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Science fiction of The Morning After.

Moderator  Registered: May 2000  Posts: 1647

Please post your comments on the science fiction in this episode.

Level 4
  Registered: Feb 2000  Posts: 966
06-05-2000 07:29 PM

Tonight's episode gives us a trip down memory lane--back to the
second episode of the first season. Since (to the best of my
knowledge) the "SF of [episode]" threads were non-existent at that
time [I think the first one was the SF of SH thread] then let us go
back and look at some of the SF in this episode.

Since it is impossible to view The Morning After as if we did not
know about the later 20 episodes, let's look at some elements that
remain perplexing or interesting from our post-Destiny

1) THE 1959 CORPSE. While the Pilot episode introduced the photos of
the 1959 corpse, it is this episode that marks Michael as the one
consumed with the alien teens' origins. Of course Michael is less'
concerned with the fact that the unknown alien is a killer than he
is with the knowledge said alien can provide. Since the alien was
here when the craft crashed, Michael assumes that: a) he knows where
they come from, b) he knows who they are, c) he knows why they are
here, and d) he know how they can get back.

From our post-Destiny POV it is surprising how few of these
questions have been answered! And whatever information we do have
comes not from Nesedo but from the "momogram" in the last minutes of
Destiny. Indeed, contrary to Michael's hopes in The Morning After,
the alien (Nesedo) offers little concrete information about the
teen's past. What little we get (outside the mother's message) comes
from Nesedo's reported speech through Tess.

Why doesn't Nesedo ultimately provide the information Michael hopes
for in this episode? Is it simply that he doesn't want to? Or is it
that he can't? Remember that Max later challenges him concerning the
working of the orbs. Just how much DOES Nesedo know--and why doesn't
reveal what he does?

And why was Atherton killed? In The Morning After we once again see
the autopsy photos of the unnamed corpse that Valenti originally
shows Liz in the Pilot. Later episodes will give us a positive match
between the picture of Atherton (on the cover of Aliens Amoung Us)
and the corpse in the photos. And River Dog will tell us that Nesedo
was Atherton's killer. But Pierce does not mention Atherton in the
litany of the dead that he recites to Max in The White Room. And
Nesedo never mentions his experiences on the reservation. And we
still have no guess as to the importance of this first corpse--or
the significance of Atherton for that matter--it is a curious
dangling plot element that remains dangling still as we go into the
show's second season.

2) ALIEN HUNTERS: Agents Topolsky and Stevens appear for the first
time in this episode. By Destiny they are both alledgedly dead.
Moreover Maria's warning in The Morning After--that there are
"special branches of the government" that hunt aliens is a brillant
foreshadowing of the next to last episode of the season -- The White
And Michael's words in The Morning After are chillingly premonitions
of the season's finale:

"We always have to be able to leave, pack a suitcase, go somewhere
else. Maybe 10 years from now, maybe a week from now, maybe
tomorrow. So my advice? Don't get in too deep, Maximillian. It only
makes us weaker."

Ironically, it is not only Max but Michael himself who "gets in too
deep" by the last episode.

3) MICHAEL'S FLASHES/THE KEY. Do you think we've ever really had
explained why Michael received the flashes from the key? Is it like
what Max will later experience when he picks up the CD in Liz's
room? But exactly how are we to understand what is happening in
either case?

Well, I have to admit--Roswell Revamped is a long way from the
simple SF of the Morning After. Still there is something very sweet
and nostalgic about this episode.

Well folks--the SF of the Morning After...What do you think?


[Edited by LSS on 06-05-2000 at 07:40 PM]

Level 3
  Registered: Jun 2000  Posts: 104
06-05-2000 08:36 PM

Can always count on you for explanations LSS.Sweet and nostalgic -
couldn't have said it better myself.

Level 3
  Registered: May 2000  Posts: 110
06-05-2000 08:45 PM

very nicely put!!!

Level 2
  Registered: Apr 2000  Posts: 70
06-05-2000 09:30 PM

It's not really about the SF, but did anyone notice how nice Micheal
was to Liz when she showed up at his house? He was asking about if
Hank had said anything and he seemed to care. The Micheal we know
today (I would have thought) would be mean because he was ashamed.
And how Max and Is had a different Dad.
And I just have to say that I loved how Kyle reacted when he was
spying on Max and Liz (when they were at Micheal's). I think that
may be one of my all-time fav. moments.

Level 3
  Registered: Apr 2000  Posts: 351
06-05-2000 09:42 PM

Just a point on the Atherton perspective ... perhaps the FBI agents
knew about Atherton well he did write a book about Aliens so they
might have been keeping an eye on him like they were keeping an eye
on Hubble, and for some reason maybe it was the FBI who killed
Atherton and Nasedo had tried to heal him but couldn't thus
explaining the silver handprint on the corpse....just a thought...


Level 3
  Registered: Apr 2000  Posts: 488
06-05-2000 10:05 PM


Good questions, although I'm not sure there are any explanations, at
this point. Still ...

1)The whole Atherton thing is still a mystery, just like Hubble's
wife. But as for Nasedo's inability to instruct the podlings about
much other than their own abilities, I think it was answered in the
cave. He's not "the" or even "a" leader, and caring for them is a
"job", not proof of personal investment. If you can believe him,
he's basically a servant, capable, resourceful and (somewhat)
competent, but out of the loop.

About Pierce: if Atherton wasn't an important person by FBI Alien
Hunter standards, then Pierce simply might not have been interested
... or maybe he didn't know. Like you see in X-Files, there's
usually a guy in the shadows behind the person "in charge"; could
there be one here, who wasn't neccesarily fully forthcoming with

2) Just a thought about Agents' Topolsky and Pierce: When they were
introduced, frankly, I figured they'd be ongoing adversaries of the
podlings as the Sheriff became an ally. But they died so quickly,
and I'm starting to wonder if they were really as much of a threat
to the podlings' mission (except, of course, for their attempts on
them individually).

So the question becomes, I suppose, who the serious enemies are. And
the way the show is going, I'm thinking that it won't be the humans,
the way the podlings have assumed up until now, but other aliens.
Was that the point of the final scene with the "beepers"?

3) Do you think it's significant that both Michael's and Max'
flashes occured in close proximity with people who, shall we say,
aroused a certain emotional state?

Max was in Liz' room for the first time, thinking rather heatedly
about Kyle being there too, probably in a "boyfriend" capacity (as
later episodes show, Max does feel jealousy as well as strong
positive feelings for Liz), when he flashed off the CD.

