Topic: Liz's
Importance to Alien Mythology #18 |
By maxcedo
05:20 AM |
Introduction was written by Zero. I'm just posting it!
Welcome to the 18th thread of the continuing discussion
of "Liz's Importance to the Alien Mythology." We have been
dissecting all the Roswell episodes, one by one, finding
"clues" to Liz's importance to the Alien Mythology and other
relevant topics - and there are a lot of them! Shapeshifter
and Qfanny have graciously agreed to set up a single link to
the former threads that are available to read. The link will
The following is a summary (sorry it is so long!) of some
of the thoughts and theories that have been expressed on the
previous threads. I try to incorporate new theories as we move
through Season 2 and new clues are unveiled, however, not all
theories are covered in-depth. Our basic thesis is that LIZ IS
Liz's importance to the pod squad - and the survival of the
human race for that matter - and theories concerning the
beings and mysteries swirling around Liz - are what we
dissect. So - feel free to join on in, or just lurk! And don't
worry about going off on a tangent - they all tend to lead
back to Liz's importance!
First - and foremost - the general consensus is that Liz is
important to the alien mythology and the pod squad, and that
there is more to the Liz/Max connection than a mere attraction
(i.e., a crush). From that first look - Max getting off the
bus in Kindergarten (or 1st grade - time seems to be operating
in many dimensions recently ) - Max has been strongly
attracted to Liz. Max often makes comments such as "It was
You!" and "I'm coming for You!" that leads us to believe that
her importance to him was beyond the bounds of "normal." How
Liz is important is where the fun - and this thread! - comes
in. We now know that if things continued on the "current"
course, Liz and Max would end up married, and all H*** would
break out, resulting in Earth being taken over - by their
enemies (Skins? - we don't know since FM never says) in 2014 -
all due to the cementing of the L&M connection (and Tess'
leaving the group as a result of that connection) - a
connection that Liz has broken by her deception at Future
Max's urging in TEOTW. But, has she truly broken that
connection irreparably or just temporarily? Lets go back to
the beginning, since few (if any) questions regarding that
connection have been answered in this Season - yet!
Most believe that when Max healed Liz and then caused a
"reverse connection" (Pilot), that something changed in Liz -
whether the change was new or an awakening of something
already a part of her is not known. Many feel there is
something that goes to the core of who Liz is: · Maybe from
a past life on the pod squads planet (Is she the true love of
Max's previous life? But if so, why did she disappear in
Wipeout?); · Could Liz or her essence have had a previous
life encounter with Max's alien "essence" or human DNA donor
here on Earth; · Was Liz the original "4th" podster (and
Max's true mate) who "hatched" early, failed to have her alien
essence develop completely, and was humanized by her human
parents (Though this seems less and less likely after TEOTW,
and now that we see that there are duplicate podsters - with
Tess included. Why did they show that leaking pod in Sof47,
and is it relevant to Liz?); · Was Liz the "second in
command" referred to in the Mom'ogram, who somehow
(deliberately?) was separated from the group and sent
separately to Earth; · Could Liz be the Trojan Horse -
containing something within her of importance to the podsters
or their enemies - or contain the essence of a Leader, such as
part of Max's alien essence; · Could it just be Liz's
advanced human intelligence (she is a self-admitted "nerd")
that "connects" her to Max. (Let's hear it for Smart Girls!
) · Could Max have a 'future memory' that allowed him to
recognized Liz as essential to the survival of the World?
These are just a few of the theories offered. The
connection that Max had to Liz started the day he first got
off the bus in kindergarten (or 1st grade) and saw her, and
was awakened in Liz by the healing and reverse connection that
occurred in the Pilot. She seems to have been drawn to him
prior to the healing, but figured he was not interested in her
- they obviously knew each other since 3rd grade and were lab
partners. Some have wondered if the way Max held the back of
Liz's neck during the healing could have changed her cerebral
cortex - the location that Pierce said the Special Unit had
identified as the source of the aliens' powers - powers that
are all human(according to Harding). Could the number of
connections also come into play into "changing" Liz, or
awaking an already - yet dormant - power within her? Many have
wondered about Liz's origins - are her parents her true birth
parents or is she adopted like the Evans kids, does she have a
connection to the Indians or an (ancient) alien race, why does
she look so much like Sheila Hubble - and how this plays into
the connection with Max? Is Liz totally of human origin or
does she have some alien "blood" - literally or figuratively -
in her? We know that Liz's cheek cells differed from
Max's, BUT we did not see what another "human's" cheek
cells looked like, so it is possible that Liz's cells are
different, too. (Though a doctor probably would have picked up
on this by now.) Could Liz be descended from an alien race
that colonized Earth thousands of years ago? (This is my
personal favorite theory!! ) Could that ancient race somehow
be connected to the podsters' people from long ago? How does
the Granolith fit into this? We now know that the Granolith
CAN be used as a time travel machine, but this is NOT its
intended purpose. What is its intended purpose? Could the
Parkers (who have resided in Roswell for 4 generations) be the
protectors of the Granolith, or could the Indians in the area
be such protectors? Was the Granolith used by others than FM
to travel in time (apparently Liz and future friend Serena
were the ones to make it work as a time machine -so did other
have a chance to us it this way?). (So, many questions . !)
"Soulmates" seems to be a continuing term used when
referring to Max and Liz, and we all seem to think this is
done for a reason. Though much is made of Max's Destiny being
Tess , many of us wonder if Liz is actually his Destiny due to
the use of the Human DNA and where it came from, or some past
alien connection. The use of that human DNA could have totally
altered the "planned" destiny. There is also much thought
given to whether the alien Max played out his "destiny" on his
home planet when killed in the conflict that envelopes that
place, and that now has an entire new "destiny" that includes
Liz - one that could not have been anticipated by his home
planet creators OR well planned out knowing that a human
alliance would be necessary to save both the human race and
the podsters' people. Could the Max/Liz alliance be foretold
in an ancient Indian prophecy? (One of my personal favorite
theories! Is she the necessary "5th Element - see below.) Most
of us draw a clear distinction between someone's "destiny" and
"duty." We - mostly - also believe that by using human DNA for
the pod squad, and the fact that they were raised as humans,
brings the issue of "free choice" into play. The continuing
debate of "nature" vs. "nurture" also comes up here - and is
the podsquad's "nature" completely "alien" given that all
their powers are "human." There has also been an excellent
analysis of what "essence" truly means, and can a being's
destiny or soul follow the transfer of one's essence. Could
the essence of one being been split between two beings - Max
and Liz? Also, does one's memory follow one's essence? Tess
seems to think it does, but . why is she the only one with
these memory retrieval abilities? (None of us are too fond or
trusting of Tess , and that distrust only seems to be
increasing with time!) Are the visions Max's alien being's
memories (like that flash of a weird head he gets before
confronting Brody), or are they coming from someone or
somewhere else? There have also been many wonderful
discussions concerning what "destiny" truly means, and how the
environment (the "nurture" argument) can affect one's destiny.
