more cut scenes

Skin and Bones Cut Scenes

"There are some cut scenes where only one sentence was cut. For instance:
1. When Nacedo pulls Max into the alley, (Milkyway was there when they filmed it), and Max answers his inquiry about how he is getting along with Tess. Max actually answers "I haven't performed any mating rituals if that's what you're asking about. AND I DON'T INTEND TO! BTW, the script doesn't show the line that Liz says that she is not a dork! She just tells Max about the lab at the university and then the script says:
ON MAX, TAKING THIS ALL IN. And the scene ends there.

but there was a scene cut from Isabel and Grant's meeting out in the desert. While I was watching, I think they might've finished out the scene but it ended up on the cutting room floor because the transition to the following scene is so abrupt. Anyway, here's the scene:
Isabel: Beats working at the cheese factory.
Grant reaches into his bag and takes out some fruit and a sandwich wrapped in foil.
Grant: Lunch?
I: I don't know.
G: Are you sure? The radiation level here is extremely low.
Isabel looks at him, considers, then:
I: Why not...

This cuts to the Sheriff's station. I don't know if these lines were in the episode because I can't recall them. Sorry if they were in the episode:
Valenti working in the bullpen when Whitaker walks in.
Valenti: Congresswoman Whitaker. I heard you were in town.
Whitaker: Just want to stay in touch with my constituency.
V: Yeah, I believe the last time we saw you around here was the Christmas Parade in '98. Sure there's nothing else going on?
And then it goes onto the scenes I remember (the tape recorder, etc.).

After Maria tells Michael she misses him and Michael says "I know, but don't".
Michael walks back to the crowd. Hold on Maria a beat.
Max (whispers, tenderly): Let him come to you.
Maria: Shut up.
Max: I am going to go get some sleep.
Max starts outside and we cut to:
Max emerges and stops seeing Liz.
Liz: Hey
Max: Hey. Let me ask you a question. I know what you said. That things couldn't go back to the way they were. But pretend they could for just one second. Could you and I go back too?
Liz (beat, tenderly): I can't pretend Max.
He looks at her, smiles, something about how she said this let's him know that she would. He reaches out and touches her arm. When he does, we move in on Liz' face.
And we see a series to IMAGES - that Liz sees. Deep, emotional and romantic flashes. Max lets go. Looks at her.
Max: What?
Liz: 'Night. Good night, Max.
Max: 'Night Liz.
And he walks off with hope in his heart.......

This is while watching the senate hearings, after Isabel says "we still have enemies we have to deal with".
This immediately brings an unspoken tension between Max and Isabel.
Max: It's been over three months and nothing has happened. No aliens have shown up. Maybe there's no one out there. Maybe the war is over.
Isabel: Or thousands or them could be lining up outside of town right now.
Max: I just don't think we should live our lives in fear like Michael.
Isabel: (touchy terrain) Maybe he is just preparing for the inevitable. (beat) Max, I'm trying to listen to what our mother said. That you're the leader.
Max: We're not at war. I don't have to be a leader.
Isabel: But what if we are? Then you need to be on better terms with Michael. We need to be strong. Isn't that what our Mother said?
Max (whispers so Maria doesn't hear): If you were listening to everything our Mother said, you'd be with Michael.
Isabel: You know that's not what I'm talking about.
This tension is broken by:
Maria (re: the TV): They're taking a vote
Max and Isabel.
Isabel: So, the only way to get the guard out of the way is for me to use my femenine wiles?
Max: You have a problem with that?
Isabel: I'm a princess, not some harlot.
Max: We're a small army. We gotta wear many hats.
Isabel: Fine.
Isabel puts a huge smile, looks at Max.
Isabel: You're going to pay for this.
And she walks up to the guard.
After Max does what he does with the bones, there is another scene at the Therapist's office:
Therapist's voice: So, how was your week?
Max faces John Shanahan.
Max: Okay, nothing special. Cleaned up some loose ends. That sort of thing.
John: Sometimes, settling something in your past is the best way to move forward.
Max: I have to say I feel pretty optimistic. I think all this craziness is over. I really do.
On Max, truly believing this is true, at least for the moment.
I'll post them as Marie gives them to us.
There's one scene that she mentioned that she hasn't sent yet but it's regarding all the things that Max says to the therapist, like telling him that the consequences of all this was he lost the only girl he ever loved.

Whitaker and Pierce lay naked in the sheets, they've just made love. Whitaker catches her breath, flushed.
Whitaker: Wherever you've been getting those new techniques of yours, I approve. Ever since you came back from Roswell. It's like you're a different person.
Pierce: Nautilus.
She pours a drink.
P: So, I heard about the bones.
W: I thought you were just a civilian now.
P: I am. I'm worried that you're getting too caught up in this.
W: No, you're trying to sleep your way back into the game. If you can't hunt aliens for the FBI, you'll do it for sport. Sorry, Daniel, you lost your stake in this when you sold me out to the committee.
P: I didn't sell you out. What I said was true. There is no such thing as Cadmium-X.
W: Let's talk about it three months from now when I'm picking up my Nobel prize.
P: Vanessa. Stop this! I don't want to see you lose everything over this.
She looks at him, what he has just said changed everything.
W: Daniel, what happened to you in May?
P: I told you. I was wrong.
W: No. I know you. You would never give up. This isn't you.
There's also a scene between Isabel and Grant that was cut out.

When Max and Liz are in Whittaker's office looking for the info of where the bones are and Max gets angry:
Liz: So, I guess it's not all over..
Max: It can be. These are just bones that have been dug up. Pieces of the past. If I can just fix this, it can all be over. Things can go back to how they were.
Liz: Max, I don't think they can. I mean, I really hope and pray that you can be safe again, but things will never be the same again as they were.