Maria was standing right in front of Michael, (almost?) touching him
encouragingly, mere hours after several "moments" on the road
together, during which Michael thawed towards her appreciably.

Probably irrelevant, I guess, but after Liz had all those
intimacy-related visions in SH ... it's worth asking if there's a
connection, right?

Oh, and sweet and nostalgic is fine, but I miss the humour most
intensely. I mean, I realize that wisecracks might have been out of
place in the last few episodes, but it would be nice to see them
relax occasionally in the new season.

Level 1  Registered: May 2000  Posts: 11
06-05-2000 10:09 PM

Yeah i agree Michael was very passive that day, the episode before
he was very cold towards Liz, i felt that there wasn't a lot of SF
in that episode, a good epi for SF would definately be Into The
Woods :)

[Edited by RoswellFreakJess on 06-05-2000 at 10:12 PM]

Level 3
  Registered: May 2000  Posts: 118
06-05-2000 10:20 PM

BehrAll and LSS, are you assuming that the aliens are willing the
flashes without realizing it? That both Max and Michael were
thinking about something so intensely that they were able to pick up
"residual" energy?

As long as we're on the subject, are there any rules about when
Michael's powers work and don't work? I thought that his emotional
state had something to do with it, but tonight in MA he was a little
heavy handed with the window lock for no reason. Later in ItW he is
able to heal River Dog's leg pretty easily, but in ID he can't cure
his own black eye.

Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 309
06-05-2000 10:51 PM

In the eraser-room scene, Liz wonders how she is going to "become
whoever it is that I'm gonna become..." Doesn't this sound like an
idea from Destiny? Earlier, she asks Max "...are you really 16 or
are you like 52 in a 16-year-old's body?" This looks like
foreshadowing the former-lives idea. Maybe also the idea that time
might get quirky where aliens are concerned.

Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 309
06-05-2000 11:15 PM

Michael's reference to Maximilian seems especially apt. The
19-century emperor by that name was of the nobility in his homeland,
but met an ill fate when he tried to be emperor of Mexico, where you
could say he was an alien: He was not accepted, but was soon
captured and executed. So this fits with Michael's warning to Max to
stay ready to leave and not to get in too deeply. But it also fits
with the Destiny idea that former Max was a nobleman in his home
country. How much freight one word can carry!

Level 3
  Registered: Apr 2000  Posts: 488
06-05-2000 11:47 PM

LadyJ: I just meant that maybe as a side-effect of heightened
emotions, the aliens are more susceptible, or maybe what I mean is
more receptive, to flashes (whether they're a result of psychic
episodes prompted by physical contact with residual energies or not
is debatable, but it certainly is a plausible explanation).

Didn't Max say something about that himself, when he explained how
he knew Kyle had been there? That's the comment that got me
speculating when I saw Michael have the vision when Maria moved
towards him and encouraged him to try again, but not before (except,
of course, the initial vision -- which, come to think of it, he had
during another situation fraught with tension. Hmmm.)

[Edited by BehrAll on 06-05-2000 at 11:50 PM]

Level 5
  Registered: Jan 2000  Posts: 1187
06-05-2000 11:48 PM

It feels strange to be posting here again after being away from the
boards for almost two weeks! But thanks again for the sci-fi
analysis, LSS. I don't have much to say except that, after
rewatching this episode (one that I don't watch often), it's amazing
to see that this entire season actually was planned out very
carefully to include almost all the information that we found out in
the last six episodes (Maria's use of the phrase "alien hunters"
immediately comes to my mind). It's very clear that the information
given in Destiny was thrown in at the last minute and drastically
changed things from the way they were supposed to end (with a
version of Four Square), but I think I have found one positive in
Genie Francis' speech (I still insist on referring to their mother
that way )

The most important plot change that resulted from the sudden onset
of facts at the end of the season is that Tess has been pushed out
of the picture (as a love interest for Max) almost definitely. If
the season had ended as it did in Four Square, there would have been
many seasons ahead for Max to wrestle with his feelings for her.
Instead, he confronted them somewhere in between Four Square and Max
To The Max (a time frame of about 20 minutes, maybe?) and decided
that Liz was the one for him. Even hearing Genie Francis' words did
not change his thinking. Something had to give in the scuffle
between the WB and the Roswell writers, and I don't think at all
that it was Max and Liz's relationship. It was the character of Tess
and whatever kind of strength and control over Max she was supposed
to possess. She's none of that now, and there is no way for her to
regain those qualities or the audience's trust.

And I'm very happy about that

Level 3
  Registered: Apr 2000  Posts: 351
06-06-2000 12:03 AM

Ok I know this is a little off Topic but it's just somethign that
been bothering me for some time now, so gusy get out your Pilot
Tapes and and rewatch the cheek test scene,

Did anyone notice in the Pilot Episode when Liz did the two cheek
samples that she used two differant liquids in each test, on hers
she used the light green solution bottle and on Max's test she used
a dark green solution from a dark brown bottle??? why did she not
use the same solution for both tests????


Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 215
06-06-2000 03:40 AM

I am pleasantly surprised to find a Sci Fi of thread this morning!

I agree that Nacedo's relationship w/Atherton and role in his death
are dangling plotlines. (Jumping ahead a couple of episodes, I'm
also still curious about what the FBI found in Atherton's house and
took from Max's room. Since Nacedo is in the FBI now, some info
could plausibly come out but Nacedo might filter it.)

Your point about Nacedo's role as an underling is interesting,
BehrAll, but it seems to me that even a servant could have answered
some of Michael's questions. At the very least, he could have
answered where they were from. I agree with you about the
flashes--Max said they got them sometimes when they were in
heightened emotional states. In White Room, Nacedo said that
emotions make them weak. However, emotions seem to trigger or
intensify some or all of their powers--Michael's flash in MA coming
in a tense situation (sheriff on the way), Max in Liz's room (seeing
it for the first time, jealous of Kyle, & a little scared because
the diary is missing), much of Sexual Healing, etc. Even in WR,
Michael couldn't "focus" until fear of what Nacedo would do to the
agent (& time pressure) kicked in.