Also, is history destined to repeat itself - an important
issue now with the introduction of the Vilandra storyline and
the secrets being kept by the podsters from one-another. As
Future Max emphasized: "We make our own Destiny!" Maybe yes,
maybe no??
Following one's heart has been a focus in both seasons now.
Grandma Claudia told Liz to follow her heart (LN), and then
Liz followed her heart and believed Max when Tess showed up on
the scene (TLV). Now Maria tells Max to follow his heart (AN),
like all the great leaders have. Does this mean that by
following their hearts Max and Liz will not only turn out to
be great leaders, but will eventually be led back to one
The symbolism throughout the seasons is incredible -
whether meant to be or not! I can only touch on some of it
here, but here are some examples. Max changes his cards from a
royal pair to two diamonds so that Liz's Dad (who is asking
Max what he is hiding!) can win the round of cards. The two
diamonds have popped up again recently on the beer Michael
holds in Sof47. Are Max and Liz the two diamonds in hiding?
Once you notice it, the diamond shape shows up often. Eagles
and horses also seem to show up often - and again, we can tie
them to Liz and Max - the most notable example being the
Indian myth that states that the eagle feather needs both
sides to be "in balance." Max and Liz must follow their hearts
to each other to find that connection and balance! There is a
prominent picture of a Viking (?) Ship that is tied to a tale
directly relevant to our star-crossed lovers and their trials.
Red roses (love) are thrown by Max to Liz, than changed to
White roses (peace) at the last minute in an episode (TEOTW)
that Liz must sacrifice her love for Max to ensure peace on
Earth. There are lots of others! Coincidence?? Probably some
are, but not all of them - JK is too intelligent for that!
In the Mom'ogram, many have wondered if the reference to
Max's young "bride" has to be to Tess (The Evil Shape Shifter
- GraceKel )? Could it be Liz? And why do they always use the
word "bride"? Was the marriage never completed, or were they
killed on the day of the wedding? Though many seem to accept
that "bride" probably is referring to Tess, many wonder why
they would send his bride in the first place? Was Tess sent
solely to provide a "mate" for Max (please - no gagging
allowed on this thread), or was there another purpose for her
presence? Why send a mate, unless the goal was to produce
offspring and successors to the throne. Future Max states that
the 4 podsters made a complete unit that needed to be kept
together because of their different gifts - why make it so
complicated? There is also the question of whether the
Mom'ogram is authentic, or a projection from Tess? It was hard
to tell when Tess' projections/illusions left off and reality
began. Was it pre-recorded like a video tape (in which case -
is the home planet still in existence, or has it been
destroyed by war or natural consequences?), or was it a direct
communication with the home planet or a hidden spaceship
(hidden by the V formation?)? The same concerns are raised
with the "book" found by Tess with respect to its authenticity
and reliability. Why does the book only include the four
podsters now that we know there were two sets of pods and
duplicates? What is the meaning of the symbol on the front?
The (.) symbol is of significance, meaning the ____ moon (help
me here Starbox!!) and representing Lillith (you have to read
Starbox's post about this to understand - but it is
significant!). If this book is an instruction or operations
manual for the podsquad, why have they not deciphered it by
now? Could Grandma Claudia's book - which is in Liz's
possession (we assume) - help decode the alien's book and shed
light on the aliens' connection to the Indians, an ancient
alien race or others in the area? If the alien book is
authentic, how did the aliens know exactly what the pod squad
would look like when they grew up? Were they "engineered" to
that degree of precision, and if so, why use human form? Why
was the Earth chosen?? (Lots of discussion re: DNA, cloning,
etc. - very interesting! ) Is there any information in
Whitaker's files about translating the book, or resolving some
of the mysteries surrounding the podsters?? WHY DID IT Take
the announced death of Whitaker to get them to finally go
QUESTIONS!!! (Sorry ..)
Liz is also viewed - when the episodes are rewatched
(multiple times by some of us! And in slow motion with a
jog-shuttle! We fondly all this "Grace Kelled" ) - as a
ritical element to moving the plot along. She is the one who
often initiates the actions that help unravel the aliens'
mythology or saves the day (e.g., thinking of the plan to
throw Valenti off the trail in the Pilot, finding the way out
of the hidden room at Atherton's place, making the initial
contact with River Dog, going to Valenti to seek help in
rescuing Max, identifying where the skeleton would be taken,
potentially sacrificing her future with Max to prevent Tess
from leaving and the future take-over of the Earth, and
figuring out how the humans had disappeared and how to bring
them back.). Liz is a leader that takes action when it is
needed, and is the intellect that comes up with the plan
(Future Liz was the one that sent FM back in time, and Liz was
the one to come up with the plan to make Max 'fall out of love
with her'). She could possibly be the equivalent to Max - whom
we found out is the once and future leader of his people -
though apparently of questionable abilities and judgment.
Could Liz be the human equivalent of Max that is here to help
Max save the human race, as well as free the podsquad's
people? Again - Does Liz's connection "complete" Max, and
bring him into "balance"? Could she possess part of Max's
alien essence? Is Liz the 5th Element, necessary to bring
power and balance to the Royal 4? Liz is also 'a brain' -
which is relevant when we find out in the White Room that the
podsters are just very advanced humans (approximately 3000
years ahead of us normal mortals!). Could her intelligence
mean that she has the potential to obtain some of the "powers"
that the pod squad have? Many have expressed that they would
NOT be surprised if Liz is capable of some advanced powers in
the future, and that her visions may be just a precursor to
these. Will she be the one able to see the evil within as the
Mom'ogram says the podsters will have to be able to do? Is
that what she was "seeing" when she kissed Harding/Evil Max?
Does she only get visions while kissing or in a state of
heightened emotion (i.e., the hand touching in SH in Chemistry
class; arm touch in Ask Not - did you notice the first vision
was of traveling through space)? The aliens supposedly get
such visions sometimes according to Max in Missing - remember
the vision he got of Kyle in Liz's bedroom and the visions Iz
gets in Surprise (though those may have been "planted" visions
like Tess is able to do). And why did Max have visions that
belonged to Liz when he was being MRd by Nicholas? Is their
connection that strong? Max seemed to get visions from those
closest to him - Iz, Mikey G and Liz - while being MRd, but
none from Tess - his supposed mate. Why?
