Topic: Liz's
Importance to the Alien Mythology - Thread #17 |
By Zero |
07:28 PM |
Welcome to the 17th thread of the continuing discussion of
“Liz’s Importance to the Alien Mythology.”
We have been dissecting all the Roswell episodes, one by
one, finding “clues” to Liz’s importance to the Alien
Mythology and other relevant topics – and there are a lot of
them! Shapeshifter and Qfanny have graciously agreed to set up
a single link to the former threads that are available to
read. You can find it at
The following is a summary (sorry it is so long!) of some
of the thoughts and theories that have been expressed on the
previous threads. I try to incorporate new theories as we move
through Season 2 and new clues are unveiled, however, not all
theories are covered in-depth. Our basic thesis is that LIZ IS
Liz’s importance to the pod squad – and the survival of the
human race for that matter - and theories concerning the
beings and mysteries swirling around Liz – are what we
dissect. So – feel free to join on in, or just lurk! And don’t
worry about going off on a tangent – they all tend to lead
back to Liz’s importance!
First – and foremost – the general consensus is that Liz is
important to the alien mythology and the pod squad, and that
there is more to the Liz/Max connection than a mere attraction
(i.e., a crush). From that first look – Max getting off the
bus in Kindergarten (or 1st grade – time seems to be operating
in many dimensions recently ) - Max has been strongly
attracted to Liz. Max often makes comments such as “It was
You!” and “I’m coming for You!” that leads us to believe that
her importance to him was beyond the bounds of “normal.” How
Liz is important is where the fun – and this thread! - comes
in. We now know that if things continued on the “current”
course, Liz and Max would end up married, and all H#** would
break out, resulting in Earth being taken over – by their
enemies (Skins? – we don’t know since FM never says) in 2014 –
all due to the cementing of the L&M connection (and Tess’
leaving the group as a result of that connection) – a
connection that Liz has broken by her deception at Future
Max’s urging in TEOTW. But, has she truly broken that
connection irreparably or just temporarily? Lets go back to
the beginning, since few (if any) questions re: that
connection have been answered in this Season – yet!
Most believe that when Max healed Liz and then caused a
"reverse connection" (Pilot), that something changed in Liz –
whether the change was new or an awakening of something
already a part of her is not known. Many feel there is
something that goes to the core of who Liz is: · Maybe from
a past life on the pod squads planet (Is she the true love of
Max’s previous life? But if so, why did she disappear in
Wipeout?); · Could Liz or her essence have had a previous
life encounter with Max’s alien “essence” or human DNA donor
here on Earth; · Was Liz the original “4th” podster (and
Max’s true mate) who “hatched” early, failed to have her alien
essence develop completely, and was humanized by her human
parents (Though this seems less and less likely after TEOTW,
and now that we see that there are duplicate podsters – with
Tess included. Why did they show that leaking pod in Sof47,
and is it relevant to Liz?); · Was Liz the "second in
command" referred to in the Mom'ogram, who somehow
(deliberately?) was separated from the group and sent
separately to Earth; · Could Liz be the Trojan Horse –
containing something within her of importance to the podsters
or their enemies – or contain the essence of a Leader, such as
part of Max’s alien essence; · Could it just be Liz's
advanced human intelligence (she is a self-admitted “nerd”)
that "connects" her to Max. (Let’s hear it for Smart Girls! )
These are just a few of the theories offered. The
connection that Max had to Liz started the day he first got
off the bus in kindergarten (or 1st grade) and saw her, and
was awakened in Liz by the healing and reverse connection that
occurred in the Pilot. She seems to have been drawn to him
prior to the healing, but figured he was not interested in her
– they obviously knew each other since 3rd grade and were lab
partners. Some have wondered if the way Max held the back of
Liz’s neck during the healing could have changed her cerebral
cortex – the location that Pierce said the Special Unit had
identified as the source of the aliens’ powers – powers that
are all human (according to Harding). Could the number of
connections also come into play into “changing” Liz, or
awaking an already – yet dormant – power within her? Many have
wondered about Liz’s origins – are her parents her true birth
parents or is she adopted like the Evans kids, does she have a
connection to the Indians or an (ancient) alien race, why does
she look so much like Sheila Hubble – and how this plays into
the connection with Max? Is Liz totally of human origin or
does she have some alien “blood” - literally or figuratively –
in her? We know that Liz’s cheek cells differed from Max’s,
BUT we did not see what another “human’s” cheek cells looked
like, so it is possible that Liz’s cells are different, too.
(Though a doctor probably would have picked up on this by
now.) Could Liz be descended from an alien race that colonized
Earth thousands of years ago? (This is my personal favorite
theory!! ) Could that ancient race somehow be connected to the
podsters’ people from long ago? How does the Granolith fit
into this? We now know that the Granolith CAN be used as a
time travel machine, but this is NOT its intended purpose.
What is its intended purpose? Could the Parkers (who have
resided in Roswell for 4 generations) be the protectors of the
Granolith, or could the Indians in the area be such
protectors? Was the Granolith used by others than FM to travel
in time (apparently Liz and future friend Serena were the ones
to make it work as a time machine –so did other have a chance
to us it this way?). (So, many questions … !)
"Soulmates" seems to be a continuing term used when
referring to Max and Liz, and we all seem to think this is
done for a reason. Though much is made of Max’s Destiny being
Tess , many of us wonder if Liz is actually his Destiny due to
the use of the Human DNA and where it came from, or some past
alien connection. The use of that human DNA could have totally
altered the “planned” destiny. There is also much thought
given to whether the alien Max played out his “destiny” on his
home planet when killed in the conflict that envelopes that
place, and that now has an entire new “destiny” that includes
Liz – one that could not have been anticipated by his home
planet creators OR well planned out knowing that a human
alliance would be necessary to save both the human race and
the podsters’ people. Could the Max/Liz alliance be foretold
in an ancient Indian prophecy? (One of my personal favorite
theories! Is she the necessary “5th Element – see below.) Most
of us draw a clear distinction between someone’s “destiny” and
“duty.” We – mostly – also believe that by using human DNA for
the pod squad, and the fact that they were raised as humans,
brings the issue of “free choice” into play. The continuing
debate of “nature” vs. “nurture” also comes up here – and is
the podsquad’s “nature” completely “alien” given that all
their powers are “human.” There has also been an excellent
analysis of what “essence” truly means, and can a being’s
destiny or soul follow the transfer of one’s essence. Could
the essence of one being been split between two beings – Max
and Liz? Also, does one’s memory follow one’s essence? Tess
seems to think it does, but … why is she the only one with
these memory retrieval abilities? (None of us are too fond or
trusting of Tess , and that distrust only seems to be
increasing with time!) Are the visions Max’s alien being’s
memories (like that flash of a weird head he gets before
confronting Brody), or are they coming from someone or
somewhere else? There have also been many wonderful
discussions concerning what "destiny" truly means, and how the
environment (the "nurture" argument) can affect one's destiny.
Also, is history destined to repeat itself – an important
issue now with the introduction of the Vilandra storyline and
the secrets being kept by the podsters from one-another. As
Future Max emphasized: “We make our own Destiny!” Maybe yes,
maybe no??
Following one’s heart has been a focus in both seasons now.
Grandma Claudia told Liz to follow her heart (LN), and then
Liz followed her heart and believed Max when Tess showed up on
the scene (TLV). Now Maria tells Max to follow his heart (AN),
like all the great leaders have. Does this mean that by
following their hearts Max and Liz will not only turn out to
be great leaders, but will eventually be led back to one
The symbolism throughout the seasons is incredible –
whether meant to be or not! I can only touch on some of it
here, but here are some examples. Max changes his cards from a
royal pair to two diamonds so that Liz’s Dad (who is asking
Max what he is hiding!) can win the round of cards. The two
diamonds have popped up again recently on the beer Michael
holds in Sof47. Are Max and Liz the two diamonds in hiding?
Once you notice it, the diamond shape shows up often. Eagles
and horses also seem to show up often – and again, we can tie
them to Liz and Max – the most notable example being the
Indian myth that states that the eagle feather needs both
sides to be “in balance.” Max and Liz must follow their hearts
to each other to find that connection and balance! There is a
prominent picture of a Viking (?) Ship that is tied to a tale
directly relevant to our star-crossed lovers and their trials.
Red roses (love) are thrown by Max to Liz, than changed to
White roses (peace) at the last minute in an episode (TEOTW)
that Liz must sacrifice her love for Max to ensure peace on
Earth. There are lots of others! Coincidence?? Probably some
are, but not all of them – JK is too intelligent for that!
In the Mom‘ogram, many have wondered if the reference to
Max’s young “bride” has to be to Tess (The Evil Shape Shifter
– Grace Kel )? Could it be Liz? And why do they always use the
word “bride”? Was the marriage never completed, or were they
killed on the day of the wedding? Though many seem to accept
that “bride” probably is referring to Tess, many wonder why
they would send his bride in the first place? Was Tess sent
solely to provide a “mate” for Max (please – no gagging
allowed on this thread), or was there another purpose for her
presence? Why send a mate, unless the goal was to produce
offspring and successors to the throne. Future Max states that
the 4 podsters made a complete unit that needed to be kept
together because of their different gifts – why make it so
complicated? There is also the question of whether the
Mom’ogram is authentic, or a projection from Tess? It was hard
to tell when Tess’ projections/illusions left off and reality
began. Was it pre-recorded like a video tape (in which case –
is the home planet still in existence, or has it been
destroyed by war or natural consequences?), or was it a direct
communication with the home planet or a hidden spaceship
(hidden by the V formation?)? The same concerns are raised
with the “book” found by Tess with respect to its authenticity
and reliability. Why does the book only include the four
podsters now that we know there were two sets of pods and
duplicates? What is the meaning of the symbol on the front?
The (.) symbol is of significance, meaning the Black Moon
(Thanks Starbox!!) and representing Lillith (you have to read
Starbox’s post about this to understand – but it is
significant!). If this book is an instruction or operations
manual for the podsquad, why have they not deciphered it by
now? Could Grandma Claudia’s book – which is in Liz’s
possession (we assume) - help decode the alien’s book and shed
light on the aliens’ connection to the Indians, an ancient
alien race or others in the area? If the alien book is
authentic, how did the aliens know exactly what the pod squad
would look like when they grew up? Were they “engineered” to
that degree of precision, and if so, why use human form? Why
was the Earth chosen?? (Lots of discussion re: DNA, cloning,
etc. - very interesting! ) Is there any information in
Whitaker’s files about translating the book, or resolving some
of the mysteries surrounding the podsters?? WHY DID IT Take
the announced death of Whitaker to get them to finally go
QUESTIONS!!! (Sorry ….)
Liz is also viewed – when the episodes are rewatched
(multiple times by some of us! And in slow motion with a
jog-shuttle! We fondly call this “Grace Kelled” ) – as a
critical element to moving the plot along. She is the one who
often initiates the actions that help unravel the aliens’
mythology or saves the day (e.g., thinking of the plan to
throw Valenti off the trail in the Pilot, finding the way out
of the hidden room at Atherton’s place, making the initial
contact with River Dog, going to Valenti to seek help in
rescuing Max, identifying where the skeleton would be taken,
potentially sacrificing her future with Max to prevent Tess
from leaving and the future take-over of the Earth, and
figuring out how the humans had disappeared and how to bring
them back.). Liz is a leader that takes action when it is
needed, and is the intellect that comes up with the plan
(Future Liz was the one that sent FM back in time, and Liz was
the one to come up with the plan to make Max ‘fall out of love
with her’). She could possibly be the equivalent to Max – whom
we found out is the once and future leader of his people –
though apparently of questionable abilities and judgment.
Could Liz be the human equivalent of Max that is here to help
Max save the human race, as well as free the pod squad’s
people? Again – Does Liz’s connection “complete” Max, and
bring him into “balance”? Could she possess part of Max’s
alien essence? Is Liz the 5th Element, necessary to bring
power and balance to the Royal 4? Liz is also a brain – which
is relevant when we find out in the White Room that the
podsters are just very advanced humans (approximately 3000
years ahead of us normal mortals!). Could her intelligence
mean that she has the potential to obtain some of the “powers”
that the pod squad have? Many have expressed that they would
NOT be surprised if Liz is capable of some advanced powers in
the future, and that her visions may be just a precursor to
these. Will she be the one able to see the evil within as the
Mom’ogram says the podsters will have to be able to do? Is
that what she was "seeing" when she kissed Harding/Evil Max?
Does she only get visions while kissing or in a state of
heightened emotion (i.e., the hand touching in SH in Chemistry
class; arm touch in Ask Not – did you notice the first vision
was of traveling through space)? The aliens supposedly get
such visions sometimes according to Max in Missing – remember
the vision he got of Kyle in Liz’s bedroom and the visions Iz
gets in Surprise (though those may have been “planted” visions
like Tess is able to do). And why did Max have visions that
belonged to Liz when he was being MRd by Nicholas? Is their
connection that strong? Max seemed to get visions from those
closest to him – Iz, Mikey G and Liz – while being MRd, but
none from Tess – his supposed mate. Why?
All of Liz’s visions have been examined in-depth, and it is
hard to summarize all the thoughts here. We also now know that
Kyle did not get visions of Max during Kyle’s healing – which
is not huge, but goes to the question - WHY is LIZ the ONLY
human to have VISIONS? Not only has she been able to “see into
Max’s soul,” but also she has seen travels through space and a
distant galaxy, the crash on Earth, and her visions were the
reason the second communicator was discovered. Many feel these
visions were not coming from Max, but from an outside source –
or a source INTERNAL to Liz just now being released or
awakened. Some of the visions seemed to be from the
perspective of the communicator itself or an alien hiding it
(a deep breathing – out-of-breath alien). Some wonder if
others - aliens? - have observed Liz for some time. The shot
came from two “strangers” who mention – “We have to get rid of
her” – in the background (listen carefully while Liz shows the
alien picture to the tourist couple) right before she is shot.
Was her shooting intentional – and if so, WHY?? Why would
anyone (or any being) "watch" Liz prior to the shooting unless
she has an importance we are not aware of yet (though we
suspect, and TEOTW seems to confirm somewhat)? And who’s eyes
are we seeing through watching Liz and Maria at the beginning
of Wipe Out? The same eyes that watched Max at school and
Harding by his car in the alley? Could this be Tic Tac -
another alien that we believe has been watching them – Liz
included? Now that we know that time-travel is possible, has
this come into play already in a way we are not aware of –
yet? Could this we the THIRD time around, similar to “Run,
Lola, Run”? (First scenario being Liz doesn’t get shot and
rescued by Max, thus they never connect, the second being Liz
gets shot and marries Max at age 19, and the third being the
path we are on now!) OH – and what will Liz do with the
knowledge she now has concerning the Granolith and the
potential for Tess to leave or turn evil (by not helping the
podsters)? Won’t someone (Max) wonder how she knows these
The picture Liz shows the tourists in the Pilot was
supposedly taken by her Grandmother at the crash before the
military arrived – a connection or just a joke as we were
supposed to think?? Could GC be Yvonne White who disappeared
in Sof47, only to resurface with her married name – Claudia
Parker? Many have speculated about Grandma Claudia’s
involvement and her book about the Ancient Treasures of the
Navajo Indians. Could Grandma Claudia have had contact with
the aliens previously? Was Grandma Claudia killed
intentionally? Did she know that Liz was “special,” thus,
necessitating the early arrival and that “soulmate”
discussion? Is Liz affected or a product of one of these
earlier alien contacts? Could Liz have an alien relative –
recent or distant? There seems to be many hints connecting
ancient Indian cultures to the podsquad or other aliens,
including the Machu Picchu in Peru culture highlighted at the
UFO Museum, the continuing references to “ancient languages”
(e.g., Liz’s Blind Date Doug Shellow’s major at the UofNM and
where the aliens’ manual was hidden in the library) and
Grandma Claudia’s studies. Only coincidence? We think not!
Could Liz’s review of her Grandmother’s possessions in Season
2 reveal those connections? We are hopeful! (COME ON WRITERS –
Another major topic of interest is Liz’s connection to
Sheila Hubble! The resemblance between the two is amazing, and
other parallels exist (e.g., pictures of both driving in an
open-air car with the wind blowing through their dark hair).
Plus, the visions that Liz receives from Max/Harding include
Hubble’s wife at the death scene – meaning it had some
significance to him. Did he kill her, or did the handprint
come from a failed attempt to save her? Were the fireworks
Hubble mentions seeing when kissing his wife the same as the
stars Liz sees when kissing Max? Could Sheila Hubble be
related to Liz somehow – an aunt, DNA donor, or was Sheila an
alien? The fact that Sheila Hubble was three months pregnant
with a girl seems to be relevant somehow – why else would they
mention it?! Could the DNA from the girl or a twin have been
used for the podsquad – Max maybe, or Tess – or for Liz? AND
why is Tess' mother's name listed as Sheila on her school
records? Everett Hubble, Ed Harding - both EH names with a
wife named Sheila - INTERESTING! Ummmm!
Speaking of connections – Is Hal Carver somehow connected
to Liz? He lives in Florida – the state Liz spent the entire
summer. Who was Liz staying with?? He was friends with her
grandfather, Pete Parker. Did the aliens residing in Florida
influence the vote count for the President? Ummmmm?
Liz’s ability to “see” into Evil Max/Harding’s “soul” again
points to the possibility that she may ultimately be able to
“see the evil within.” What is it that she sees in these
visions? Sheila Hubble, Lightening, a wormhole (the Granolith
at work??), the high desert, clouds rolling in? Some see sea
foam, which is related in mythology to Venus. Is Liz the Venus
often referred to? The Venus constellation is often referred
to in connection with Liz (e.g., Max in response to Liz saying
her parents are on a trip to see Venus in the morning sky says
“I thought she was standing in front of me.”). There are too
many interesting connections for Venus not to mean anything.
Some example of what has been turned up. (THANKS Starbox?!)
Both the Mayans and Aztecs used Venus and the Venusian cycle
to establish their calendars. Venusian years are grouped in
cycles of 5. Venus is associated with the Sun - she is his
twin. (Is there a Max/Sun connection too?) Venus is seen as an
intermediary between the Sun and mankind. Venus has a dual
nature - by night she is the goddess of love and pleasure and
by day she is the goddess of battle. In astrology - the sense
of touch is one of Venus's attributes (explains Liz's ability
to receive flashes with just a touch - also the importance of
hand holding again). Venus is the guardian spirit of horses.
Venus is associated with "sensual feelings, instinctive
attraction, intoxication, SMILES, seduction, charm, beauty and
grace." Plus, Venus and Serena make an awesome doubles
combination – tennis anyone! Also, there is one part of Venus
– the planet - that is named after a male...the highest point
on Venus, standing at 11 km, and the largest mountain range,
the Maxwell Montes! (Thanks Nemo, WR, Starstruck, et al.)
Could it be that the 4 squares (pod squad) + plus the fifth
star being Liz “complete” the constellation? There were 5
healing stones – Why? The numbers 1, 4 and 5 seem to pop up
often – why? Even the communication was done on 5/14 – those
numbers again! Some have found a connection between these
numbers to Venus in astronomy and mythology, or could it be 1
for Liz, and 4 for the pod squad? Could Liz be the 5th Element
foretold in prophecy, and that is necessary to the success of
the podsters? Or are these numbers just some writer’s favorite
apartment number or address? It has been noted that 4
represents “Potential,” while 5 represents “Balance” and
“Marriage between Heaven and Earth.” Ummmmm! We also have the
evil aliens’ beeper that is a pentagon – 5 sided. The same
shape as Atherton’s ceiling. Any connection? The number 2 has
also been cropping up a lot lately – 2 as in Max and Liz?
And what significance does the cave map have to Liz's
connection to the podsters? A number of the symbols in the
cave “map” have raised some interesting analysis! What do they
represent, and is Liz represented somehow - like one of the
"dots" in the series of five boxes, one of which is open with
the dot outside? This symbol recently arose again in Max’s
visions in Wipe Out. Some have tried to identify each of the
symbols and draw a correlation between the symbols and the
various characters with some fascinating results! We have also
begun to analyze the symbols that were “flashed” in the promos
for Season 2 – you definitely have to Grace Kel them or you
will miss them. Redhawk has done some wonderful screen caps of
these for us to analyze! Is Liz the connection that holds the
four squares together?
Recently, “Run, Lola, Run” was referred to (Surprise) as
the story of Liz’s life. Watch the movie, and see what you
think! Do Liz and Max have more than one chance to get things
“right” – and ultimately, to be together in peace and harmony?
Also, catch the four square symbol on the door with the swirl
through it – the same as in the Season 2 promos?
We now know that the "evil" aliens that we are aware of
(there could be others) – Skins - came from the podsquad's
planet, but are part of a civil war/revolution - therefore,
seem to have similar characteristics and powers to the
podsters – but it is not clear what all those powers are,
except that shapeshifting does not seem to be one of them.
They seem to be confined to their husks. But the Skins and
Max’s alien predecessor’s kind seem to have been from
different races. Many of us think that the podsquad’s people
had to have visited Earth before - maybe many times! Could
other pods have been planted on Earth at a time separate from
the 1947 crash? When would they have had time to construct the
elaborate pod chamber with the hidden Granolith? We now know
there were other pods planted at the same time – apparently
with duplicate podsters, but where and what happened to those
pods? And, why did those podsters end up looking like punks?
Are these look-a-likes Clones? And could some of these earlier
visits have some connection to Grandma C or someone else in
Liz’s family? Was the ’47 crash caused by the evil aliens, or
another ship of the “good” aliens? How long have the evil and
good aliens been visiting or aware of Earth? Apparently the
Skins originally arrived in 1950, but did they visit at
another time? And what have they been up to on these visits?
Brody was supposedly healed by aliens who abducted him – why?
And are there another race of aliens (a third race of aliens)?
And, why in the world pick Earth to hide the podsters – in
human form, with human DNA – unless, Earth, and the humanity
it represents is essential to the podsters survival? Once
again, this would tie in Liz’s importance as a human –
possibly the chosen human to assist in their survival – the
5th Element (I like this theory – can you tell ).
Most of us also think that there are more than one alien
“watching” the pod squad, and that the tic-tac popping alien
(AKA Tic Tac) (i.e., Hank-killer, one that found them asleep
in the desert, and Dr. M impersonator, yet to show up in
Season 2) is a different alien, possibly watching out for them
(we hope!), than Harding/Nasedo (assuming Harding is Nasedo).
And what about the person who burns their picture at the end
of Blind Date - another alien or one of the above two? Some
wonder if Tess, Doug Shellow, Pierce and/or Deputy Owen might
be a shapeshifter, or evil aliens? There is a wonderful
observation of the different ways Harding and Tic Tac
shapeshift and the different colored light involved! Many feel
that Tic Tac is a good alien watching over the podsters, but
maybe he is watching over Liz, too! Some wonder if Tic Tac
switched the orb in the desert before Liz and Max woke up? If
he did, why? The orbs have become a significant focus of
discussion – how are they connected to the alignment of the
constellations, or to the pod squad, or to the evil aliens?
Also – what was with the “visit” during Into The Woods? (Did
you notice that FM appears with a lightning strike just like
in ITW?) Was it a spaceship that left the marking, or a single
alien? As far as the color analysis goes, generally yellow
seems to represent – or be present – evil, and blue seems to
represent good – though this is not always true. And then,
there is always the green cells and occasional glow, and the
red that seems to be present throughout Surprise! And where is
Tic Tac so far in Season 2??
Harding’s connection to Liz has been pondered often! Why
was he so eager to kiss Liz – not just in the car, but also in
bus after “saving” her? (Horny alien? ) Why did he save Liz
and not Max from the house of mirrors? Could he have been
Sheila Hubble’s lover or had some other strong connection to
her, with a later connection to Liz? Could he have known
Grandma Claudia? Could GC been connected to Sheila Hubble
somehow? Harding did nothing – we know of – to harm Liz, but
MANY are suspicious of his intentions. Is his sole reason for
being on Earth to protect the podsquad – an official “worker
bee” – and what did he do for all those years?? Some feel he
was a bad alien using Tess to infiltrate the pod squad. Why
didn’t he give them more information about themselves and what
he had been up to? There are so many questions he could have
answered for the podsters before he was wasted! And was the
fact that Liz was NOT present at the attempt to heal Harding
the reason the healing failed? Maybe Liz is somehow necessary
to make the stones work – part of the Balance? Was Harding
responsible for Liz’s “great opportunity” in Congresswoman
Whitaker’s office? If not, who was the connection there?
Some have noted the reoccurrence of handholding as
symbolizing the connection between Max and Liz and the other
podsters. Handholding has great significance in the Roswell
High books as a form of joining energy, and we believe it does
in the show too. The V constellation also looks like the
joining of two hands. Also, in The Balance much is made of Max
reaching out his hand to pull Michael from the pit, and M/I/M
walking away holding hands. We wonder what would have happened
in Harvest if Liz had stepped forward to join her power with
Max instead of Tess – who did not seem to help at all.
Another recent development – the disintegration of Skin
when picked up. Why did it not disintegrate when Maria picked
it up, but did when the podsters and Liz picked it up? Could
be moisture content, but it could be the energy generated by
the person holding it. Does Liz generate energy similar to the
Finally – dates seem to be of interest to those on this
thread. So, following is a rundown of dates as I’ve been able
to gather them from episodes and factual research. I include
them up-front for easy reference, but I would love to add
dates of relevance you come across. I have added dates from
the Crashdown Timeline, but they are questionable, and have no
basis in episodes aired, so take them with a grain of salt.
1903 – James Atherton born (according to Crashdown
Timeline) 1911 - James Atherton born in TN (according to
285S) 1927 - Buffalo Visitation 1932 – River Dog born on
Mesaliko Indian Reservation (Crashdown Timeline) 1933 –
Grandma Claudia born (Crashdown Timeline) 1942 – Deputy
Owen Blackwood born on Mesaliko Indian Reservation (Crashdown
Timeline) 1/15/43 – Pentagon (think beeper shape)
completed 6/14/1947 - Crash 6/24/1947 - 9 Disk like
objects spotted flying near Mt. Rainier in WA 7/4/1947 –
Milton claims the crash occurred 7/7/1947 - Farmer Brazel
(from Foster Ranch) finally reports debris from Roswell crash
to sheriff, who calls Roswell Army Air Field 11/14/1947 -
Everet Hubble born 1950 – Skins arrive on Earth
(Harvest) 1950? - Observation of alien held in captivity by
FBI ends (Escaped? Died?) 1951 – Phillip Evans and Sheriff
James Valenti born (Crashdown Timeline) 1952 – Diane Evans
(M&I Mom) and Special Agent Stephens born (Crashdown
Timeline) 1952 - Atherton involved in Project Blue Book
(Air Force project on aliens) 1955 - Jeff Parker born
(Crashdown Timeline) 1955 – Atherton publishes “Among Us”
(Crashdown Timeline) 1957 – Nancy Parker (Liz’s Mom) born
(Crashdown Timeline) 1958 – Milton Ross born (Crashdown
Timeline) [Note – this does not fit with him being old enough
to be in the “Ice Cream Parlor Picture” from 1959 – unless he
was a VERY mature 1-year-old] 11/16/1959 - Atherton dies
(murdered?) 1959 - Milton (Max's Boss) has picture with
"alien" shadow next to him outside the Ice Cream Parlor
1961 – Amy De Luca born (Crashdown Timeline) 1962 -
Agent Lewis - first head of Special Unit killed in CO 1964
– Agent Kathleen Topolsky born (Crashdown Timeline) 1967 -
Agent Delbianco killed in TN 1970 - Sheila Hubble dies
(murdered?) 1972 – Silo Murder occurs involving Hubble and
Sheriff Valenti Senior 1977 – Phillip and Diane Evans marry
(Crashdown Timeline) 1979 – Jeffery and Nancy Parker marry
(Crashdown Timeline) 10/15 or 25/1982 – Isabel’s birthday
(Surprise) 3/15/1983 – Max’s birthday (Blood
Bothers) 1983 – Kyle, Maria, Alex & Liz born (Crashdown
Timeline) 1984 – Jeff Parker opens up the Crashdown Café
(Crashdown Timeline) [What happens to Parker’s – the
predecessor to the Crashdown? - Z] 1987 – Liz wears the
“Cupcake Dress” to school in kindergarten (Crashdown Timeline)
[Would make Liz an awfully YOUNG kindergartener – maybe they
start early in NM?? - Z] 1989 - Pod Squad come out of the
cave (look like 6-year-olds) 1989 – Kyle’s mom, Jim
Valenti’s wife leaves (Wipeout) 1991 – Max sees Liz for
first time in 3rd grade (Crashdown Timeline) [Again, this
would be off based on their timeline – Liz would be in 4th
grade. I think Liz started K in 1988, and Max saw her for the
first time the following year – 1989 - in 1st grade after he
gets off the bus, BUT they did not officially get to Know each
other until 3rd grade – Z] 1991 – UFO Museum founded
(Crashdown Timeline) 1991 - 92? - Liz and Max "meet" in the
3rd grade for the first time (but may have been in the same
school before this, just didn't meet.) 1992 - Max and
Isabel "find" Michael again 1992 – Alex meets Liz in 4th
grade, but they do not become close friends until the 5th
grade (Crashdown Timeline) 1993 – Brody abducted by
aliens 1993 – Maria’s Dad leaves 1997 – Brody buys an
alien beeper 1999 - Agent Daniel Summers killed 9/17, 18
or19(?)/1999 - Max saves Liz - and Roswell is Born!!
