guy who thinks he recognized from the reservation, Michael's reaction is he has to go to that reservation and find out. Max acts with caution like someone use to protecting and analyzing things like a second in command would. And at the end even though he was the cautious one Max decides to take the risk himself eventhought he didn't want to and go to the reservation instead of Michael who was the one more interested in finding out. Max again behaves as a protector.

Don't know if you can follow me on this one. But at least that is the way I see it.

Later, and a great weekend to all.

******Roswell Rules*******

Iddy **********************************************Page 4
Comment Author:Camlaw
Posts: 106
(6/29/01 11:10:39 pm)Re: What if Michael was the king #2

Hello gang!

I am here. I am kind of like Ferh is Ferh, running around like crazy between work & social obligations. The wedding I am involved with has finally arrived. I am about to go out of town AGAIN, to attend it. I leave early in the morning & of course I have a million & one things to do before I leave. But I wanted to post and let you guys know I am here. Busy as can be, but still here. I had posted my observations on 285 South and Riverdog either earlier on this thread or on the original one. They mostly are the same observations you guys have made. Great minds think alike huh? rainbough
(6/29/01 11:45:14 pm)Re: What if Michael was the king #2

Hope you have a wonderful time at the wedding out of town, Camlaw! Hurry back! Michael will be waiting.

Posts: 36
(6/30/01 12:10:18 am)Re: What if Michael was the king #2

Iddy, great observations! I totally agree. Some episode it's so obvious Michael is king, then others you have to look a little deeper. What's after Riverdog? Is it Toy House? I can't remember. Iddy
Posts: 19
(6/30/01 9:46:27 am)Re: What if Michael was the king #2

Next Comes Blood Brother. I am not ready for that one yet, so I'll try to post later. Cam hope everything goes beautiful in the wedding you've been planning. I sincerely don't know how you do it.

Ferh where are you girl? Miss you over here.


Iddy Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 494
(6/30/01 10:32:52 am)

Re: What if Michael was the king #2

Hi guys! I'm around, like Cam I am going nuts trying to do a million things!!! Having a family get together today for my son's bday. Things should be calmer by this evening. Then I can get back to the business of exploring Michael the king. It is really interesting to read all of your observations. Isn't it funny the things you notice or just take a completely different way when you are looking at it from a different perspective?

Welcome rainbough. Have fun this weekend Cam. Rashishere and Iddy glad you guys are back and posting. Jennifehr throw us a pic of our king up here.

See you all tonight. I'll have on my posting shoes.

***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 6/30/01 10:36:52 am

(6/30/01 10:55:18 am)kingly things

what a coincidence! fisf, today my son is having his birthday party,too, although his birthday isn't until the end of august, it's so hard to find all his school friends toward the end of the summer. he'll be 9, how old is you son? we'll be having a tie dye/slip-n-slide extravaganza, which promises to be great fun! I hope you day goes really well!!! jennifehr
Posts: 210
(6/30/01 11:03:25 am)Re: kingly things

Here is a pic Fehr... I don't know if could actually be called Kingly... but it is sweet and shows our boy's sensitive side... and it just makes you want to take him in your arms!

"I want you to see me." Iddy
Posts: 20
(6/30/01 11:13:39 am)Re: kingly things

Thanks Jenn, We needed that picture.

Out of topic here for a second. Jenniffer I've been readind your stories. Girl they are really good. Keep it up.

Bye for now.

Iddy Rachishere
Posts: 37
(6/30/01 1:22:11 pm)Re: kingly things

Fehr, tell your son Happy Birthday! Hope he has fun at his party.

I am going to let Fehr, Iddy, or Cam talk about Blood Brothers. I haven't seen it in awhile. See everyone tonight. Bye, Rachael Cynthia
(6/30/01 2:44:29 pm)NOT POSSIBLE

Yeah...I could see in the beginning how he could be king. BUT remember in the epy of "The Dupes"? When max went to NY he had to be tested. A guy had to go into his brain and see if he was the king, so he could go to the "meeting". There is no way micheal could be king.

(6/30/01 4:08:55 pm)anything is possible!

jennifehr, where can i go to read your stories? Rachishere
Posts: 39
(6/30/01 4:11:37 pm)Re: NOT POSSIBLE

Cynthia, we've actually discussed that before, good observation. I don't know if you saw the new Star Wars movie, but Queen Amadalia was really her handmaiden. I think and I know Fehr probably agrees since it was probably her spec in the first place, that the royal seal was planted on Max to draw attention from Michael. Like a decoy.

Someone help me out here. I'm not explaining this very good.