All of Liz's visions have been examined in-depth, and it is
hard to summarize all the thoughts here. We also now know that
Kyle did not get visions of Max during Kyle's healing - which
is not huge, but goes to the question - WHY is LIZ the ONLY
human to have VISIONS? Not only has she been able to "see into
Max's soul," but also she has seen travels through space and a
distant galaxy, the crash on Earth, and her visions were the
reason the second communicator was discovered. Many feel these
visions were not coming from Max, but from an outside source
or a source INTERNAL to Liz just now being released or
awakened. Some of the visions seemed to be from the
perspective of the communicator itself or an alien hiding it
(a deep breathing - out-of-breath alien). Some wonder if
others - aliens? - have observed Liz for some time. The shot
came from two "strangers" who mention - "We have to get rid of
her" - in the background (listen carefully while Liz shows the
alien picture to the tourist couple) right before she is shot.
Was her shooting intentional - and if so, WHY?? Why would
anyone (or any being) "watch" Liz prior to the shooting unless
she has an importance we are not aware of yet (though we
suspect, and TEOTW seems to confirm somewhat)? And who's eyes
are we seeing through watching Liz and Maria at the beginning
of Wipe Out? The same eyes that watched Max at school and
Harding by his car in the alley? Could this be Tic Tac -
another alien that we believe has been watching them - Liz
included? Now that we know that time-travel is possible, has
this come into play already in a way we are not aware of -
yet? Could this we the THIRD time around, similar to "Run,
Lola, Run"? (First scenario being Liz doesn't get shot and
rescued by Max, thus they never connect, the second being Liz
gets shot and marries Max at age 19, and the third being the
path we are on now!) OH - and we wondered what Liz would do
with the knowledge she now has concerning the Granolith and
the potential for Tess to leave or turn evil (by not helping
the podsters)? In MTD she warns Max about the granolith and he
wonders how she knows.
The picture Liz shows the tourists in the Pilot was
supposedly taken by her Grandmother at the crash before the
military arrived - a connection or just a joke as we were
supposed to think?? Could GC be Yvonne White who disappeared
in Sof47, only to resurface with her married name - Claudia
Parker? Many have speculated about Grandma Claudia's
involvement and her book about the Ancient Treasures of the
Navajo Indians. Could Grandma Claudia have had contact with
the aliens previously? Was Grandma Claudia killed
intentionally? Did she know that Liz was "special," thus,
necessitating the early arrival and that "soulmate"
discussion? Is Liz affected or a product of one of these
earlier alien contacts? Could Liz have an alien relative -
recent or distant? There seems to be many hints connecting
ancient Indian cultures to the podsquad or other aliens,
including the Machu Picchu in Peru culture highlighted at the
UFO Museum, the continuing references to "ancient languages"
(e.g., Liz's Blind Date Doug Shellow's major at the UofNM and
where the aliens' manual was hidden in the library) and
Grandma Claudia's studies. Only coincidence? We think not!
Could Liz's review of her Grandmother's possessions in Season
2 reveal those connections? We are hopeful! (COME ON WRITERS -
Another major topic of interest is Liz's connection to
Sheila Hubble! The resemblance between the two is amazing, and
other parallels exist (e.g., pictures of both driving in an
open-air car with the wind blowing through their dark hair).
Plus, the visions that Liz receives from Max/Harding include
Hubble's wife at the death scene - meaning it had some
significance to him. Did he kill her, or did the handprint
come from a failed attempt to save her? Were the fireworks
Hubble mentions seeing when kissing his wife the same as the
stars Liz sees when kissing Max? Could Sheila Hubble be
related to Liz somehow - an aunt, DNA donor, or was Sheila an
alien? The fact that Sheila Hubble was three months pregnant
with a girl seems to be relevant somehow - why else would they
mention it?! Could the DNA from the girl or a twin have been
used for the podsquad - Max maybe, or Tess - or for Liz? AND
why is Tess' mother's name listed as Sheila on her school
records? Everett Hubble, Ed Harding - both EH names with a
wife named Sheila - INTERESTING! Ummmm!
Speaking of connections - Is Hal Carver somehow connected
to Liz? He lives in Florida - the state Liz spent the entire
summer. Who was Liz staying with?? He was friends with her
grandfather, Pete Parker. Did the aliens residing in Florida
influence the vote count for the President?Ummmmm?
And now in MTD, Max and Tess have gone off to New York.
Wasn't Liz planning on going to College there?
Liz's ability to "see" into Evil Max/Harding's "soul" again
points to the possibility that she may ultimately be able to
"see the evil within." What is it that she sees in these
visions? Sheila Hubble, Lightening, a wormhole (the Granolith
at work??), the high desert, clouds rolling in? Some see sea
foam, which is related in mythology to Venus. Is Liz the Venus
often referred to? The Venus constellation is often referred
to in connection with Liz (e.g., Max in response to Liz saying
her parents are on a trip to see Venus in the morning sky says
"I thought she was standing in front of me.").
There are too many interesting connections for Venus not to
mean anything. Some example of what has been turned up.
(THANKS Starbox?!) Both the Mayans and Aztecs used Venus and
the Venusian cycle to establish their calendars. Venusian
years are grouped in cycles of 5. Venus is associated with the
Sun - she is his twin. (Is there a Max/Sun connection too?)
Venus is seen as an intermediary between the Sun and mankind.
Venus has a dual nature - by night she is the goddess of love
and pleasure and by day she is the goddess of battle. In
astrology - the sense of touch is one of Venus's attributes
(explains Liz's ability to receive flashes with just a touch -
also the importance of hand holding again). Venus is the
guardian spirit of horses. Venus is associated with "sensual
feelings, instinctive attraction, intoxication, SMILES,
seduction, charm, beauty and grace." Plus, Venus and Serena
make an awesome doubles combination - tennis anyone! Also,
there is one part of Venus - the planet - that is named after
a male...the highest point on Venus, standing at 11 km, and
the largest mountain range, the Maxwell Montes! (Thanks Nemo,
WR, Starstruck, et al.)
Could it be that the 4 squares (pod squad) + plus the fifth
star being Liz "complete" the constellation? There were 5
healing stones - Why? The numbers 1, 4 and 5 seem to pop up
often - why? Even the communication was done on 5/14 - those
numbers again! Some have found a connection between these
numbers to Venus in astronomy and mythology, or could it be 1
for Liz, and 4 for the pod squad? Could Liz be the 5th Element
foretold in prophecy, and that is necessary to the success of
the podsters? Or are these numbers just some writer's favorite
apartment number or address? It has been noted that 4
represents "Potential," while 5 represents "Balance" and
"Marriage between Heaven and Earth." Ummmmm! We also have the
evil aliens' beeper that is a pentagon - 5 sided. The same
shape as Atherton's ceiling. Any connection? With MTD we have
5 planets. The number 2 has also been cropping up a lot lately
- 2 as in Max and Liz?