2/14/2000 – Liz goes on her Blind Date with Doug
Shellow 2/21(?)/2000 – Orb found by Max and
Liz 5/14/2000, 4:33 pm – Pod Squad set off the
communicators – sending a pulse detected by other
aliens Fall 2000 – Scooby Gang begins 12th
grade 9/25/2000 – Congressional hearing closes down FBI
Special Unit 10/15 or 25/2000 – Isabel celebrates her 18th
birthday 10/25 or 11/25 – Whitaker was supposed to report
to Skins, but doesn’t (Harvest) [The dates in Surprise, TEOTW
& Harvest are ALL screwed up – someone should e-mail a
copy of this timeline to the writers! Z] 10/27(?) or
11/3/2000 – Future Max visits, causing Liz to fake sleeping
with Kyle, pushing Max to accept Tess (thus, changing forever
the course of history) Fall 2000 – Harvest of Skins due or
they will die (Harvest) 12/7/2000 – Grant’s ?? birthday
I know I have NOT covered everything (there’re an amazing
number of clues to be found!), but that would be impossible
and I’d never do all the wonderful theories justice! There is
lots of speculation about other characters revolving around
Liz, and why they are important to the discussion. Some have
wondered why Max and Agent Stevens had the same address – just
an inside joke or more? Tangents are welcome on this Thread as
long as they ultimately lead back to Liz! I'm trying to sum up
the core issues here - Liz's importance and connection to the
podsquad – Max in particular! I hope others will help fill in
some of the gaps, but this is my attempt to continue the
wonderful input, and make this thread accessible. Lots to
think about!! So – theorize away!!! All theories on "Liz’s
Importance to the Alien Mythology" are welcome. OH, BTW (I
always have to add this – if anyone from THE WB reads this –
A couple of general “rules” – NO SPOILERS, but anything
“aired” is subject to discussion. Pictures are welcome, as is
deleted dialog from posted scripts of shows that have been
Zero I Shall Believe!!
| |
By Miss
Roswell |
07:37 PM |
One could only dream that Liz is part alien. I really think
that Liz isn't but when Max healed her, he awakened something
in her.
Thanks for the compliation of theories
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By gij |
07:48 PM |
oooh! am I first???
nope, wasn't. Anyway... I personally don't believe Liz is
an alien but I do think there's a lot more importance to her
than they suggest. After all, between them Max and Liz created
the "other" future.
Just as a sidenote on that... If in that reality, Liz and
Max stuffed it, *together*, in this reality, couldn't they
work it out right together? I think so.
Anyway... I have a theory on the Aries constellation that i
posted forever ago, but I have nothing better to do now so I
may as well rewite it...;
Aries is made up of four main stars: Alpha, Beta, Gamma,
Delta, and occasionally Venus comes through, depending on
where the constellation is in the sky at the time.
Soooooooo... i can't post this as symbols so I am going to
have to go find a pic. I will be back shortly...
Ok, so see over Michael's shoulder, the V? see how one star
is kinda closer in to the top? So assume each star is one of
the pod squad. each person's power, on the home planet, is
represented by the placement of their star in the V. So Max is
most powerful, followed by Michael as his second in command.
Then Tess as Max's wife, then Isabel. And, for whatever
reason, Liz is least pwerful, assuming she's Venus.
This is where the complications come in. See, gamma
Arietis, Tess's star, is a double star. It was actually the
first star to be realised as such. So, if my theory is
correct, there are two Tess's. One major, one minor. so... and
this total speculation, on my speculation, one Tess could have
died very early in life, the other took her place. In other
words, Tess isn't Tess.
The photograph above is actually slightly inaccurate. Venus
is the third brightest object in the sky, so just swap the
fruthest two stars around, Liz's one should be further out.
Now look again at the constellation. Max and Liz's marks are
by far the brightest, Liz's is the third brightest in the sky
after the sun and moon, and Max's is also pretty damned
bright. So maybe, speculation again, the brightness of their
marker could point to how important they are in terms of
something else... ie, to save the world. In which case Liz
would be a MAJOR part!
Just a few other things... the symbol inInto The Woods has
five points - the outer lines, the points of a triangle -
indicating five people? original pod squad, Nasedo, + Liz?
It's possible.
And the healing symbol in Balance, there are five spaces
around the outside, plus one for a person in the middle. Is
there a sixth person, who we haven't met yet? hmmmmmm.....?
just so you have something to think over...
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By Zero |
08:09 PM |
Here it is - I hope it works!
Zero I Shall Believe!
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By Qfanny |
08:31 PM |
Zero said quote: But, has she truly broken that connection
irreparably or just temporarily? Lets go back to the
beginning, since few (if any) questions re: that connection
have been answered in this Season – yet
Ok, I just watched Monsters and Missing for the first time
both of these show orginally aired. That is a long time to go
without reviewing these two episoded. I strongly recomment
going back to the early episodes.
There is no doubt that Liz and Max are connected. Even if
they are not together, what they shared when Max healed her
was unique. How it's unique, remains rather mysterious. I
definately got a feeling that there was no way on Earth or
Twilo that Max would have let her die. Liz is way to important
for that.
What I forgot about in Missing is Max getting the vision of
Kyle in Liz's bedroom. He said he'll get them when "with
heightened emotions". I think that Max will see that what Liz
has done. He just needs to touch something Future Max touched.
| |
By Zero |
08:40 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Qfanny: What I forgot about in
Missing is Max getting the vision of Kyle in Liz's bedroom. He
said he'll get them when "with heightened emotions". I think
that Max will see that what Liz has done. He just needs to
touch something Future Max touched.
How about the pictures of Liz and Max together in the photo
booth that FM picked up and was staring at - this would be the
perfect item for Max to pick up and get a flash!
Those old episodes are wonderful, aren't they!!
Zero I Shall Believe!
| |
By Qfanny |
08:48 PM |
Zero Yes, I was thinking of the photo too.
Someone with more time than me, please go and catalog the
dates of Whitaker's journal at I am
sure Zero would love to add it in her timeline!
The timeline is getting better and better!
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By justsmile
09:39 PM |
did anyone ever think that those two men who shot liz (the
one's that said "we have to get her...") could be connected to
grandma claudia? Remember Liz's dad told the story how she
arrested some hunters, and to me that one guy looked like he
just got back from hunting.
I don't have any idea's how I just thought that was
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shapeshifter |
09:57 PM |
quote:Originally posted by justsmile: did anyone ever think
that those two men who shot liz (the one's that said "we have
to get her...") could be connected to grandma claudia?
Remember Liz's dad told the story how she arrested some
hunters, and to me that one guy looked like he just got back
from hunting.
I don't have any idea's how I just thought that was
Wow, you guys are really on a roll! I just have to get in
on this. First, Qfanny & Zero, I had thought that
Tess had given Max the vision of Liz with Kyle in the bedroom,
but it didn't fit with what was going on with Tess at that
moment. Now, after reading your posts, I realize that you are
right Qfanny!
And justsmile, How bout the hunters/shooter were Skins
who had "to get rid of her" because she was essential to
saving the podsters just as Tess is. And FM ***knew*** that
Liz and Max would find a way to "make their own Destiny," in
spite of Tess. I think Tess is going to recognize their love
when **she** finally experiences love/bonding. But...will it
be (sadly) for Max, or for Kyle?
I am working on uploading the threads, but my phone lines
are limited to a 26400 and the EAs are taking over the DSL at
work--I am seriously expecting to see a large piece of dried,
peeled Elmer's glue draped over my computer at work tomorrow!
Anyway, most of the threads are there now, and the link will
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By Zero |
11:15 PM |
gij - wonderful theory and research on the Aries
constellation! It's amazing what we learn on this thread - and
how well it ties into the show!
Shapeshifter - thanks for the link!! I will change the
intro now.
Also - if someone does compile a list of dates with a note
from Whitaker's diary entries PM me with them, and I will add
them to the Timeline. I started the timeline for fun and to
clear up some confusion on some of the first threads, and now
it has taken on a life of its own! It is fun to watch it
Night all! Just watched Gilmore Girls - love that show,
very witty and cute - so I'm ready to sleep!!
Zero I Shall Believe!
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By shaiwon72
01:18 AM |
ok.. we've established liz as the brain. what if... liz's
smartness was the beginning of the advanced minds of alien
max's generation? i mean, what if liz was the ancestor of
max's race. her visions as a precursor of how much highly
developed being could be. could explain why young max
"recognized" young liz. they made a connection w/ the same
makeup and the visions could be explained as the genetic bond.
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By maxwellian
02:09 AM |
Wow! Shaiwon that is such a great theory. I don't know why but
that seems so possible. It could explain alot. The reason that
Alex and Iz and Michael and Maria did not get flashes when
they kissed. But Liz got them when she and Max kissed!!
I think you could be on to something!
Max and Liz forever!!
| |
By Perky |
03:57 AM |
I wanted to post this on the last thread but my internet
explorer experienced problems. On the last thread it gave the
theory that Liz was Venus and I would just like to point out
that in Four Square in the first series when Liz and Max are
trying to find the constellation that Michael found they find
that Venus is the missing link. Just a little bit more
evidence for your theory. Luv K
| |
By StarBox
06:19 AM |
Zero - super EXCELLENT job on the revised introduction. I
will say it again - JK should give copies to all of his
writers :-) - I dont know that there is a better compilation
of themes anywhere!
As for the Lilth symbol - it is the BLACK moon
:-) Interestingly - the more I look up images/symbols that
are connected with the EA - they all are looping back to Lilth
- just as all the symbols in the GA camp link us back to a
Max/Liz connection. For example - the Whittakers?? had
pictures of owls in their house (you can see them when they
are talking with M/L/I/T in the living room) - Owls are not
only "evil" - they are associated with Lilth.
GraceKel - I sent you a couple of PM's yesterday - LMK if
you did not recieve them and I will resend.
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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StephStephSteph |
09:58 AM |
Just a *bump* for my RBI while I read through Thread #16 and
finish up here!
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By shaiwon72
11:23 AM |
just to add to my previous post, and maybe it's off but what
if liz is the basis for the alien race. i guess i'm thinking
of the story line of "terminator 1", where reese from the
future is sent back to protect sarah and unborn john. john
whose the leader of the alien rebellion. reese is john's
father and not sending him back, john's existence wouldn't
have been possible.
so.... what if liz and max do get together (the marriage,
kids, etc) years down the line? with liz's intelligence and
max's advancement, it could bring about the start of max's
alien race. if it's come into the alien history of these two
coupling, maybe that's why the royal four were sent back in
time, so this could occur. max getting married to tess could
have been a ploy for max to never get together w/ liz, thus
forming max's race and the skins being in control. the alien
race, finding the ploy, kills the royal four and sent their
essence back into time to again, attempt max and liz getting
together. when the skins learn this, they could have sent
people to earth to kill liz, not knowing max would save her,
in the hopes of max and liz not getting together. ... i guess
i'm incorporating "terminator" and "run, lola, run" into this.
.... just a thought.
| |
By shaiwon72
11:28 AM |
quote:Originally posted by shaiwon72: max getting married
to tess could have been a ploy for max to never get together
w/ liz, thus forming max's race and the skins being in
oops... i meant to write, max getting married to tess
could be a ploy for max to never get together w/ liz, thus
wiping out max's race from ever existing and w/o max's race,
the skins are in control.
sorry. my mind was going too fast for my hands.
| |
By Alexis |
11:34 AM |
Don't really have much to add. Just to say I am in awe of your
intellectual abilities, RBI's. Are you sure those hybrids are
that much farther advanced than us and our primitive human
abilities. Mmmmmmmm.
| |
By Zero |
02:34 PM |
Just bumping !
Oh - and thanks Starbox - add the Black Moon to the intro!
Zero I Shall Believe!
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By Reggie |
02:40 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: For example - the
Whittakers?? had pictures of owls in their house (you can see
them when they are talking with M/L/I/T in the living room) -
Owls are not only "evil" - they are associated with Lilth.
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer Wait- I thought owls
were good. Didn't the head Norse god Odin have a pet owl?
| |
By WR |
03:23 PM |
I always thought Odin had a pet pig. Seriously!
Norse mythology also has a wolf ( I think it's called
Fenris ) that at the End of The World, will be freed from it's
chains to fight a huge Snake that is currently looped around
the world. I'm going on a VERY vague memory here.
| |
By sunrise
03:46 PM |
New here!! Been reading what everyone's written and though
this might not be important i'm gonna point out that Isabel
and Liz are essentially the same name, except that Iz is a
spanish/french version of the name Elizabeth. Just a thought,
coincidence? hmmmm
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By Jdouble
04:51 PM |
Hey I'm one of the first couple of posters, except I have
nothing to say but thats alright i just wanted to say Hi.
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By Qfanny |
05:10 PM |
I am very disappointed no one has gone over to and made comments of Whitaker's
journal. So I will do it and report back. I hope I can help
Zero with her timeline.
Reggie I think if we look at the owls anti-logically you
can see that owls are a negative symbol. The anti-logical
proof of this is the anagram, owls= {slow,lows}.
StarBox: I missed your last post on Lilith, and everyone is
still talking about it, could you repost it sometime this
weekend here?
And everyone, please try to get over the the Hero's Journey
thread and read it before it's pruned. I had maxcedo go there
and read it, and a copy was made.
This is the url-- RBI member
czech please did a nice HJ for Liz that is worth reading!
| |
By StarBox
05:21 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Reggie:
Wait- I thought owls were good. Didn't the head Norse god
Odin have a pet owl?
Heres some stuff on owls - I dont know about Norse
Mythology per se - but here is a plethora from other cultures:
Greek Mythology - sacred to Athene - a nocturnal bird,
related to the moon and unable to bear sunlight - in this
respect it is in sharp contrast to the EAGLE which gazes
directly at the sun. "Athenes owl symbolizes reflection which
rules the darkness".
Ancient Egypt : The owl was the image of cold, darkness and
China - The owl is a terrifying creature thought to have
devoured its own mother. Children born at the solstice (Day of
the OWL) were thought to inherit natural violence. Owls were
considered savage, unlucky creatures.
American Indians - believed owls had dominion over the
night - guided souls to the land of the dead.
Mayan - Chorti sorcerers - believed to be evil incarnate
were able to turn themselves into owls. Owls were a messenger
of death and an ill omen
Aztecs - the owl symbolozed he god of HELL. Avatar of
darkness, rain and the storm.
Celtic - In the tale of Math Mathowney, Llew's unfaithful
wife, Blodeuwedd, is changed into an OWL to punish her for
comitting adultery with a neighboring lord.
Peruvian/Inca - linked to death an sacrifices. God who is
half-human half-owl holds a sacrificial knife in one hand and
an urn in the other to collect his victim's blood.
And - Lilth herself is often depicted with owls by her
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
| |
By Qfanny |
06:00 PM |
Whitaker's Journal Plausible Timeline
Feb 4, 1950 (Skins arrive ?) Feb 5, 1950 (1st day in
Skins) Feb 13, 1950 (Motor skills improving) March 8,
1950 (Vanessa adopts her name Vanessa Crawford: mastering art
of contractions) July 4, 1950 (Been three months and still
looking for the Royal Four) Oct 4, 1957 (7 yrs looking, low
morale, 20% causilities, Vanessa states must find them to
recover granilith and go home.) Jan 8, 1958 (Vanessa's
journal logged "How?") Nov 3, 1962 (Vanessa wrote, "Still
can't talk about it.) Feb 13, 1963 (Nicolas was a general
in the palace at home.) Sept 23, 1968 (Skins are starting
to peel.) March 23, 1970 (Nicolas orders skins to "clean
up" their personal data to fit in better with humans) May
14, 1978 (Nicolas plans the Harvest) Oct 11, 1984 (Nicolas
tells Vanessa to be a senator) May 29, 1994 (Vanessa
Crawford marries John Whitaker, Congressman from New
Mexico) May 16, 1996 (John Whitaker dies in "tragic" plane
crash) May 5, 1999 (Vanessa writes about dating
Pierce) April 18, 2000 (Daniel Pierce left for
Roswell) Sept 25, 2000 (Piercedo sells out Whitaker with
saying CandiumX doesn't exist. Whitaker realizes there is
something wrong with Pierce.) Sept 29, 2000 (Whitaker
decides to set up her Roswell office, Pierce doesn't return
her calls.) Oct 6, 2000 (Whitaker's office is set up, has
employee of Liz Parker. Bones w/ CandiumX found. Sheriff very
jumpy and suspicious. Nicolas reporst deserters from Copper
Summit.) Oct 7, 2000 (Whitaker reports Pierce is "the
shapeshifter". And he went to Max Evans, therefore, Evans must
be one of the hybrids. Also wonders if Isabel is really
Vilandra: It is possible the Queen could have reversed
Vilandra's and the Bride's roles to through them off track.
Realizes Liz's importance to the hybrids and tapes her calls.
Killed the shapeshifter.)
Okay, that's it folks. Notice that when Skin & Bones
aired, it was suppose to be before school started. But
Vanessa's journal says late Sept and early Oct.
The dates seem all messed up to me.
What are your comments?
| |
Cat8myhomework |
06:01 PM |
Wow! Cool info on the owls! It is so amazing still how much
symbolism is in this show! I will be looking at older eps this
weekend trying to spy out examples of Venus, V shape, owls,
black moon, and other stuff! This is one of my fave threads!
| |
By Zero |
06:12 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Qfanny: [b]Whitaker's
Journal [u]Plausible Timeline[/u] ... The dates seem
all messed up to me. [/B] THANK YOU QFANNY!!! I will
incorporate these dates into my timeline when I have time!!!!
I have copied them already, but want to make it fit right!!! I
really appreciate it!
Oh - and Starbox - cool info about owls!!
Zero I Shall Believe~
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By GraceKel
06:53 PM |
ZERO---I just read the beginning of this thread---what an
amazing job you do adding all those new thoughts and theories
we all have, I truly appreciate your efforts as always---this
is absolutely my first stop on this board all the time.
QFANNY--I have been trying to access WHITTAKER's JOURNAL
but have been unable to do it-I keep getting an error message
or something---so glad you brought over that
information---INCREDIBLE!!!! THANKYOU! ALSO--I just read
NYLON's post off the other thread---and I think that certainly
fits very well in the ROSWELL SCHEME of things. Thanks for
bringing it to our attention.
STARBOX-I am heading over to answer your PM's as soon as I
am done posting---I FOUND SOMETHING ELSE he!he!
THE WOODS Max has a hand of 3 ROYAL ACES and 2
NINES? And then he CHANGES one of the ROYAL ACES to a
2DIAMONDS?-----Now in BLOOD BROS--Liz says to Max "Maybe you
can stay for dinner, BLUEMOON BURGER, SATURN RINGS, and a
MERCURY MILKSHAKE for 3.99--get it---3ROYALS and 99(the two
9's?) STARBOX this fits with what we have been discussing
about E's VICE PAIR? But ALSO does this mean that the
ROYALS are from 3 different alien races? I am willing to
bet that MAX is the BLUEMOON BURGER, also KYLE, and the whole
VALENTI CLAN for that matter up to VALENTI SR. Anyone want to
guess about the others?
| |
By ree99 |
07:32 PM |
Hi, all. I've been one of those who have believed that Max's
reverse connection with Liz in the Pilot activated her inner
ability to have flashes. But, now I'm wondering if the first
flash Liz had was maybe simply that - her first flash - and
that it had nothing at all to do with the reverse connection.
My thinking is that in TEOTW, Liz asks Kyle (or was it the
other way around?) if he feels different since Max healed him.
Even though he tells her he did not have flashes, he does
smile and shakes his head yes to indicate that he does feel
different (as does Liz). So, they have both felt affected by
their healings. (I realize that they could just be talking
about the emotional results of the traumas.)
But, what if the healing in itself was the triggering event
for enhanced human abilities? Or, the intensity of their
particular healings (reviving from near death as opposed to
removing a bruise) triggers these changes? If so, couldn't we
expect Kyle to see flashes when his emotions are heightened by
someone or something? If this happens in future episodes,
might it give us some indication as to the talents/abilities
that are solely Liz's? (And I believe she still has plenty to
offer her alien friends!)
p.s. Zero, thanks again for your great synopsis. I wish I
had had your talent for succintness (sp?) last spring in my
History 104 class!
| |
Serenity065 |
07:50 PM |
what if Liz was the reincarnation of the princess for an
alternate earth in another dimension (since we know is is now
possiblte to travel between them) and that she was bethroled
to Max in his past life, and after her world was destroyed,
his marriage was arranged to Tess, even though they didn't
love eachother. It has no possibility of happeneing, but it's
a nice ramble.
| |
shapeshifter |
08:22 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Zero: Originally posted by
Qfanny: "Whitaker's Journal: Plausible
Timeline... The dates seem all messed up to me."
THANK YOU QFANNY!!! I will incorporate these dates into my
timeline when I have time!!!! I have copied them already, but
want to make it fit right!!! I really appreciate
should the "Vanessa wrote" dates have ***'s around
them to indicate that they're from which
(I think) is fanfiction? BTW, it took me a while to realize I
had to click on the V symbol to get to the first page of CW's
writings at, and then it took me even
longer (um, days) to figure out to scroll down to get to the
next pages. If Qfanny hadn't reposted it, I probably wouldn't
have pursued it.
| |
LizParkerfan |
10:24 PM |
Bumping this thread.
| |
Cat8myhomework |
10:42 PM |
OMG! I have found something very interesting! I went to, and searched for the terms
aries,constellation,+venus and among the results was something
at ... Are y'all ready for this???
Hopefully this pic will show up:
This is Vincent Van Gogh's "Starry Night", and it was
painted while he was in an asylum... But get this - the stars
are the constellation Aries with the crescent-shaped Venus to
the right (according to the discussion alongside the
painting's pic)! Also, notice the yin/yang swirl (think orb/GA
symbol) in the center and another smaller one off to the
right. I am not sure what all this means, but I thought it was
hella cool! I wonder if a copy of this print has shown up in
any episodes???
Catch ya later!
| |
CharmedKitten |
11:37 PM |
Just a little info on the names of Whittaker and Pierce..
Vanessa: Butterfly Veronica: true image Daniel: God
is my judge
I'm not sure yet on the meaning in regards to the
characters...does anyone else have any ideas? I put Veronica
up cause in the journals, Vanessa says that she was debating
between the two names.
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By makoto14
11:41 PM |
I have been reading here for the last couple weeks --
"lurking", and it is fascinating!
Zero -- I felt totally caught up on the theories presented
by reading your intros -- outstanding!
I believe that Liz is an "awakening" human, who's gift is
that of an open soul. Was it ever determined why the podsters
DNA was mixed with human DNA? In "Wipeout", Nicolas refered to
how Max made decisions on the home planete by the "flip of a
coin." I'm wondering if by being involved with Liz, is Max
being awakened as well, to be more human in some ways, to make
him a truly benevolent leader. (ahhh...grasshoppa)
I believe that the destiny book is really a history book.
The only thing we know for sure is that Tess got p/o and left
making the unit weak.
I believe, I am tired, and these are just the ramblings of
a droopy mind...
| |
By Zero |
11:44 PM |
Cat - wonderful find! I love that painting by VVG! I was
watching "Boy Meets World" with my kids recently on the Disney
channel, and I think this painting was featured in the plot. I
truly wonder if the writers (JK in particular) planned all
these connections, or we have just pulled all this together.
If we did, the writers should take it and run with it - it is
such a great storyline!!!
Zero I Shall Believe!
| |
shapeshifter |
11:47 PM |
quote:Originally posted by makoto14: ...I believe that Liz
is an "awakening" human, who's gift is that of an open soul...
I believe, I am tired, and these are just the ramblings of
a droopy mind... makoto14, I think this: "I believe that
Liz is an 'awakening' human, who's gift is that of an open
soul" is the beautiful part of a mind drifting off to
And I also think Liz is just as important to the survival
of the World as Tess.
| |
By makoto14
11:47 PM |
I know why they mixed the DNA...I meant why specifically
HUMAN DNA and not some other race of beings...surely there
must be millions...
I am tired.
| |
shapeshifter |
11:53 PM |
makoto14, Of course! I see it now! They became humans
to survive on Earth because they determined via time travel
study that only with Liz's help would it work. Hence the
Skins-as-shooters-in-Pilot ("we've got to get rid of her")
| |
Cat8myhomework |
12:12 AM |
Zero, thanks! Everyone has such great ideas and I wanted to
contribute! I was really shocked when I clicked on the link
and saw the painting!
I guess I better go to bed!
Nite all!
| |
By makoto14
12:13 AM |
I just can't seem to get what I'm thinking down properly so
that it doesn't sound lame or a repeat of what has already
been discussed...
many apologies..!
| |
By Norma
Bates |
01:09 AM |
In not so ancient times, owls were considered as harbingers of
death. If you saw an owl, it was bad luck. Yourself or someone
close was going to die.
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By Qfanny |
02:49 AM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter: [QUOTE]Originally
posted by Zero: [b] Originally posted by
Qfanny: "Whitaker's Journal: Plausible
Timeline... The dates seem all messed up to me."
THANK YOU QFANNY!!! I will incorporate these dates into my
timeline when I have time!!!! I have copied them already, but
want to make it fit right!!! I really appreciate
should the "Vanessa wrote" dates have ***'s around
them to indicate that they're from which
(I think) is fanfiction? BTW, it took me a while to realize I
had to click on the V symbol to get to the first page of CW's
writings at, and then it took me even
longer (um, days) to figure out to scroll down to get to the
next pages. If Qfanny hadn't reposted it, I probably wouldn't
have pursued it.
shapeshifter- as far as I know, is
an exclusive site done by the WB for the fans. I would not
consider it a fanfic, but maybe I should. What do the other
agents think on this?
| |
shapeshifter |
08:59 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Qfanny: shapeshifter- as far as
I know, is an exclusive site done by
the WB for the fans. I would not consider it a fanfic, but
maybe I should. What do the other agents think on this?
bump Anyone got a definitive answer?
| |
Cat8myhomework |
10:36 AM |
Just wanted to post this screencap from www.thedddcom to
show the V pattern in Max's curtains. This is from the
Riverdog ep...
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bluecornmoon |
10:57 AM |
Shapeshifter: Maybe the podsters were sent to Earth because
Liz was here? As you say, why choose this planet out of
millions out there? Because the Fifth Element, the Perfect
Love, the one that would complement the Royal Four (Four
Primordial Elements?), was here - the one that would make them
invincible! And, as you know, who is more perfect than our
little Liz?
| |
By irishka75
11:08 AM |
hi, everybody. this is my first post on this thread. it was
very interesting to read different ideas about liz. i always
believed that liz was very important to the whole alien
mythodology. although i don't really want her to end up being
an alien, because that would, in my eyes, downplay the whole
star-crossed lovers thing. but i loved bluecornmoon's idea.
somehow liz is connected to max. i was hoping that her
abilities to see things was brought on my her connection to
max, but there's one problem with this theory...max's
connection to her since the first time he saw her. ok, i
realize that this was probably discussed a long time ago, but
like i said. i have my theory, but this one piece of the puzle
just doesn't fit. ok, just thought i'd share. thanks, irina
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By StarBox
12:07 PM |
Cat8 - LOVE the Starry Starry Night picture. I find it very
interesting that both the "V" formation AND the yin-yang swirl
are incorporated - just further proof of the power of
archetypal images! One thing I have also noticed is that
often when we see max/Liz - they are juxtapositioned so that
their outline reflects the outside of the yin/yang swirl
symbol. I have a screencap in my "reference" folder I will
post later - but you can even see it to some extent in the
Max/Liz photo you posted. Great work with your research!