Nemo, you bring up some neat, interesting points. Unlike Kate,
however, the cynic (and disappointed fan) in me doesn't see them as
evidence that the "entire season actually was planned out very
carefully." They simply had to address/acknowledge the apparent
inconsistency between the timing of the crash & the age of the
Podsters early on. The Liz line was part of a great scene exploring
the positives and negatives of being behind a tree v. in the
limelight, but I don't really believe it had any sci fi/Destiny
meaning at the time (even though I'd like to believe that).
Maximillian has some interesting connotations, but what about
Maxwell the other nickname used by Michael?
[I'm not saying that Nemo's points aren't valid or "there"--they
are. While its possible, I just doubt that the writers/producers
knew they were there at the time. I'm not sure why I feel the
opposite about Buffy--much of what strikes me as careful
construction involves double (or triple) entendres. I guess it's
because there are a few scenes or lines that have no other good
explanation until later episodes.]

Kate, I love your Tess pushed out of the picture theory--I hope
you're right!

Homezony, the solution thing bugged me too. WR made it worse by
saying that only their blood was non-human. I didn't see blood on
the pencil and always assumed she looked at cheek scrapings and/or

Miss Roswell
Level 3
  Registered: Feb 2000  Posts: 265
06-06-2000 04:33 AM

I caught Liz using 2 different colors when checking their saliva
too. I don't know what was up with that.

I hope you guys are right about that Tess the Mess thing.

I loved MA's ep. Now, I remember why I fell in love with the show in
the first place.

Level 4
  Registered: Feb 2000  Posts: 966
06-06-2000 06:12 AM


Originally posted by BehrAll
LadyJ: I just meant that maybe as a side-effect of heightened
emotions, the aliens are more susceptible, or maybe what I mean is
more receptive, to flashes (whether they're a result of psychic
episodes prompted by physical contact with residual energies or
not is debatable, but it certainly is a plausible explanation).

Didn't Max say something about that himself, when he explained how
he knew Kyle had been there? That's the comment that got me
speculating when I saw Michael have the vision when Maria moved
towards him and encouraged him to try again, but not before
(except, of course, the initial vision -- which, come to think of
it, he had during another situation fraught with tension. Hmmm.)

[Edited by BehrAll on 06-05-2000 at 11:50 PM]

BehrAll--the idea of residual energies is the best explanation that
I think we have for these flashes. They are substantially differernt
from those experienced during the later kissing scenes or the
"implanted visions" that are Tess originated.

As for Michael's irratic powers--Tess in Destiny will explain that
Michael has to learn simply to focus the energy that he has at his
disposal. What we are not told, of course, is why Michael has
trouble doing this while Max and Izzy apparently do not. It is
tempting to speculate on Michael's emotional status due to Hank's
nuturing (or lack thereof)--but that has never really been clearly

Also it is very nice (especially for Candygirls) to think that
Maria's proximity at Atherton's house gave Michael a "balance" he
normally had difficulty attaining--and thus enabled him to focus his
powers. If so--then it is one more reason to argue that humans are
helpers not hinderers when it comes to our favorite alien teens!!!


Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 309
06-06-2000 07:51 AM

JanetMG, did you get to see stuff I added recently to the previous
SF thread (Destiny), or did it slide away too quickly? (I was very
late getting there, and the discussion had moved on.) Here's the

[ Edited by Nemo on 06-06-2000 at 08:30 AM]

Level 4
  Registered: Feb 2000  Posts: 966
06-06-2000 08:44 AM


Originally posted by Nemo
In the eraser-room scene, Liz wonders how she is going to "become
whoever it is that I'm gonna become..." Doesn't this sound like an
idea from Destiny? Earlier, she asks Max "...are you really 16 or
are you like 52 in a 16-year-old's body?" This looks like
foreshadowing the former-lives idea. Maybe also the idea that time
might get quirky where aliens are concerned.

Nemo--You are correct of course. The question I always wonder is if
this is intentional or not. That is, is someone really going back
and making these connections or are they made on a subconscious
level and simply the marks of good story telling? For example--in my
own writing (non-fiction) I make connections that I later look back
and credit to a kind of "feel" for what "works". I wonder if
storytellers of the fiction kind do the same thing. Regardless of
whether it is intentional or not, however, these connections are
threre (as you noted). And I am surprised to see how many there
are--many of which can only be seen from a post-Destiny vantage


Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 215
06-07-2000 03:57 AM

Thanks for the link, Nemo--my old bookmarks aren't working on the
new board. I had missed your posts on the Destiny thread (recent
promotion + sailing weather = far less time on the board/online).

You bring up a lot of interesting details on the Destiny thread. I
guess I'm willing to believe that some of them were intentionally
inserted, particularly the Max-as-leader symbols because I do think
they planned ahead for him to be some of kind of leader.

I still think, however, that more of it comes from sharp observation
by you, GraceKel, Kate & others and that hindsight reveals
interpretations or symbols that noone involved with the show
intended to insert when it was filmed. [Actually, anyone out there
know who does the background stuff? the set designers? the
directors? This kind of thing (other than calling Max, Maximillan)
isn't part of the shooting script, so I doubt its the writers.] If
the Roswell folks were planning ahead, they were too subtle.

Level 4
  Registered: Feb 2000  Posts: 966
06-07-2000 06:39 AM

JanetMG and Nemo:

You know, Tepp and I got into this once when we talked about
Literary Criticism and diachronic/synchronic ways of reading texts.
Synchronic approaches look at texts as worlds unto themselves
regardless of authorial intention, whereas diachronic apporaches
take into account the text's authors.

The connections noted by Nemo, et. al. exist in the world of the
text/screen regardless of whether or not they were intentionally
placed there. In this sense they impact us the viewers--and it is an
impact quite apart from anything that may have been intended. On the
other hand, I have always been interested in looking at authorial
intent--that is, what did they intend for us to see? It is really
simply a matter of what level of the text you prefer--that of the
story itself, or looking behind it.


Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 215
06-07-2000 10:21 AM


Originally posted by LSS
It is really simply a matter of what level of the text you
prefer--that of the story itself, or looking behind it.


Hi LSS, I remember skimming that discussion, but can't remember
where or when. I think it was during a time I had a hard time
accessing the board. You & Tepp may have discussed this, so I
apologize if my thoughts are duplicative (and even if they aren't
duplicative, I'm pretty sure I'm making something explicit that
already is obvious to you).

I think authorial intent matters more when you're discussing an
on-going story, rather than a "finished" story. For purposes of
enjoying The Morning After as a stand alone episode, I agree that
the producers' intent may only be relevant to those (like me) who
prefer to look behind the story.

