Theories and ideas were originally posted to the message boards of FanForum's Roswell 1 and Ros 2, The WB, blu 5 and UPN 11, later on the SciFi BB, and may have been discussed on RAMS (Roswell Ate My Soul) or RATDG (Roswell Anti-Terrestrial Dwellers Gathering), or later at Foreverdreaming or RTFC (Roswell The Final Chapter) boards.

Main characters were orginally created by Laura Burns with Melinda Metz in the Roswell High book series.

All scripts, storylines, and symbolic images referred to from the Roswell television show are/were property of The WB, Twentieth Century Fox, Regency Television, UPN, USA Networks, Studios USA, USA Films, SCIFI.COM, and/or Jason Katims.

No copyright infringement intended, all images displayed solely for purposes of academic discussion. Any commercial usage is a violation of copyright.

All screen captures originally posted on crashdown.com unless otherwise indicated. Thanks to theDDD.net and Momo for providing screen caps. Background photo this page and the Roswell Science Fiction and Mythology Theories Home Page by Qfanny, alterations by shapeshifter.

This site is not associated with the SciFi channel, UPN, FanForum, or any other commercial entity.

Unless otherwise indicated, all names used are FanForum, Blu5, or other message board identities and not legal names of individuals.

Qfanny and shapeshifter are ultimately responsible for content, design, concept, and coding of this site.

Many thanks to FanForum posters who allowed us to use their original ideas, and special thanks to Nemo for additional editorial assistance, to RD for providing additional Web space, and to Vihmakass for Web space and coding of the Season 2 Sci Fi Threads.
And additional thanks to jero and Clint for sharing content and coding.

Send Comments to webslave.

This site © September 2000
Last modified February 5, 2005