GraceKel - I think you are DEFINATELY on to something BIG.
As much as we may hate to consider the possibility that
Michael is a "weak link" in the chain - with the potential to
turn to the "dark side" - I think the clues and EVERYTHING
else we have seen - since season one - supports this theory.
If our theory is correct about the three warring factions
(and I really, really think it is) - then the "rebels" have
two major goals: 1) Produce an heir with the royal
bloodline to give them a legitamite claim to the Twilo throne
- via a Tess/Max union. It HAS to be through Max because his
child will have the birthright to claim the throne. 2)
Bring Michael to their side (hence the MW). Micheal is
necessary because he would have the authority/power to unite
both races and to "rally the troops" as it were to fight
on their behalf. Also - his defection would considerably
weaken Max's ability to stage any counter-rebellion. We are
told that he COULD have done this on Twilo but was unwilling
to betray Max - I think the "rebels" are STILL after him to
join their fight. A bonus for them would be to encourage a
Michael/Isabel union - therby giving them an indirect claim to
the throne via. royal bloodline. KHIVAR would also love to
get Isabel to his side (hence the Vilandra project) because
her child would lend stability/legitimacy to his hold on the
throne - but Khivar doesnt HAVE to have her because he is
already IN power on Twilo.
Thus - in the eyes of the rebels - TESS and MICHAEL are
their "VICE PAIR". They are the key to a successfull campaign
to overthrow both Khivar and Max.
This explains WHY no one is just outright KILLING the
podsters. They need Micheal - and they need Max's heir. The
REBELS are not after the granolith.
Here is another way to looks at it: There are THREE
opposing "camps"
1) Max supporters - have the royal bloodline - have
legitimate claim to the throne. Includes Max, Isabel, Liz
2) Khivar supporters - have control of Twilo at present.
Goal is to KILL the royals after discovering the granolith. A
bonus "prize" would be "converting Isabel" thus giving them a
partial claim to the royal lineage. Includes (I think) -
the "skins" and maybe (probably?) Nikolas
3) REBELS - include members of both races - their goal
is to overthrow Khivar and Max and to sieze control of the
throne. They can only do this WITH a legitamite heir to the
throne to "lead" them - rally the troops - draw support - etc.
Goal - infiltrate the pod squad and produce a royal
heir. HOPEFULLY through Max - since his son is going to have
the most claim to the throne and be the most successful at
"uniting" both races. They also want to "recruit" Michael as
their leader as the "Kings" trusted "second in command" would
also give them legitimacy (think the movie Gladiator where
Maximus had as much power in terms of popular opinion as the
Ceaser). Their bonus is that a Micheal/Isabel union would
also give them a legitamite heir. BUT - even given an
Isabel birthed heir - without Max dead - there would always be
the risk that he or his son could come and reclaim the
throne. As long as there is hope for an heir - the royals
are relatively "safe". Rebels include TESS, HARDING,
Michael is the swing character - not fully a Max supporter
or a rebel at this point - he is torn between both
This could be part of the reason that EOTW was a
critical episode. With hope for an heir gone - the rebles may
have launched a full-out offensive against the
Khivar-supporters. Max/Isabel/Michael would have been caught
in the crossfire. BUT - the rebel forces would have still
tried to protect them up until the end (EOTW) in the hopes
that once the rebels defeated Khivar's troops - that they
could convince Max/Micheal/Isabel to defect to their side.
This makes all the aliens we see that are working to
PROTECT but not HELP the pod squad make sense. The rebels DONT
want them dead (yet) - in fact they will protect them from
Khivar's troops until the very end.
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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shapeshifter |
02:44 PM |
quote:Originally posted by bluecornmoon: Shapeshifter:
Maybe the podsters were sent to Earth because Liz was here? As
you say, why choose this planet out of millions out there?
Did I ask that question? Anyway, I still think Max
recognized her by way of a time fold memory, and that he
initially recognized her as key to their survival, but then
***sigh*** fell in with her in a most human way.
Qfanny, is definitely RIGHT THERE, top
right on the home page of the WB. However, if you click on the
"legal/privacy" link at the bottom of the page, there is:
The WB Television Network, whether or not affiliated with
sites which may be linked to this site, is not responsible for
their content ("Linked Sites"). The Linked Sites are for your
convenience only and you access them at your own risk.
Submissions DISCLAIMER
The materials in The WB Television Network's Web Sites are
provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind either
express or implied... So, is VW's notebook a clue for us
straight from those who are spinning the mythology that we
love to decipher, or...or not? Anybody suggest a place to
write/email to get the answer on this?
And Starbox: what about when Nick said he wanted them all
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By StarBox
06:57 PM |
just bumping :-)
| |
By GraceKel
07:11 PM |
STARBOX thank you for responding to my post!!!! I totally
agree this MATING is IMPORTANT for a REASON----and an HEIR to
the throne makes perfect sense!!! But here is another
question, they are telling Isabel that she was Vilandra who
betrayed her brother for the love of a skin KHIVAR---but maybe
this is another twisted story---and KHIVAR is exactly who
Isabel was meant to be pairing up with but this provides THE
what the evils would want---and continue to press that THIS IS
THEIR DESTINY!!!!!! When it really is not!!!!
I just remembered something else about Tess that EVID had
pointed out in FOUR SQUARE when she goes into the ladies room
and Liz follows her in but she seems to DISAPPEAR in
there------why????? Does she have shapeshifting ability. And
that fire ability-now didn't TOPOLSKY and company die in a
fire in that hospital?
I wonder who KHIVAR is going to be?
I think so far what we have been seeing this season is the
pods TRUSTING the WRONG PEOPLE and they just might be cutting
their own throats as well as their own races as well.
| |
By StarBox
07:12 PM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter:
And Starbox: what about when Nick said he wanted them all
My theory is that Nick is a Khivar-supporter and the Khivar
supporters want to find the granolith and KILL the royals.
They do not need the bloodline to claim power because they
already HAVE the throne. The easiest thing for them to do is
KILL Max to ensure that no-one from the royal bloodline can
come back with a claim to the throne.
It is the REBELS that have to keep the royals alive - while
at the same time trying to subvert Michael/breed an heir via.
Tess. They are in a position where they need the legitimacy
of the royal bloodline in order to mount a full scale
rebellion and lay claim to the throne. With a leader of Max's
race (Michael) and an heir to the royal throne - the rebels
could unite BOTH races and take back the Twilo throne.
Basically - MAX and his race have the legitimate claim to
the throne. KHIVAR and his race have CONTROL of Twilo right
THe REBELS dont have any way to take over the throne - they
dont have the power Khivar has or a legitimate claim like Max
has - therefore the royals are crucial to their efforts. They
have to have at least ONE of them turn to their side so that
they can get the majority of Max's race behind their "cause".
Otherwise - Max's "people" will be waiting for their KING to
return and will not join in the rebellion. I think that if the
rebels could secure and heir and/or Micheal they would kill
Max as well. Until then - he is much more valuable alive.
Does that make any sense to you???
**StarBox** dreamer, mythologist
| |
By maxcedo
07:15 PM |
yes it makes sense, Starbox, but am I the only one who has
been demoted to Training pants? And I can't post at all now,
so I'm sneaking in as Maxcedo. --shapeshifter
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By Qfanny |
08:27 PM |
I think that the three factions could be possible too.
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By SF |
10:29 PM |
Hey StarBox, I just wanted to let you know that I found your
posts on this thread.
Qfanny and Shapeshifter, I went and looked at It's cute and funny, but for now I'm
taking it all with a pinch of salt. Some of the "facts" just
seem to create even bigger holes.
| |
By shapeshifter's
clone |
10:34 PM |
shapeshifter here, caught in a boardwarp. quote:Originally
posted by SF: Hey StarBox, I just wanted to let you know
that I found your posts on this thread.
Qfanny and Shapeshifter, I went and looked at It's cute and funny, but for now I'm
taking it all with a pinch of salt. Some of the "facts" just
seem to create even bigger holes.
SF Yes it's "cute," but so is a lot of Roswell. What we
need to know is, who created it and for what purpose? Is it
supposed to jive with the plot of the show, and if so, who
approves it?
| |
By HyperKitN
10:51 PM |
Wow! i can't even keep up these dayz.
I have been wondering ever since TEOTW aired why Liz said
she saw flashed when Max healed her. Max was the one who saw
the flashes and that is why he did the reverse connection to
her so she could see in him. I think this is probably why she
gets flashes not only from Max,but Harding also. This reverse
connection was never severed. I bet if she was able to open up
completelu to Michael and Isabel she could see things too.
Maybe she should try this on Tess. I do think something was
awakened in her so the possibility of this awakening happening
to Kyle is good. If say long descendants of Roswell came from
past alien races,both the Parkers and Valenti's are good
candidates for having some alien anscestry.
I'm so absorbed by this show.
| |
By GraceKel
10:51 PM |
Shapeshifter---Nikolas says he wants them all dead it is
assumed he is talking about the ROYALS but maybe he is really
talking about the skins---he never peeled--he could be a
shapeshifter and they just offed the skins-----and the pods
don't know it but they just killed their own race??????
| |
By HyperKitN
11:20 PM |
GK that's interesting. that brings up again whether Nick and
Tess are working together.
I just read VW journal. It was very interesting. the dates
didn't make sense,but I was wondering what all the blacked out
stuff said. Was this website created by the WB. I can't
remember. Also it was interestng how the journal states that
the queen could have switched herself. But it makes it seem as
though Vilandra was queen now and not merely Max's sister.
Well it was a little confusing.
| |
By Qfanny |
11:55 PM |
The WB owns the URL for . I would
consider the site official then.
| |
By makoto14
12:07 AM |
Starbox -- Cool! Thanks so much for breaking down the
warring groups...I was really starting to get a little
confused as to who is where, doing what!
This may have already been discussed, but who was watching
Maria and Liz on the street in Wipeout? (the scene with the
coffee and they heard something and it looked like someone was
watching them from an odd perspective) Do you think that was
one of the rebels or was it Tess keeping an eye on them?
I totally dig this show!
| |
LuvBluDevls |
01:10 AM |
I really want to know what the V constellation has to do with
this Roswell mythology. Is it important? Can anyone explain it
to me?
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By PW/JPRules
01:19 AM |
I'm fascinated by this thread, but before I get to sleep, I've
gotta ask -- who here's a fan of Babylon 5?
I ask because B5 was very much like y'all're making Roswell
out to be -- nearly every little detail of the series meant
something in the final analysis. For example, the healing
machine they found in the first season (The Quality of Mercy?)
meant something in what was originally planned to be the
third-to-last episode (Endgame?). (I'm not definitively sure
of the ep titles). I won't tell you what happens with the
machine, though. If you haven't seen B5, I highly recommend
it, though.
And I've gotta say that if Jason Katims is using JMS (B5's
creator) as his role model for SF, he could do much, much
Looking forward to reading all of your theories, Barbara
P.S. what's an "RBI," besides "run batted in," of course .
. .
| |
By shapeshifter's
clone |
01:30 AM |
quote:Originally posted by LuvBluDevls: I really want to
know what the V constellation has to do with this Roswell
mythology. Is it important? Can anyone explain it to
me? You might want to read Palomino's Explanation at Don't
neglect to check out the link to Nemo's answer to
Palomino. But I realize we neglected to discuss the idea of
the star that completes the V being Venus and how this relates
to Max saying that Liz is his Venus.
PW/JPRules, RBI is Roswell Bureau of Investigation
(looking for clues)
Makoto, Don't worry about discussing things that have
already been brought up. We love to rehash stuff and get new
insights. After all, look at me, I'm just a shadow of my
former self. --shapeshifter
| |
By Zero |
01:42 AM |
Hi all RBIs (Roswell Bureau of Investigation) - I'm off for a
little over a week, so I'm leaving you all in the trustworthy
hands of Shapeshifter and Qfanny to get the next thread(s) up
and running. Just don't go too hog wild while I'm gone, or
I'll never get the Intro up-to-date!!
I'm praying my VCR tapes! I figure Dupe means not only
duplicate but also that someone gets duped in this next
episode, so I can hardly wait to watch it when I get back!
I was at an auction tonight, and one of the class projects
was "Stary Night" - it was so cool - but we didn't get it!
Love the warring factions summary/theory!!
Welcome to all Newbies !
I'm off to hang out with a large Mouse, and have a fun
Thanksgiving! Everyone have a great Thanksgiving, and I'll
chat with you all when I get back!
Zero I Shall Believe!!
| |
By PW/JPRules
05:21 AM |
The WB owns the URL for . I would
consider the site official then.
Well, they own the domain name, and it's hosted on the WB's
servers, but when I looked it up at, I
Who's Apollo Interactive?
Hey, this is a pretty cool mystery all by itself!
Thanks to all of you for the definition of RBI!
| |
By PW/JPRules
06:02 AM |
Speaking of Lilith, I've done some research into her (for some
fiction I was writing) and believe that a lot of what is said
about her is basically a "bum rap." Pretty much the only
definitive thing that I could find about her is that she
angered God when she stopped Adam from raping her, so God gave
him a more compliant wife -- Eve.
Now, I've missed all of the past discussion, so this might
have been discussed before, but knowing that Max was once the
kind of guy who'd risk hundreds (or thousands?) of lives on
the toss of a coin, I wouldn't put rape past him.
I'm not going to go so far as to say that Liz is the
reincarnation of the first wife in question (though that would
be incredibly cool), but what if Max had a first wife who died
or left rather than let him rape her, so his parents arranged
for him to have a more-compliant second wife as well? Tess is
beginning to grow on me, so I don't mean to disparage her, for
those hussies (?) out there reading this, but she is awfully
"you used to be my husband, so we must be together regardless
of who you are now," which is definitely the kind of second
"Eve"-like wife I'd imagine Tess to be.
Also, I'm looking at, and it
looks to me from the first page, that the Skins were just here
to find the granilith. The exact quote (spelling corrected) is
"Must find Royal Four so we can get granilith and go
And one more thought -- they probably sent the Pod Squad to
Earth because Earth had neither too primitive nor too advanced
a civilization Plus there's the reason that Jor-El sent his
son (Kal-el, or Superman) here --the enhanced abilities would
make the Pod Squad "supermen" and -women, as well.
Makes me wonder why they didn't just give the ability to
incinerate Skins with a thought to Max or Michael. Afraid
they'd be *too* powerful, perhaps?
| |
By ellen |
06:47 AM |
For me Liz represents Roswell- the show isn't just about the
POD SQUAD but about the fact that people can change each
others lives and this symbolises Roswell to me. Liz is an
important part I just hope she aint overshadowed by the Sci-fi
| |
By StarBox
06:54 AM |
GraceKel - I think you have a good point about Nikolas. We
dont know what side he ison - but I do NOT think he is the
same race as the skins (different powers, doesnt peel). I
see the majority of the "skins" as basically mindless battle
droids - perhaps easily controlled by whatever "power" lays
claim to them.
PW/JP - about Lilth - be careful where you look to research
her. What I am talking about is the ARCHETYPE of Lilith - that
is to say - the "LILITH-figure" that exists in almsot every
culture. The archetypal Lilth was banished for using the name
of GOD in an argument with God - she considered herself
suprior to man and equal with God (you can see the
Lilith-archetype in the old children's story - The Fisherman's
Much has been written in terms of modern feminist theology
about how Lilth was a good character, a strong woman - and was
unfairly punished because she was liberated woman (hence the
Lilth Fair name). Unfortunately, these same camps look down
on Eve as being the "weak, submissive" female.
However - I personally feel that Lilth is a very strong
archetype. I dont think that she should be approached in this
"feminist way" - but should be looked at in terms of her
cross-cultural symbolic meaning - which is negative in EVERY
If you look at Lilth/Eve/Adam in the most basic of terms -
Lilth represents a lack of BALANCE. She did not see herself as
an equal to Adam - but as his SUPERIOR - not only that - she
considered herself to be equal with GOD. Eve on the other
hand - created from Adam's rib - was "bone of his bone, flesh
of his flesh". They embodied a BALANCE of male/female. Their
union was one of mutual trust, sharing and harmony. They were
the original "yin/yang".
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
| |
By nermal |
09:44 AM |
quote:Originally posted by WR: Norse mythology also has a
wolf ( I think it's called Fenris ) that at the End of The
World, will be freed from it's chains to fight a huge Snake
that is currently looped around the world. I'm going on a VERY
vague memory here.
That sort of is like Revelations where a woman (Mary)
crushes the snake that is about to devour the world, or
something like that.
Either way, Max is the wolf, and Liz is the woman and they
can crush the snake together.
Bringing multiple mytholgies together.
| |
Cat8myhomework2 |
09:58 AM |
Hi ya! Well, after the FF meltdown, I was lost in the cosmos -
my stars and password cast into oblivion... But I'm back! and
blazing to 100 posts! Darn 'puter gremlins better not take my
stars away again!
Love your posts! Keep up the good work!
| |
By nermal |
10:08 AM |
HyperKitn: interesting if the Parkers and Valentis are
descended from aliens.
But what about the Granolith? From the looks of the crash
in Summer of '47, how could the aliens have gotten the
granolith off the ship after the crash. Unless it was already
here. Can the granolith transport itself to a new location? Or
had it existed here before and the aliens came to Earth
looking for it, so they could use its power to aid in their
What would be the Holy Grail here, the granolith or a royal
bloodline of alien DNA interbred with humans for
| |
By nermal |
10:46 AM |
Finally read CW's diaries.
Interesting timeline if it really relates to the acutal
story. I guess CW had some friends that Nicholas killed? Human
I don't suppose it would be possible that CW knew Atherton
and Nicholas killed him? Or maybe she had a human lover or
even had a half human child by him. The timeline would fit
with that child being Sheila Hubble. And it would explain that
1970 entry how everyone they loved had to disappear. But it
looked like a shapeshifter like Nasedo killed Sheila, so what
exactly is going on here?
Gotta get all my computer time in while the darned thing
| |
shapeshifter |
11:32 AM |
Nice detective work, PW/JPRules. I emailed your
silverhandprint source to ask about the intentions of the
journal. Will report back if I get a reply. Wow, you guys
are on a role and I need to leave, so briefly, Starbox,
PW/JPRules, et al: It would be nice to know if the writers are
familiar with the traditional and/or feminist versions of
Lillith. Either way, we can interpret the story using either
archetype; I say "either archetype" because it seems that they
are different enough to be 2 different types. But, regardless,
Tess is associated with the Lillith symbols, so that would
make her the first wife that didn't love King Max, and Liz the
Eve. As far as Max "raping" anyone, maybe it was more of just
his being a little overt in his passions and she didn't
appreciate it (silly girl!).
nermal, I like the idea of the granolith transporting
itself. Remember when Max wondered if it could hear
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By StarBox
01:00 PM |
Zero - I forgot to tell you to have a great trip, a wonderful
Thanksgiving and ENJOY your time in the happiest place on
earth! it really YOU??? :-) I dont know what
was up but FF was really funky all day yesterday - I still
seem tohave lost some posts somewhere. As for the Lilth
archetypes - I agree that either the feminist cersion or the
traditional version would work - because even with the
feminist version you could see Tess having a goal of dominion
over Max. As for the rape - while I have not come across
that (and I asked my dh who has a graduate theology degree if
he had heard about the rape and he said no - but that this
isnt scripture - its folklore - so there may be multiple
versions). In the traditional interpretation - I believe -
Lilith flat out refuses to have any sexual relations with
Adam. Again - this goes back to the basic theme of BALANCE.
Lilith represents a relationship out of balance - and Eve
represents the yin/yang of harmonious male/female
realtionships. Here are two screencaps from TLV: Where
Max kisses Tess - notice the Crashdown lights in the
background "tipped" out of balance.
Now - here is the
yin-yang swirl
Now - here is one of many images of
Max/Liz - notice how their position and the sweep of her hair
mirror the balance of the yin-yang
SF - I replied to you on the symbols board - but i will add
that as I have thought about it I agree that Khivar wants the
bloodline via. Isabel as well. :-)
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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By ellen |
01:04 PM |
I totally agree with all of you guys- Liz is important being
human is real ellen
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By sunrise
01:26 PM |
Zero - Have fun! Don't stay away too long
I'm a little confused about some of the things that some of
you have been saying so if anyone can clear up some of my
confusion, i'd appriciate it.
1. The thing about max deciding the fates of his armies by
the "flip of a coin" always struck me as a symbol of his power
not arrogance or lack of leadership ability (now granted that
he has not shown to be the best of leaders this season, but
give him time cause he only found out he was king a few months
ago and needs time to adjust to the responsibility). I also
think that the current personalities of the Royal Four somehow
mirror what they must have been like in their past lives, i.e.
Michael shows himself to be hard and a little cold, which
would reflect him in his formal life as the warrior that he
was. So in fairness to Max, he doesn't seem to be the kind of
person/leader who would do that and the proof has been shown
since the Pilot. Which now brings me to my second question (2)
where is this thing about Max raping his wife coming from?!!!
He wouldn't do that in any way, shape, or form so if anyone
could clear this up for me, Thanks
| |
By *Mandy
Behr* |
01:49 PM |
Ok, this is my first time posting on this thread but I've been
reading it for the past couple days and everything you guys
have to say is so intresting! I wish I could come up with this
kind of stuff! Anyways, here's my thoughts on some things:
The person that was watching Maria and Liz in Wipeout who
also is seen watching Max at chool and Nasedo before he dies,
is probably Nickolas. He's obviously some kind of special Skin
and remember in the journal it said they had probs with their
vision in the husks. But it would logically be Nickolas (It's
would be nice to have it be Tess cuz I want her to be evil!! )
He was the one who killed Nasedo and he was the one watching
everyone. Remember, he's got some kind of powers and something
tells me that all those times we saw that POV, the people he
was watching couldn't see him. I think he has the ability to
be invisable. (As well as invincable!)
Also, I think V constellation stands simply for an arrow, a
giude to where the pod chamber was. Maybe it didn't complete a
full V until Tess came because they weren't meant to find the
chamber until all of the Royal Four were together. BTW, my
English teacher has that VVG painting hanging in the back of
his classroom and I think it's such a pretty picture!
As for the abomidable Tess, she's got probs and some major
issues that I haven't really decided on yet. All I know is
that she's hiding something, something major. Maybe she was a
member of one of the other races of aliens, a bad one. Either
wya, she's gotta go!
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By Wishful
Thinking |
02:14 PM |
Just wanted to pop in and say that I really like the
theories/ideas people come up with on this thread.
Really like the take on the seperate factions Starbox.
Oh my, who do the Podsters trust? My reaction on when we
learned of Vilandra & then the Michael-Worshipping-Skins
is that it is all part of the Skins plan to divide and
conquer... currently I'm unsure of who's stories they should
take as valid.
Grace Kell, if your theory on Khivar really being Isabel
great (but used by the Skins to keep Isabel away from him)
comes true, it's going got make my head !
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shapeshifter |
02:23 PM |
Starbox, yes, it's me, shapeshifter, minus my stars &
avatar. It seems I got too prideful and needed to go back to
quote:Originally posted by sunrise: ...1. The thing
about max deciding the fates of his armies by the "flip of a
coin" always struck me as a symbol of his power not arrogance
or lack of leadership ability ...
...Which now brings me to my second question (2) where is
this thing about Max raping his wife coming from?!!! He
wouldn't do that in any way, shape, or form so if anyone could
clear this up for me, Thanks sunrise, I interpreted Nick's
coin comment the same way, but nobody else has. Still
according to "shapeshifter's axiom," if 2 or more come up with
the idea, then it might be what the writers intended...or at
least a worthwhile concept on some level.
The rape thing has to do with a feminist interpretation of
the mythology of Lillith, whom I have only learned about in
the last day since it was brought up here (but I also have a
daughter who maxed out her SATs to clue me in). So, since
Tess's ring (is that right, guys?) and book have Lillith
symbols, and since Lillith was the scorned (and scornful)
first wife of Adam in these extra-Biblical writings, then Max
would be a type of Adam. So, that's where that discussion
comes from.
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By sunrise
02:40 PM |
Shapeshifter - Thanks for your input, glad to see i'm not
alone in my reasoning. Just hope others will come forward w/
similar opinions.
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By Wishful
Thinking |
02:56 PM |
Sunrise and Shapeshifter you're not alone in taking the coin
flip comment as just a metaphorical reference to the Once 's
power. I just assumed that the majority thought this and the
few that didn't posted otherwise... oops .
Someone mentioned this on the ORBS thread, so thought I'd
just pass it along... FYI: everyone who experienced the
Wipe Out yesterday and lost s/posts-- check, out over on the
FF FAQ, the new thread thats been started for people to sign
up. Hopefully it'll help to get them back!
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By Wishful
Thinking |
03:45 PM |
Okay here's a thought to toss out there, forgive me if it's
already been mentioned...
The granolith, is something of tremendous power that the
Skins are trying to get ahold of. I think that the granolith
was sent to Earth in the Podsters' chamber, so they could
guard it & have it in safe keeping--- sort of to prevent
it from falling into the wrong hands.
Someone mentioned on another thread (sorry forgot who) that
the symbol, on the alien necklace/on one of the orbs,
resembles two hands around a triangular symbol that might
possibly represent the granolith.
Now what if the one "hand" enclosing most of the granolith
symbol is the one who has the granolith & is in charge =
Max... and the smaller "hand" is Liz (also it's her finger
pointing to the orb itself, when it lights up), who completes
the circle surrounding the symbol & thus protecting the
Plus as a result of EOTW, she is the only one that as any
idea what the granolith is capable of, makes me go hmmmm...
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By raven21s
05:13 PM |
Hi, just wanted to post and say how fascinated I am by this
whole thread, theories etc....WOW!!
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By raven21s
05:58 PM |
Ok, here is my attempt at a few thoughts, don't know if anyone
else noticed or commented, but here goes.
In the Sexual Healing episode Liz has a flash of a star and
asks her teacher about it, he says something about dying star,
red giant, the light wouldn't be seen from the earth.
All planets are stars and if as we have learned there was a
war on Max's planet, could it be possible that by some
alien/skin forces (like war heads, H-bombs better yet
CadmiumX-bombs) the planet was changed causing it to begin the
process and means to its end. If so it could be a matter of
time before the planet and its inhabitants are consumed and
die. The MOMogram (if it was real and not a Tess mind warp)
pleaded to 'Save us'.
Tie in the granolith and its importance to the Skins. The
Skins could have caused a grave amount of damage and not only
could they need the granolith to save themselves, but also
their entire race and existence on the planet. Also, the
granolith may hold the only transportation means of returning
to the planet.
Liz's passion for science and her flashes is what actually
gave way to finding the orb, Pierce's bones (uni test for
CadX). Liz is the only person or alien on the good side who
has any clue what the can granolith do. It would seem that for
the Royal 4 to advance in knowledge, keep their secret and
survive, they need Liz and her flashes.
I know this is a bit far fetched but I thought I would put
it out
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By PW/JPRules
06:04 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: As for the rape - while
I have not come across that (and I asked my dh who has a
graduate theology degree if he had heard about the rape and he
said no - but that this isnt scripture - its folklore - so
there may be multiple versions). In the traditional
interpretation - I believe - Lilith flat out refuses to have
any sexual relations with Adam. Again - this goes back to the
basic theme of BALANCE. Lilith represents a relationship out
of balance - and Eve represents the yin/yang of harmonious
male/female realtionships.
Here's the page I got the rape thing
(at least, I've always interpreted "Adam tried to force her"
as a rape attempt).
Of course, I was looking specifically for the tale of
Lillith as Adam's first wife for a Dark Shadows fanfic I'm
writing (anyone here familiar with DS?). Speaking of that
fanfic, I can give you a link to the Pseudepigrapha (which,
among other information, gives the names of Adam's daughters)
if you need one.