Whether the production folks intentionally inserted the details Nemo
& others have pointed out (or at least recognized their potential
after the fact), however, is very important when using those details
to speculate about Season 2 or to try to delineate (or rationalize)
the rather vague sci fi pronouncements we got at the end of this

Level 1  Registered: May 2000  Posts: 36
06-07-2000 06:51 PM

Regarding Atherton, please watch carefully 285 South next Monday,
6/12! When the kids enter the geodesic dome, the camara pans around
the room and it starts with the skylight! It bears the same Chrysler
logo that we see at the end of Destiny in the hands of the bad
aliens. This answers a couple of questions: 1. Nasedo killed him
because he was a threat to the squad or himself; and 2. Never
underestimate the writers. They have been giving us clues from the
beginning. Within 2 minutes of the Pilot starting, you hear Beavis
and Buthead (sp?) saying "We have to get rid of her!", continuing
with the almost subliminal messages and signs all around (read the
thread on things we have been missing), even Grandma Claudia's
pendant bearing the orbs' logo (I still think she is the clue to
Liz' specialness! and the clues are in the Lost Treasures book!).

I wish the last eps wouldn't have been so hurried but they all
follow the pattern: The answers will be provided! I have the
greatest trust on Jason Katims and the intelligence of his writers!

Level 3
  Registered: May 2000  Posts: 156
06-07-2000 10:28 PM


Originally posted by LSS
Synchronic approaches look at texts as worlds unto themselves
regardless of authorial intention, whereas diachronic apporaches
take into account the text's authors.


Originally posted by JanetMG
...Whether the production folks intentionally inserted the details
Nemo & others have pointed out (or at least recognized their
potential after the fact), however, is very important when using
those details to speculate about Season 2 or to try to delineate
(or rationalize) the rather vague sci fi pronouncements we got at
the end of this season.

Two things come to mind here:
1)It seems that the "synchronic approach" is inherent to discussion
of science fiction which is, by definition, an alternate reality.

2)The writers are going to have to build off of the past elements,
even if just to explain them away, and ultimately the preponderance
of evidence of a certain "truth" (such as the importance of Liz) is
going to be an awful lot of trouble to remove.

Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 215
06-08-2000 03:20 AM

bluecornmoon, Are you serious about Grandma Claudia having a pendant
with the symbol from the orb? Do you have any idea where a screencap
of it is or what scene in LN it appears? For some unknown reason,
that would help me a lot by restoring some level of faith in the

Level 4
  Registered: Feb 2000  Posts: 966
06-08-2000 06:17 AM


Are you sure you are not related to Nemo? You two would have a blast
talking "Roswell" background details. I will have to go back and
look at those scenes to which you referred. Like JanetMG, I am
curious about what you said concerning the orb symbol.

One of the dangling plot elements that we have from season one is
Grandma Claudia's identification as an archaeologist. There was
absolutely no reason to tell us that or to have us see her work with
indigenous peoples. I know several fanfic writers picked up on this
and ran with it. If she does indeed have a pendant with that orb
sign then perhaps these writers are on to something.

BTW--JanetMG--I agree with you on the issue of the importance of
authorial intent. Whereas Tepp is more into synchronic analysis -- I
am into diachronic. For example I think that it is extremely
important that Mary Shelley had a miscarriage and had nightmares
about bringing her baby back to life BEFORE she wrote Frankenstein.
I really like to explore the relationship between the final product
and the author's reasons for writing it. So--if those items are
there it is important to me because--like you--I want to ferret out
where they are taking the show.


Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 603
06-08-2000 10:27 AM

Bluecornmoon excellent post! I too have caught many of these things
after I finally took my eyes off Max and Liz long enough to pay
attention to smaller but SIGNIFICANT details---I missed the skylight
in the dome so I will have to go back and check it out. I do agree
that they have been giving suttle clues all along but we get lost in
the romance sometimes(well I know I do).

I do have a question about GC necklace? Am I mistaken or did Mr
Hubble also have the same symbol on this neck thing he was wearing
in UFO CONVENTION center? I could be wrong but it looked like the
same symbol!

Secondly I rewatched Leaving Normal again and noticed all that ortho
noticing Liz's specialness, and Grandma making sure that Liz was
hooking up with her soulmate that she would only know if it were
complicated. And I noticed when GC took a turn for the worse in
INTENSIVE CARE and Liz and parents come running-you have to slomo of
course but there is this guy who looks very SUSPICIOUS walking away
from INTENSIVE CARE and looking deliberately at LIZ'S father. I
wonder if he had something to do with GRANDMA taking a turn for the

I definitely heard they had the whole story mapped out for the
season so I believe they were giving clues all along. Or maybe it is
just the Liz in me "YOU'VE GOTTA HAVE A PLAN!"

This thread is supposed to be about MORNING AFTER and the only big
lines I got out of it was when Liz said "HOW CAN I BECOME WHATEVER
many are looking people we haven't always noticed.

Level 4
  Registered: Feb 2000  Posts: 966
06-08-2000 02:36 PM

Nemo--GraceKel--and now Bluecornmoon:

You folk are amazing!!! I am making a list of your observations and
am going to try to check them outthis week-end (I know I owe you a
couple GraceKel and MEP -- I have not forgotten--just haven't had
the chance to go back). What faithful/devoted Roswellians you all


Level 4
  Registered: Jan 2000  Posts: 899
06-08-2000 03:10 PM

Bluecornmoon: Can you expand on your observations in a little more
detail? You were offhand about them and they really deserve more

I'm intrigued by this, and like other posters here yesterday and
today, this makes me feel that we really were in the secure hands of
excellent storytellers, and that's why we all fell so hard for
ROSWELL. Of course these shows were early in the season. Are all old
bets now off because of the new edict about sci-fi 'Destiny'?

Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 603
06-08-2000 07:50 PM

Bluecornmoon we are waiting for you to return please reply. bumping

Level 4
  Registered: Feb 2000  Posts: 966
06-08-2000 09:52 PM

Okay folk--I need a bit of help here.

I had 15 minutes to spare so I slapped in my "Leaving Normal" tape
to catch a glimpse of Grandma Claudia's necklace. Now I do not have
a magnifying glass, but that did not look to me like the whirlwind
symbol we see later on the pendant and the orbs. Can I get a second
opinion for someone else here? I mean--I would really like it to be
the symbol becuase as Elliot said, that would indicate an
intentionality that in itself would be impressive. But I don't see
it--at least in Grandma's necklace.

Second opinion out there--please?


Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 309
06-08-2000 10:08 PM

JanetMG, you asked what Maxwell might refer to. Well, here are some
1. Nothing; Michael is just being playful.
2. It's hard not to be reminded of Secret Agent Maxwell Smart.
(Especially with Ms. Topolsky's call to HQ being answered
"CONTROL.") But would that help the story?
3. The physicist James Clerk Maxwell. The two topics that bear his
name most strongly are heat and electromagnetic radiation. Maybe it
refers to that radiant-heating power the aliens have, which Nasedo
has used to kill? This name first occurs in Monsters, just after a
mention of the 1959 corpse. Soon after that is the suspicious
business in the hospital, where the camera's focusing on the sign
RADIOLOGY vs. NEUROLOGY suggests to me that such a radiant-energy
attack was made against Grandma Claudia. I revised my remarks on the
other thread (see the link above) to try to be clearer about this.

Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 309
06-08-2000 10:18 PM

LSS: I don't see or claim to see the whirlwind symbol, only the
distinctive shape of the orb. The central item on the necklace has
that same "long football" shape (oriented vertically). I don't say
this is definitive. But it sets one thinking: could GC have had
something to do with the aliens? Why else would Nasedo or some other
alien be hunting her? As I think is suggested by those background
comments about hunters, serial killer homing in on a retirement
community "so it's got something for Grandma" etc.

Level 4
  Registered: Feb 2000  Posts: 966
06-09-2000 07:04 AM


Sorry I must have misunderstood you--the whirlwind symbol would have
been fantastic though!!!

I'm not sure I think simply the oval shape is by itself
significant--but the other elements you mention are intriguing. And
it is simply too much of a coincidence that we have Claudia as an
archaeologist. Twice later we see this same theme with Dogboy Doug
and with the artifacts that Harding amasses in his house. But I
simply don't know where they are going with it (Hey--they might not
even know!!)

Now I will look for that elusive Chrysler symbol people mentioned...

BTW Nemo--you need to check out bluecornmoon--you both share a love
of detail!


Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 603
06-09-2000 06:55 PM

Bluecornmoon is right there is that same symbol on the top of the
geo-dome in 285S. What it actually means I don't know.

LSS, no I did not see whirlwind galaxy symbol on GC necklace either
but Nemo, it does look very much the shape of the orb-and it does
look very old I gotta go back and look at UFO CONVENTION
ep again for Hubbles neck thing---I thought it might have been
similar to grandma's but might be wrong.

Another thing I did notice in UFO CONV ep is right b4 JON FRAKES
comes over to Max he is adjusting a clock and right above or below
it says VENUS-------hmmmmm --now what does this mean---the time is
not right for VENUS or it is just about time for VENUS or.....I
don't know....maybe someone with a greater mind then mine can come
up with it. If it means anything.

Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 309
06-09-2000 07:26 PM

GraceKel, there have been slowly growing references linking Venus,
the V star formation, and clocks or the idea of something (or
someone) whose time has come. I just noticed that in Leaving Normal
already there was a wall clock in the cafe with a border of lights
around it resembling a star formation, with a V at the bottom. As
soon as I saw it, Liz set down some dinners and the name of the
first one began with Venus. So your find (which I hadn't noticed)
fits neatly into this series. Thank you. I seem to remember that in
later episodes the cafe wall clock with the lights gets more
prominent somehow, and the camera more often crops it to show only
the bottom V part.

Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 603
06-10-2000 12:16 PM

Nemo thanks for the clue on the clock in the cafe,I will go back and
check that out-I had not noticed the clock in the Crashdown but I
have noticed several references to time and Venus.

Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 603
06-11-2000 03:38 PM

Nemo I must be stupid but I cannot find the clock!ha! Where in the
cafe is it?

Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 309
06-11-2000 05:59 PM

GraceKel, at the beginning, when Maria explains to Liz why the cafe
is so busy -- it's the orthodontists' convention -- they are walking
fast, the camera follows them, and on the wall behind them is the
clock with the lights around it. That time you see it squarely.
(Soon, as Liz talks to Max, you see it again, more from the side,
and the pattern of lights looks very different because they are not
flat on the wall, they are on stalks or something.) Don't look for
just a single V, there's a whole ring of lights. Parts of it are
V-shaped. (The clock in the center is very small.) At first you
might not connect it with the V we see in later episodes. (Although
it does plant the suggestion about time being written in the stars.)
Somewhere in the last six episodes it looks more convincing. But
once you watch for it you can see it already this early.

[Edited by Nemo on 06-11-2000 at 06:06 PM]

Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 309
06-11-2000 11:16 PM

Here are a few more details in early episodes that finally
registered with me. Apparent references to heat/fire/radiation,
possible hints that Grandma Claudia's relapse may not have been the
unaided work of time, and military imagery around Michael, etc.

Note: We have puzzled over Shiela Hubble as a handprint victim that
didn't fit the pattern. But if we count GC among the victims and Liz
as a likely intended victim, then there's an additional pattern:
Liz, her grandmother, and someone who resembled her.

101 Morning After

At Ms. Topolsky's first appearance, some kid remarks "she's on
fire." (posted by I Love Roswell, on another thread.) She gets the
wrong number for the sum of angles of a triangle: 360 degrees. Liz
corrects her: 180 degrees. [Compare: in the White Room, Pierce says
one handprint victim's burn reached 180 degrees.] Michael's last
line in the prior scene is "My dad's cooking."

One of Maria's lines to Liz calls her Madonna in jest, but the next
few words mention God, masses, and serving.

103 Leaving Normal

Max at the hospital (first time): Right next to his head (which is
injured but healing, like Grandma's) is an out-of-focus ceiling sign
glowing orange. Soon after, Nancy Parker, telling a story, makes an
upraised-hand gesture. About this time trouble strikes GC, and as
everyone rushes to her room, someone is leaving.

104 Missing (next after Grandma Claudia's death)

As Liz walks home through the darkened streets feeling watched
(hunted?), the many pedestrian "don't walk" signs look like upraised
hands glowing fiery orange. While Liz talks to Max at the museum, he
puts away a grotesquely large hand. Later, Max shakes loose the
contents of a vending machine, using a raised hand but without
visible force. Now we have seen all three aliens heating things or
transferring energy to the inside of something closed. "Inspector
Maria," on the case of the missing journal, speaks of reconstructing
a crime. Michael, at the end, suggests window locks "for when your
criminals happen to be human."