And what significance does the cave map have to Liz's
connection to the podsters? A number of the symbols in the
cave "map" have raised some interesting analysis! What do they
represent, and is Liz represented somehow - like one of the
"dots" in the series of five boxes, one of which is open with
the dot outside? This symbol recently arose again in Max's
visions in Wipe Out. Some have tried to identify each of the
symbols and draw a correlation between the symbols and the
various characters with some fascinating results! We have also
begun to analyze the symbols that were "flashed" in the promos
for Season 2 - you definitely have to Grace Kel them or you
will miss them. Redhawk has done some wonderful screen caps of
these for us to analyze! Is Liz the connection that holds the
four squares together?
Recently, "Run, Lola, Run" was referred to (Surprise) as
the story of Liz's life. Watch the movie, and see what you
think! Do Liz and Max have more than one chance to get things
"right" - and ultimately, to be together in peace and harmony?
Also, catch the four square symbol on the door with the swirl
through it - the same as in the Season 2 promos?
We think that the "evil" aliens that we are aware of (there
could be others) - Skins - came from the podsquad's planet,
but are part of a civil war/revolution - therefore, seem to
have similar characteristics and powers to the podsters - but
it is not clear what all those powers are, except that
shapeshifting does not seem to be one of them. They seem to be
confined to their husks. But the Skins and Max's alien
predecessor's kind seem to have been from different races.
Many of us think that the podsquad's people had to have
visited Earth before - maybe many times! Could other pods have
been planted on Earth at a time separate from the 1947 crash?
When would they have had time to construct the elaborate pod
chamber with the hidden Granolith? We now know there were
other pods planted at the same time - apparently with
duplicate podsters, but where and what happened to those pods?
And, why did those podsters end up looking like punks? And
could some of these earlier visits have some connection to
Grandma C or someone else in Liz's family? Was the '47 crash
caused by the evil aliens, or another ship of the "good"
aliens? How long have the evil and good aliens been visiting
or aware of Earth? Apparently the Skins originally arrived in
1950, but did they visit at another time? And what have they
been up to on these visits? Brody was supposedly healed by
aliens who abducted him - why? And are there another race of
aliens (a third race of aliens)? And, why in the world pick
Earth to hide the podsters - in human form, with human DNA -
unless, Earth, and the humanity it represents is essential to
the podsters survival? Once again, this would tie in Liz's
importance as a human - possibly the chosen human to assist in
their survival - the 5th Element (I like this theory - can you
tell ).
Most of us also think that there are more than one alien
"watching" the pod squad, and that the tic-tac popping alien
(AKA TicTac) (i.e., Hank-killer, one that found them asleep in
the desert, and Dr. M impersonator, yet to show up in Season
2) is a different alien, possibly watching out for them (we
hope!), than Harding/Nasedo (assuming Harding is Nasedo). And
what about the person who burns their picture at the end of
Blind Date - another alien or one of the above two? Some
wonder if Tess, Doug Shellow, Pierce and/or Deputy Owen might
be a shapeshifter, or evil aliens? There is a wonderful
observation of the different ways Harding and Tic Tac
shapeshift and the different colored light involved! Many feel
that Tic Tac is a good alien watching over the podsters, but
maybe he is watching over Liz, too! Some wonder if Tic Tac
switched the orb in the desert before Liz and Max woke up? If
he did, why? The orbs have become a significant focus of
discussion - how are they connected to the alignment of the
constellations, or to the pod squad, or to the evil aliens?
Also - what was with the "visit" during Into The Woods? (Did
you notice that FM appears with a lightning strike just like
in ITW?) Was it a spaceship that left the marking, or a single
alien? As far as the color analysis goes, generally yellow
seems to represent - or be present - evil, and blue seems to
represent good - though this is not always true. And then,
there is always the green cells and occasional glow, and the
red that seems to be present throughout Surprise! And where is
Tic Tac so far in Season 2??
Harding's connection to Liz has been pondered often! Why
was he so eager to kiss Liz - not just in the car, but also in
bus after "saving" her? (Horny alien? ) Why did he save Liz
and not Max from the house of mirrors? Could he have been
Sheila Hubble's lover or had some other strong connection to
her, with a later connection to Liz? Could he have known
Grandma Claudia? Could GC been connected to Sheila Hubble
somehow? Harding did nothing - we know of - to harm Liz, but
MANY are suspicious of his intentions. Is his sole reason for
being on Earth to protect the podsquad - an official "worker
bee" - and what did he do for all those years?? Some feel he
was a bad alien using Tess to infiltrate the pod squad. Why
didn't he give them more information about themselves and what
he had been up to? There are so many questions he could have
answered for the podsters before he was wasted! And was the
fact that Liz was NOT present at the attempt to heal Harding
the reason the healing failed? Maybe Liz is somehow necessary
to make the stones work - part of the Balance? Was Harding
responsible for Liz's "great opportunity" in Congresswoman
Whitaker's office? If not, who was the connection there?
Some have noted the reoccurrence of handholding as
symbolizing the connection between Max and Liz and the other
podsters. Handholding has great significance in the Roswell
High books as a form of joining energy, and we believe it does
in the show too. The V constellation also looks like the
joining of two hands. Also, in The Balance much is made of Max
reaching out his hand to pull Michael from the pit, and M/I/M
walking away holding hands. We wonder what would have happened
in Harvest if Liz had stepped forward to join her power with
Max instead of Tess - who did not seem to help at all.
Another recent development - the disintegration of Skin
when picked up. Why did it not disintegrate when Maria picked
it up, but did when the podsters and Liz picked it up? Could
be moisture content, but it could be the energy generated by
the person holding it. Does Liz generate energy similar to the
Finally - dates seem to be of interest to those on this
thread. So, following is a rundown of dates as I've been able
to gather them from episodes and factual research. I include
them up-front for easy reference, but I would love to add
dates of relevance you come across. I have added dates from
the Crashdown Timeline, but they are questionable, and have no
basis in episodes aired, so take them with a grain of salt.