(6/30/01 4:28:02 pm)possibly...

you are explaining it well, i think. but, that is an interesting point about the royal seal. so, max had a seal of some sort, that certain important individuals took to be authentic. if it is real, the seal, wouldn't that illiminate michael from other important kingly matters? or does he himself have some type of seal the can only be detected by the truest of allies? am i making any sense? jennifehr
Posts: 222
(7/1/01 12:15:02 am)Re: possibly...

Okay guys... I am going OT for a sec... bear with me!

Iddy Thank you! You're a sweetie!brew22 My link is on the Roswell links board. It's the crazy one.. I am so not a comp wiz!

Anyway back to the regularly scheduled topic...His Highness... (you know! The one with the hands..... )Which unfortunately are tucked away in his pockets! brew22
(7/1/01 12:25:29 am)definitely!

aww, he looks so young. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 500
(7/1/01 12:40:26 am)

Good Evening........

Brew my baby turned 11 on the 28th. Today was just family, we are having the real throw down on the 14th of July, for the same reasons you mentioned! I hope your son had a terrific day. Sounds like a cool party.

Rachishere thank you for the birthday wishes for my little guy. Tomorrow I will let him come read this. He'll get such a kick out of it.

Hi Iddy.

Not the royal seal thing again????? Perhaps Michael does have some type of indicator he is the true king. Can we play a game of "guess where it is???" ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Edited by: Fehr is Fehr at: 7/1/01 1:06:00 am

Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 501
(7/1/01 1:07:38 am)

Re: Good Evening........

Jennifehr, thanks for that pic of the king. But his hands are in his pockets!!! ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Rachishere
Posts: 40
(7/1/01 1:23:04 am)Re: Good Evening........

Jen, I think that's one of the best pics I've seen. brew22
(7/1/01 9:15:21 am)peek a boo

hmmmm....hands in pockets.....location of royal jewels....umm...i mean royal seal. Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 512
(7/1/01 7:35:26 pm)

Re: peek a boo

ROTFLMAO! ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....*************************************************Page 4
Comment Author:jennifehr
Posts: 226
(7/1/01 7:44:26 pm)Re: peek a boo

Um brew22 I thought we were gonna keep it clean.... Yeah right!... Oh Fehr sorry about the hands! I need to get more pics... Anyone out there got any nudies??? Kidding (sort of)... brew22
(7/1/01 8:17:37 pm)peek a boo

i'm sorry if i'm getting fresh, i was just feeling funkilicious.Funkified?funkafreaky-what the hell was that word, fisf?

Posts: 234
(7/1/01 11:08:24 pm)Re: peek a boo

I like those F words brew22! Have we just gone all OT.. let's dicuss our King! Rachishere
Posts: 43
(7/1/01 11:37:05 pm)Re: peek a boo

Ok, another reason I think Michael may be the king. He doesn't take orders very well. Aren't soldiers supposed to orders without complaint? Camlaw
Posts: 108
(7/2/01 9:06:15 pm)Re: What if Michael was the king #2

Okay gang! I leave for a few days and all hell breaks loose! Find the hidden seal game?! Royal jewels?! Shame on you! This topic is about searching for kingly clues, not drooling over our keyboards because of large sexy hands, full lips, soulful eyes, manly chest...awwww...I mean stick to the topic at hand... hands.... sigh

Posts: 50
(7/2/01 9:14:45 pm)Re: What if Michael was the king #2

We got a little distracted and it will never....

Sorry had to go check out the pic again. What was I saying?

Posts: 248
(7/2/01 11:54:42 pm)Re: What if Michael was the king #2

Okay Camlaw... that was so distracting.... King King ... I will talk about the King and his hands...! ! And how he is such a rebel and he never listens and he just does what he thinks is best..... but he's so darn good looking! He gets my vote on that fact alone! Rachishere
Posts: 58
(7/3/01 11:37:12 pm)Re: What if Michael was the king #2

Where is everyone? Fehr, did ya forget about us?

Hmm...reasons I think Michael is king...I had one earlier, but I can't remember it now.

Oh! Fehr posted a pic on the last board. It was of the book and it had Michael and Isabel in the first two pictures and Max and Tess second. I was watching that episode earlier and it reminded me of it. Michael and Isabel were at the top of the page.

Did a single word of that make sense to anyone? jennifehr
Posts: 268
(7/3/01 11:43:49 pm)Re: What if Michael was the king #2

Yeah that makes sense... somehow!

Yeah Fehr where are you??? Come and moderate us!