A sign on Michael's wall in the beginning shows something like a
lightning bolt zapping from one person to another. In Kyle's house
is a banner for "Power Sports Network." In Liz's house is a picture
with wavy lines suggestive of a radiation pattern. At the cafe, Max
quotes (from Atherton's book) something about the brain.

In the art classroom: A small soldier-like figure on the windowshade
string, looking like an assault trooper. The broken-limbed human
model, looking like a battle victim. A line in the music says
"X-ray, search and destroy." (Radiation, again!)


Inspector Maria (in Missing): I mean, this is Roswell. You can't
just ignore things like this.

[Edited by Nemo on 06-12-2000 at 07:15 AM]

Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 638
06-12-2000 08:15 PM

Nemo thanks for the heads up on the clock thing again I will have to
go back and look for it again.

You came up with some great new clues and I must say the one about
Michael saying "My dad's cooking----fits in with my theory about
Michael being related to Mr Harding and Tess.

In Leaving NOrmal I saw the guy leaving looking at Liz's father
rather suspiciously as they came running to intensive care unit.

Another thing I picked up on was when Nancy says "thankyou so glad
you could come" like he was an outsider Dr to the hospital not
someone on staff there! Dr Sanchez was his name----hmmmmm! Why did
they bring in an outside doctor? At least that is what I thought
they were trying to say unless someone has a better explanation.

Also in 285S I noticed the signs in Kyles room again---camera pans
to WARNING then a second later to sign that says DON'T MISS THIS---a
second or two later sign says "IN YOUR FACE" then back to "DON'T
MISS THIS" again---but I could not figure out what we were suppose
to notice----anyone else? NEMO?

Question-in 285S when they go into the DOME and camera pans up and
we see that symbol-Max looks back at Liz and Isabel--Liz seems
hesitant to come in---Isabel then looks over at Michael and he sort
of laughs---why? I did not get that----anybody else get it?

Nemo-You also think there is some significance to Mrs Hubble looking
very much like Liz----could Mrs Hubble have been killed but SOMEONE
managed to save the baby girl (LIZ) somehow? I don't know.

Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 638
06-13-2000 12:16 PM

Just bumping to first page again-this thread has so many interesting
things on it.

Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 330
06-14-2000 06:53 AM

GraceKel, about the signs in Kyle's room, I imagine they connect
with what Kyle is thinking at that moment: Liz has gone off with
Max; that bugs Kyle (it's "in his face"), Dad warns him to have
nothing to do with Max, but Kyle wants to know what's going on, it
looks like something important is happening and Kyle doesn't want to
miss it. That's my guess.

Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 330
06-14-2000 07:01 AM

The scene with Dr. Sanchez makes clear that he was already known and
trusted by the Parker family. It makes him a less likely suspect.

Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 330
06-14-2000 07:23 AM

About Shiela Hubble: This is just a guess, but it could account for
some things. I think Tepp and the others are right that Tess is not
the original fourth podster AlienMom was talking about; Tess is a
later substitute engineered by Nasedo or someone like him. (I
suspect she doesn't know that yet, just as she seemed not to know
that N. was killing people until Max told her.) I think that
original fourth one, now lost, was supposed to be much like Liz, and
that's why Max seems to recognize her on first sight. I suspect N.
killed Shiela Hubble in order to steal genetic material, and he
selected her because of the resemblance to Liz, the result he's
trying to imitate. I imagine it is to his surprise that Tess's
appearance turns out so opposite to Liz. It looks like much of what
N. does (like his botched plan to bait Pierce) turns out contrary to
his intent. [He meddles with things that are more complicated than
his understanding?] Maybe it is fitting that Nature does not
cooperate with his plans: the trickster gets tricked.

Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 330
06-14-2000 07:38 AM

If N. got human genetic material by killing and stealing, how did
AlienMom's people get theirs? Some less murderous method, I presume.
Maybe they asked someone. Maybe Grandma Claudia? Liz kept
emphasizing "She was so full of life." Hmmm.

If so, I am guessing that meeting with Claudia took place on some
previous alien visit to Earth. So it might be no accident that
Claudia saw the crash; she might have been watching for the ship's

I imagine the crash altered everyone's plans. Claudia now pursues a
profession that lets her search the Southwest. Hmmm.

[Edited by Nemo on 06-14-2000 at 07:46 AM]

Level 1  Registered: Mar 2000  Posts: 3
06-14-2000 08:40 AM

Hey everyone,

I've only recently discovered the sci-fi threads and so I hope that
I'm not bringing up a topic that has been thoroughly discussed

Also, this is more "Destiny" related, but since the discussion here
has been about Liz and her potential "otherness", I thought I would
bring it up.

First of all, a question: how do holograms work? Was mom able to see
the kids when she spoke to them or is it simply a recording and she
was guessing that all four of them were standing in front of her?

If she could somehow see them (or, really, it would still work even
if she couldn't see them) she would have seen Max, Isabel, Michael,
Tess... and Liz. She doesn't specifically state names or point them
out as she refers to them (I don't think. Need to go back and watch
again). This leaves open the possibility that she was referring to
Liz when she mentioned Max's "young bride" (that statement still
makes me gag).

I am a firm believer that there is more to Liz than meets the eye. I
find the sudden changes in her body (i.e. the fever she developed in
SH) and the flashes she received while kissing Max as proof of this.
What if the flashes of the crash were not something she pulled from
Max's subconscious or from Nasedo's or anyone else's? What if they
were from her own? Perhaps she and Max just needed to finally give
in to their feelings for one another without any fear or reserve
before this phenomenon could kick in.

I know, I know. Where does Tess fit into the equation then? I'm
still working on that.


Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 638
06-14-2000 02:20 PM

Hi Nemo--my point about Dr Sanchez was not to enlist him as
SUSPECT---I just thought it odd that they brought in an outside
doctor---could there be something special about GRANDMA CLAUDIA that
they don't want regular hosp staff to see? I know it is just a
theory-just throwing it out there. I did not mean Dr Sanchez killed
Grandma---I think the guy who took a long stare at Liz's father did.
You can see him leaving INTENSIVE CARE as they are running toward

I know what you are saying about GRANDMA being SO FULL OF
LIFE--mentioned quite a bit and she says to Liz at the end "you
remind me of myself so EXCITED ABOUT LIFE!" Almost saying FULL OF
LIFE! I think there is definitely a connection---ha! And if there
isn't well there should be!