1903 - James Atherton born (according to Crashdown
Timeline) 1911 - James Atherton born in TN (according to
285S) 1927 - Buffalo Visitation 1932 - River Dog born on
Mesaliko Indian Reservation (Crashdown Timeline) 1933 -
Grandma Claudia born (Crashdown Timeline) 1942 - Deputy
Owen Blackwood born on Mesaliko Indian Reservation
(Crashdown Timeline) 1/15/43 - Pentagon (think beeper
shape) completed 6/14/1947 - Crash 6/24/1947 - 9 Disk
like objects spotted flying near Mt. Rainier in WA 7/4/1947
- Milton claims the crash occurred 7/7/1947 - Farmer Brazel
(from Foster Ranch) finally reports debris from Roswell
crash to sheriff, who calls Roswell Army Air
Field 11/14/1947 - Everet Hubble born 1950 - Skins
arrive on Earth (Harvest) 1950? - Observation of alien held
in captivity by FBI ends (Escaped? Died?) 1951 - Phillip
Evans and Sheriff James Valenti born (Crashdown
Timeline) 1952 - Diane Evans (M&I Mom) and Special
Agent Stephens born (Crashdown Timeline) 1952 - Atherton
involved in Project Blue Book (Air Force project on
aliens) 1955 - Jeff Parker born (Crashdown
Timeline) 1955 - Atherton publishes "Among Us" (Crashdown
Timeline) 1957 - Nancy Parker (Liz's Mom) born (Crashdown
Timeline) 1958 - Milton Ross born (Crashdown Timeline)
[Note - this does not fit with him being old enough to be
in the "Ice Cream Parlor Picture" from 1959 - unless he was
a VERY mature 1-year-old] 11/16/1959 - Atherton dies
(murdered?) 1959 - Milton (Max's Boss) has picture with
"alien" shadow next to him outside the Ice Cream
Parlor 1961 - Amy De Luca born (Crashdown Timeline) 1962
- Agent Lewis - first head of Special Unit killed in
CO 1964 - Agent Kathleen Topolsky born (Crashdown
Timeline) 1967 - Agent Delbianco killed in TN 1970 -
Sheila Hubble dies (murdered?) 1972 - Silo Murder occurs
involving Hubble and Sheriff Valenti Senior 1977 - Phillip
and Diane Evans marry (Crashdown Timeline) 1979 - Jeffery
and Nancy Parker marry (Crashdown Timeline) 10/15 or
25/1982 - Isabel's birthday (Surprise) 3/15/1983 - Max's
birthday (Blood Bothers) 1983 - Kyle, Maria, Alex & Liz
born (Crashdown Timeline) 1984 - Jeff Parker opens up the
Crashdown Café (Crashdown Timeline) [What happens to
Parker's - the predecessor to the Crashdown? - Z] 1987 -
Liz wears the "Cupcake Dress" to school in kindergarten
(Crashdown Timeline) [Would make Liz an awfully YOUNG
kindergartener - maybe they start early in NM?? -
Z] 1989 - Pod Squad come out of the cave (look like
6-year-olds) 1989 - Kyle's mom, Jim Valenti's wife leaves
(Wipeout) 1991 - Max sees Liz for first time in 3rd grade
(Crashdown Timeline) [Again, this would be off based on
their timeline - Liz would be in 4th grade. I think Liz
started K in 1988, and Max saw her for the first time
the following year - 1989 - in 1st grade after he gets off
the bus, BUT they did not officially get to Know each other
until 3rd grade - Z] 1991 - UFO Museum founded (Crashdown
Timeline) 1991 - 92? - Liz and Max "meet" in the 3rd grade
for the first time (but may have been in the same school
before this, just didn't meet.) 1992 - Max and Isabel
"find" Michael again 1992 - Alex meets Liz in 4th grade,
but they do not become close friends until the 5th grade
(Crashdown Timeline) 1993 - Brody abducted by
aliens 1993 - Maria's Dad leaves 1997 - Brody buys an
alien beeper 1999 - Agent Daniel Summers killed 9/17, 18
or19(?)/1999 - Max saves Liz - and Roswell is
Born!! 2/14/2000 - Liz goes on her Blind Date with Doug
Shellow 2/21(?)/2000 - Orb found by Max and
Liz 5/14/2000, 4:33 pm - Pod Squad set off the
communicators - sending a pulse detected by other
aliens Fall 2000 - Scooby Gang begins 12th
grade 9/25/2000 - Congressional hearing closes down FBI
Special Unit 10/15 or 25/2000 - Isabel celebrates her 18th
birthday 10/25 or 11/25 - Whitaker was supposed to report
to Skins, but doesn't (Harvest) [The dates in Surprise, TEOTW
& Harvest are ALL screwed up - someone should e-mail a
copy of this timeline to the writers! Z] 10/27(?) or
11/3/2000 - Future Max visits, causing Liz to fake sleeping
with Kyle, pushing Max to accept Tess (thus, changing forever
the course of history) Fall 2000 - Harvest of Skins due or
they will die (Harvest) 12/7/2000 - Grant's ?? birthday
I know I have NOT covered everything (there're an amazing
number of clues to be found!), but that would be impossible
and I'd never do all the wonderful theories justice! There is
lots of speculation about other characters revolving around
Liz, and why they are important to the discussion. Some have
wondered why Max and Agent Stevens had the same address - just
an inside joke or more? Tangents are welcome on this Thread as
long as they ultimately lead back to Liz! I'm trying to sum up
the core issues here - Liz's importance and connection to the
podsquad - Max in particular! I hope others will help fill in
some of the gaps, but this is my attempt to continue the
wonderful input, and make this thread accessible. Lots to
think about!! So -theorize away!!! All theories on "Liz's
Importance to the Alien Mythology" are welcome. OH, BTW (I
always have to add this - if anyone from THE WB reads this -
A couple of general "rules" - NO SPOILERS, but anything
"aired" is subject to discussion. Pictures are welcome, as is
deleted dialog from posted scripts of shows that have been
Zero I Shall Believe!!
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StephStephSteph |
07:58 AM |
quote:Originally posted by chicatron: I have one question,
Why did the Rath and Lonnie kill Zan? I assume since they are
duplicates, maybe they couldn't pass as the originals at the
summit. Is that why they need Max, because they know that he
is the (origianl) King and leader, and the summit leaders
wouldn't be "duped" by him.
Anyone have answers for me???
Here's my question.. IS Max the "original"? Didn't Rath say
that Max and the Pod Squad were "the dupes"? Do you think he
was right or do you think he was just trying to get tipped
off? As far as I'm concerned, Max and the Pod Squad seem MUCh
more human that Rath and his crew, but.. maybe it's
quote:Originally posted by redhawk: Thank you also
to the person who pointed out that Brody's lapses in memory
may be from what happened in WO. I thought maybe the writers
were hinting at something that may happen in the future, but I
think you're right on this one. Another continuity item...
What's the deal with the Brody thing here? I know there has
to be some significance of his loss of time and the dupes and
his abduction, but I can't seem to get my mind going in the
right direction!
quote:Originally posted by tp: I have been driving
myself crazy over something that I need you intelligent people
to enlighten me????
Why isn't Liz opening up to Max about why she did what she
did? Why is she still lying about the whole situtation?