You're right. The marking on the orb thing does look like
the yin/yang symbol. My dh is taking the Yang form of Tai Chi
Chuan from a man who learned from it directly from a member of
the Yang family, so we've been discussing Asian philosophy for
a while now. He says that the current philosophy, from what
he's read, is that the black and white portions of the symbol
represent opposites, but the circle represents a third force
keeping the other two in balance.
We were discussing it in terms of Roswell today (see what
you people've done to me? ), and he said that he wonders if
originally (as in before Tess) one interpretation of the tai
chi symbol (its proper name according to his teacher) was Max,
Michael and Isabel. Isabel was desperate to just be human,
wanting dates, parties, cheerleading, family, etc. Michael was
desperate *not* to be human, searching endlessly for the
aliens to take him home. Max kept them in balance.
And I wonder if Kyle will be the first to notice the
resemblance between that marking and the yin/yang symbol?
| |
By StarBox
06:22 PM |
quote:Originally posted by PW/JPRules:
You're right. The marking on the orb thing does look like
the yin/yang symbol. My dh is taking the Yang form of Tai Chi
Chuan from a man who learned from it directly from a member of
the Yang family, so we've been discussing Asian philosophy for
a while now. He says that the current philosophy, from what
he's read, is that the black and white portions of the symbol
represent opposites, but the circle represents a third force
keeping the other two in balance.
PW - I believe that the yin-yang represents the union of
Max/Liz. The harmonious connection of the two opposite sides
(yin and yang) that balance each other. Almost all of the
symbolism that surrounds Max and Liz trace back to also
representing yin-yang - just as almost all the EA symbols
represent a LACK of balance.
Interesting about your husband and Asian philosophy. I will
admit to knowing next to nothing about Buddhism - but look at
these images:
I looked it up to be sure and I am
almost sure that this is indeed a statue of Buddha. It
really seems to be connected to Liz in terms of a symbol - you
can see this esp in the screencap of her and Tess in front of
the window. But I am not sure what this means - any idea from
those of you who know more about Asian philosophy???
Shapeshifter - nice to see you back with stars on your
belly :-) and your avatar intact!
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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By Lorelai19
06:33 PM |
What I found interesting about the Buddhist test and subtext
that's been cropping up in Roswell lately is that one of the
tenants of that particular religion is reincarnation.
Now, we know that the Four Pod Squad members are
"recreations" in human form of four members of the royal
family of Antar (Or so we are told.) I find it very
interesting that Nasedo would have something of that religion
in his home, and that Kyle would be attracted to that religion
in order to deal with his near-death and "rebirth".
I like to think that there *could* be a clue to a
connection there between Liz, the other humans the Pod Squad,
and their life before Earth.
| |
By PW/JPRules
06:45 PM |
Sorry. Wrote something. Decided not to post it, then hit the
"submit" button by accident.
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By HyperKitN
07:15 PM |
Raven-I was thinking of what you were saying about the red
star and the Granilith. What if the planet was dying and the
Granilith has enough power to keep the planet from burning
out. I don't know if that is what you are trying to say about
saving the races, but it would makes sense since it has a lot
of power. Kinda like the air thing on Total Recall when they
were on Mars. The machine controled all the air on the planet.
Who know is the Granilith is what keeps planet Twilo alive.
The podsters people took it away from the planet so at least
if they couldn't win the war they could distroy the Skins.
There are probably other aliens of the pod squads race here on
earth so they could repopulate. Wow!took your theory and went
crazy w/it. Totally good idea though.
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By UNCgal |
07:39 PM |
K... I just wanted to FINALLY post my thoughts actually. I've
been following the message boards since the beginning, but
have always been too lazy to post my own thoughts. This thread
has been quite fascinating lately, especially about the whole
Lilth/owl stuff Actually, when someone mentioned the owl
it actually occured to me that don't they list Max's birthday
as March 15th? Interesting that they picked the Ides of March,
the date of the death of Caesar. I dunno if they meant to or
not, but that brings in the whole Caesar mythology. Anyway,
the whole point of all this is that an Owl plays an important
part in the Caesar mythology. One of the signs of the
impending death of Caesar is the sight and whoot of an owl in
daytime. Sorry if someone's posted about this before, it's
hard to keep up with all the threads. Maybe I should post it
in the symbolism thread, but I thought it might be of interest
here since we were looking at owl mythology. Hope this
made some sense. Keep it up guys! I love reading your posts...
this is one of the best threads out there.
| |
By Wishful
Thinking |
08:10 PM |
quote:Originally posted by UNCgal: Actually, when someone
mentioned the owl it actually occured to me that don't they
list Max's birthday as March 15th? Interesting that they
picked the Ides of March, the date of the death of Caesar. I
dunno if they meant to or not, but that brings in the whole
Caesar mythology. Anyway, the whole point of all this is that
an Owl plays an important part in the Caesar mythology. One of
the signs of the impending death of Caesar is the sight and
whoot of an owl in daytime. Sorry if someone's posted about
this before, it's hard to keep up with all the threads. Maybe
I should post it in the symbolism thread, but I thought it
might be of interest here since we were looking at owl
This would fit with the Vilandra story the Skins are
Brutes, Caesar's close & trusted friend, betrayed and
helped to kill Caesar, in what he thought was for the benefit
of Rome.
In his previous life, Max, was betrayed by Vilandra for
Khivar (why, we don't know,yet). Her betrayal resulted in, I
guess we are to assume, the death of herself, the Royal Four,
and possibly others.
This is based on what Whitaker(sp?) said to Isabel/Vilandra
in Surprise "... you betrayed him. You sacrificed him, you
sacrificed everyone, even yourself..." (sorry if the quote is
a bit off, I'm going from purely memory here )
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Metaphysicalgrl |
08:17 PM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter:
nermal, I like
the idea of the granolith transporting itself. Remember when
Max wondered if it could hear them?
Hello all...IMHO, I really think that the Granolith is key
to whatever is going on in Twilo. It seems fairly obvious that
it was sent down with the podsters to keep it from winding up
in the hands of the enemy. Maybe it was sent later -- maybe it
was sent before.
It probably has something to do with the 'balance'.
Remember the healing stones? What if, the Granolith was like a
bigger, more powerful version of the stones? It seemed that if
the podsters (and HUMANS! for that matter) focused their
energy using the stones, they were able to bring the balance
back into alignment. Maybe the Granolith is the key to the
It seems that the Granolith has the potential to serve a
wide variety of purposes -- given the fact that it is a
tremendous source of power/energy. It's been speculated before
on this board that the podsters weren't able to heal Nacedo
the last time because Liz wasn't present. What if on earth,
Liz and/or the other human's energy is needed to utilize the
Granolith on earth? What if the climate on earth has somehow
affected the Granolith? So far, we have only seen the Granlith
in action once. And who was there? Liz and Max. BTW, is it
important that Tess is responsible for showing the other
podsters the pod chamber --leading them to the discovery of
the Granolith?
Hmmmm...another theory to ponder. As usual, there are so
many unanswered questions!!
Regarding Does anyone hear echoes of
the Blair Witch happening here? It was so brilliant how
Miramax used the website prior to the release of the film to
give background history and build a huge buzz in general...I
get the sense that TPTB are using this website in the same
way...And, while I'm on this rant -- does anyone else wonder
what the other two symbols stand for on that page? It's
obvious the skins section is called UFL (United Friendship
League)...what do the other two stand for? Does this kind of
confirm the three different factions theory? The silver
handprint could represent our podsters..
Ranting. Sorry. I type 100 words a minute so it's easy to
get carried away.
Thanks for listening!
| |
shapeshifter |
08:27 PM |
UNCgal, There was some talk about the Ides of March, but I
don't think anyone mentioned the Caesar connection, and I'm
sure no one mentioned the owl/Caesar connection. Last season
we tracked the occurances of a music clip that sounded like
Native American flute music or an African digereedoo; it was a
lot like an owl's hoot. It seemed maybe to indicate the
presence of TicTac. But it is now used whenever an alien power
is being used.
About owls: there is something very disconcerting about a
very large owl nearby in a tree when you are all alone. I am
sure that's where the bad press comes from--and they are
predators (poor little s). Anyway, I'm sure they'd like to see
this over on the signs & symbols too, or would it fit in
with the Joseph Campbell hero's quest thread in some
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By starE |
08:48 PM |
Hi Guys!
I have a question regarding the skins. From my
understanding there was some sort of a civil war on planet
Twilo between the podsters and the skins. The skins won (with
help from Vilandra) and killed the podsters thus taking over
control of the planet.
The podsters essence was duplicated and sent to earth in
the pods in order to live again so that they could find a way
to come back and save their planet.
First question: Why did the skins come to earth? If they
had already won the war, what do they care about these kids on
Second question: Why would they choose a planet that was so
far behind (technologically) than their current planet?
Wouldn't they go somewhere that could offer them the answers
more quickly and easily?
I am interested in your responses, but am hoping that they
came to this planet guessed it...the key (Liz) is
Have a wonderful night!!
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Metaphysicalgrl |
08:50 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox:
I looked it up to be sure and I am almost sure that
this is indeed a statue of Buddha. It really seems to be
connected to Liz in terms of a symbol - you can see this esp
in the screencap of her and Tess in front of the window. But I
am not sure what this means - any idea from those of you who
know more about Asian philosophy???
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
It is INDEED a statue of Buddha. The Buddha was not
interested in satisfying human curiousity about the origin of
the world, the nature of the Divine, or similar questions. He
was concerned exclusively with the human situation, with the
suffering and frustrations of human beings. His doctrine
pointed out the origin of human frustrations and the way to
overcome them, taking up for this purpose the traditional
Indian concepts of maya, karma, nirvana, etc.
According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha went to the
Deer Park of Benares immediately after his awakening to preach
his doctrine to his former fellow hermits. He expressed it in
the celebrated form of the Four Noble Truths, a compact
presentation of the essential doctrine which is not unlike the
statement of a physician, who first identifies the cause of
humanity's sickness, then affirms that the sickness can be
cured, and finally prescribes the remedy.
The first Noble Truth states the outstanding characteristic
of the human situation, duhkha, which is suffering or
frustration. This frustration comes from our difficulty in
facing the basic fact of life, that everything around us is
impermanent and transitory. "All Things Arise and Pass Away",
said the Buddha, and the notion that flow and change are basic
features of natures lies at the root of Buddhism. Suffering
arises, in the Buddhist view, whenever we resist the flow of
life and try to cling to fixed forms which are all maya,
whether they are things, events, people or ideas.
The second noble truth deals with the cause of all
suffering, trishna, which is clinging, or grasping. (Tess?
LOL) It is the futule grasping of life based on a wrong point
of view which is called avidya or ignorance, in Buddhist
philosophy. Out of this ignorance, we divide the perceived
world into indifidual and separate things and thus attempt to
confine the fluid forms of reality in fixed categories created
by the mind. As long as this view prevails, we are bound to
experience frustration after frustration.
The Third Noble Truth states that the suffering and
frustration can be ended. It is possible to transcend the
vicious circle of samsara, to free oneself from the bondage of
karma, and to reach a state of total liberation called
nirvana. In this state, the false notions of a separate self
have for ever disappeared and the oneness of all life has
become a constant sensation.
The Fourth Noble Truth is the Buddh'as prescription to end
all suffering, the Eightfold Path of self-development which
leads to the state of Buddhahood. The first two sections of
this path have already been mentioned, are concerned with
right seeing and right knowing, that is with the clear insight
into the human situation that is the necessary starting point.
The next four sections deal with right action. They give the
rules for the Buddhist way of life, which is a Middle Way
between opposite extremes. The last two sections are concerned
with Right awareness and right meditation and describe the
direct mystical experience of reality that is the final goal.
The Buddha did not develop his doctrine into a consistent
philosophical system, but regarded it as a means to acheive
enlightenment. His statements about the world were confided to
emphasizing the impermanence of all'things'. He insisted on
freedome from spiritual authority, including his own, saying
that he could only show the way to Buddhahood, and this it was
up to every individual to tread this way to the end through
his or her own efforts. The Buddha's last word on this
deathbed are characteristic of his world view and of his
attitude as a teacher. 'Decay is inherent in all compounded
things,' he said before passing away; 'Strive on with
Hope this information helps...there is a ton of information
out there if any of you are interested..
`When you can do nothing.What can you do? `
`What is the color of wind? `
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By shaiwon72
08:55 PM |
those communitcator orbs, who has them now? i don't remember,
but i think liz had held one of those orbs and nothing
happened. but she was holding only one of the orbs at the
time. when they had gotten the momogram, nasedo made a stink
that liz wasn't supposed to be there. why? if he didn't want
liz anywhere during the momogram, why save her from the fbi in
m2tm? what if liz held both orbs? think something would
happen? or if she held them in the vicinity of the granolith,
maybe the granolith would be some power boost that maybe she
could see what was happening on max's planet. so as to get an
insight on what to expect for the podsters and have a tip on
what to expect.
just my rambling thoughts.
| |
By RW |
08:57 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Lorelai19: What I found
interesting about the Buddhist test and subtext that's been
cropping up in Roswell lately is that one of the tenants of
that particular religion is reincarnation.
Now, we know that the Four Pod Squad members are
"recreations" in human form of four members of the royal
family of Antar (Or so we are told.) I find it very
interesting that Nasedo would have something of that religion
in his home, and that Kyle would be attracted to that religion
in order to deal with his near-death and "rebirth".
I like to think that there *could* be a clue to a
connection there between Liz, the other humans the Pod Squad,
and their life before Earth.
How did you come up with the name Antar for the planet. Is
that from the books or am I missing something?
| |
By Lorelai19
09:44 PM |
quote:Originally posted by RW: How did you come up with the
name Antar for the planet. Is that from the books or am I
missing something?
Antar is the name that has been going around for some
time on the spoiler board, which I read avidly. I apologize if
that is either not the true name, or not yet common knowledge.
| |
By HyperKitN
09:57 PM |
Does anyone think that maybe the orbs open up? What if they
were somekind of Japanese or chinese puzzle (cant' remember
which) and inside is that chrystal that we saw M/L put into
the Granilith. The podsters just have to figure out how to
open it.
so are the other symbols at the
supposed to be clicked on. I only asked cause it didn't work
for me.
When I first came to this board aroudn thread #4 I thought
that the podsters had come to earth to try and protect Earth
because they failed on their own planet. And that each podster
had to find thier human cournter part. I think I still
maintain this theory a little. That Max was to find his human
equal to bring together both races from evil aliens and save
both races.
I don't remember anything about the planet's name other
then the one we all use (Twilo). This may be considered a
spoiler or something.
| |
shapeshifter |
10:23 PM |
Hyper ! Twilo is the name of Dick Van Dyke's fantasy planet.
I'm not sure about Antar--Star Wars or Trek or something? Or
C.S. Lewis? Anyway, I would love to have them find it's name
translates "Earth." It would follow the Buddhist
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MissLParker |
10:28 PM |
Hi this is my first thread here. zero I loved the intro!!
Thanks for all the hard work. My comment has to do with the
discussion of heirs. The "mommagram" talked about Iz being
betrothed to Michael, so their marriage was arranged. But by
who...and for what purpose? Were max and Tess arranged as
well? There is definately something to Liz whether alien or
not and I sure that TPTB will drop a big bomb someday
confirming this.
I shall believe!
| |
By PW/JPRules
11:03 PM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter: Twilo is the name
of Dick Van Dyke's fantasy planet.
I was going to say something about Twilo, but figured
y'all'd already discussed that to death. Guess I shoulda read
the past threads.
I can't shake the image of a Max/Liz reenactment of the
Rob/Laura scene where Laura revealed herself to be Lolac of
the planet Twilo.
"I see-e-e-e yo-o-o-o-u!"
| |
By Nemo |
11:37 PM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter: Twilo is the name
of Dick Van Dyke's fantasy planet. I'm not sure about
Antar--Star Wars or Trek or something? Or C.S. Lewis?
Probably not C. S. Lewis -- not his "science fiction"
(Mars/Venus/Earth) trilogy, anyway. The only mention of Antar
that I remember is in connection with Rimsky-Korsakov's
Symphony #2. Notes from an old recording (Melodiya SR-40230)
include the following: "In Arabia before the birth of
Mohammed lived a handsome warrior poet named Antar. Born the
son of a slave, he rose, by virtue of courage, skill and a
noble heart, to become a powerful Bedouin chief. Many an
Arabian romance celebrates Antar's bravery and generosity to
his people...."
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By shaiwon72
12:35 AM |
quote:Originally posted by HyperKitN: Does anyone think
that maybe the orbs open up? What if they were somekind of
Japanese or chinese puzzle (cant' remember which) and inside
is that chrystal that we saw M/L put into the Granilith. The
podsters just have to figure out how to open it.
i think that those orb are not just communicators. there's
something about them. how else will something be beaming such
bright lights. maybe if it was place together but the podsters
and the 5th element, liz, w/ liz in the middle (like the v
constellation) it could mesh torgher or break apart to form
that crystal that operates the granolith.
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By Evid |
01:40 AM |
Just wanted to post this info about the number 2. The reason
for this research was to figure out, why Max changed an ACE to
a TWO in the card game on ITTW? Other then to win over his
Future Father Inlaw. GraceKel caught this clue, and I think we
have yet to come up with a reason, until now. Read on.
This is how the number 2 is defined with in the
constellations. It has to do with the need to balance the 2
elements of being into wholeness: Masculine and feminine, yin
and yang, positive and negative. In essence it boils down to
the internal connection of you and I, together: A signal of
the basic Aquarian impulse of "we" instead of "me." It brings
up the image of Noah and his arc in the face of the flood,
loading up two by two. A return to union is the Aquarian Grail
-- with ourselves, with God, and each other.
So what so you think? Are these clues starting to fit
together? It looks to me like Max has already choosen Liz. I
think this also means that Max was commiting himself to Liz in
frount of her father, almost like asking for her hand. Oh
how wonderful WAS this show, please Mr Katims give us your
magic touch once again, I do miss it so very much.
Liz please wait. ~Max~ Evid
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By StarBox
05:30 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Metaphysicalgrl:
BTW, is it
important that Tess is responsible for showing the other
podsters the pod chamber --leading them to the discovery of
the Granolith?
Actually - I believe it was MAX who found the chamber. He
was with Tess at the time - but it was him who knew where to
go/how to open the chamber. He took Tess to the pod chamber to
"interrogate her" and then "knew" where the pod chamber was.
As for the flashes he had - we dont know if they were Tess
manipulations, true memories or the result of him "sensing"
and responding to being so close to the granolith. I
personally think it was combination - I think that the TESS
memories were "planted" (they differ so vastly from the
Balance visions) - but that the fact that he knew where the
pod chamber was was internal to Max/the granolith.
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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By StarBox
05:50 AM |
I just finished getting caught up and I hope I can remember
all my comments:
UNC - great catch on the owl/Ceaser connection. I can see a
parallel not just in Max/Ceaser but in the Michael/Marc Antony
connection. Veeeeery Interesting :-)
Metaphysical (and HyperKitn on the granolith) - LOVED your
posts! You had some great ideas about the granolith! ITA that
the granolith could be what is needed to save Twilo and that
it was sent to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. And
the idea that it serves a purpose of "balance" is excellent.
And ITA that the three symbols may
correspond to our three factions. I am still not sure if I
think this is official or not??? Anyone have a definitive
answer?? If it is WB owned but it is not being written with
the help of teh Roswell writers (i.e Dawsons Desktop is) -
then I dont think we can "use" it in terms of furthering
Also - thanks for the info on Buddha - VERY cool - and I
know I could see LOTS of ROSWELL overtones there.
Shapeshifter and Nemo - great stuff on ANTAR (and nice to
see an allusin to max being a GOOD, BENEVOLENT leader after
hearing all the crap the enemy has had to say about him
Evid - LOVE the stuff on the number two - there we go with
the YIN YANG again. :-)
Had a dream last night that I mailed JK a baby doll with a
note that said "I found this - it appears to have been tossed
out with the bathwater - thought you might need it
back" <Sigh> I miss Max and Liz.
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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By chicatron
06:08 AM |
HEy guys great thread love your ideas
Just a little off the subject , but about the orbs.
Everyone has so many complex theories about the symbol on the
ord. HAs anyone thought that maybe it is a calling card. I was
looking through an astronomy book the other day and came
across a picture(wish i had it to show) of the Andromeda
galaxy. Pictured at the angle which it was taken in space, it
has a similiar appearance to the symbol on the orb. This
galaxy, like the Milky Way is known as a spiral galaxy. An
energy source in the middle( a star ), and all other elements
spiral around it. MAybe this is where all the aliens are
Just another thought again. great intro Zero. gotta
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By Dayneen
06:19 AM |
Max's visions of what happened with he and the other podsters
in the past was definitely Tess's maniplulations. Check it
out: When Tess showed Max, Izzy, and Michael what happened the
day they came out of the pods, it didn't match with the
memories Max told Liz in the " Balance" or showed Liz in the
Pilot. Remember Tess told Max that he left her (didn't wait
for her to come out of her pod) to follow Michael, because he
(Michael) had started to venture out in the world. From the
visions she showed him, all of them (Michael, Max, and Izzy)
ventured out together. Max on the other hand said in
"Balance," "The first time I saw Michael it was in the desert,
when we first came out of the pods. The sky was bright with
stars and it was a full moon." He said that he saw Izzy first,
they walked for a while, and they could feel some "one" else.
Then that's when they spotted Michael: he even said that he,
Izzy, and Michael saw the headlights (Evan's Car) at the same
time. He remembered nothing about them all leaving the pods
together at the same time as shown in Tess 's vision. Even
when Max showed Liz his soul, he and Izzy were found at
night!!! When Tess showed Michael, Max and Izzy venturing out
into the world after coming out of the pods, it was
daylight!!!! Now Tess claims Nasedo was waiting for her when
she came out of the pod. Why wasn't he waiting for the others
when they came out? Better yet, why did it take so long for
Tess to hatch? Does this girl have secrets, dark secrets???
Yes. Is she an imposter? Possibly. Maybe the real Tess died.
The skins I'm sure aren't the only bad aliens out there!
These inconsistencies in Max and Tess's memories need to be
addressed, one of these memories are wrong. Unless the writers
made a serious debacle, by not reviewing the previous episodes
that showed what happened when Izzyt, Michael and Max came out
of the pods. Before they decided to create the 4th alien Tess.
But I don't believe that, there's definitely more to Tess than
her trying to be the devoted young bride!! Pleeeeze!!!
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By Dayneen
07:01 AM |
I'm sure that I'm probably saying the same thing someone else
has said, but I have to give my 2 scents.
I don't believe Liz is part alien. However, I do believe
she's the key to the pod squads survival and them winning the
war on Earth as well as Antar. The connection between Max and
Liz proves this. The connection stems from the fact that Max
is half human. Whomever Max's human DNA came from, I believe,
will explain his attraction to Liz. Maybe his human side came
from a person who was in love with an ancestor of Liz's:
perhaps it could've been Grandpa Parker (whom we've heard
nothing about) or a love Grandma Claudia has never mentioned.
Max's attraction to Liz is not an attraction one would have to
a family member, but an attraction one would have to a soul
mate. Max even told Liz "I look at you and I know you're the
person I'm supposed to be with, I've always known it
(Tess,Lies,Videotape)" This is true, even when he first saw
her, the day he got off that school bus. He knew. Not to
mention the years he's spent watching and pining for her,
years leading up to that day Liz was shot in the Crashdown:
Max has been completely mezmerized by Liz. And the attraction
is nothing like the forced, attraction he has to Tess. His
attraction to Liz is natural, apart of who he is, it has been
since day one. I believe that Max's love and attraction for
Liz is a huge part of his essence. This is definitely because
of his human DNA. Human DNA that could possibly be from the
soul mate of Grandma Claudia or perhaps an ancestor from
further back, or like someone suggested earlier, humans
might've resided on Antar. Perhaps an ancestor of Liz. Maybe
even the true love of Max. The people on Antar had one plan,
for the podsquad to continue there destiny on Earth, but when
they cloned them with human DNA, I believe that destiny
completely changed. It would interesting if the writers took
us back, showed us how and who did the people of Antar use to
clone the Royal Four. They had to work with humans to complete
this task. Therefore connecting the Royal four and humans -Max
to Liz.
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By Featherrox
08:04 AM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: Had a dream last night
that I mailed JK a baby doll with a note that said "I found
this - it appears to have been tossed out with the bathwater -
thought you might need it back" <Sigh> I miss Max and
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
Saw this and gave a hoot. What a great idea. I miss Max
together lovingly with Liz too. This might be more powerful
than tobasco.Rox
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Metaphysicalgrl |
08:14 AM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: Actually - I believe it
was MAX who found the chamber. He was with Tess at the time -
but it was him who knew where to go/how to open the chamber.
He took Tess to the pod chamber to "interrogate her" and then
"knew" where the pod chamber was. As for the flashes he had -
we dont know if they were Tess manipulations, true memories or
the result of him "sensing" and responding to being so close
to the granolith. I personally think it was combination - I
think that the TESS memories were "planted" (they differ so
vastly from the Balance visions) - but that the fact that he
knew where the pod chamber was was internal to Max/the
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
Hey Starbox! Thanks for the info...I have a TERRIBLE memory
for details, and I don't have any of those episodes on tape.
I'm glad that I was wrong! Maybe Tess wasn't that important to
them finding the chamber and the Granolith. (note to self: get
all of first season on tape!)...
I still think that the Granolith is the key. Did anyone
else notice in EOTW that FL and FM entered into the Granolith
chamber through one door and you can kind of see another whole
room on the other side? What if they discover that the pod
chamber is actually a space ship that can take them home? It
kind of looked to me like there was more to the chamber then
we had previously been shown...(I could be wrong but I really
think I saw that!)
The skins need to find the Granolith before they can go
home. Is it because the Granolith is the technology that would
get them home, or is it because they were told that they
cannot return without it? If the Granolith is just part of the
alien technology and nothing special in and of itself, why
wouldn't the skins have brought their own so they could go
home when they wanted to? Maybe Khivar doesn't need a royal
heir to be considered the true leader of Antwar. Maybe he
needs the Granolith...which is why the Queen sent it back with
the podsters.
As always, so many questions - not enough answers!!
Thanks for listening!
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StephStephSteph |
09:20 AM |
quote:Originally posted by GraceKel:
I wonder who
KHIVAR is going to be?
I'm voting for Grant on this one. At least, he's a hottie
and I wouldn't MIND seeing Iz and Grant "hook up". Then
again.. I never seem to get what I want, so won't hold my
breath on this. Heck.. at least I don't have to watch T and
Max (yet)!
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StephStephSteph |
09:22 AM |
quote:Originally posted by *Mandy Behr*:
As for the
abomidable Tess, she's got probs and some major issues that I
haven't really decided on yet. All I know is that she's hiding
something, something major. Maybe she was a member of one of
the other races of aliens, a bad one. Either wya, she's gotta
I agree!
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By ellen |
09:23 AM |
SUNRISE-I AGREE I think Max is an important part of Liz's
life-he has made her grow. ------------ Cos true love
always comes through
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StephStephSteph |
09:26 AM |
I also just wanted to comment - I know we've talked about this
before, but I'm more and more convinced that the underlying
theme of Buddism is somehow connected to Liz and her
importance and the Pod Squad and their "Destiny".
Anyone know where I can find out some information about
Buddism and the such? Again, sorry if we've beaten this
subject to death and I missed it, but.. we'll I'm NOT perfect
(contrary to popular belief )
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Metaphysicalgrl |
09:47 AM |
quote:Originally posted by StephStephSteph: I also just
wanted to comment - I know we've talked about this before, but
I'm more and more convinced that the underlying theme of
Buddism is somehow connected to Liz and her importance and the
Pod Squad and their "Destiny".
Anyone know where I can find out some information about
Buddism and the such? Again, sorry if we've beaten this
subject to death and I missed it, but.. we'll I'm NOT perfect
(contrary to popular belief )
Hey there...check out page 4 of this thread for some
information I posted on Buddhism. Here is some more, taken
from Tricycle magazine (great Buddhist magazine) on the life
of the Buddha...