Nemo I put this on another thread 285S about what you said about "my
dad's cooking" and it made me think of the fact that in ID at the
end Michael says to Isabel, "there's a lot you don't know about me,
I can cook!" And he is now cooking at the CRASHDOWN. Could this mean
that he could have this ability to COOK(180 degrees COOKING I MEAN)?

You could be right about Kyle and Sheriff's conversation and the
meaning of the signs--I could not find anything significant either
so you are probably right.

Dairyland welcome to a SCIFI thread, yes we all think that Liz has
some special importance in the ALIEN MYTHOLOGY---I myself tend to
believe that Max and Isabel were meant to hook up with
humans-----and that Mr Harding brought Michael and Tess to stop this
from happening----somehow I think Michael got lost and (lucky for
him) if you notice Michael always says "MY VISIONQUEST" or "NO
NOT LETTING ME WAIT" He always says I not WE why? He has said time
and again "Nasedo is my family and I am going to find him"---maybe
truer words were never spoken----it is just a theory but its as good
as any others I have seen so right now I am sticking with it til we
find out something different.

I think it would be wonderful for Michael to have been born of the
dark side but is changed by his connection to Max, Isabel, and the
humans(especially Maria).

Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 638
06-15-2000 10:13 AM

Bumping for a reply to keep on first page.

Level 1  Registered: Mar 2000  Posts: 3
06-15-2000 10:57 AM


I also think Nasedo and Tess are of the "evil" nature. The fact that
the version of them breaking out of the pods differs so drastically
from the earlier episodes to those when Tess is on the scene leads
me to believe that they are more implanted images.
Tess and Nasedo are there simply to make sure that the "real"
destiny is not fulfilled.

I am intrigued with your theories about Michael (i.e. that he is
also of the evil race). What you have said certainly makes sense. My
only question then is what happened to Isabel's true fiance and
Max's second-in-command? Any thoughts?


Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 638
06-15-2000 02:17 PM

Dairyland I am not settled on that part of the theory yet but I will
throw out a couple of ideas I have been floating around in my head.
First in the WR episode Isabel tells Tess that Max has told her
Pierce wants to know how the orbs work and she says she doesn't know
how they work but she produces some voodoo anyway. But you must
admit that she now knows that the podsters don't know how they work
either---which leaves the door open for her to make them work in a
way that she wants to-----and makes up that destiny bologna on her
own which fits with the whole reason she needed pics of them as kids
for the faked visions and even her fake book.
This could mean they are meant to hook up with humans.
The other theory is maybe that whole orb thing with the mother is
true but Max's bride and his second in command were tampered with
and killed or maybe alien friendly thought they were endangered so
they were moved--or maybe they did not come the pod root they came
down through generations because they knew someone might try to mess
with them if they came together in a neat little package that way.
And this could link up SH or Grandma Claudia and then to Liz and as
for Isabel's well I don't really know but wouldn't it be a complete
tragedy if it were suppose to be PIERCE who is completely human like
Liz(did you see the strange look he gave Isabel when they were
stopped for speeding) but because of the evil alien messing and
playing around with this destiny they managed to destroy Isabel's
betrothed. I know it is probably getting too far out there--my mind
just rambles is just a theory--need to know more b4 we can
really find out.

Level 1  Registered: Mar 2000  Posts: 3
06-15-2000 02:51 PM

GraceKel: Ooohhhh... I forgot about the pictures. She would need
photos of them for the book and to plant visions in their minds.

Okay, as for the Isabel's fiance part, let me see if I understood
what you were saying (and please let me know if I've screwed this
up). You propose that Pierce may have been Max's friend and Isabel's
destiny? But due to circumstances we are not aware of, things got
off course and he ended up being their enemy instead? He is
certainly obsessed enough with them and there is a fine line between
love and hate. He's perhaps a little old, but it is an interesting

As far as throwing out ideas that are too wild - nah. I love to play
devil's advocate and toss out crazy theories; and with sci-fi, it
takes a lot for it to be too crazy. Brainstorming is the best way to
find the right path, even though our ideas don't count for much.
We're probably all way off base from what the writer's are planning.
Either that or they are monitoring the boards hoping to pick up on
some good plot ideas from us. Wouldn't that be a hoot?


Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 638
06-15-2000 07:55 PM

Well Dairyland maybe I was so used to seeing Pierce play a good guy
in RELATIVITY and I thought he kind of matched up well with ISABEL
that my mind starting wandering but I DID THINK THAT HE GAVE ISABEL

Okay now go with me on this, now right now they have shown Pierce to
be pretty darn evil to our podsters but what if it is a matter of
perspective---maybe the only aliens he was used to dealing with in
the past is the NASEDO(MR FRY MAN)who kill humans like it was
nothing. As a human you would come to believe that these aliens are
a real threat to the earth---now comes along our innocent
podsters-half human but all he can imagine is the same type of alien
he has been dealing with in the past. Do you see what I am getting
at? It would be a matter of perspective. Well I guess he is dead now
so its too late but it would be a tragedy if he was originally
planned to hook up with Isabel---Is he that much older? I hadn't
really noticed ha! But you could be right!
Here is another thought--suppose Nasedo shapeshifted into Max and
kidnapped Liz and lead Max into the FBI trap on purpose just so he
could gain their trust by rescuing him.
Because quite frankly it was a pretty dumb plan to set a trap for
Pierce--and our pod squad has had nothing but trouble since Tess and
Mr Harding/Nasedo have been around (NOT EXACTLY WHAT I WOULD CALL A

My one last thought that has bothered me and I hope they address it
right away---I hope Max didn't buy this hook line and sinker cuz I
don't see why he is trusting someone that kidnapped Liz----this
doesn't make sense to me at all---so my brain is telling me that Max
is not duped and that he will question everything right away when we
return next season. That is not just my hope because I love Liz and
Max together but it is the only thing that would make sense to
me---would you suddenly trust someone who kidnapped the person you
were in love with?

Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 330
06-15-2000 09:21 PM

GraceKel, you asked whether Michael has the power to radiate bursts
of heat with his hands. Well, he melted shut the latch on Kyle's
locker, remember? And recently Max did something similar to Kyle's
closet door. And long ago we saw Isabel reheating coffee and tacos.
So apparently all three of them can do that.

Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 638
06-15-2000 09:36 PM

Well Nemo you were the one who brought up the dialogue from the
Morning After about "my dad's cooking" weren't you---so I guess I
just ran with it cuz of my theory about Michael/Tess/Nasedo
connection. But you are right they do all seem to have those heating
up powers, very good point!