(sleeping with Kyle)
My take on EOTW was that they needed to stop the "love
making" from happening. That was accomplished. In fact, with
FM disappearing, isn't that enough to show to Liz that they
(FM and Liz)were successful in pushing PM to Tess? "This is a
different world out there now . . . we create our own destiny"
Don't you think that Liz could confide in Max so they
together can keep Tess from leaving town?
I don't get it . . . did I miss something???
I don't know, but it's DRIVING me CRAZY! Tell him
quote:Originally posted by Metaphysicalgrl: Was
someone congratulating the writers on continuity? We should
see this in the next issue of variety...
Obsessed Fan Wanted: Weekly TV show is looking for an
obsessed fan to sit in on writing meetings to ensure that
continuity is carried over from episode to episode.
Qualifications: must have seen each episode a minimum of 10
times, must be detail oriented. Full pay and benefits, which
include the opportunity to walk over to the soundstage to bask
in Jason Behr's beauty. Please fax your resume to:
WEN-EED-HELP or email it to us at
Sigh, I know that was mean... Frusteration rears it's ugly
You're so right! If things don't start tying together SOON?
Well, I don't know what I'll do, but it ain't gonna be good!
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By tp |
08:56 AM |
Metaphysicalgrl & stephsteph: thanks for answering and
commenting on my dilema!!!
My take on Max not getting any flashes is the fact his
heart IS BROKEN!!! He is not thinking or feeling the way he
was feeling in Season 1. He is confused and his brain isn't
working properly.
His comment to Liz "I'm giving it back" had two meanings!
One was the obvious and the other "you don't want me - I don't
want you". Last season, Max would have never hurt Liz that
way. "I can't think to far ahead" (same scene) shows that he
can't think, period - he is lost without Liz.
Liz is incredibley important to him and without her, he
can't cope or deal with things, much less have any flashes!!
You guessed it - I'm a Dreamer!!!!
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StephStephSteph |
09:02 AM |
That's why it's SO important for Liz to crack and tell Maria..
or tell Alex.. or heck, TELL MAX!!!!
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Metaphysicalgrl |
09:15 AM |
quote:Originally posted by StephStephSteph: That's why it's
SO important for Liz to crack and tell Maria.. or tell Alex..
or heck, TELL MAX!!!!
Can anyone else figure out how Maria has not latched onto
this yet? She never said anything about the conversation
between Liz and Kyle in the car during wipe-out. The Maria I
know would have latched onto that -- and not let go for dear
life until she knew everything. What was UP with how Liz was
treating Maria in the UFO center in MTD? I think Maria was
justified in being upset that Liz didn't tell her that
duplicate Michael kissed her. It IS important and it IS
relevant. Even though it turned out NOT to be Michael, Liz
should've run to tell Maria.
Obviously Liz does want to confide in someone about what
happened, or else she wouldn't have said anything to Maria.
She would know that to throw Maria a bone like that would mean
that Maria wouldn't rest until she knew the whole story.
It's disappointing to see how the writers are portraying
the core relationships on the show. Maybe they feel they have
to tear it all down before they can build it up again...but
there is a way to succesfully write relationships into the
sci-fi without compromising the integrity of the characters.
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By ~* Mimi *~
10:01 AM |
Hello I think it is a great honor to write on the first ( or
second I dont know what page my post is gonna end up on)page.
I have come up with two things or something similar to
that and it might sound crazy but bare with me I am only 12.
1. Tess and Liz could be the same person. Yeah I know they
look diffrent and everything but what if Liz was Tess's human
side and Tess Liz's alien side but something happend that
cuased them to like split or something.Then Liz would have
been in the pod that was leaking becuase it was missing its
other side causing Liz to be more human and Tess taking so
long to come out of her pod cuase she was still healing from
the sepration and Ava got the whole treatment cuasing her to
be the way she is now.
2. Why didnt Future Liz go with Future Max to talk to
Present day Max? She could have told him what to do I think
she is pretty capable of getting Max to stop loving her past
self. So Future Max wouldnt have to dissapper alone and who
Knew if Future Liz died when he was down there?
I told you it was crazy but it is worth a try to think
it is possible for these two items to happen so I want you
guys to prove me wrong on this one or back me up but it was a
thought that hanted me for awhile.
strawBEHRyAPPLEsuace lover
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By Trip |
10:04 AM |
I agree with tp regarding Max. Until the relationship between
Max and Liz is resolved or they are at least on speaking
terms, Max will not be able to think clearly or lead the
podsters. However, I believe that the truth must come from
Liz! If Max hears it from anybody else, there are going to be
more feelings of betrayal and mis-trust. Look at how Max felt
after learning that Is didn't tell him the truth. It will be
the same if not worse with Liz, and she had better tell him
sooner rather than later. It is not going to get any easier
and they are both at the end of their ropes!
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StephStephSteph |
11:13 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Metaphysicalgrl: Can anyone else
figure out how Maria has not latched onto this yet? She never
said anything about the conversation between Liz and Kyle in
the car during wipe-out. The Maria I know would have latched
onto that -- and not let go for dear life until she knew
everything. What was UP with how Liz was treating Maria in the
UFO center in MTD? I think Maria was justified in being upset
that Liz didn't tell her that duplicate Michael kissed her. It
IS important and it IS relevant. Even though it turned out NOT
to be Michael, Liz should've run to tell Maria.
Obviously Liz does want to confide in someone about what
happened, or else she wouldn't have said anything to Maria.
She would know that to throw Maria a bone like that would mean
that Maria wouldn't rest until she knew the whole story.
It's disappointing to see how the writers are portraying
the core relationships on the show. Maybe they feel they have
to tear it all down before they can build it up again...but
there is a way to succesfully write relationships into the
sci-fi without compromising the integrity of the characters.
I really can't figure it out. I guess it's the same way
Max has closed himself off to everyone, Liz is as well. The
Rath kissing Liz WAS very important! I'd want to know if I
were Maria! And the conversation with Kyle would typically
provoke all sorts of questions from Old Maria. What's going
quote:Originally posted by ~* Mimi *~:
1. Tess and
Liz could be the same person. Yeah I know they look diffrent
and everything but what if Liz was Tess's human side and Tess
Liz's alien side but something happend that cuased them to
like split or something.Then Liz would have been in the pod
that was leaking becuase it was missing its other side causing
Liz to be more human and Tess taking so long to come out of
her pod cuase she was still healing from the sepration and Ava
got the whole treatment cuasing her to be the way she is now.
This is an AWESOME theory! Gosh, don't I feel dumb that I'm
26 and didn't even think about that for a second! I kept
asking myself last night what was that grey goo coming from
the leaking pod? what was the grey goo coming from the leaking
pod? WHAT was that GREY GOO coming from the LEAKING POD!?