The Life of the Buddha
Siddartha Gautama was born in the sixth century BCE in what
is now Nepal. His father, Suddhodana, was the ruler of the
Sakya people, and Siddartha grew up living the extravagant
life of a young prince. Tradition tells us that Suddhodana had
feared that the prince might leave the palace to take up the
life of a religious wanderer. So he arranged for him to be
sheltered from all the harsh realities of life. When the
prince reached the age of sixteen, Suddhodana arranged for him
to be married to his cousin, a charming princess named
One day, however, Siddartha ventured out into the world and
was confronted with the inevitability of aging, illness, and
death. Overcome by dismay, the young prince wondered if there
might be a happiness that was not subject to change and decay.
Then, seeing a forest wanderer, he decided that only by taking
up the wilderness life could he find the answer to his
question. That night, at the age of twenty-nine, he left his
kingdom and newborn son and entered the wilderness.
For six years, Siddartha submitted himself to rigorous
ascetic practices. First he studied with different religious
teachers, but, dissatisfied with what they saw as their
highest goal, he set out to practice extreme physical
austerities on his own. Yet even through the ultimate in
self-denial, he did not reach his goal. Then one day he
remembered a state of calm mental absorption he had
experienced while sitting under a tree as a child, and
realized that only through such a state of calm could
liberation be found. And yet the strength of that calm could
not be reached when the body was weak through austerities. The
path to true happiness required balance—the middle way—rather
than extremes of indulgence or self-denial. So on that day he
ended his extreme austerities and and accepted a gift of
milk-rice offered to him by a young woman.
That night Siddartha sat under the bodhi tree and meditated
until dawn. In the first watch of the night he remembered his
past lives; in the second watch, around midnight, he saw how
beings die and are reborn through the power of their karma,
which in turn was shaped by the skillfulness of their
intentions; in the third watch, toward dawn, he purified his
mind of all cravings, attachments, and defilements, and
finally of all intentions, both skillful and not. With that,
he attained awakening at the age of thirty-five, thus earning
the title Buddha, or "Awakened One."
For the remainder of his life, the Buddha taught the dharma
to others—men, women, and children; rich and poor; people from
all walks of life and all levels of society—so that they, too,
might attain awakening. He established a sangha, or community
of monks and nuns, to maintain his teachings after his death.
Then, one full moon night in May when he had reached the age
of eighty, he lay down between two trees in a forest park and
gave his last teachings to the assembled followers, counseling
them to be heedful in completing their practice of the dharma.
With that, he entered total nirvana.
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StephStephSteph |
10:11 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Metaphysicalgrl:
That night
Siddartha sat under the bodhi tree and meditated until dawn.
In the first watch of the night he remembered his past lives;
in the second watch, around midnight, he saw how beings die
and are reborn through the power of their karma, which in turn
was shaped by the skillfulness of their intentions; in the
third watch, toward dawn, he purified his mind of all
cravings, attachments, and defilements, and finally of all
intentions, both skillful and not. With that, he attained
awakening at the age of thirty-five, thus earning the title
Buddha, or "Awakened One."
Wow! Thanks for the information!
I found this paragraph VERY interesting in coorelation with
our Run Lola Run theory, as well as many "keywords"
you/Buddism encorporates.
The Run Lola Run theory is somewhat obvious in the mention
of "three attempts", just like in the movie, just like we
speculate with Liz and the Liz/Max connection (three time's a
charm idea).
The keywords "past lives" in the first attempt obviously
goes along with the fact that M/Mi/Iz and T are recreations of
those that lived in the past.
Could it be the keywords "beings die and are reborn" in the
second attempt runs in correlation with the attempt on Liz's
life. This being the second time around for Liz and going
along with the theory of the shooters being sent to kill Liz.
Yet Liz was healed "through the power of the kharma" (Max)??
Thirdly, could the third attempt symbolize Max's quest for
a better future. A way to rid himself of all the past errors
and "create his own destiny" by riding himself of all
attachments, etc.? The way FM mentioned to Liz that she now
"creates her own destiny"??
The simulations are remarkable and CAN'T be coincidence,
could they!?
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By Evid |
10:22 AM |
Dayneen: Thank you for posting the reasons why we Do Not
trust Tess. We had discussed this in the past and it's a good
time to bring it up again. I think it's so funny how everyone
has excepted Tess as the fourth alien all over the forum. They
have no clue or should I say clues, of how evil she is. A few
things I wanted to add was the appearance of Isabel in the
memories. Now keep in mind that Tess saw pictures of Max and
Iz when they were younger, this was in Crazy when she visited
Mrs Evens. This is how she prepared herself to mind warp Max
into believing in the images, and poor Mac feel for it, Or did
he? I think Max knows alot more then he is telling. He might
just be playing along to figure out what she is up to. I hope
he's this smart.
This is Isabel in Max's connection with Liz on the Pilot.
Notice the hair?
This was in Foursquare. I do belive this is Tess-a-vision.
You also see that she is covering her eyes from the sunlight,
again Max told Liz in Balance that the moon in stars were
As you can see pictures speak louder then words. I just
hope the writers don't try to push the first season aside.
They seem to want Tess around to show her wares, to bring in
male viewers.
StarBox I'm with you, I think it's about time we hit
Toys-r-us and buy a baby doll for Mr Katims, we should remind
him of his famous last words.We would never toss out the baby
with the bathwater.Are you a man of your word Mr Katims?
If any of you are wondering what this is all about, Mr
Katims compared Max and Liz's relationship to the baby.
| |
StephStephSteph |
10:38 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Evid:
This is Isabel in
Max's connection with Liz on the Pilot. Notice the hair?
This was in Foursquare. I do belive this is Tess-a-vision.
You also see that she is covering her eyes from the sunlight,
again Max told Liz in Balance that the moon in stars were
As you can see pictures speak louder then words. I just
hope the writers don't try to push the first season aside.
They seem to want Tess around to show her wares, to bring in
male viewers.
Wow! When you place the two images next to each other you
can really see the differences. The question IS was it
I certainly hope so and hopefully, we'll get some answers
sometime soon!
| |
Metaphysicalgrl |
11:13 AM |
quote:Originally posted by StephStephSteph: Wow! When you
place the two images next to each other you can really see the
differences. The question IS [b]was it intentional!?
I certainly hope so and hopefully, we'll get some answers
sometime soon! [/B]
I must preface this comment by saying I am horrible at
remembering the small details, and I do not have these season
one episodes on tape...
That said, isn't the first picture on top supposed to be Iz
and the second one on the bottom supposed to be Tess coming
out of the Pods? I kind of remember Max seeing Tess come out
of the pods in the vision. This would also explain the
sunlight, as Tess did not come out at the same time as the
| |
StephStephSteph |
11:25 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Metaphysicalgrl:
I must
preface this comment by saying I am horrible at remembering
the small details, and I do not have these season one episodes
on tape...
That said, isn't the first picture on top supposed to be Iz
and the second one on the bottom supposed to be Tess coming
out of the Pods? I kind of remember Max seeing Tess come out
of the pods in the vision. This would also explain the
sunlight, as Tess did not come out at the same time as the
I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think so. I think the whole
deal is that M/Mi/I didn't see T come out of the Pod -
otherwise, they would have taken her with them (in theory). I
know Max had flashes about seeing T IN the Pod, but as far as
I know.. never coming out.
I think these are both supposed to be Iz - just one from
Liz's flash and one from a Max Flash (T projection??). I just
hope it's not simply the writers using a different actress and
we're not supposed to notice (kind of like Pa Evans)
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StephStephSteph |
11:26 AM |
Blah - doubel post.. sorta.
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By Wishful
Thinking |
11:35 AM |
Evid when you posted the pictures above of the emerging
youngsters, you made a comment, re:Young Isabel, of "notice
the hair".
Yes in the first picture her hair is shorter and then in
the 2nd it's longer... but this could simply be due to the
length of time between filming the two episodes, as it appears
to be the same child.
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By StarBox
11:39 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Evid: [b]Dayneen: Thank you
for posting the reasons why we Do Not trust Tess. We had
discussed this in the past and it's a good time to bring it up
again. I think it's so funny how everyone has excepted Tess as
the fourth alien all over the forum. They have no clue or
should I say clues, of how evil she is. A few things I wanted
to add was the appearance of Isabel in the memories. Now keep
in mind that Tess saw pictures of Max and Iz when they were
younger, this was in Crazy when she visited Mrs Evens. This is
how she prepared herself to mind warp Max into believing in
the images, and poor Mac feel for it, Or did he? I think Max
knows alot more then he is telling. He might just be playing
along to figure out what she is up to. I hope he's this
THANK YOU EVID!!!!! I thought I was the ONLY one that
noticed that Tess had Mrs. Evan's show her the PHOTO
ALBUMS!!!!!!!!!!!! As soon as I saw the "tess-o-vision" of
the pod chamber I was like "of course she wanted to see the
pictures so she could know what images to plant!!!!!. There is
no way on earth that that was just a coincidence. And I
agree - that little girl is Isabel - the "TESS" little girl
had a round face and ringlets when we saw her in the pod.
And I am with you - I dont get how everyone seems to just
be buying into the fact that Tess is the real deal. Remember
AFTER Max kissed her - he STILL thought she was evil and a
shapeshifter. I trust Max's intuition. I just wish he trusted
it a little more - but maybe - as you say - he is smarter than
he is appearing to be.
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
| |
By StarBox
11:42 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Wishful Thinking: [b]Evid when
you posted the pictures above of the emerging youngsters, you
made a comment, re:Young Isabel, of "notice the hair".
Yes in the first picture her hair is shorter and then in
the 2nd it's longer... but this could simply be due to the
length of time between filming the two episodes, as it appears
to be the same child.[/B]
Wishful - the two episodes were shot not more than 6 months
apart - I have a two year old daughter and hair does NOT grow
that fast unless you are Maria - hey - MAYBE its a clue that
this is MARIA!!!! She is the fourth alien - thats why her hair
grows so fast!!! (sorry - couldnt resist :-)
**StarBox** mytholigist, dreamer
| |
By Wishful
Thinking |
11:48 AM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: Wishful - the two
episodes were shot not more than 6 months apart - I have a two
year old daughter and hair does NOT grow that fast unless you
are Maria - hey - MAYBE its a clue that this is MARIA!!!! She
is the fourth alien - thats why her hair grows so fast!!!
(sorry - couldnt resist :-)
**StarBox** mytholigist, dreamer
Sorry, didn't know the timeframe of when the episodes were
filmed... would be nice to be able to grow your hair that fast
though-- when you wanted it to of course!
| |
By StarBox
11:50 AM |
oops - double post
**StarBox** mytholigist, dreamer
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By StarBox
11:53 AM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: Okay - its definately
100% Isabel in the photo. You never see Tess emerge.
Here are Isabel and Max together coming out of the
Here is Tess in the pod
How do you explain the hair??? In the picture Ms. Evans
showed Tess - Isabel was a year older. Tess is just COPYING
the picture she saw!!!!!!!
**StarBox** mytholigist, dreamer
| |
StephStephSteph |
12:09 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: Wishful - the two
episodes were shot not more than 6 months apart - I have a two
year old daughter and hair does NOT grow that fast unless you
are Maria - hey - MAYBE its a clue that this is MARIA!!!! She
is the fourth alien - thats why her hair grows so fast!!!
(sorry - couldnt resist :-)
**StarBox** mytholigist, dreamer
Plus, I also have to think that the writers would make
the actress cut her hair to fit the part, don't you? I mean,
it's SUPPOSED to be the same time even if it was shot 2 years
apart in real life. That make sense?
Hmm... I had another thought about that episode. When Max
and Liz follow T to the library, T pulls "the book" from the
wall - why not just show Max the book?
Why the big drawn out drama about "the book" and "Kyle"
and "who is she?" if she's legit? After all, she eventual just
sneaks into Max's bedroom and "talks him into" coming with
Also, found some different caps of the V shape.
Interesting how many there are!
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By Evid |
01:54 PM |
Wow you all have been busy. I see all the questions have been
Starbox: You are so right, their are far to many
differences in the visions for them not to be intentional by
the writers.
My family thinks that I have a sixth sense. Because I can
solve a mystery at the drop of a hat. My son hates to watch
mysteries with me because I tell him what's going to happen,
shortly into the movie. So he had this idea for me to write
things down, so he could see if I was right once the movie was
over, and I could keep mouth shut. He then looks at my note
and his mouth drops open every time. By the way, I knew the
docter was a ghost on the Sixth Sense, after the first clip,
to easy. I think I just always have a clear perception of
truth, as so many others do on this thread. I feel like I have
a connection with posters on this thread. For now this forum
is what has kept me watching the show, I don't like the new
season much at all, but I love reading and sharing theories
with all of you. Now I don't know why I told you all that,
I guess I just felt like chating with some great people, plus
I get like this for the Holidays.
One more thing. I have posted this before but this might be
new to some of you. Now how please tell me did Tess get her
hand in the wall? Does shape shifting come to mind? You
decide. GraceKel discovered this, what do you get with the
letters of her name TESS (THE EVIL SHAPE SHIFTER).
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By azcat |
01:55 PM |
This was probably posted somewhere before, but if it's not too
inconvenient, could someone enlighten me as to Lilth? Who or
what is that?
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By sunrise
02:11 PM |
Ok, I had to back 3 pages and take notes so I could remember
what I wanted to say
Evid -Awesome job on the 2s theory!! I also agree with you
as far as 'don't trust Tess' motif, I do think there stuff
she's hiding, cause I noticed that the memories of her in
Max's, Iz's, and Michael's memories didn't come until she
arrived and they were always at her insistance (i.e. "you've
seen me before" and "you remember..."); make any sense?
Starbox -you asked if was made with the
help of the writers, while I don't know the actual answer to
that it would make sense if they were cause it would explain
why the other symbols on the site wouldn't open. Maybe as the
season(s) progress and more enemies are revealed other diaries
or something will pop up.
Metaphysicalgrl -I noticed the other door too!! It seemed
to me like it was on the opposite side of the first door. Did
you notice when FM and FL ran in there were these explosions
and other stuff? Maybe it's just me, Oh look at that there
goes my imagination (maybe not)
Dayneen -I'm glad you addressed the differences in the
memories of the pod squad coming out of their...pods. I think
that just furthers our belief that Tess is hiding something.
Also, you wrote how maybe podsters and humans might've lived
on twilo in order to recreate the royals, BUT I don't see how
cause looking at CW diaries at she said
that our star (sun) was to close to our planet - meaning,
perhaps, that their star was not as close; so how could humans
live on a planet like that unless they're a different
subspecies of humans. It's a nice theory, but...
Also, I just wanted to point out, and I apologize ahead of
time if someone has already mentioned this, another possible
reason why the skins might want the granilith: is it possible
that they know that the granilith can be also a time machine
and would want it to go back in time to kill the podsters
before they come out or whatever. Is that making sense? I
mean, afterall their technology is very advanced so they might
know how to do it know, even though it took Liz and Serena(?)
14 years to figure it out.
Sorry for the last ramble
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By Reggie |
02:37 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Lorelai19:
Antar is the name
that has been going around for some time on the spoiler board,
which I read avidly. I apologize if that is either not the
true name, or not yet common knowledge.
Laura The common and customary name used here for the
podster's home planet is "Twilo", derived from an episode of
the Dick van Dyke Show. We are scupulously spoiler-free here;
it makes things more accurate, as well as fun. Many have
reported that the "spoilers" are in fact wrong or misleading.
Either way, avoiding using "spoiled" info in discussions here
may be difficult, but not impossible.
Remember, This is your brain: This is your brain on
spoilers: Any questions?
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StephStephSteph |
02:39 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Evid:
One more thing. I have
posted this before but this might be new to some of
you. Now how please tell me did Tess get her hand in the
wall? Does shape shifting come to mind? You decide. GraceKel
discovered this, what do you get with the letters of her name
I'm so curious about this whole scene. What was the point?
how did she do it? Why did she do it? Why ahsn't asked her
about WHAT that was all about - the powers of "pulling the
book"? I know they can reshape molecular structures, but..
where was the book? On the other side of the wall? I say..
maybe it was an T - O - Vision! MAYBE there really ISN'T a
book and she just *zoomed* it into their minds so that her
story was more convincing.. why hasn't anyone asked about this
so called book lately. Too busy killing Skins, no doubt!
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CharmedKitten |
03:54 PM |
Does anyone remember the pendant? Didn't it have the same
symbol as the orbs? What happened to it? I don't think that
Isabel is still wearing it....what do you think would happen
if Liz wore it?
Just a random thought.
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By Wishful
Thinking |
03:55 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StephStephSteph: I'm so curious
about this whole scene. What was the point? how did she do it?
Why did she do it? Why ahsn't asked her about WHAT that was
all about - the powers of "pulling the book"? I know they can
reshape molecular structures, but.. where was the book? On the
other side of the wall? I say.. maybe it was an T - O -
Vision! MAYBE there really ISN'T a book and she just *zoomed*
it into their minds so that her story was more convincing..
why hasn't anyone asked about this so called book lately. Too
busy killing Skins, no doubt!
I know! Those whole Tess scenes drove me crazy! The
blatant & constant 'dangling a carrot infront of Max' to
follow drove me nuts and found unnecissary, even if at the
start Tess was unsure of who they were.
Anyway I digress , I ment to reply to the how did she get
the book out of the wall? As far as I remember she did the
'hand wave' infront of the wall, reached into it, pulled the
book out, and 'waved' her hand over the wall again to return
it to normal.
What I'd like to know is if that scene was real and not a
Tess-o-vision, who put the book there in the first place, why,
and how did Tess know it was there?
The more we find out, the more we don't know.
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By azcat |
04:00 PM |
Okay, after reading the whole of thread #17, I understand
who Lilith is.
I have a few q's, since you all are so knowledgable, and
also I have missed a lot of the season 1 episodes.
First of all, in Into the Woods, there is a flash, like
when FM landed. If that is Nasedo, who raised Tess? If that
wasn't Nasedo, who was it?
And who are Stella Hubble and Harding?
I hope the writers are reading this thread, far-fetched as
that may be. Often those standing outside of a story can see
the big picture more readily than those writing it.
Finally, at the end of the last episode, isn't it Nicholas
who goes by Tess and Max on the scooter? And if so, how did he
survive the "fire" that killed (?) the rest of the skins? I
didn't think so at first, but now I have little other choice
than to believe that for some reason Tess is giving
brain-burps to the Pod Squad, of which I doubt she is one. The
question is why?
Any thoughts?
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By irishka75
04:03 PM |
nasedo probably told tess where the book was. as for her being
a shapeshifter...that would mean that she's still on max's
side...the shapeshifters are the race that sent the podsters
here...the skins can't shape shift. i can't stand tess, but
i'm beginning to realize that making her the bad guy is too
as for iz when she came out of the pods...they just changed
the little girl who played her. the girl that played little
isabel in the pilot and the balance is not the same girl that
was in four square. and we know that it's been done before
with max and iz's father (different actors), so i wasn't even
surprised when they changed the little girl either.
sorry if it doesn't make sense, irina
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By HyperKitN
04:16 PM |
Dayneen-thanx for the reminder.
YOu guys also remember how Isabel didn't not believe the
vision she saw when she first went into the pod chamber. She
then left it promtly.
Also Nasedo could have implanted those images along w/Tess
since he was in the wall of the pod chamber.
And why wouldn't Tess want to use her new mind warping
power again. Both Michael and Isabel have killed not to
mention Kyle and Tess killed aliens, why wouldn't she want to
use her growing power to save them again. I don't say she is
not the real deal,but I know she has to be bad. There is no
reaso. for here to be scared to do it again other then the
fact that she is bad. Sorry, becoming real redundant in this
statement. But I just watched WO again and she is still fishy.
Tess even stopped at the bottom of the stairs and stared at
Maria in the UFO center right before the Skin attacked Maria.
Could she have been using her power there to keep maria away
from something else that might have been going on.
Also someone mentioned something about Courtney leaving. I
think she left to go to the Granilith to heal herself. But
obviously she didn't make it.
And the visions Max saw from Nicholas' mind rape I think
were just directions to the granilith and not what Liz was
thinking in her head. Just think that is kinda grasping at too
much for their connection. Especially considering that Max is
kinda not sure about her previous actions right now.
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By HyperKitN
04:20 PM |
PS Antar would be a better name for Max then it would be for
the planet from the description given above. Don't you think
SS-thanx for the clarification. I knew about Twilo already
though. I just didn't want anyone to get upset about the Antar
thing. Cause I heard that on some spoilers too.
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shapeshifter |
04:20 PM |
Just a quickie: Length of child Is's hair discussion
archived at
Evid, about Max changing the Ace to a 2: Wouldn't you say
that essentially is what FM did again when he allowed Liz to
"sleep" with Kyle to protect the alien identities and,
ultimately, lives?
| |
By irishka75
04:35 PM |
shapeshifter, i know that your question
Evid, about Max changing the Ace to a 2: Wouldn't you say
that essentially is what FM did again when he allowed Liz to
"sleep" with Kyle to protect the alien identities and,
ultimately, lives?
was directed at evid, but could you explain, please? i'm
sort of new to this thread.
thanks, irina
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By Qfanny |
04:54 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StephStephSteph: I also just
wanted to comment - I know we've talked about this before, but
I'm more and more convinced that the underlying theme of
Buddism is somehow connected to Liz and her importance and the
Pod Squad and their "Destiny".
Anyone know where I can find out some information about
Buddism and the such? Again, sorry if we've beaten this
subject to death and I missed it, but.. we'll I'm NOT perfect
(contrary to popular belief )
I think Liz is the last person you would want to connect
with Buddha, seeing as she knocked him over and broke him into
little tiny bits.
Interestingly enough, Tess did put Buddha back together
again. Better than new.
Kyle-- if I were you, I'd watch out for Liz.
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bluecornmoon |
04:55 PM |
Just a couple of comments to posts on this page: Wishful
Thinking: My friends and I promised we wouldn't tell anybody
(so as to not to advertise our obsession), but I think in this
case, it's allowed: The little girl who played Isabel's part,
daughter of Director David Nutter, Zoe, is the same in both
episodes. The Pilot was filmed in January 1999. We figured
(per filming schedules in Covina), that 4Sq. was filmed around
November 1999 (not the same as this season because they
started in June, not July 24th as this year). That's 11
months. We took my friend's daughter, 6 years old, very
healthy, and measured her hair back in November 1999. We
measured it again in April, June, August, October 2000! (I
told you we are obsessed!). Guess how much it grew? From 4.25
inches in some places to 6 inches in others. The pictures in
4Sq. show at least 9 inches and, if you study them carefully,
as we have done, they clearly show an extension at the top,
cleverly hidden by the gook from the ovum/placenta. They
wanted us to see the difference. The change in length was too
much to think that it was just carelessness (besides the fact
that Zoe would have been treated very nicely, being that she
is the daughter of one of their favorite directors, right?).
StarBox: Who has accepted Tess? Who? Nobody I know likes
her, wants her, appreciates her! I think you should give us
collective credit because we are all as smart as Miss Liz is:
"we just don't trust her!". And you don't want to start me on
that because I won't be finished if you give me 10 additional
pages to write all the bad/wrong things with the gerbil!
I think, if Tess didn't use her mindwarp, the book may have
been hidden in an alternate universe/time continuum
differential. We have had proof of its existence many times
already in the Roswell Universe (handprint on Liz's stomach
reversed, dead Nacero reversed, etc. showing change in
continuum, etc.).
Yes, there were explosions when Future Max and Future Liz
entered the Granolith chamber. Strange since I assumed the war
will consist only of "mind destruction".
Irishka75: We really don't know who the SS really are, do
we? I've had a suspicion they are really only mercenaries,
hired for one particular task and that's it. Any other role in
the "war" doesn't make sense because Nacero never lifted a
finger to help them, inform them, assist them, improve them.
Only protect them. So.. until we know better, I don't think
they are that important in the war (unless it is for warring
purposes, of course!).
Also, I have heard many people say if Tess is a Skin, why
didn't she tell them where the Granolith is? Easy. Because
they don't have the Crystal "Superman" probe to activate it or
maybe only Max (and/or Liz?) can find it / activate it? Let's
not forget Nicholas is alive and well after Tess's incredible
prowess at exterminating all of them! HA!! If she is not in
cahoots with them, then I don't know my Roswell and I don't
know what evil is! (and believe me, SHE IS!).
One last thing and I promise I'll stop: Hyperkitn: True
love does not stop because the loved one has hurt you. If that
was the case, we wouldn't have a need for the zillion shelters
where women hide every night all over the world! There
wouldn't be any crimes of passion, there wouldn't be any need
for psychiatrists! Regardless of what Liz did (or didn't do),
there is one unchangeable thing here: Max loves her. Period,
no discussion, that's it. In his mind and in his soul and in
his heart, regardless of whatever he may see, she is still and
foremost the most important person in the world for him. Of
course that's what's going to be first thing in his mind. The
connection was there, is there and.. guess what? it'll still
be there tomorrow and the day after! No, what Nicholas saw was
not the road to Agua Dulce. He saw the last thing Liz saw on
her way to the sign!
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By Qfanny |
05:03 PM |
What, you guys were talking ORBS without me! Man! I feel so
let down! BTW--- Where are those blasted alien artifacts
Hyper I think anything is possible with the orbs. I feel
that I solved a lot of the logical holes (along with RBI vets
GraceKel and shapeshifter) with the switched orb theory last
Which can be viewed at
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By TVPooh |
05:08 PM |
quote:Originally posted by
I looked it up to be sure
and I am almost sure that this is indeed a statue of
Buddha. ]
Yes that's Buddha! My father thinks he's Japanese and he
also studied Tai Chi so if anyone has any questions about
Asian culture I can try to help or ask my Asian friends!
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By azcat |
05:31 PM |
Hey, QFanny, good point about Liz and the Buddha - she knocked
it over, she broke it to pieces! If we're gonna go into
symbolism with the Buddhism, that's pretty blatant, don't you
think? I mean, I don't know what it could MEAN, I'm taking a
crash course in all this fascinating stuff you all are pros at
: ), I'm just pointing it out for someone else to figure out :
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By ese |
05:32 PM |
Okay, I generally just lurk here, but I've read the last three
pages of this thread and the discussion about "Antar" is
driving me nuts. As far as I'm aware, that name is from the
"Cocoon" movies. Someone probably just randomly started using
it, just like Twilo.
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By ree99 |
06:15 PM |
quote:Originally posted by PW/JPRules:
Of course, I was
looking specifically for the tale of Lillith as Adam's first
wife for a Dark Shadows fanfic I'm writing (anyone here
familiar with DS?). Barbara
PW/JPRules: Are you talking the Jonathan Frid Dark Shadows?
I loved that show growing up!
Re: Tess/false memories... If Tess really did plant false
memories about the pod chamber in M/I/M's minds, how did she
know what Michael looked like as a child? Would we assume she
found a childhood picture somewhere or that he was included in
the Evans' pictures?
I originally assumed it was simply additional memories
awakened with Tess's arrival. But, can anyone think of any
other time when a podster remember something new about their
pasts when Tess was not present?
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By Reggie |
06:28 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Qfanny: What, you guys were
talking ORBS without me! Man! I feel so let down! BTW--- Where
are those blasted alien artifacts anyway? Poor dear, let
me help. In the end of Surprise, Isabel picked one up off of
the pod chamber floor and threw it at the pod chambers. It
went through one, revealing the granolyth room behind. I guess
it's still there, on the floor; and the other one is probably
on the floor of the pod chamber. Messy kids!
If they have call waiting, the orbs are probably blinking.
Oh, and it was Tess that took Max to the pod chamber: he
didn't even remember that there was one, let alone its
location. For that matter, Tess said as much in
| |
By Evid |
06:37 PM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter: Just a
quickie: Evid, about Max changing the Ace to a 2: Wouldn't
you say that essentially is what FM did again when he allowed
Liz to "sleep" with Kyle to protect the alien identities and,
ultimately, lives?
shapeshifter: Yes, I do think Future Max is now playing
that hand once again. Do you remember when he said "you need
to play every card you got." GraceKel pointed this out.
Now the question is did this hand change with the future?
I guess we will have to wait in see. I wonder if Max and Liz
will end up taking a trip to Vegas after all.
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By Qfanny |
06:37 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Reggie:
Poor dear, let me
help. In the end of Surprise, Isabel picked one up off of the
pod chamber floor and threw it at the pod chambers. It went
through one, revealing the granolyth room behind. I guess it's
still there, on the floor; and the other one is probably on
the floor of the pod chamber. Messy kids!