Level 3
  Registered: Jan 2000  Posts: 110
06-16-2000 12:51 AM

I wrote this for the thread about Liz's importance to the alien
mythology but thought I would copy and post it here in case anyone
wants to comment on it. Here is part of what I wrote:
Over the last few days, I have re-watched a few of the episodes and
I found some things I think might be important. I will readily admit
that I was looking for clues so I might be stretching things a
little (seeing meaning in things that don't have a "mythology"
meaning). I will also admit that I am already of the opinion that
Liz is important to the mythology. I believe that IF alien mom's
message was true (not tampered with by Tess) then perhaps in their
previous alien life, Max was the leader of his race of aliens and
maybe Liz was a member of the "evil"/opposing alien group. In this
other life, Michael (as the no.2 guy behind Max) could have found
out about their forbidden love affair and tried to get rid of Liz
only to realize later that Liz was a good "person". Tess, as Max's
intended could also have decided to get rid of the competition. I
believe GraceKel (found out later it wasn't GraceKel's idea but I
don't know whose it was) first mentioned this idea and how
wonderfully it would play into the whole Romeo and Juliet thing that
this show portrays. I am not saying that Liz Parker is an alien,
maybe just that in another lifetime her soul was in an alien's body.
If someone can better explain this theory then go for it! Anyway, I
will list what I noticed actually occurred and then put my
interpretation of it in ().

The Morning After
-When discussing Topolsky's arrival with Liz, Maria says "No one is
who they say
they are". (Hmmm, does this mean that Nasedo and Tess might not be
who they say they are?)
-Topolsky (FBI) has Michael's records but not Max's or Isabel's, at
least according to what they show us on camera. (Why does the FBI
suspect Michael but not Isabel or Max? Michael has not done anything
to tip the FBI off that he might be an alien. Could someone, Nasedo,
be working with the government and have tipped them off that Michael
is an alien too?)
-When Max is talking with Michael outside the Crashdown and Liz is
inside trying to convince Maria to cover for her, Liz comes out and
we see her in the background. Both Max and Michael then turn to look
at her and we see Liz's image in between Max and Michael's image.
(Showing that Liz is coming between Max and Michael. See my comments
below for a visually similar scene in the Balance.)
-Max says to Michael "Don't do anything stupid". (Again, Max does
not trust Michael to make smart/good decisions. Could this distrust
have to do with something Michael did to Liz in their previous
-When Max asks Liz to lunch while he walks her back to the
Crashdown, there is a song by the Cardigans playing in the
background. The lyrics are (I think): "this feeling inside me is
growing and I KNEW someday that YOU WOULD COME". (Implying that
maybe Liz knew even before she met Max that he would be coming for
-Michael is the only one to get visions from the key. (Why? Maybe
because like GraceKel thinks, Michael is somehow different than
Isabel and Max.)
-Michael says to Max: "Don't get in too deep Maximillian. It only
makes us weaker". (Michael sees Max's relationship with Liz as
making Max weaker. Another instance where we see Michael pitting
himself against Liz.)

Any thoughts?

Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 638
06-17-2000 08:10 PM

Rosfan I was having trouble following your theory--are you saying
that Liz was of the opposing side on another planet--the side that
Michael is on? I was having trouble following it?

Nemo--I am responding to something you put on another thread maybe
Mythology Thread about Grandma Claudia witnessing the crash because
she might have been waiting for the ship---prearranged agreement
from a past encounter of human genetic material is that right? It
sounds pretty good to me!

Dairyland-getting back to that way out there theory about AGENT
PIERCE--one more thing that does fit with this theory. Liz found one
orb and PIERCE had the other. Coincidence? hmmmm?

Okay I found something in the Toyhouse episode and I would like
others to have a look at it cuz I know it could be wrong but looking
for another set of eyes to look at this. In the TOYHOUSE ep when
Human MOM comes into Isabel's bedroom to talk to her asking her what
she remembers from the past b4 Daddy and I came for you (beside the
mother is a poster with a pic of a guy---who I think looks very much
like PIERCE!) Am I crazy, has my brain been fried or what ha! The
camera focuses on this shot for quite awhile but of course slo-mo
helps quite a bit if you have it. Will someone have a look and see
what they think? Thanks!

Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 638
06-18-2000 10:23 AM

Bumping to first page so it doesn't get lost.

Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 330
06-18-2000 12:12 PM

GraceKel, I will watch for that picture next time I see Toy House.
There's another one that puzzles me: in Leaving Normal, between Liz
and Grandma talking about soulmates, there is a picture that seems
to resemble some of the images we have seen in flashes between Max
and Liz. Is there some significance to that? It seems to come into
view too often to have no purpose.

Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 638
06-18-2000 02:26 PM

Nemo are you talking about the pic that if you were entering Liz's
bedroom it would be to your right on the wall---the one with the
LONG DARK HAIRED WOMAN and....if so I have also commented on this
pic being prominent when Mom was having the sex talk with Liz in SH.
Or is it another---there is another pic in her room with a WINDMILL
in it and I noticed that in TOYHOUSE Max has the same WINDMILL type
structure behind his head when talking to Isabel about putting the
brakes on the Liz thing---is this significant-not sure maybe or
maybe not!

Also in the Claudia's hospital room there is a pic of what appears
to be a long dark haired Indian woman-significance if any-not sure!

Are any of these the ones you were talking about? Or is it

Level 3
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 330
06-18-2000 04:26 PM

I think it's none of those; it's the one you see between Liz and
Grandma just when they are having their "soulmate" discussion. And
you can see it a little earlier, when they walk into the room.
That's Liz's room, right? It's just before Maria joins them. The
picture seems like a boy with dark hair similar to to the images of
Max when he first encountered Liz at school. But why would Liz have
a picture of that in her room at that time? So maybe it's someone

Level 4
  Registered: Dec 1999  Posts: 638
06-18-2000 07:31 PM

Yes Nemo I noticed that pic too and it does look like a young boy
and I thought now why would that be in her room and then I thought
well maybe it is a pic of her with short hair but she never did have
short hair did she even when she was young but they have never shown
the pic close up so....I guess we will have to wait and see.
Interesting though!
What about the other pics any thoughts on those? Well I know that
the pic in the hosp room seems to reinforce the INDIAN connection
somehow but....

I think I am going to lose my mind if I do not figure things out b4
next season...ha!

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