Liz.. essence.. humanism.. just HOW sci-fi will JK and RM get
on this one!?
quote:2. Why didnt Future Liz go with Future Max to talk to
Present day Max? She could have told him what to do I think
she is pretty capable of getting Max to stop loving her past
self. So Future Max wouldnt have to dissapper alone and who
Knew if Future Liz died when he was down there?
I DID think about this! I wondered why they both couldn't
go and seperate and deal with the Present selves on their own.
Maybe it'd be too difficult for each of them to watch
together? Or maybe the Granolith could only travel one and
they figured Max was the stronger of the two? Or maybe Max put
his foot down and simply said no because it was so dangerous??
I don't know..
Anyway, I'm off for the holiday, so have a great few days
and don't have TOO many insights before Monday. I'm already
going to have TOO many things to do when I come back! Bye!!
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By GraceKel
11:14 AM |
MAXCEDO---thanks for filling in for Zero and starting this
thread for us, wonderful job.
EVID-I must tell you I forgot to comment on your 2 of
diamonds analogy I liked it very much, Evid remember how we
use to wonder if Liz would get sick if she were away from Max
for too long well it looks to me like the opposite is
happening, Liz looks great(the writers inconsistency here?)
and MAX on the hand(almost looks sickly(lost too much weight)
and sullen and sad and he has become TOOO STUPID from last
season) HUH.
METAPHYSICAL-I agree with you about Liz not telling Maria
about the kiss with Rath not knowing it was Rath(I think they
did this deliberately to cause a WEDGE between Liz and Maria
to delay her from asking or sharing anything about Liz with
Max) I think this is really disgusting too, I do not know why
to this crap. And last season Maria would have been all over
that Liz and Kyle conversation like a fly on ....!!!! We know
this. Things that make you go hmmmmmm!!!!
EVID-scary thought you are suggesting about AVA but nothing
that happens THIS season would be totally surprising,
unfortunately I really hate feeling this way about ROSWELL.
I have been still waiting for them to answer the question
why MAX would trust Nesado who kidnapped the girl he was in
love with last season???? We never did get an answer to that
one either, like I said things that make you go
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bluecornmoon |
12:45 PM |
StephStephSteph: (if you're still around - hope you have a
nice vacation!): what I got from MTD was that either set of
podsters would be okay. That's why they sent two. In case one
dies, gets lost, is destroyed, they have a spare (hence the
two signals: one to NY and one near Roswell). The fact that
Lannie said "you are defective" only showed her meanness at
trying to put down Michael It doesn't matter that they
grew up into completely different personalities, both
are/could be the true king/Royal Four. It would have been
interesting to see what would have happened if both Zan and
Max survived and claimed the throne! Too bad Zan will not have
a chance. If the leaking pod is responsible for the change,
that will have to be dealt later with but I don't think it was
a factor or a possibility when they made them and sent them to
Brody said he feels like when he was abducted - I wouldn't
be surprised if he disappears again. Although many things in
RoswellWorld have a built-in question that will probably only
be answered in Season 5, some of them seem to foreshadow an
event closer than that. This seems to be it!
You want Liz to tell Max. I don't. Max feels unconditional
love for her. The only natural progression of events here has
to be that he forgives her, tells her how, although he doesn't
understand why she did it, she must have had a powerful
reason, that he believes in her, trusts she had a good reason
for sleeping with Kyle and that, no matter what, he loves her
and wants her back because without her, he is nothing.
Unconditional love is that: unconditional. Only then, I expect
he'll touch the 4-picture strip and get flashes from FMax,
etc. I don't think he'll find out the truth from anybody else.
And boy, am I looking forward to that cry both of them are
going to have in each other's arms when she finally breaks
down and confesses!!! Then and only then, Max will get his
balance back, will start to think straight and resume his
quest for leadership and knowledge!
Regarding the job as Advisor on Continuity to the Writers:
I feel I have a better chance at getting the position than you
do: I'll do it for free! No need for salaries, fringe
benefits, nothing! I'LL DO IT FOR FREE! Do you hear,
| |
Starcrossed |
01:05 PM |
Hi there , I'm new here but have been lurking for awhile.
GraceKel and Metaphysical - I agree as well! How can Maria
not see what is going on between Max and Liz. Can't she see
that Max is all of a sudden cold and angry toward Liz. Quite a
difference from the "Hopelessly" in love Max, desperate for
reconciliation in TEOTW. Not to mention the comment Liz made
in WO about not getting a chance to tell Max the truth about
what really happened between her and Kyle. I have a feeling
though, that the light bulb is about to go on for Maria. I
think that she will play apart in the truth coming out.
Ultimately, I believe Liz may begin to realize that although
she believes that keeping the secret is necessary for
everyone's survival and success, it may actually create the
opposite effect. Once again, Liz holds the key to the future.
That key is the truth, and perhaps the truth will set her, and
Max, free. Starcrossed "By the way, love the hair.
Hope you win."
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By Willow42
01:31 PM |
Hey! I've been lurking for awhile, and i have to say i love
this thread. I love the insight everyone puts in.Anyway I just
wanted to respond to the whole Lilith thing. If i'm repeating
something sorry. Well I was lurking on the Rebel thread and I
came across this post by Tessie-Fav which has more to do with
Ava than Tess though. "Ava **Ava comes from the Hebrew
name Chava** Cultural Origin: Hebrew Inherent Meaning:
Seeker of Knowledge Spiritual Connotation:
Life Background story: Chava could also be interpreted
to mean ''living being.'' (A correspondent points out its
linguistic connection to the joyful Jewish blessing le Chaim
-- ''To life!'') However, some scholars cite an alternate
source -- another Hebrew expression meaning ''serpent.'' That
second meaning reminds us of the Book of Genesis in the Jewish
scriptures. Chava (translated as Eve, Eva or Ava) is the first
woman, mother to all humanity. Tempted by the advice of an
evil serpent, she disobeys God by eating of the Tree of
Knowledge. She convinces her husband Adam to follow suit, and
God banishes them from the Garden of Eden."
So according to this Ava is Eve, not Lilith. What does that
mean for Tess? Some see the Dupes as being opposites which
would indeed make Tess Lilith. And some see them as sharing
common traits (like Isabel/Lonnie keeping the peace between
the other two) so that would make Tess Eve. What do you all
think? Is this interpreation/meaning of the name Ava right? If
I had to choose i'd definitely see Tess as more of an Eve.
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By Willow42
01:37 PM |
About Liz not telling Maria- I just thought the writers did
that b/c if she told Maria and everyone else they wouldn't be
so surprised about the Dupes arriving. They wanted to have the
funny scene between Liz and Rath, but they didn't want to ruin
the surprise so they decided what the heck Liz won't tell
Maria. So for damamge control they decided to have Maria bring
up the fact that Liz didn't tell her so we dont go "huh didn't
Liz tell Maria" and think oh it's another damn plothole.