If they have call waiting, the orbs are probably blinking.
Oh, and it was Tess that took Max to the pod chamber: he
didn't even remember that there was one, let alone its
location. For that matter, Tess said as much in
EOTW. Reggie, I thought it was a rock.
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By Nemo |
07:01 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StephStephSteph: ...found some
different caps of the V shape. Interesting how many there
This is OT, but I couldn't resist. It's funny that the grid
lines in the computer star map are so dramatically curved.
That makes the constellation look huge. (Well, the Roswellian
skies are fictional, and this is show biz. Some dramatic
license now and then is not going to discontent me.)
In our skies, the triangle formed by the three brightest
stars of Aries covers a smaller patch of sky, about the size
of Britain on the terrestrial globe. Also, it's close to the
equator, no farther north than Roswell is. So the map grid
would look more nearly square.
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By Evid |
07:15 PM |
I just wated to share this pic with all the Liz fans. V Queen
posted this over at the Cherishing thread.
These are a couple of writers posing next to their altered
poster of the second season. Do you think they are sending us
some hope? They know where Liz belongs.
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By Babie
Rachie |
07:37 PM |
Hi! I'm new here - as in I just found out about this forum
TODAY! (I know - I little late) and I'd like to say that's was
an amazing post. It really got me thinking.
I believe that Liz is the 5th element - only she is
human/alien. I believe Max awakened the alien within her, and
it has been slowly forming. She is not yet even half-alien,
explaining why she disappeared in Wipe Out. But since I'm not
that good at this sort of thing, I'll leave it at that!
PS: Where do you guys find all the information about
mythology? I love this stuff, and I'd like to know where you
found it! Thank you!
| |
shapeshifter |
08:10 PM |
quote:Originally posted by bluecornmoon: ...The little girl
who played Isabel's part, daughter of Director David Nutter,
Zoe, is the same in both episodes...The pictures in 4Sq. show
at least 9 inches and, if you study them carefully, as we have
done, they clearly show an extension at the top, cleverly
hidden by the gook from the ovum/placenta. They wanted us to
see the difference. The change in length was too much to think
that it was just carelessness... Wow, bluecornmoon, this
totally changes the conclusions based on the idea that they
were 2 different little girl actors. quote:...Irishka75: We
really don't know who the SS really are, do we? I've had a
suspicion they are really only mercenaries, hired for one
particular task and that's it."Mercenary." What a great term,
bluecorn, it sure describes Nasedo. quote:...True love does
not stop because the loved one has hurt you.... I was thinking
along these lines when Maria hugged Michael goodbye in WO
while Liz and Max looked longingly at each other. Oh, BTW
blucornmoon, there actually are a lot of Tess-shippers, just
not on this thread.
irishka75, Did Evid's post on p.7 explain sufficiently
about the ace and 2? I was thinking that Max has shown twice
now that he's willing to give up his rightful #1 place and be
#2 for the sake of the survival of his people (including Liz).
BTW, on Max as a type of Christ, there's a verse in
Phillipians that has an interpretation of Jesus giving up His
rightful place as God to become Man for the sake of Salvation
of the World.
Evid, Just curious, do you know the names of the writers
with the Liz-enhanced version of the poster?
Qfanny! I think you have stumbled upon the key to the
Buddhism symbolism: Liz broke the Buddha (Kyle's heart), and
Tess put it back together again. Also, as Buddha, this may
have to be re-Run Lola Runned a few times more yet. (Now I've
probably confused irishka again ).
ese, Thanks for the Antar/Coccoon reference. Isn't
Coccoon a time travel movie? So is that why it was on the
spoilers, because they referred to the planet by that name
before we of the unspoiled ilk had scene TEOTW?
| |
By Wishful
Thinking |
08:22 PM |
Bluecornmoon-- thanks for clearing the 'hair' matter up...
you're obsession helps the rest of us feed our own.
I also distrust Tess... yet, thought it interesting that
after seeing the Dupes ep. Dupe Tess seems to be the only one
the gang will be able to trust. Can't wait to find out in part
II next week!
Qfanny-- I also thought in the Surprise ep., Isabel used
one of the orbs in her tossing fit... maybe someone w/the
episode on tape can review it to help clear up the
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By StarBox
08:42 PM |
Well - I am totally confused after the "dupes" episode.
Interesting that Ava and Zan didnt seem to be a couple.
Also - Ava seemed to be the only "human" dupe - just as Tess
is the only "unhuman" podster. That is - assuming that the
dupes are actually from the other pod. Which STILL leaves us
with the leaking pod and the fact that ONE of the 8 is an
One thing though - in So47 - in the scene with the pods you
see 4 coffins lined up. They are NOT the right size for the a
fetus - they are the size of the glowy aliens. So there may be
other shapeshifters out there.
Okay - the other significant thing was when "Lonnie" was
betraying Max (disguised as Isabel) you had the EXACT same
chant as they played right before Tess's little firestarter
freak out in WO. I think Lonnie, Rath and Tess are the
same beings/side - etc.
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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By chicatron
09:05 PM |
Iwent lurking over at the general discussion thread for the
"Dupes" episode, but I like you guys better
Starbox: I have to agree with you, I am totally confused
too after watching this show.
Are we going to see some kind of switcharoo with Tess and
Ava. They both seem so out of place with their group? Poor Liz
i wish she would just Max the truth about everything.
I wish I could write more but I am going to have to sleep
on it and try to soak it all in to what just happened on the
| |
By chicatron
09:06 PM |
Iwent lurking over at the general discussion thread for the
"Dupes" episode, but I like you guys better
Starbox: I have to agree with you, I am totally confused
too after watching this show.
Are we going to see some kind of switcharoo with Tess and
Ava. They both seem so out of place with their group? Poor Liz
i wish she would just tell Max the truth about everything.
I wish I could write more but I am going to have to sleep
on it and try to soak it all in to what just happened on the
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By makoto14
09:16 PM |
ACK! Just a couple of questions... Did I hear there
were 5 planets wanting peace?
Why didn't Tess say anything the whole episode? Was she
really even there?
The signals that Brody was following...I can't remember,
but did one come from Roswell this time as well?
Would what dup-Michael and dup-Isabel did be considered
Why did the dupes not concern themselves with the
Any thoughts?
| |
By ree99 |
09:26 PM |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by StarBox: [B]Which STILL leaves
us with the leaking pod and the fact that ONE of the 8 is an
Could it be that the leaking pod actually affected maybe a
set of four - causing our NM podsters to not recall some of
their former lives or the NY podsters to be such, um, dupes?
You've got a good point on the whole Tess/Ava comparison -
did you note that they did not talk to each other at all
during Rath's/Max's meeting? Tess was (and maybe still is)
"dup"licitous with our RosPods and Ava seems to have a more
humane attitude toward what happened to Zan (loved that name,
I'm wondering if the pods for Tess and Ava could have been
switched. Could this be why Tess was born/hatched later than
the others? Could Harding/Nacedo have switched the Tess/Ava
pods? Could he also have been playing guardian to both sets of
podsters, thereby telling the NYers about the NMans, giving
them the yearbook, etc. (Probably not, but ya know?)
If Ava stays in Roswell as it appears she is going to do,
I'm wondering if Liz will trust Ava where she could not trust
Tess. Liz seems to have insight into others; it will be really
intersting to see how the two interact.
| |
shapeshifter |
09:26 PM |
Off to set up the GraceKiller. Qf & Reg: I thought it
was a rock; will rewatch later.
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By Reggie |
09:42 PM |
quote:Originally posted by makoto14: ACK! Just a couple
of questions... Did I hear there were 5 planets wanting
Why didn't Tess say anything the whole episode? Was she
really even there?
The signals that Brody was following...I can't remember,
but did one come from Roswell this time as well?
Would what dup-Michael and dup-Isabel did be considered
Why did the dupes not concern themselves with the
Any thoughts?
m-14 ACK indeed. A two-parter? (At least???) I'm
expecting to hear that someone exploded when that final text
came onscreen... Yup. Five (5) planets. Maybe that many
species. Probably more than that many factions.
Whoooo-boy. Yes, Tess was there; but she was reacting
rather than talking. Some of Emilie's best work is done with
the rest of her face. For example, when Michael-2 is
threatening Ava, watch Tess's face. She understood the
exchange. One signal came from behind Max's elbow. Probably
What the dupes of Michael and Isabel did was manipulate
matter, which is similar to what the shapeshifters do.
Remember in WR, Harding adjusted Michael's clothing into an
FBI suit. Here, the dupes were adjusting their hair, and
accessories. Maybe some skin, to cover the tatoos. Remember
Michael adjusted his fingerprint. The dupes probably don't
know anything about the granolyth. When they go to the summit,
it'll probably be one of the things that the Other Side will
want... and Max will remember what Liz told him. (How'd she
Any thoughts? Oh, yes. More than make sense... and that's
the problem.
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By justsmile
09:44 PM |
Re: Tess/false memories... If Tess really did plant false
memories about the pod chamber in M/I/M's minds, how did she
know what Michael looked like as a child? Would we assume she
found a childhood picture somewhere or that he was included in
the Evans' pictures?
Okay if you remember The book she took from the library
and gave Max, there we're children pictures of them on the
second glimps of the book!!
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By justsmile
09:45 PM |
???? okay that quotes from ree99
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By Melodious1
10:03 PM |
Ok, haven't been posting recently and I notice that my account
is deleted. Hopefully I'll have my stars back by tomorrow or
Ruling families of the FIVE planets eh? This would
presumedly answer the dilemma of the "significance of FIVE"...
but then we have the royal FOUR? Two of which (proto - Max
& Isabel) are presumedly from the same planet/race,
arguably? So, it's proto-Max/Isabel on one planet, p-Michael
from another and p-Tess from yet another... or are
p-Michael/Tess from the same planet? Possibly two of the
*stronger* sets of "races" (royals?) united to gang up against
the other three planets?
Max/Isabel race + Tess/Michael race = ROYAL FOUR from two
different races?
Or were the royals on ONE planet (the central planet of the
V-formation? The point)? This "royal planet" intended to be
the *balance* between the FIVE planets but - due to errors of
the past (possibly caused by the Royals themselves?) - war
broke out between the planets?
Momogram didn't seem very plural however...
"You perished in the conflict that enslaves OUR PLANET ...
Learn enough to use your skills, your knowledge, your
leadership to combat the enemy so that you can come back and
free us."
Mom seems like she's only talking about one planet, not
Are we to assume Twilo (Antar?) is long gone (due to the
resurfacing of the *red giant* and it's apparent destruction)?
My knowledge of astronomy is frightfully limited - so please
don't laugh me out of here, wouldn't this have happened a VERY
long time ago for it to be seen or made aware of via Earth
telescopes / satellites? This red giant is presumedly several
hundreds of light years away... the star's light (or lack
thereof) only just now becomes evident to Earthlings? If this
is the case, then Antar has died, possibly been destroyed,
LONG ago? If this is the case, then what are we to make of
Momogram? The Royals are to return to a planet that no longer
exists (depending on when Momogram was recorded... if it
indeed was a recording)? What is "our planet"?? Is it indeed
Antar? Or is it possibly Earth? How does the V-Constellation
fit into all of this? Is Antar part of the V-Constellation? Or
is the V-Constellation seen from Earth merely a representation
of our 5 planets in the story.
Anyway - thread topic - where does Liz fit into this entire
scenario? Now that we know there are FIVE planets involved in
this mess. It's been often stated "Liz is Venus" in here. Ok,
this is kind of nuts... but if Venus is part of this
V-Constellation... and this V-Constellation IS the
Constellation of Twilo (or a representation of it).... then
could Liz, or some part of her, indeed be from *Venus* somehow
(crazy, I know)? If it isn't meant to be taken literally...
could Liz be from the planet Venus represents in the
V-Constellation (which represents the FIVE planets including
Antar) seen from Earth?
This possible *fifth* planet was neutral from the conflict?
It could have been the deciding factor in the past but because
the inhabitants of the planet refused to intervene... the
others went to war? Could Liz be part of this neutral
(deciding factor?) alien race? Ugh, this is getting crazy.
I'll stop now.
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Soul_Existence |
10:06 PM |
Hi everyone, I'm new to posting and I just wanted to throw
something out here. Maybe someone could explain it more since
I never got a chance to watch season 1. But I have read some
of the post here and some1 here talked about max changing his
cards in "In The Woods". And D-Iz or Lonnie said something
thing about the house of cards falling I may need to rewatch
to be sure. Does anyone have a clue of what that means, or is
it just a figure of speech?
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By Qfanny |
10:12 PM |
Palomino's post on the SciFi thread is fanastic. The post
addresses the Five Planets and directs them back to the five
stars in the V constellation. This fits so well in the 4+1
theory it scares me to death. I think that they've read our
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By Qfanny |
10:15 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Soul_Existence: But I have read
some of the post here and some1 here talked about max changing
his cards in "In The Woods". And D-Iz or Lonnie said something
thing about the house of cards falling I may need to rewatch
to be sure. Does anyone have a clue of what that means, or is
it just a figure of speech?
Hi, thank's for posting that thought! I totally missed it.
As a Roswell newbie (and FF newbie as well btw -I'm Qfanny,
ignore me. I just rattle.) you may want to visit maxcedo's
site at . These would be season
one theories though, but it will give you a good rehash of
what was discussed over the summer.
Love your eye for detail!
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Metaphysicalgrl |
10:19 PM |
quote:Originally posted by ree99: [QUOTE]Originally posted
by StarBox: [B]
You've got a good point on the whole Tess/Ava comparison -
did you note that they did not talk to each other at all
during Rath's/Max's meeting? Tess was (and maybe still is)
"dup"licitous with our RosPods and Ava seems to have a more
humane attitude toward what happened to Zan (loved that name,
I'm wondering if the pods for Tess and Ava could have been
switched. Could this be why Tess was born/hatched later than
the others? Could Harding/Nacedo have switched the Tess/Ava
pods? Could he also have been playing guardian to both sets of
podsters, thereby telling the NYers about the NMans, giving
them the yearbook, etc. (Probably not, but ya know?)
If Ava stays in Roswell as it appears she is going to do,
I'm wondering if Liz will trust Ava where she could not trust
Tess. Liz seems to have insight into others; it will be really
intersting to see how the two interact.
Hello All...
Regarding Tess/Ava. Here's an interesting observation. In
Harvest, remember when Tess and Liz had their conversation in
the jeep re: Liz sleeping with Kyle? Tess's response..."No big
deal, it was just sex". Does anyone notice the similarity
between that response and Lonny's response to Rath saying that
he would "do" Liz... Something to the effect of "go for it,
just don't kill her". It seemed really obvious to me that Tess
is more like the dupes than she is like our podsters. In so
many ways! Some things specifically come to Destiny
where she was so quick not to care about leaving the human's
behind. How in the beginning she used duplicity to get to the aggressive she has been lately. There are so
many parallels you can draw between the Tess we know and the
dupes...while on the reverse side of that argument Ava seemed
more human than the others. She screemed "no" when they killed
Zan and she didn't want any part of what Rath and Lonny were
up to. This is not a spoiler, just my speculation but I would
be willing to bet that in the next eppy Tess is exposed for
who she really is. Ava, as we now know stays in Roswell and I
bet this new, kinder version becomes the new fourth podster.
Maybe it's the way TPTB will make her acceptable to us. And
for all you dreamers out there -- somehow she won't be
interested in Max in a romantic way, clearing the path for a
M/L reunion. Anyway...something like that. I just have this
nagging feeling that this is how the writers are going to kind
of re-write Tess so that she is accepted by the fans (and the
other characters on the show!)...
And, in regards to the V symbol which has been discussed in
depth on this board. The V symbol represents the 5 stars in
their galaxy. The 5 families. Maybe it still has something to
do with Liz being Venus...but I'm pretty sure that is what it
represents. In the coming attractions for next week's eppy,
there was a short shot of Max and the 5 stars coming together
in the V. Additionally, the red star exploding...remember how
in sexual healing Liz saw a red star in the "whirlwind"
galaxy? Well, the teacher said it was rare that the star would
disappear as quickly as it did. Unheard of. Well hey -- now we
know there is a war going on in that galaxy and I'll bet one
of the warring factions blew it up...hence the peace summit
meeting was called. Things are heating up and about to get
very interesting.
While I'm on this roll, I will also say that Brody says
there were two in NY and he said "one right
nearby". You couldn't see it, but you can bet one of the blips
was right nearby Roswell. The Skins? Brody's pentagon thing?
Not sure about where exactly the blip was coming from, but I
wouldn't be surprised if Nikolas or another representative of
the skins shows up at that peace summit. ( I am spoiler free,
so this is a pure speculation).
This episode created way more questions than it answered
(gee, what a surprise). On a personal note, you know what
really bites? I'm leaving the country for a month and won't be
able to see MITC or any other new episode until Christmas
time! I can't believe this is the last episode I'll see until
then. Major disappointment. However, I will be traveling
around Europe having the time of my life, so I'm sure I'll
I'll be here through the week though, and I can't wait to
see what everyone thinks of the new developments. This board
is by far the best one I've seen and I really enjoy the
intellectual stimulation that it inspires!
As always, thanks for listening!
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By Melodious1
10:20 PM |
Editing this post because on this page alone, it seems Ree99
and Metaphysicalgrl have anticipated me with some of the
Tess/Ava thoughts. Love all your thoughts chicos! I didn't
intend to plagerize with any of the below...
quote:Originally posted by justsmile: Re: Tess/false
memories... If Tess really did plant false memories about the
pod chamber in M/I/M's minds, how did she know what Michael
looked like as a child? Would we assume she found a childhood
picture somewhere or that he was included in the Evans'
Perhaps they weren't false memories... What if Tess and Ava
were switched somehow? Ava's pod was possibly the leaking pod.
When Edsedo found the podsters, he realized Ava wasn't going
to do (due to the leak, something was wrong with her?). So
Edsedo switches unborn Ava with unborn Tess... during this
time, however, Max/Mike/Isabel hatch (hence Max doesn't
remember a fourth in the pod in his memories... neither Tess
or Ava were there).
However, this would have to mean that Tess was the one that
was taking longer to hatch, so perhaps hers was the leaking
pod (in her memories, she was left behind by the others....
although this would almost coincide with the behavior of the
Rath and Lonnie to Ava... like the fifth wheel). Edsedo plants
Tess in Roswell pod chamber... after Tess hatches, Tess
doesn't remember Max/Mike/Iz hatching; she remembers
Zan/Rath/Lonnie's hatching.
Or perhaps Edsedo realized Ava would just be *too human*
because of her particular programming (which is
similar/identical to Max/Mike/Iz's programming).
Zan/Rath/Lonnie/Tess have different programming (more alien,
possibly more like what *they used to be*). Edsedo realizes,
however, Tess needs *special* attention (because she was from
the "defective" set of podsters)... hence, Edsedo raises Tess
purposefully separate from the other Royals? Nurturing Tess so
that she will be to the calibre of the "non-defective" set?
Although why Edsedo would just switch Tess and not the rest of
them.... unless Edsedo was trying to submarine the group?
Which I find unlikely. I always felt Edsedo was working with
his own agenda, but was always protecting the podsters (in his
own way), perhaps Edsedo's agenda was to have at least one
*very alien* member of the new Royal Four? Perhaps those were
his orders by the faction he was working for on Antar?
Although... why switch the young bride? Of all the Royals?
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By Melodious1
10:54 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Metaphysicalgrl: Maybe it still
has something to do with Liz being Venus...but I'm pretty sure
that is what it represents. In the coming attractions for next
week's eppy, there was a short shot of Max and the 5 stars
coming together in the V. Additionally, the red star
exploding...remember how in sexual healing Liz saw a red star
in the "whirlwind" galaxy?
I'm insane with the posting tonight.... I know I probably
shouldn't dare speculate on this until the actual episode
airs... but in next week's ep, it almost seemed like *someone*
was holding their hand up behind Max's head emitting some
light. This makes a light glow on Max's forehead... seemingly
*projecting* the image of the V-Constellation (inc. the red
giant [exploding]) right out of Max's head.
Well, if what Liz was seeing in SH was coming directly from
something deeply buried in Max... then could Liz - in theory -
possibly be part of this presumed alien race that was shining
the light behind Max's head in the promo (if it's indeed a
*different* race from the current ones we've been introduced
which is completely unknown as yet)? Somehow able to dig out
this very deeply hidden information in Max and project it
However, Liz was somehow able to *get in Max's head*
because she is open and completely acceptant to the connection
she has with Max? She didn't see visions with Rath because
she's not open to him, the kiss was completely unwelcomed and
she shut down? Did Rath get visions from her?
Although, what Liz did (entirely unconsciously, if she did
indeed *do* something) ... also could be translated as a Mind
Rape to a certain extent (but obviously, a painless form). She
found (or should say, stumbled on) something presumedly VERY
DEEPLY hidden in Max's psyche (as well as some things from
Maxcedo - things Maxcedo probably definitely didn't want
people to know about [killing Sheila Hubble?]). The memories
Max was seeing from Liz were all conscious ones - things Liz
probably remembers herself (and since she was open to him, let
him see inside her). As opposed to Max learning how to ride
his bicycle... Liz sees stars, galaxies (inc. a red giant?),
plummeting to Earth...? Could it be because Max was open to
her, this *possible* (and I STRESS *possible*) Mind Rape Liz
performed on Max wasn't painful... because Max accepted it
willingly (w/out realizing it)... Nikolas' mindrape was
forced, Max was fighting him (hence the apparent discomfort).
If Liz is at all part alien.... is she from this yet
unnamed *glowing hand/projector* race mentioned above (which
could possibly be Skin or Podian, who knows) ... or is she
part Skin (and a powerful one at that, if she was able to
merely *stumble upon* these subconscious memories/programming
in Max)?
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By HyperKitN
11:08 PM |
I'll have to come back but all I have to say is--
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By czech
please |
11:18 PM |
Post-Dupes Ponderings:
-Five ruling families! Holy crap! It looks like all of our
14 scouting wasn't in vain after all. But was anyone else
thinking about "The Godfather"?
-The human defect, Ava/Tess. I am really liking Ava so far
and I can't wait to see where this is going.
-It's official: I LOVE Brody! Of course, the last new
character I loved dissolved into dust last week and is mourned
by none. (Courtney? Courtney who???)
-Didn't Liz look great this ep? They seem to have toned
down the hair a bit.
Finally Roswell's second season has delivered the goods.
Easily my fave ep of the season so far. I have to go watch
again now so I can post more tommorow. 'Night.
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By Melodious1
11:51 PM |
Last post for the night and I'm done...
I have a bit of a continuity gripe to bring up with MTD.
Max & Liz apparently exchanged Christmas presents last
Christmas. Liz gave Max a black pocket knife with "Max &
Liz 4Ever" etched in it... Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't Max
break up with Liz (BALANCE) just before Christmas? Why would
Liz give Max a knife with the above etching, if they were
broken up? They didn't get *together* again until SH.
btw, ironic that it was a knife Liz gave Max, which, of
course he returned. Rather symbolic I should say... all of us
Dreamers got the knife stabbed in our hearts EOTW and TPTB
have continuously been twisting it a notch after each ep...
turning it a little more fiercely in some eps then others
(TPTB gave it a big ol' twist in this ep). Ouch.
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By Panola |
12:20 AM |
This isn't on the subject, but I was trying to explain to my
son the continuity threads that are dropped and never
explained. He couldn't believe it. Has any of the loose ends,
puzzles, etc been explained by the story or writers? He's
upstairs right now looking for hints on Max to the Max, White
Room and tonights show.. hee hee hee Some times a mom can
drive her kids crazy!! Panola
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By Panola |
12:22 AM |
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By Nemo |
12:38 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Panola: ...I was trying to
explain to my son the continuity threads that are dropped and
never explained. He couldn't believe it... He's upstairs right
now looking for hints on Max to the Max, White Room....
See what he thinks of this one from White Room. (Re: the 4
+ 1.) Is it suggesting that the 1 will be from an unexpected
place, a completely different direction than the 4?
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CharmedKitten |
01:08 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Reggie: Oh, and it was Tess that
took Max to the pod chamber: he didn't even remember that
there was one, let alone its location. For that matter, Tess
said as much in EOTW.
Okay, but then why in Balance are there shots of Max, Iz
and Michael walking to the cliff? I think it's another
continuation problem.
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CharmedKitten |
01:24 AM |
Okay...another thought now that I've finished reading
everyone's posts.
When I first heard about the exploding red giant..bells
went off! Max's planet or the star that his planet has as a
sun could have exploded as reguards to the war or to Kavir's
poor skills at taking over the throne. I've had this feeling
for a while now that Nicholas did not really like the idea of
Kavir leading them. Just the wording they chose when Nicholas
was talking about him as well as the tone, made me feel as if
there was a lot of bitterness and competion between them.
I like the idea of TPTB switching Ava and Tess. I think
it's a fab story line and one that would really work.
What also got me thinking was the fact that the explosion
of the red giant and the call for a PEACE SUMMIT came at
approximately the same time. How wierd is that? Could Kavir be
dead and NOW the other factions are calling for peace since
the main faction that wanted/started the war is leaderless.
But what about Nicholas?
All I can say it that I can't wait for next week!
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By Lorelai19
01:29 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Reggie:
The common and
customary name used here for the podster's home planet is
"Twilo", derived from an episode of the Dick van Dyke Show. We
are scupulously spoiler-free here; it makes things more
accurate, as well as fun. Many have reported that the
"spoilers" are in fact wrong or misleading. Either way,
avoiding using "spoiled" info in discussions here may be
difficult, but not impossible.
Remember, This is your brain: This is your brain on
spoilers: Any questions?
Yeah, one question. What's wrong with ??
Laura (Who knows better then to mistake some posters
fanficy wish lists for real spoilers...)
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By SarahD |
06:07 AM |
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By StarBox
06:38 AM |
A couple of quick thoughts. First of all - I have tpo say that
I DONT feel that comfortable doing alot of speculating until
we know WHO the dupes are.
I DONT think we can take Rath's comment about FIVE ruling
planets as the gospel truth. It goes against the mom-o-gram,
and everything nikolas said and Courtney. NO ONE has mentioned
anything more than ONE planet. Remember - when he made this
comment he also told Max that he and Zan were "closer than
brothers" and that Zan wanted to go to the peace summit to
unite the planets (LIES!!). Zan did NOT want to go to the
summit - he thought it was a set up.
I would also take the "dupes as the second set of pods"
with a grain of salt. remember the word "dupe" literally means
"a stupid person who is easily fooled - to fool or trick
someone". Also - notce the banners above the dupes heads in
the UFO museum. One read "Are they still here?" (could "they"
imply the EA - since many people may think they all got
destroyed in wipeout??) Another banner read "Who Are They???"
This is part of a two part series - obviously the DUPES are
not going to become "Rowell regulars" - so I think that - as
dor now - we all may have been "duped" if we assume they are
authentic podsters offering truthful accounts of the war on
the home planet. Remember - they went through Max's stuff to
find out what LIES to tell to MANIPULATE him into doing their
Some random things I noticed:
1. There was a "ROYAL CROWN" cola machine in the UFO
2. I also noticed the "house of cards" reference.
Interesting. I am beginning to wonder if the whole "Vilandra"
story is true after all - for Lonnie to tell it in terms of a
"house of cards" seems to imply a trick or illusion.
3. The odometer of the truck that killed Zan read 95000
- there is the 9 and the 5 again.
4. Rath had a wierd triangle tatoo on his arm - kind of
looks like the symbol for the UFL at
5. more on Rath - he referred to the war back home as a
"REVOLUTION" of sorts. My understanding is that REVOLUTIONS
are fought to overthrow a KING. Civil War and Revolution are
two different things.
6. more on Rath - why in the WORLD would he tell Valenti
they were afraid the ALIEN HUNTER may be at Max's house??????
Unless - of course - he is a shapeshifter who knew all about
the Pierce ordeal & Valenti's connection to it.
7. On "AVA" - her name is an alternate version of - EVE. I
looked up the meaning and found it is hotly disputed - it
actually has a dual meaning - "LIVING BEING" or "SERPENT".
