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We Are Family Cut Scenes

After Valenti and Lubetkin were trying to talk over each other.

Judge Lewis: We had a happy ending, but it could’ve gone another way. Four bodies – two of them honors students – could’ve ended up in that pit. Why didn’t you call for backup, Jim?

Valenti doesn’t have an answer. (Continues as aired)

Act 1:
The classroom is doused in blacklight. Mr. Seligman leads the class in a lab experiment.

Mr. Seligman: Deoxyribonucleic acid. Better known as DNA. As you’ve learned in your reading, provided you’ve done it, DNA is a carrier of genetic information in cells. It is the structure by which hereditary traits are passed from parent to child. Put simply, it determines who you are.

Mr. Seligman continues. Find Max and Liz listening on the lecture in the back of the room. Alex is a few tables away.

A door opens in the back of the room, and Michael slips in. Alex notices his entrance, but the rest of the class is busy with their lab assignment and does not.

Mr. Seligman: OK. Let’s start by taking a sample slice from the specimen in front of you.

A glowing mushroom and various petri dishes rest on a tray in front of Max and Liz. Michael sneaks up to Max, hovers next to the desk. He whispers.

Michael: We gotta find that girl, Maxwell. Isabel is sure she’s in danger.

Liz: Did she get another flash?

Michael: It was more like intuition.

Alex steals another glance at their table. He’s too far away to hear what’s going on.

Max: There’s an A.P.B. out on Laurie. What makes you think we could find her if the Sheriff’s Dept. can’t? Besides, that kidnapper is still out there.

Michael: Don’t worry. He’ll never see me. I know how to keep a low profile.

Out of nowhere, Mr. Seligman arrives at their table.

Mr. Seligman: Mr. Guerin, when we inject the DNA from our glowing mushrooms into the bacteria sample, what can we expect to happen?

Michael stands there as if he owns the place.

Mr. Seligman: Time’s up. The DNA will carry traits from one set of cells to another.

Michael: I just wanted to see what the kids were doing in the A.P. classes, Mr. Seligman.

Mr. Seligman: I’ll loan you our textbook for tomorrow’s detention. Goodbye.

Michael leaves, and class rolls on.

After Valenti tells Michael to go on home.

Michael starts off.

Michael: I wanted to write a letter or something. You know, on your behalf. I just didn’t know if it would do any good.

Valenti: It already did.

Michael goes, and a touched Valenti gets back to work.

Act 2:
After Isabel knocks on the bedroom door and told Laurie it was OK to come out.

Max: Shouldn’t she be with the police, or back in the hospital?

Isabel: She told Valenti she was kidnapped by something that wasn’t human. After seeing those crystals that Michael found, he’s thinking of believing her. (Continues as aired)

After Duff told Valenti that their arrangement is over.

Duff: (to Hanson) Arrest this man.

Hanson pulls out his cuffs but can barely approach Valenti.

Hanson: Sheriff, I’m sorry.

Valenti: She gave you an order, Deputy. Follow it.

Off Valenti, as things go from bad to worse.

Act 3:
When Alex teases Liz about her and Sean.

Liz: I can assure you; there was absolutely no twinkle. Besides, there’s too much going on with Max, and Isabel, and Michael to think about anything like that.

Alex: So, are you and Max back together?

Liz: Call it a holding pattern. (Continues as aired)

When Max and Isabel couldn’t believe Valenti was fired.

Michael: Believe it. That moron Hanson is acting Sheriff until they can appoint someone new. (Continues as aired)

Before Kyle leaves, after dropping the bag of crystals.

Kyle: (to Max) Everyone you touch suffers.

Act 4:
While Max looks through the microscope and examines the crystals.

Perched on the edge of the desk, the crystals begin to seep through the bag, as if they’re eating through the plastic. The kids don’t see this.

Max: They’re pulstating. Like they’re alive.

Isabel: Look out!

Isabel notices the crystals. They have eaten through the bag and are about to fall to the floor. She grabs for the crystals, catches them in her bare hands, and is hit with a series of flashes – blood, chromosomes, etc. We’ve seen these flashes before (TS&P), but there’s another component. Flashes of a little girl (a young Laurie) playing with a yo-yo. The montage moves faster, and we see our Laurie Dupree. Awkward. Skittish. She rides a bicycle. Poses before a mirror in a formal dress. Looks at her reflection and screams.

Isabel snaps out of the flash. Max grabs an empty drinking glass, and Isabel drops the crystals into it. She gasps for breath.

Max: What happened?

Isabel: I flashed to the same things I saw when I touched Laurie for the first time. Blood cells. Biological stuff.

Michael: How do you know they belong to her?

Isabel: She was in the flashes, too. Trust me, Michael. I saw it. Those crystals are Laurie Dupree.

Amy: I’m sorry about your boots.

Valenti: They’ll dry.

Amy: I shouldn’t have gotten us so close to that ski boat. But I was right. There were no lines.

Valenti: It was fun. Thanks.

They shift in their seats, like two kids back from a first date.

Valenti: (cont’d) I haven’t had that in a long time. Fun, I mean.

Amy: Well, I’m glad, Jim. (Continues as aired)

Valenti approaches the back porch. He’s flush from the magic of the evening. As he unlocks the door, Max steps out from the shadows.

Max: Sheriff.

Valenti: What’s wrong?

Max reaches into his jacket pocket and produces Valenti’s badge.

Max: This is yours. I stole it back.

Valenti: Max, thank you, but this isn’t the kind of thing you should be doing.

Max: I’m going to fix this. You’ll wear it again.

There’s a beat as Valenti tries to think of something to say.

Max: Goodnight.

As quickly as he appeared, Max is gone.

Valenti: Yeah. Yeah, it was.

Valenti unlocks the door and steps inside.

When Isabel said it was wrong digging through people’s stuff.

Michael: We don’t have a lot to go on, here. You flashed with Laurie’s DNA in those crystals. As long as the F.B.I. is guarding her 24/7, this basement is our only resource.

Isabel: She called us aliens. I know she’s crazy, but what if they start believing her?

Michael: Then we’re screwed. Again. (Continues as aired)