So well if Michael was King then I would like to be his handmadien and be at his beck and call for whatever whenever!! But that's not what were talking about is it?? Now I forgot what I wanted to post! brew22
(7/4/01 6:26:27 am)king

jennifehr! that's awesome, michael's handmaiden, then he'd be like, 'girl, come towel me off.' or 'girl, you'll have to come with me today. i'm going to play basketball with jason and i'll need you if my jockstrap needs readjusting. Rachishere
Posts: 60
(7/4/01 7:52:23 pm)Re: king

Posts: 276
(7/4/01 10:23:12 pm)Re: king

brew22 there are all these images going through my head now! Thank you!!! Camlaw
Posts: 110
(7/4/01 10:53:29 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

We are to post 90. I am so proud of this thread. My schedule has been really hectic lately. I actually spent my day resting and trying to catch up on laundry and house cleaning. Nothing too stressful. Been watching the Godfather I & II on AMC channel. Got to wishing I had "powers" to make the vacuum cleaner work on its own.

Been thinking about the Roswell season premier. Has the date been announced yet? A few posts are stating October. Is that accurate?

I think we are up to "Blood Brother." So here are my observations. I remembered when watching this episode for the first time how off it felt to me for Max & Liz to just venture off on some adventurous drive. The entire episode had a strange presence about it. But some of my more memorable scenes are of course the Michael & Maria ones. Let me start in the school hallway where Maria questions Michael's behavior towards her. He tries to end the conversation & walk away but she doesn't allow him to. When Maria gets the call from Liz, Michael takes charge. He demands answers and immediately. At the hospital he charms the nurse to keep the gang in Max's room. He continues to charm her as he switches the vials of blood. He makes the jab about girls his own age "not doing it" for him, yet he keeps Maria at arms length. ANYWAY, once Max comes to, and convinces everyone to let him go home Michael stumbles into 2 agents digging through Max's health charts & trash can while he goes to get Maria's purse. Which I must say volunteering to get Maria's purse sounds like a boyfriend thing to do. ANYWAY, they devise a plan to investigate the agents. Michael says he wants to know who his enemies are & not run like Isabel suggests. Kind of a leader thing to say. ANYWAY, Michael complains that they only let Maria tag along because the needed a car. Yet, he has Maria come into the room with him & help investigate. He cooks up this "I need another look out" excuse. He uses her ideas to identify the agent yet takes credit it for it when relaying the story to the others. He reminds me of a leader in that regard, using the ideals of others and taking all the credit when it works out in his favor.

To sum it up, Michael shows his leadership skills and faults in my opinion. This episode also shows the budding relationship between Michael & Maria. The playful banter discussing their second encounter in a cheap motel. The way he volunteered to get her purse at the hospital. Michael is a charmer in his own special way. He takes charge when it deams necessary and does a good job of it. jennifehr
Posts: 289
(7/4/01 11:30:33 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Cam... I just watched Blood Brother again today... Michael did take charge and I thought the same thing about the purse.. jumping ahead a little... In HTOHL, Michael once again takes credit for Maria's quick thinking when he explain to Laurie what they have done.... lil stinker!! Fehr is Fehr Moderator
Posts: 544
(7/5/01 12:08:11 am)

Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

And don't forget the opening scene of Departure, about him having found a way home................

Sorry I haven't been here. Real life is hectic, but I am off tomorrow and I am not answering my phone or door.........

Cam how was the wedding? Anybody get embarrassingly drunk and obnoxious??? Doesn't it suck the way if ya want a clean place, ya gotta do housework??? Same damn thing with clothes.......Why can't they invent disposable clothes??? Are you gonna start the next thread when it's time? Which will be soon, like tomorrow or the next day........Or you want whoever is here to do it?

That's a lot of questions, huh? ***Quite an experience to live in fear. That's what it is to be a slave.....***Rachishere
Posts: 64
(7/5/01 6:05:18 pm)Re: What if Michael Was the Actual King #2

Fehr, I gotta ask. Who is in the picture under your name and what are they doing? jennifehr
Posts: 293
(7/5/01 6:29:26 pm)

Re: Fehr's pic...

Rachishere I had to answer this one for you Fehr... It's our King... where ya been girl?? And what's he doing... well that thing hanging out of his mouth is real! And it's long!! And I could tell you what I would like him to do with it... but I don't wanna go NC-17 right here on the boards!!!! !

Posts: 117
(7/5/01 6:32:09 pm)

Re: Fehr's pic...

You guys are just pervs.. plain pervs... aren't you ashamed? !!!

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Roswellian Dreamer,GraceRachishere
Posts: 65
(7/5/01 7:19:27 pm)Re: Fehr's pic...

Posts: 113
(7/6/01 8:57:36 pm)Re: Fehr's pic...

Time for a new thread. See you on #3...