8. Ava did not seem accepted by the dupes - in fact - she
seemed afraid of them. Remember Lonnie's wierd comment to her
in the car - something along the lines of "who are you? where
did you come from? why are you here? you are NOTHING to me"
For authentic podsters with four square tatoos they dont seem
to operate in a very "four square" way. WHY did TESS decide
to come to the summit????? I totally did not understand that
one. And once AVA saw TESS she realised that if she got in
that car they were going to kill her. Also notice that
Michael questioned Rath about the pods and Isabel questioned
Lonnie - but Tess did not seem to be at all curious about Ava.
9. I thought the knife thing was weird too - since they
were not together at Christmas. The one thing I noticed is
the inscription with the "4" - ever. Also Liz was looking at
the set of 4 photos. The symbolism of the knife (as a
gift) is "protection from evil spirits".
10. Max had a picture with a lightning bolt above his bed.
11. In WO we see a stylized SUN mirror in Liz's bedroom.
There is a similar stylized sun hanging in the Evan's home
(near their laundry room). In the UFO museum Liz and Maria
talked surrounded by SUNFLOWERS. Also - the tattoo on AVA's
stomach looks like the same stylized sun as the mirror in
Liz's room. It also seemed to me that when they were making
introductions that AVA made eye contact with Liz. Max also
seemed to have moments of "recognition" looking at AVA (i/e
the scene where Ava decides to stay in Roswell)
Finally - anyone know what kind of pet Max keeps in that
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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By azcat |
06:58 AM |
You all noticed a lot!
I just have one thing to add. Max seemed surprised that it
was 7:30 in the morning, and frankly, I was too. Was there a
time lapse - remember Brody talked about missing time? Hmmm...
I found that very interesting.
Anyone else have any thoughts on that?
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By StarBox
07:12 AM |
Something else about Brody - his comment that he thought he
was going to be abducted because he was having STRANGE DREAMS
and LOSING MOMENTS of time.
Here is quote from Isabel in Four Square - talking to Max
about being alone with Tess. (she is also - having STRANGE
ISABEL: She really scared me, Max. It was like I lost a few
seconds of time, and when it was over, I wasn’t even sure if
what I remembered had happened or not. Is that what she did to
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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StephStephSteph |
08:22 AM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox:
Okay - the other
significant thing was when "Lonnie" was betraying Max
(disguised as Isabel) you had the EXACT same chant as they
played right before Tess's little firestarter freak out in WO.
I think Lonnie, Rath and Tess are the same beings/side -
I'm still reading everyone's thought, but I just wanted to
say on this one - YESSSS!!!!! That totally makes sense!! I
actually felt a little sorry for Ava and wanted her to be "one
of the good guys"!
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StephStephSteph |
08:32 AM |
Ok, my brain is spinning right now , so I just want to post a
few thoughts and then get back to you. (You guys were busy
last night).
First off, the T / Ava thing - definitely plausable that
they were switched. Whoever mentioned what Liz will think of
Ava makes a good point. Will Liz be able to see the good in
Ava and trust her more than she has T or will she simply not
be able to see past the fact that Ava is also a "betrothed" to
someone from Max's essence (wow.. that sounds bizarre).
Secondly, why did Max take T to NYC?? Why not take Mike? I
guess since "Mike" came to "Iz's" side at the fake-scene, then
maybe Max felt betrayed by the both of them and chose T
instead, but.. well, why is Max putting all this trust in T ?
Third, my friend and I were having a discussion about Liz
and Max and Liz ALMOST telling Max and how *I* just REALLY
want her to tell him. Do you think she can? She keeps saying
that she can't "tell you" (to Max and Maria), but why not? Is
this a permanent thing in Liz's mind? Where she can NEVER be
with Max and NEVER be in love with him? I thought that since
she altered the events of that evening and T has "stuck
around" that it would be OK to tell him now - don't you think?
Fourth, was Rath this "person" that Courtney was looking
for? They look alike and maybe she was looking for HIM, which
would mean that Rath is probably trying to overturn Max's
powers and rule his OWN way, right??
Fifth, do these dupes know about the Skins? Do they know
about the Harvest? Do they know anything? They said they wer
e"contacted" - by whom and when and how did they get located?
Do they have daily "chats" with aliens or what's the deal?
Nacedo? They know anything about him? Or Tic-Tac??
Questions..questions.. and MORE questions!
Finally, the reference to 5 planets (if it's true). The
reference to Liz being the 5th. The reference to the "rejects
being more human" like Liz.. she's VERY human.. maybe she was
part of this duplication process and dripped most of her "grey
goo" out, which in turn made her "more human" and even MORE
human? Does that make sense? In other words, she was already
defective since she was "too human", yet with the loss of the
grey goo she became almost 100% human.. hence the lack of
powers as of yet, etc.?? Oh.. I hope so!!!
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By chica |
08:54 AM |
I'm enjoying all the posts after MTD, and find it interesting
how different we all are and the different takes we have on
each episode. I agree with a lot of the observations already
mentioned, and this post won't add anything new, just my
overall feeling of depression as to the direction this show is
going. While I won't say it was the worst episode I've seen
(Surprise still takes than honor) Roswell seems to be becoming
just an alien-themed soap. As soon as I saw the more "human"
Ava, I thought Oh no, they're going to switch her with Tess. I
certainly hope this is not the direction the writers are
going--I guess we'll see next week. It just seems too slick,
like "you thought she slept with Troy, but it was really his
evil twin brother Devon." While no one could distrust Tess any
more than I, I would rather have seen a gradual change/growth
in Tess than for the writers to throw in the towel and just
give us a new one because they wrote themselves into a corner.
Even the M/L moments seemed just a little off to me. Max
seemed colder this week than he did last week. I guess it's
the dreamer heart in me that knows his grief, but wants him to
keep believing in Liz or at least what they had.
And what was that dirty smile between Iz & Lonnie when
Alex offered them a cold beverage. I know there is nothing
between Iz and Alex, but that meanness was so
I am also a bit depressed over the distrust between nearly
all of our characters now (except for Max and Tess-yuck!) I
thought Maria's point was well taken when Liz was kissed by
Rath whom she thought was Michael and which Maria found
upsetting. Liz ignored Maria's feelings and changed the
conversation back to the situation that she can't
discuss--than why bring it up?
Where is this show going? I would really like to see an
episode that once again shows the podsters fitting in to their
human lives. Oh, for the good old days...
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By sugarbaby
09:30 AM |
hi I'm new to this thread and just wanted to say it's really
amazing everything you guys come up with...I don't know what's
up with Liz...but I definately think there is something
different about her...there has to be...everything has been
leading up to that...especially SH with the glowing hickey and
all the other stuff...does anyone think it's weird that G
Claudia knew immediatly that it was Max who made it possible
for her to talk to Liz while she was unconcious? she says
somethig like let me guess max? I know Liz and Maria had said
he was different but to just automatically know that Max made
it maybe she already knew something...general
if not specific? Maybe I misinterpreted the whole thing
but I just thought that was werid...
Liz and Max---Always and 4 Ever
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StephStephSteph |
09:42 AM |
quote:Originally posted by chica: I am also a bit depressed
over the distrust between nearly all of our characters now
(except for Max and Tess-yuck!) I thought Maria's point was
well taken when Liz was kissed by Rath whom she thought was
Michael and which Maria found upsetting. Liz ignored Maria's
feelings and changed the conversation back to the situation
that she can't discuss--than why bring it up?
Where is this show going? I would really like to see an
episode that once again shows the podsters fitting in to their
human lives. Oh, for the good old days...
I have to agree. The distrust between everyone is getting
out of control - secrets EVERYWHERE! And why is it Max and T
are suddenly bosom buddies!? *gag*
I'd like to see some of the connections that we all feel in
love with when Roswell started. The love between max and Liz..
the zaney wackiness of Maria and Mike... the sweetness of Alex
and Iz. Where has all the romance gone? Even the beautiful
friendships we saw between Maria and Liz.. or Alex and Maria
(although, we caught a glimpse of that in TEOTW). The love
between Iz and Max that was so sweet it ALMOST made you want
to *gag*, but.. well, it was Iz and Max!
I miss the good ole days too!
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By lurker |
09:45 AM |
also delurking here. treat me nicely, this is my first post
ever. I just couldn't hold back anymore. First, did anyone
else notice what lonnie said in the UFO center right before
Alex came in? It was something like "That's zan alright. Yeah,
Zan with an even bigger stick up his ass than when his bitch
left him" How could they know about the Liz/Max break up if
they haven't talked to anybody yet? All they know is that he
had a picture in his room saying Love always, Liz. Does this
mean that Zan also had a "bitch" that left him? another liz? I
could be totally wrong on this. Second, the director made
a point of showing Alex nearby when Liz was explaining to
Maria that she didn't do what people think she did with Kyle.
Could it be that Alex will eventually let the cat out of
bag? Third, did anyone else notice the poster in Max's room
when Rath is going through his closet? it was a picture of two
aliens, one lying on a table, similar to when Max was
tortured. Random thoughts, the sudden dying of the red
giant, related to Zan's sudden death? The lost time at the
crashdown is also very suspicious. that's all.
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By azcat |
09:57 AM |
Oh, one thing - how did the dupes get to NY? Is that where
their pods landed, or did all the pods land together?
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StephStephSteph |
10:11 AM |
quote:Originally posted by lurker: First, did anyone else
notice what lonnie said in the UFO center right before Alex
came in? It was something like "That's zan alright. Yeah, Zan
with an even bigger stick up his ass than when his bitch left
him" How could they know about the Liz/Max break up if they
haven't talked to anybody yet? All they know is that he had a
picture in his room saying Love always, Liz. Does this mean
that Zan also had a "bitch" that left him? another liz? I
could be totally wrong on this.
First, welcome! We love new posters! Gives us old posters
some more insight into our already crazy thoughts!!!
Second, WOW! Is this true? Is anyone at home and can watch
this section and see if lurker's accurate? How cool if there
were another Liz out there!!!??? And if there IS another Liz,
does that make her the Fourth Podster?? And if she IS the
Fourth Podster, then who's the imposter!?! T !?!?
Oh.. I swear.. these episodes make me CRAZY!
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By shaiwon72
10:42 AM |
first off... the max and liz interaction is killing me. max is
so cold to liz. understandibly his heart is broken but still.
he's got to put the pieces together and know that something
like that would never happen.
i think that tess and ava were switched. tess had said in
the past episodes that she remembered max at their home planet
that he loved her once. she continued to say that when they
got home.... tess is the only one of the podsters that want to
go home (mike too at one point? i don't remember). lonnie and
rath wanted to leave this "wretched planet" just as tess had
mentioned. ava seemed remorseful that zan was killed. she's
about the only one w/ a conscience. maybe ava is a podster and
not a dupe. these dupes have no scruples, at least ava does.
maybe liz will be receptive to ava after she get to know her.
and then maybe liz will have some insight as to how the dupes
operate and the history of what went on. it just seems that
podsters are only getting glimpses of what happened. whereas
the dupes know what happened and i think that tess knows what
happened since i think she the dupe. with ava as the inside
person, and liz befriending her, liz will learn more about
what went on.... adding to the burden she's already carrying.
just my 2 cents.
| |
StephStephSteph |
11:25 AM |
quote:Originally posted by shaiwon72: first off... the max
and liz interaction is killing me. max is so cold to liz.
understandibly his heart is broken but still. he's got to put
the pieces together and know that something like that would
never happen.
i think that tess and ava were switched. tess had said in
the past episodes that she remembered max at their home planet
that he loved her once. she continued to say that when they
got home.... tess is the only one of the podsters that want to
go home (mike too at one point? i don't remember). lonnie and
rath wanted to leave this "wretched planet" just as tess had
mentioned. ava seemed remorseful that zan was killed. she's
about the only one w/ a conscience. maybe ava is a podster and
not a dupe. these dupes have no scruples, at least ava does.
maybe liz will be receptive to ava after she get to know her.
and then maybe liz will have some insight as to how the dupes
operate and the history of what went on. it just seems that
podsters are only getting glimpses of what happened. whereas
the dupes know what happened and i think that tess knows what
happened since i think she the dupe. with ava as the inside
person, and liz befriending her, liz will learn more about
what went on.... adding to the burden she's already carrying.
just my 2 cents.
Here's a question though - if Ava is supposed to be in the
Pod Squad and T is "a dupe" does that mean that Ava and Max
will be together!?
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By azcat |
11:32 AM |
I definitely agree that Ava ( I thought it was Eva? ) will be
a big key to Liz. I'll be interested to see what happens in
Roswell when everyone finds out Max disappeared. I mean, we
don't see him tell anyone except Liz. Remember that Michael
and Isabelle don't really know. Unless this is just another
telling-the-parents-off-camera thing that we've all had to get
used to.
Will Liz be the one to have to tell Michael and Isabelle?
And, for what it's worth, it didn't seem to me like Zan and
Ava were together in NY.
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By sunrise
11:53 AM |
Ok, I didn't think it was possible, BUT I hate myself even
more for not taping the shows!(stupid me,stupid me)
Not to worry, when the repeats come in dec. and in the
summer i'll take care of it. Now if there was only a way to
get season 1 tapes...
Now I really gotta go to class
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By StarBox
11:54 AM |
On the subject of Zan/Ava - I dont think they were together.
Also - Rath and Lonnie did not seem to expect or assume that
Max and Tess would be a couple.
As for the quote - I think it was "no wonder his bitch left
him". Of course that still leaves the question of how they
knew Max and Liz were broken up (although finding her picture
in his SOCK drawer may have been a clue)
Also - I noticed another thing - when Liz and Maria are
talking in the sunflowers - notice the WHITE PICKET FENCE.
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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By redhawk
11:59 AM |
Hi guys! I haven't been here in awhile. I really need to go
catch up on the thread. Awesome intro, Zero!
But I wanted to say a few things. This ep was rather
torturous for me. But one thing made me happy. Continuity -
they brought up the red star again. ::"It's about time!"
redhawk jumps for joy:: I watched the ep for the second
time this morning and I took twice as many notes as I usually
do. Plus, may I just say I LOVE my new VCR. That jog-shuttle
feature is awesome.
Okay, two things (sorry if someone already mentioned
this): 1. in the promo for next week, the V-constellation
appears. Are what we normally refer to as 5 stars actually the
5 planets mentioned previously in MtD? Well, they have to be
stars to show up in our sky, but then, is there a single
inhabitable planet per star like earth and the sun (although
we never know about that)? And isn't the V-constellation
related to Aries and Venus? Those really don't have anything
to do with the whirlwind galaxy, do they? So many questions,
so few answers...
2. Has jen2themax been over here to point out the Tess
factor in the wpix promo ( ). The real player
promo there is different then the one they showed last night
after the ep. There is a back shot of Tess naked. But in the
one last night she is clothed and looks like she is about to
do one of those mind-manipulation things. Well, it is all
conjecture on my part because I'm spoiler free. Anyway,
thought you all might want to check out the other promo.
Just thought I'd add this. I've been working on a project
for Qfanny, a pair of collages. This is one of them.
Enjoy! Secrets
Okay, I'm off to catch up on this thread. Bye
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StephStephSteph |
12:10 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: As for the quote - I
think it was "no wonder his bitch left him". Of course that
still leaves the question of how they knew Max and Liz were
broken up (although finding her picture in his SOCK drawer may
have been a clue)
Weird. How DID they know? Oh wait.. did Liz say something
to Rath at school? No - that was after he found the picture
and after he said to her "I just thought since you and Max
weren't". Maybe he was guessing?? I mean, simply finding a
picture in a sock drawn doesn't mean that girl ripped your
heart out by "sleeping" with her ex boyfriend, does it!?
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By Evid |
12:36 PM |
quote:Originally posted by lurker: also delurking here.
treat me nicely, this is my first post ever. I just couldn't
hold back anymore. First, did anyone else notice what
lonnie said in the UFO center right before Alex came in? It
was something like "That's zan alright. Yeah, Zan with an even
bigger stick up his ass than when his bitch left him" How
could they know about the Liz/Max break up if they haven't
talked to anybody yet? All they know is that he had a picture
in his room saying Love always, Liz. Does this mean that Zan
also had a "bitch" that left him? another liz? I could be
totally wrong on this.
lurker: I guess your name no longer suits you. I'm glad you
joined us, you have great insight, what took you so long? I
was thinking the same thing when I herd this. What if Zane's
Liz, is Serina Remember what Future Max told Liz.
FUTURE MAX: I don't entirely understand it myself, but
Serina said...she's gonna be a friend of yours one day. It has
something to do with quantum mechanics, but in essence, Max
and I would both be destroyed if we actually came into
contact. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When
FM said this I thought to myself, another Science Geek. It
seems like Zane and Max had a lot in common, including the
kind of women they were attracted to. I think we were all
wondering when and if she would show up. Zane and Max were
both left by their true loves, but why? Was Sernia also
visited by a Future Zane, but now the poor guy is dead. Boy
and we felt sorry for Liz. If Liz is the 5th element to
Roswell's pod squad, does this mean Serina is the 5th element
to the NY squad? But with Zane dead does this mean her mission
is aborted. Liz and Serina both seem to be connected to the
Granilith, maybe Serina will help Max in NY, she just better
keep her hands off of him. With Serina, Tess and Ava around
how ever will Max and Liz get back together.
Once again we see the need for Rath to DO Liz, get the LAY
OF THE LAND. I think we all got the message. Liz has been
kissed now by, Max, Nasedo/Max, Doug, Kyle and now Rath. Wow
Liz, you go girl. So why are Liz's lips so populer, other then
she is a beauty? Lonnie told Rath, "fine Do her, just don't
kill her, you know how important what we're doing here is, so
don't screw it up." Does Rath want to DO Liz to stop the
change? Is Liz's virginity, her perfection, lead to her
change? Now if you think back again to EOTW, it seemed to me
that FM had to stop the cementing of the relationship. Other
wise Max would have spoiled Liz and made her unworthy of
becoming the 5th element, she would no longer be PERFECT? I
just hope if this theory is true, for Liz and Max's sake, once
she does change, they can cement away. One more thing, Liz
seems to be important enough "not" to be killed. Even if she
does not become the 5th element. Any body want to take a guess
why? Because I'm stumped.
Max and Liz 4 ever. Evid
| |
StephStephSteph |
12:45 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Evid: I was thinking the same
thing when I herd this. What if Zane's Liz, is Serina Remember
what Future Max told Liz.
FUTURE MAX: I don't entirely understand it myself, but
Serina said...she's gonna be a friend of yours one day. It has
something to do with quantum mechanics, but in essence, Max
and I would both be destroyed if we actually came into
Very interesting theory. Another Liz.. and Liz becoming
friends with this other self? Hmm... I'm not sure what I think
about that. First, it'd have to assume that Liz really WAS the
fifth element, which I don't know if I'm convinced yet. Plus,
what's the likely hood of there being two fifth elements? I
mean, unless both sets of the Pod Squad were both sent with
the Fifth Element in tact. Would that be why maybe Zan didn't
want to go to this "group meeting"? Maybe he was in love with
Serina and she talked him out of it (going along with the idea
of maybe she got a visit from Future Zan). Then.. Zan was
killed and.. hmm.. I'm not sure. Let me get back to you here.
quote:One more thing, Liz seems to be important enough
"not" to be killed. Even if she does not become the 5th
element. Any body want to take a guess why? Because I'm
I'm thinking it's something simple like if they kill Liz,
then they'll tick off Max and he won't trust them. Although,
I'd like it to be more complicated.
| |
By azcat |
01:08 PM |
I agree with StephStephSteph about the not killing thing -
remember Lonnie also told him not to kill the Sheriff, for the
same reason -
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By michworl
01:17 PM |
I found it interesting that Rath and Lonnie could shape shift
when they were pretending to be Michael and Isabel. I don't
think the others could do that. I really don't know if I
believe they were the other 4 pods. How did they get to did they know about the others? I didn't like how
wicked Rath and Lonnie seemed. I think there is something
going on there.
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By Melodious1
01:42 PM |
Ok, I know I'm not going to be voicing an opinion that's
sheltered by any means...
Is anyone out there just a TAD frustrated that we didn't
and NEVER WILL see Zan's reaction to Liz?? We certainly got to
see Rath's, but an opinion evidently not shared by Michael
(outwardly that is if he does share it... the Polarist and
Candyclanner in me are battling with that one). As a Dreamer
and Liz Mythologist I was DYING to see if Zan - this dupe,
this clone of Max - would have been inexplicably drawn to Liz
as Max was.
Granted this could have explanations not necessarily
delving into *sci fi*. Particularly, Zan and Max were possibly
similar enough that they are attracted to the same women, Liz
would be the epidemy of one of these women.
Although then you'd get into the nature vs. nurture
arguments. Zan and Max, as far as I could tell, were ENTIRELY
different people (from what little we saw of Zan), raised in
entirely different environments. If both had this same strong
attraction to Liz... is it because Liz is their *ideal woman*
or is it because there's just something OFF about Liz that
only *the King* can sense?
It's almost too convenient imo. Something that would have
seemingly stapled Liz's importance (being the one object of
affection for two different versions of "the King")... and
we'll never see it. ::goes to bedroom, stuffs head in pillow
screaming, "Why?!" until throat is hoarse::
| |
shapeshifter |
01:49 PM |
Melodius1, To get your stars back, go to:
Metaphysicalgirl, Melodius, and ree99, re your podswitch
idea: I agree. I wouldn't have put it past Nasedo to have
brought in a less "human" Tess to motivate the podsters to do
their Destiny. Can so many of us be so wrong about this?
The knife is definitely symbolic: Liz gave it to Max, he
gave it back (twist, stab). And ol' Max was as metaphorical
as any poster here with the comments on the red star (read
M&L relationship) not glowing anymore.
Starbox, re: quote:6. more on Rath - why in the WORLD
would he tell Valenti they were afraid the ALIEN HUNTER may be
at Max's house?????? Unless - of course - he is a
shapeshifter who knew all about the Pierce ordeal &
Valenti's connection to it. Rewatch and you will see that
Valenti makes it clear that he's in on the podsters'
alienness. Azcat:good catch on the potential time lapse. If
so, then who's doing it? And how come the podsters and humans
are in it both this time? Someone else mentioned that
Brody's comments to Maria about lost moments fit well with
WO. And Starbox, yea, Isabel said Tess did that to her too,
and it seemed to happen to Max when Tess took him to the pods
last season. So does Tess have the power to time warp?
On Trust: Recall FM told Liz that he didn't go to Tess
because he didn't trust her, he only trusted Liz. Now he says
he doesn't trust Liz. Liz is smart enough to realize this is
no good. Recall FM's comment on not being sure about the Kyle
plan. I thought it was kind of cute at the time that he was
jealous. But now it seems he knew it would destroy his trust
in Liz, and this was just as crucial to survival as Tess's
| |
StephStephSteph |
02:06 PM |
I find it VERY bizarre that Rath had this attraction for Liz,
while Mike has none. I mean.. how similar ARE these two
copies? I guess it goes with the question asked up there
somewhere would Zan have felt anything for Liz? I would have
LOVED to see that meeting, but.. *sigh*.. we missed out on
that too!
What I don't get is why is it that Rath could kill Zan? I
mean, was he simply just so eager to do it his way that he was
willing to kill "the king"? Or is Rath really trying to start
this revolution and Zan wouldn't have it (just like how
Courtney said Mikey G was their leader, but wouldn't betray
I think I'm more confused than ever.. if that's possible.
| |
By azcat |
02:23 PM |
Tingles up my spine ---- hey guys,
what if *Tess* sent the signal to NY - remember, "one near
here" ...
since she seemed to be possibly causing the time loss
earlier, ooh, gosh, synapses leaping and falling - someone
help me out here! I think this could tie in to her being
involved in the whole thing - am I adding one and one and
getting four, or is there something to this?
| |
By StarBox
02:24 PM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter:
Starbox, re: [QUOTE]6. more on Rath - why in the WORLD
would he tell Valenti they were afraid the ALIEN HUNTER may be
at Max's house?????? Unless - of course - he is a
shapeshifter who knew all about the Pierce ordeal &
Valenti's connection to it. Rewatch and you will see that
Valenti makes it clear that he's in on the podsters'
No No No - PLEASE dont make me watch it again! I have
already watched it three times and I like it LESS with each
viewing. I agree that Valenti made it clear he knew they were
aliens - picked that up the first <gag> viewing. BUT -
WHY would he ask for help with the ALIEN HUNTER &
insinuate that they thought the alien hunter might be
back???????? I mean - I can give Dupe Michael the benefit of
the doubt and say he picked up on the fact that the sherriff
knew they were aliens - BUT its a huge leap to then conclude
that the sherriff has been helping them with "alien hunters".
Just struck me as a wee bit odd. I actually also got a
Nasedo vibe from "Rath" in his desire to stick his tounge down
Liz's throat. WHAT was that about anyway???
I did NOT like this episode. And I have this bad feeling
that everything people assume (esp about the dupes being on
the same "side" as the podsters) after watching MTD is going
to be pulled out from under them in MITC.
Oh - and after this last rewatch - Lonnie does say "NO
WONDER his bitch left him".
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
| |
StephStephSteph |
02:49 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: Oh - and after this
last rewatch - Lonnie does say "NO WONDER his bitch left
So Lonnie says it!? HOW does she know!?!
| |
shapeshifter |
02:53 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: ...No No No - PLEASE
dont make me watch it again! I have already watched it three
times and I like it LESS with each viewing...[/B]Really? I was
prepared to hate it based on the previews, but I loved it. The
music was great (like in Pilot, that's one of the main things
that hooked me), and the acting was some of the best. I got
the feeling they realized they had to do it right or it would
be cheesy. quote:I can give Dupe Michael the benefit of the
doubt and say he picked up on the fact that the sheriff knew
they were aliens - BUT its a huge leap to then conclude that
the sheriff has been helping them with "alien hunters".
... Ooohhh, I missed that point. I guess the editors did
too. Oh well, I'm still struggling with the scene where Is and
Mi become Lon and Rath. The "we've got to get out of these
clothes" line is heard after they morph back into their NYC
BTW, does anyone think that when they saw the picture of
Liz in the sock drawer that they knew he had a girlfriend
But I don't think they can shapeshift like Nasedo.
On the Rath kissing Liz deal: recall at the end of Missing
that Michael tells Liz after he reads her journal that now he
has another reason to envy Max. Then at the end of SO47 he is
very nice to her. I think the only reasons her wouldn't go for
her are 1) Maria, and 2) human morés.
| |
seattlechic |
02:57 PM |
While I was disheartened as a dreamer with Meet the Dupes, I
am thrilled to see Roswell appearing to get back on track with
some of the suttle and powerful symbolism and drama of season
one. The duplicates were an interesting concept and hopefully
this Summit will bring on more answers and more questions
about the podsters destiny.
It looks like Tess/Ava are a true part of the Royal 4. I
also think it is interest that Ava appears more sympathetic
and less manipulative. But if Emilie is going to keep playing
Ava she will have to work on that NY accent. I think that was
the real reason they kept her quiet in this episode.
I still think Liz has a vital destiny in the Royal 4 as a
human. We will see. I think the writers are finally trying to
address these issues with this and future episodes. Now that
the skins are gone (hopefully for good), the writers can get
on with developing the podsters destiny issues that we keep
speculating on.
We should learn more about their planet and the other 4
planets/families and Max's role in the war. As for whether it
is a civil war or revolution, I think its all relative. It
would depend on whose side you were on and who won.
I can't wait until next Monday.
| |
StephStephSteph |
03:22 PM |
quote:Originally posted by seattlechic: While I was
disheartened as a dreamer with Meet the Dupes, I am thrilled
to see Roswell appearing to get back on track with some of the
suttle and powerful symbolism and drama of season one. The
duplicates were an interesting concept and hopefully this
Summit will bring on more answers and more questions about the
podsters destiny.
NO! No more questions!!
| |
Metaphysicalgrl |
03:33 PM |
quote:Originally posted by lurker: also delurking here.
treat me nicely, this is my first post ever. I just couldn't
hold back anymore. First, did anyone else notice what
lonnie said in the UFO center right before Alex came in? It
was something like "That's zan alright. Yeah, Zan with an even
bigger stick up his ass than when his bitch left him" How
could they know about the Liz/Max break up if they haven't
talked to anybody yet? All they know is that he had a picture
in his room saying Love always, Liz. Does this mean that Zan
also had a "bitch" that left him? another liz? I could be
totally wrong on this.
Welcome aboard lurker! Of course we'll be nice to you... My
take on that comment about Zan was...they said, "that's Zan
allright, with an even bigger stick up his wonder his
bitch left him." Prior to this scene -- you have the scene
where Rath walked up to Liz and kissed her by the
lockers...and he said to her "now that Maxie is gone"...
I guess we're supposed to assume he found out while he was
'getting the lay of the land'? Another loose end for us to
ponder over, I guess.
They really need to have ALL of the writers work on ALL of
the episodes, don't ya thinK?
| |
By StarBox
03:37 PM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter: Oh well, I'm still
struggling with the scene where Is and Mi become Lon and Rath.
The "we've got to get out of these clothes" line is heard
after they morph back into their NYC rags.
BTW, does anyone think that when they saw the picture of
Liz in the sock drawer that they knew he had a girlfriend
But I don't think they can shapeshift like Nasedo.
Hey Shapeshifter :-)
I will admit that in some ways it was a "fun" episode -
seeing the alter-egos. And Katy is SUCH a good actress. I
just dont like the fact that it did raised more questions than
it answered. And I dont like the fact that Max is starting to
seem stupid to me. And - I dont like the fact that - to
roughly quote Majaranda - "these kids can do the most awful
things to each other with no consequences". There was an
underlying meanness to this episode - and not just among the
dupes either. It left me feeling confused and frustrated - and
I missed the warmth that was present all last season and in
glimpses this season. But - I digress.
The Rath and Lonnie "shapeshift" was too weird. It seemed
that they DID in fact - shapeshift (altered their physical
body) - but didnt manipulate matter (i.e change their clothes)
ALTHOUGH they DID get their jewelry back????????? I mean -
what was that??????? I dont think the writers really
thought about it. Its like "they KIND OF shapeshift - they
KIND OF manipulate matter".
And - now that you mention it - I do think they knew that
Max had a girlfriend.
Oh - and one last detail - after my last rewatch. Max says
clearly at the UFO center that ONLY he was invited to the
summit. He says this in front of Tess. So - how did she manage
to get invited along??????
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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By Starstruck
03:46 PM |
Hi Everybody
I've been away from these boards for a whole week. My
husband and I both managed to get the flu at the same time,
104 degree temperature and all. This was not a good thing as
my normally sweet Max like husband seemed to have abducted and
replaced with an impatient grumpy man. I've decided wives
and/or mothers should never get sick! LOL We're both feeling
better now and he's back to his normal self (thank God)!
I'm printing out all that I've missed and will hopefully be
back tomorrow to join back in the discussion. I've really
missed talking with all of you.
See ya Starstruck
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By chicatron
04:09 PM |
hey guys
Metapysicalgrl: are you trying to tell me that there could
have been flashes when Liz and Rathed kissed, how else would
he have known that Max her were not together ( at least for
I have one question, Why did the Rath and Lonnie kill Zan?
I assume since they are duplicates, maybe they couldn't pass
as the originals at the summit. Is that why they need Max,
because they know that he is the (origianl) King and leader,
and the summit leaders wouldn't be "duped" by him.
Anyone have answers for me??? I hope when Max comes back
from NYC he understands that LIZ is part of his destiny too.
We all know this, when will he!!!!!!!
Keep up the great post and ideas,you guys always make the
wait for the next episode sorter!!!!
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By sunrise
04:40 PM |
Hello all
First of all I know some of you did not like this eppy, BUT
remember that it's a TWO parter. They are connnected so before
you hand down the final verdict will you please wait until you
have seen the second part, it's the least you can do
Now, someone mentioned how Rath kissed Liz, as well as
Nasedo and of course Max(), so what is it about Liz that the
aliens feel so attracted to. Could this be another clue to
Liz's importance, in order for that to be true we would have
to assume that Zan would have wanted to do the same if he had
the chance to see her, as well as Michael if he wasn't loyal
or respectful to Max's feelings to her.
Another thing, funny that some of you mentioned Serena
cause while in class earlier today I'm half listening to my
professor and half thinking about the show, I have slightly
different approach as to who she is and her importance. Now in
TEOTW FM said that Serena was going to be a friend of LIZ's so
what is this about Serena being Zan's soulmate? I don't see
how this would work. FM also said that Serena was the one who
told him not to see PM cause it had something to do with
quantum mechanics... now, to me that's a possible clue as to
when we will meet Serena. I'm thinking college perhaps
because if Liz goes on to study anything science related where
else would she meet another science geek If Serena is going to
be important somehow I see her as an ally we won't meet for a
while. Anyone agree...
Also, I know many of you are frustrated cause of the many
questions raised in every eppy, IMHO would YOU ALL GET OVER
IT!!! This is not a sitcom where each eppy is different.
Roswell episodes tie together if you just be patient and
watch, and while some questions may never be answered I think
we are expecting too much, the writers have it hard as it is
with " we want M&L and M&M back together!" (me too, I
admit) and network demands, etc... and they don't need our
nitpicking on and on and on.
Sorry if I was a little tough, hope you all don't hate me,
but I needed to vent I'm still mad about MaxLiz
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By ~* Mimi *~
04:57 PM |
Hello everyone on this wonderful thread. I have been lurking
this thread for quite awhile and decided it was time to post
here.I am not just a Monkey Junkie I am Brass Monkie Funky
Monkie Junkie badly. But out of respect I will not post
spoilers or tell you if the future is promising or not.
I do belive that Liz is an alien or at least half alien. I
mean I look back at Sexual Healing ( smashing episode wasnt
it? ) and the Wipe Out episode. I dont see how anyone could
moan from a guy touching your hand in class ( but this is
Jason Behr and I do that any old time he would touch my hand
seriously.... ) And in Wipe out The Skin they found and picked
up I say one day the group should get together and like they
are walking down the street and then like Liz picks up a skin
she sees on the ground and it desengrates in front of
everybody and then they find out " hey Liz is us TOO!!!" (HEY
to ramble so let me stop write hear cuase I could on for days
and you guys wouldnt want that.
straBEHRyAPPLEsuace lover
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By ree99 |
06:04 PM |
Melodious, StephStephSteph: Yeah, I'm with you two. Would have
REALLY liked to have seen Zan's reaction to Liz.
Re: Brody's two signals. My first thought was that the
Roswell blip might have been FM's transporting from the future
and the NY blip may have been someone else transporting into
NY, maybe for a peace summit? Large bursts of energy, ya know?
But, Brody saying the blips occurred just the prior week kinda
shoots that idea down since it seems that FM was around a lot
earlier than that. (However, maybe the green thingy did go off
in WO at about the same time...) Or, could the blip in Roswell
be related to Brody's loss of memory, etc.? Also, I wonder if
the sighting in ITW would have caused a blip also?
So many blips, so little time....
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shapeshifter |
06:42 PM |
quote:Originally posted by chicatron: ...Why did the Rath
and Lonnie kill Zan?...
Ostensibly it was supposed to be because Zan didn't want to
go to the summit--he thought it was a "set up." So Rath was
counting on getting Max to do it. BUT, I think that Rath wants
to take over (think Michael Worshippers who wanted Michael to
be King), and to do that he would have to off Max. Palomino
said a key line in the Rhinestone Cowboy song they played was
something about the nice guy getting offed. gotta
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By redhawk
06:54 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Starbox: And I dont like the
fact that Max is starting to seem stupid to me. And - I dont
like the fact that - to roughly quote Majaranda - "these kids
can do the most awful things to each other with no
consequences". There was an underlying meanness to this
episode - and not just among the dupes either. It left me
feeling confused and frustrated - and I missed the warmth that
was present all last season and in glimpses this season. I
have to agree with you. I feel like this ep was exceptionally
cold. ::brrr, someone turn on the heat in here:: I think I was
disappointed that there wasn't even a glimmer of hope (okay,
maybe a pin hole, but nothing more). I did like how they were
working on continuity though. Always good, in my opinion, when
they try to tie up loose ends. How long have I been whining
about that red giant? Nevermind.
Thank you also to the person who pointed out that Brody's
lapses in memory may be from what happened in WO. I thought
maybe the writers were hinting at something that may happen in
the future, but I think you're right on this one. Another
continuity item... Yeah!
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By GraceKel
06:55 PM |
Hi to my fellow RBI'ers well STARBOX I am with you on this
one, I did not care for this episode very much although I
picked up a few clues anyway.
Did anyone else notice the fact that it was 7:30 am (that
they had somehow lost time or the track of it and spent the
night there) not unlike in FOURSQUARE when Max (supposedly)
remembers Tess in the pod and it becomes morning too. When
Courtney says Nikolas has the ability to manipulate time zones
and dimensions well....somehow it seems that the DUPES and
Nikolas are connected because we have the time warp
again---which also makes me think that Tess is connected to
Nikolas because of FOUR SQUARE.
I noticed that Villandra brought up how she was responsible
About the RED GIANT-well it seems like it may have a double
meaning but I DO think this connects to the fact that Liz let
Max go (and this is certainly not going to be a good thing I
Didn't Courtney mention something about PIERCINGS in ASK
NOT and now we have all these PIERCING DUPES. I could barely
look at them with this stuff on their faces, to me it is like
someone scratching down a blackboard with their fingernail
I really hated that LAY OF THE LAND remark, my gosh,
Roswell has certainly lost its innocense and I am not sure
that is a good thing.
I have more to post but I don't have the time right now,
and I will comment on others posts later as well.
Last season I was so HOPEFILLED this season I feel HOPELESS
a good deal of the time. And the critics are not loving this
new direction either, Roswell please get back on track
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By tp |
08:09 PM |
I have been driving myself crazy over something that I need
you intelligent people to enlighten me????
Why isn't Liz opening up to Max about why she did what she
did? Why is she still lying about the whole situtation?
(sleeping with Kyle)
My take on EOTW was that they needed to stop the "love
making" from happening. That was accomplished. In fact, with
FM disappearing, isn't that enough to show to Liz that they
(FM and Liz)were successful in pushing PM to Tess? "This is a
different world out there now . . . we create our own destiny"
Don't you think that Liz could confide in Max so they
together can keep Tess from leaving town?
I don't get it . . . did I miss something???
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Metaphysicalgrl |
08:50 PM |
quote:Originally posted by chicatron: hey guys
Metapysicalgrl: are you trying to tell me that there could
have been flashes when Liz and Rathed kissed, how else would
he have known that Max her were not together ( at least for
Hey there. Nope, that's not what I was thinking. I think
it's pretty safe to say Liz didn't get any flashes. She might
have gotten a little nauseous, but no flashes.
I guess what I was thinking was that Rath somehow found
out..."off camera". I think this is just one of those details
that TPTB aren't going to explain, we're just going to have to
assume it happened. I happen to think that a lot of the little
details that raise questions for us like...
1) In WO how did Tess know to meet at the Crashdown? 2)
In WO how did Tess know that Iz was missing? 3) How did
Tess get an invite to the summit if Max was invited alone?
These things, IMHO, are just things we have to assume the
answers to -- because everything can't be covered in every
episode given the time constraints...for example:
1) Max called her after he called Michael. 2) Max came
to the UFO center after he initially went looking of Iz and
couldn't find her, to let everyone know she was missing -- and
then went out to continue looking for her. When we saw him
come into the UFO center, it was the second time he came
in. 3) Max probably asked her to come because she is the
only one (gag) he seems to be able to trust these days.
(brings to mind when Nicholas says in WO that he's still
trusting the wrong people).
Anyway, my brother and my father work on TV -- so I happen
to know it's not a perfect science and they have a certain
amount of time to fit it all in. And yes, it's frusterating to
folks like us who are examining every detail, but that's what
I think it is. Maybe our answers are lying on the editing room
I do wonder if there was anything to the whole Rath being
attracted to Liz -- or if it was just an example of the dupes
being, well being the dupes. (couldn't think of any nasty
adjectives to insert there...).
I have this new theory I've been kind of playing with. Now
that we have seen the dupes, and as we know, they are more
alien than human...I keep thinking that maybe the podsters
were sent to earth, because what humans had to offer the royal
4 was their humanity. Our emotions, the morals of our society,
those kinds of things. I keep thinking that Liz is important
because "Knowing her has made Max human". Nicholas said that
Max used to make decisions about whole armies based on the
flip of a coin. Maybe what Max needed to be a succesful leader
was more of a human side.
Also -- here's a theory for you all. What if Nicholas was
working with the duplicates, or at least Rath and Lonny.
Nicholas would have known a lot of intimate details about the
podsters and their human friends through Vanessa Whitaker. She
could have told him that Max and Liz had broken up! Remember
how Liz confided to her? That would also explain the yearbook
- Whitaker could have given it to Nicholas. Now we know there
are at least three other "families/alien race" or whatever
that are out there. Who KNOWS how they can possibly be
Where was I going with all that? I don't even remember!
Sigh...Oh the tangled webs we weave....
I bet TPTB don't even know what's going on anymore!!
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By Qfanny |
08:58 PM |
I just had a really good thought as I took my shower, but I
think I washed it away. Once again, it had to do with your
messed up timeline
Okay dooky--- Something is not right with the mommogram
message and Lonnie's statements to Max regarding Isabel, and
it's appartant in the timeline:
Lonnie says that the war was still going on when they sent
the pods. Meaning that there was still life of sort and most
likely still a planet: Mommy was recorded before she died
Ok, then why did Lonnie tell Max that Vilondra was the one
that got everyone killed, including their mother?
In order for the mommogram to have been recorded and
Vilondra be responsible for their deaths, these possiblities
come to mind.
1) Vilondra's betrayal did not immediately kill everyone
off at once. Perhaps there was reconcilation between all the
parties before the eventual demise. At any rate, Mommy did
lived long enough to see that the Destiny plan got started.
2) The Destiny plan was put into action as the
proto-podsters were still alive.
Now, my head is not thinking clearly enough to grasp the
ramifications of all this, but there seems to be something
within all this.
shapeshifter--I spoke with maxcedo and he will check the
status of this thread in the morning.
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Metaphysicalgrl |
09:08 PM |
quote:Originally posted by tp: I have been driving myself
crazy over something that I need you intelligent people to
enlighten me????
Why isn't Liz opening up to Max about why she did what she
did? Why is she still lying about the whole situtation?
(sleeping with Kyle)
My take on EOTW was that they needed to stop the "love
making" from happening. That was accomplished. In fact, with
FM disappearing, isn't that enough to show to Liz that they
(FM and Liz)were successful in pushing PM to Tess? "This is a
different world out there now . . . we create our own destiny"
Don't you think that Liz could confide in Max so they
together can keep Tess from leaving town?
I don't get it . . . did I miss something???
I'm not really sure what's going on... but I do have a
comment about Liz being able to tell Max. I have read on other
boards that people think now that the skins are destroyed,
that the future has been changed and now Liz can go ahead and
tell Max the truth.
In EOTW Max says "our enemies destroyed us". He didn't
specifically say the skins...and now that we know that there
are 5 planets involved...that means more enemies. So I don't
think that the coast is clear for Liz to tell Max.
However, it seemed pretty clear to me that keeping Tess
around was the key to changing the future. Why not just tell
Tess this? She's supposedly fighting the same battle they are.
Yeah, I said supposedly.
What REALLY pisses me off that last season Max
said when things get intense they sometimes get flashes. HOW
ONE? You would think that getting your heart broken is a
pretty intense thing. How was losing a journal more intense
than this? In WO and MTD he's been up in her room and on that
Was someone congratulating the writers on continuity? We
should see this in the next issue of variety...
Obsessed Fan Wanted: Weekly TV show is looking for an
obsessed fan to sit in on writing meetings to ensure that
continuity is carried over from episode to episode.
Qualifications: must have seen each episode a minimum of 10
times, must be detail oriented. Full pay and benefits, which
include the opportunity to walk over to the soundstage to bask
in Jason Behr's beauty. Please fax your resume to:
WEN-EED-HELP or email it to us at
Sigh, I know that was mean... Frusteration rears it's ugly
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Metaphysicalgrl |
09:18 PM |
I'm just typing away tonight, but I have to say if any of the
writers happen to read the post above -- you are obviously
doing an AMAZING job because we are all so hooked.
If you REALLY sucked, we wouldn't be watching or taking
time out of our lives to engage in these types of discussions,
now would we?
Keep up the good work!!
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By Wishful
Thinking |
09:34 PM |
Where to start? I think I'm going to be jumping around, but
I'll try to be coherent .
GraceKel: I agree with the dialogue about the RED GIANT
having a double meaning & the possiblity of what Max &
Liz had dying out, does not bode well for the group.
Courtney did say to Michael, in Ask Not that piercings "...
only hurt once and then it's about the stimulation..."
Possibly there is a connection as GraceKel mentions, to the
Dupes with their multitude of piercings. A note: Brody also
wears an earing through his left ear... possible connection
I too noticed the background chanting music, when
Isabel(Lonnie) fought with Max. I also noticed the chanting at
the beginning of the episode, when Lonnie & Rath were
searching Max's room.
quote:StephStephSteph: Originally posted by
StarBox: Oh - and after this last rewatch - Lonnie does say
"NO WONDER his bitch left him". So Lonnie says it!? HOW
does she know!?!
My question is, which bitch are they refering to? Liz or
possibly Zan's girl (assuming he had one)?
Interesting about the lost time when all of them were at
the UFO centre. Why is it that Alex was the only one that was
not affected? After all he fell asleep, while no one noticed
the time gone by.
quote:Shapeshifter: Oh well, I'm still struggling with
the scene where Is and Mi become Lon and Rath. The "we've got
to get out of these clothes" line is heard after they morph
back into their NYC rags.
If they really are the same race as our Podsters, that
would make them shapeshifters wouldn't it? If yes, then I
think it's possible that they can shapeshift with
limitations... hence why Rath & Lonnie weren't wearing
their normal clothing. Maybe why the Dupes have this ability
& not the others might be due to them using thier powers
more (they didn't seem to have any qualms about using them).
But I'm stumped on their ability to mask their jewelry (?
smaller surface area to change).
As to why Tess is going to NYC with Max when only he was
invited, I think it's because of 2 things: Max is taking
her along as a safety precaution. Currently he feels betrayed
and is fighting with Is & Michael. Plus neither Is nor
Michael volunteered to go with him, when he announced he was
going to NY (granted he didn't know he was really talking to
the dupes, but still...). So, Tess is the next logical choice
of the Podster group-- even if he doesn't trust Tess 100%,
it's a lot better than putting all of his trust, safety, his
life, in the hands of total stangers.
The dupes didn't invite Tess, but are allowing her to come
along. At this point, it's most likely because Max gave it as
a stipulation for him going with them back to NYC (returning
to the safety precaution reasoning of #1).
Just some
random observations:[list]
The liscense plate Lonnie changes on the stolen car is: 615
R5H Could R5H mean our 4 Podsters + Liz, that go to Roswell
High or am I just reaching? I can't think of what the 615
means, except the area code for Tennessee .
What does the poster on the back of Max's bedroom door say?
It was featured twice, once when Mr. Evans left the room &
again when Max closed the door after Lonnie entrance.
There's a dragon on Liz's window at the end of the episode.
Any meanings or any links to Buddhism?
Thoughts anybody?
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shapeshifter |
09:48 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Qfanny: I just had a really good
thought as I took my shower, but I think I washed it away.
Once again, it had to do with your messed up timeline
...That's my alter ego for sure, showering in front of the
whole message board! Seriously, I have an idea to
coordinate the Mommogram with the podster timeline, but it may
not be anything like the writers had in mind: On Planet
Twilo/Antar (hey, we've got 5 planets to spread the names over
now even if they exist only in Rath's fiction) they can do
time warping. And after wielding their time warpers at each
other more times than Lola can run, it became evident that
Vilondra was not going to give up betraying her family for her
lover. So, using their last best hope they did one more time
warp and sent the essences off to earth (maybe where time
doesn't warp so easily) hoping that humanity would make her
see the light (they knew about Nazis, but also about freedom
fighters). quote:...shapeshifter--I spoke with maxcedo and he
will check the status of this thread in the morning.Hmph! That
2 timer! I just knew when he said he was taking the granolith
to the laundromat something was up. Ah well, he's certainly an
irresistible 2-timer time-warper.
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By HyperKitN
10:37 PM |
I agree that Ava may have been the original podster. The dupes
said that one of the pod squads were defective and stated that
it was our podsters. But I think it was them. The leaky stuff
could have been their more human side. Or it is good and evil
divided. One set good the other evil. But Tess did seem to fit
in w/the New Yorkers and Ava the Roswelians.
From the promo I'm thinking that the V formation is all th
planets. Earth possibly being the point and someone said they
looked like is was directional. And maybe LIz is supposed to
be the earth representative.
Interesting about the time warp thing. Could it have been
the alien we didn't see last week in WO.
Also if dupe means to trick someone then I say the the
dupes were to trick the other aliens. Nasedo and company let
them be found to throw the track off the REAL Royal Four so
that they could grow and become powerful to defeat those who
are against them.
And if the promo for MTD before it aired said that only one
will survive are all of the dupes going to die.
I also hope that it is Isabel, Michael and LIz who go and
save Max. BEcause as of now all of these people supposedly
betrayed Max. Liz w/Kyle--Isable/Vilandra--Michael probably
would have according to Courtney.
I am enjoying these eppies a lot, but I do think the
podsters need an extented vacation.
Also What's up w/Alex. And Brody was adorable.
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CharmedKitten |
11:18 PM |
Okay...I was just watching the promo from the WB site frame by
frame...I know slightly obsessive but after a disasterious
Angel, I needed something.
Anyway,if you go through it frame by frame there are a few
shots of Rath behind Tess. But the weird thing is that his
hand is going up and around her face. And the expression is
similar to the one he has before he kills someone. Now not to
get any one's hopes up but I just thought I'd post this. Also
his hand moves up in a classic neck snapping move...well at
least the part that I saw.(I watch too many fighting movies)
Now I could be guessing, but just though I'd see if anyone
else had seen it.
I Shall Believe & I'll Never Forget
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By maxwellian
11:21 PM |
Hey Guys what u guys r doing!! I have read what evrybody
has to say and it is more clear than ever before that Liz is a
key factor in the Royal 4.I just can't understand how Max
cannot know that Liz is lying to him about the whole Kyle
thing. He seems so lame this season. He is the damn leader or
has he forgotton it. I hope that all this confusion is
building up to something u know -- coz if it's not then they r
not doing the show and us fans any justice!!
It was you - Max
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By czech
please |
12:06 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Metaphysicalgrl:
However, it
seemed pretty clear to me that keeping Tess around was the key
to changing the future. Why not just tell Tess this? She's
supposedly fighting the same battle they are. Yeah, I said
Here's my thinking: Whoever has knowledge of the events of
the future (right now only Liz), has the ability to alter and
manipulate those events in a concerted way, as opposed to just
letting random acts effect what happens down the line. Is this
really the sort of power we want to give Tess? Knowing that
her decisions basically decide who lives or dies would give
her way too much influence over everyone else. There are just
too many unknowns in dealing with Tess, this is why Liz
doesn't trust her.
About Tess at the summit: The dupes went to great lengths
to cut Max off from Isabel and Michael, to make him "trust the
wrong people." But they basically ignored his relationship
with Tess. Hmm. Could this simply be because they didn't have
Ava's cooperation, or do they just not see her as an obstacle
to their mission. And if not, why not? They seem to know quite
a bit about the past lives. What do they know about Tess?
I don't remember who posted on this, but Alex being asleep
haunted me throughout the day. Something about him asking how
long he'd been out just struck me funny. I'll figure out why
Finally-I can deal with the limited perusal of Whitaker's
files and the waste of the fountain of knowledge that was
Courtney, but if Max really lets the car trip from New Mexico
to New York pass without some serious interrogation of the
dupes, I will likely go insane. Ask them questions, you
********* "it's been a mad long day,. let's just
chill" -lonnie
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By Evid |
12:52 AM |
quote:Originally posted by CharmedKitten: Okay...I was just
watching the promo from the WB site frame by frame...I know
slightly obsessive but after a disasterious Angel, I needed
Anyway,if you go through it frame by frame there are a few
shots of Rath behind Tess. But the weird thing is that his
hand is going up and around her face. And the expression is
similar to the one he has before he kills someone. Now not to
get any one's hopes up but I just thought I'd post this. Also
his hand moves up in a classic neck snapping move...well at
least the part that I saw.(I watch too many fighting movies)
Now I could be guessing, but just though I'd see if anyone
else had seen it.
I Shall Believe & I'll Never Forget
CharmedKitten: Oh yes I saw it. It looks to me like the
writers couldn't figure out what to do with Tess, so they took
the easy way out, Kill her off. But now we have Ava who seems
more humen. After watching the Dupes and how Ava was looking
at Max, I'm sure she will take Tess's place in more ways then
one. Did you see the way Liz looked at her "Oh no not another
one?" I think every Dreamer out there, myself included, said
the same thing. I hate to say it but Max already seems to like
Ava, he was also making eye contact. I think Liz needs to do
some fast talking and soon, or Max needs to get a brain. "So
you know that the Granilith is powerful Liz, Oh that's nice."
I think he needs to take a trip down the Yellow Brick Road.
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Soul_Existence |
01:00 AM |
Hi all,
About Alex begin asleep while everyone else stayed awake
was kinda odd. I didn't think it meant anything until someone
brought up the issue of missing time here. Remember in Wipe
Out Alex disappears along with the rest of roswell humans. So
it makes since that he would be the only one to go to sleep,
not really losing time since he didn't know he was missing.
And why couldn't I see anything on Brody's watch not that it
matter it was just weird too, Tess and him seem to have the
same taste(her watch and his)? j/k
Why didn't Ava use her powers to save Zan's by making the
others Dupes think they killed him. I'm going to rewatch after
I look at buffy and angel that I taped tonight. Later
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By NyLoN |
01:01 AM |
I think people who are interested in this subject should take
a glance at the: "Roswell and Joseph Campbell's Hero's
Journey" thread. For those that are not aware of Joseph
Campbell's theories, he essentially created a series of
"stages" that a character must experience in order to
<b>be<b> a hero. Most of the famous works of
science fiction, and many works of fiction, from the last
century have followed the Hero's Journey (HJ). George Lucas
delivered the eulogy at Campbell's funeral and credited him
with the success of Star Wars.
The long and the short of it is that Roswell is adheering
to Campbell's HJ, and Liz Parker can easily be put on an HJ.
The important part of HJ for Liz is not, however, that she is
simply on one, but rather a specific aspect of the HJ. Since
Campbell's produced his essay, dozens -- if not thousands --
of works have been written about his theories. One such essay
is referred to in the thread by Czech-Please (I think, if it
was someone else I am sorry). One of the "stages" of the HJ is
"Sacrifice". The hero must give up something of great
importance to him/her. Generally it is accepted that Liz gave
up Max, but the essay referred to a second way of looking at
the "sacrifice" stage which would most often apply to women --
giving up on the belief that they are normal.
In Liz's case this would mean giving up on the idea that
she is simply the "smallest of small town girls". What she
truly is, well I don't know, but I like the idea and so do
alot of the people posting on that thread. If this varient
"sacrifice" stage does occur, then it would seem that Liz is
in fact very important to Alien mythology.
There is a <b>far<b> more detailed analysis of
this whole issue on the aforementioned thread, and its 3 am so
I am probably mangling it badly here
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By Wishful
Thinking |
01:11 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Soul_Existence: Why didn't Ava
use her powers to save Zan's by making the others Dupes think
they killed him.
Hmm, I thought of that too but later nixed the idea since I
thought that she was actually terrified of the other two (note
Lonnie's line in the car of "why are you still livin' &
breathin' in this car?" = Ava's disposable and at their
Plus how would she explain it afterwards? "Oops, sorry
Rath, you must have made the truck miss flattening Zan like a
But hey, you never know with TPTB it seems and how
disapointing was it that we never got to see Zan's reaction to
Liz & vice versa?!?
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By Qfanny |
05:12 AM |
We are almost to page 11 and maxcedo will have to start thread
18 as Zero is on holiday. I know we are shy of 250 posts, but
I rather take a chance with the moderator that we have a
thread to post on...
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By maxcedo
05:23 AM |
Thread #18 is started at
Moderators, please lock 17:
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