Problem is now we're going "damn again they are having the
characters keep stuff from each other and making Liz do
something she would never do- not mention the kiss."
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shapeshifter |
02:03 PM |
quote:Originally posted by ~* Mimi *~: Hello I think it is
a great honor to write on the first ( or second I dont know
what page my post is gonna end up on)page.
I have come up with two things or something similar to
that and it might sound crazy but bare with me I am only 12.
1. Tess and Liz could be the same person. Yeah I know they
look diffrent and everything but what if Liz was Tess's human
side and Tess Liz's alien side but something happend that
cuased them to like split or something.Then Liz would have
been in the pod that was leaking becuase it was missing its
other side causing Liz to be more human and Tess taking so
long to come out of her pod cuase she was still healing from
the sepration and Ava got the whole treatment cuasing her to
be the way she is now.
2. Why didnt Future Liz go with Future Max to talk to
Present day Max? She could have told him what to do I think
she is pretty capable of getting Max to stop loving her past
self. ... Hey Mimi, And all us old fogeys are honored to
have you grace us with your ageless insights.
While Liz & Tess are not the same person in the
physical sense, I think they do represent the two sides of
Max's perfect partner. All of us have been so into the
physical and the jealousy thing, that I don't think we've
looked at it that way.
But I think Liz knows that if she tells Max, he will be
totally in love with her again and Tess will leave. So she
won't do that UNLESS its absolutely necessary.
Bluecornmoon, I knew you'd have an idea: quote:Only then, I
expect he'll touch the 4-picture strip and get flashes from
FMax, etc. Willo42, So maybe Ava is the "Eve" and Tess is
the "Lilith."
BTW, Lonnie calling herself "Juliet" was probably a
reference to the Kvar thing. Maybe Aliens are by instinct led
to find their Romeos and Juliets from outside their
clans--perhaps this leads to the higher evolution and powers
that come with it. Hence, Max found Liz. Then the 5 planet
thing would be the political result of all of this extra
terrestrial marrying.
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kristine888 |
03:25 PM |
I just want to comment on something that I know has been
discussed in earlier threads.
I really believe Liz was intentionally shot, but am having
trouble figuring out who would have done it.
If it was someone in their current time, then for them to
know the influence that Liz has on Max, she would have to be
at least half-alien. Otherwise, I don't think they would have
realized that she and Max would have such a connection.
If they came from the future, who are they? Skins? Do the
skins find the granolith at some point in the future, and come
back to kill Liz?
Someone else had mentioned that it seems odd the way Liz
froze just before being shot - like possibly she was
mind-warped. The "regular" skins are not capable of that.
I hate to re-hash something that has already been
discussed, but this mystery is really bugging me.
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flashgordon9 |
04:30 PM |
I have to say that I read this entire thing and I agree with a
lot that has been said! I think that Tess is completely evil
and cannot be trusted. I don't remember correctly but in the
episode with the Mom'ogram, was Tess specifically sited as
Max's bride? I mean Liz was there too, maybe the reference was
intended for her. I dont understand why none of the 3 other
podsters would be able to specifically remember things but
Tess is. I believe that Liz has a significant tie to the group
and Tess is just "playing the cards" I dont think that she is
genuine at all. I also believe that Liz needs to tell Max, if
he can't concentrate and lead, especially in critical times
like this, how is this any better for the civilization?? I
just dont understand that! Well I urge ppl to continue posting
cuz I love reading these
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By sugarbaby
05:02 PM |
hi all ...just want to say I this board...anyway I was
thinking about the whole someone is going to be half alien
thing and basically what I'm thinking is...that it's dumb doesn't make sense that either Maria or Liz could be
half all of their lives and not know it, or have anyone else
know it...someone somewhere posted the idea that when Max
healed Liz he somehow stimulated her brain and that she would
become different because of that (since their powers are human
right?) me that makes more sense then one of them
actually being an undiscovered half alien all these
years...does anyone have any thoughts on this?
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By Starstruck
05:18 PM |
Hi Everybody
OMG GreceKel- you are so right about Courtney asking
Michael, so how do you feel about piercings! I totally missed
this one, boy am I slipping. So, is it possible that Courtney
knew Rath? She told Michael she'd been looking for him for 50
years. Perhaps she met Rath but instinctively knew he wasn't a
part of the true royal 4. Or, maybe Courtney had been working
with the dupes -feeding them information about our Roswellian
pod squad working to achieve her ultimate goal to have Michael
on the throne? If Courtney was the information link this is
where the yearbook may have come from as well as the info that
Max and Liz had been dateing and also that Philip Evans was
dad (Lonnie knows this when she's caught in Max's room)
I agree with all who are thinking Tess and Ava are with the
wrong group.
Brody loves pepperjack cheese, is this his hot and spicey
dietary quirck?
Rath and Lonnie's behavior reminded me alot of Harding's.
They are cold, calculating and have little regaurd for others.
Then of course theres that Rath/Liz kiss that put me in mind
of how eager Harding was to kiss Liz.
Metaphysicalgrl- ROTFLMAO about the WEN-EED-HELP job!!!
I think Max is using a double standard. When Liz saw him
kissing Tess in the rain he told her to "have faith in me, in
us", and she did. So, why is he not living by this same motto?
Max is not stupid, he knows Liz was trying to trick him into
being with Tess (wouldn't you think he'd have wondered if the
Kyle thing had been a Tessovision) and now Liz tells him to be
carefull with the granolith info when he's in NYC. Come on
Max, add up the clues and "see" that Liz is the same person
she's always been! I maintain one good kiss between M/L and no
verbal explanations will be necessary!
I was thinking if Ava had been the one in the leaking pod
that maybe her abilities had been underdeveloped and that's
why all she did was yell no when Rath and Lonnie did Zan in.
Their powers were too much for her to combat.
Just thinking about all the interesting info about Lilith -
which of course made me think of the Lilith fair - which made
me think of Sarah McLaughlin - which made me think of FEAR
which for me is where Roswell began. It's just one big circle
(hey, Circle, that's a Sarah McLaughlin song too!)
Willow42 - Chava, eating of the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE hmmmmmm
remember what the indian woman tells Liz that Atherton's
pendent means - TREE OF KNOWLEDGE!
I think the name Rath is an interesting choice
because...WRATH means - 1) intense anger, rage, furry 2) any
action of vengeance.
Well, I guess I've babbled on long enough.
I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Agent Starstruck signing off for tonight.
I shall believe!
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shapeshifter |
05:31 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Starstruck: ...OMG GreceKel- you
are so right about Courtney asking Michael, so how do you feel
about piercings! I totally missed this one, boy am I slipping.
So, is it possible that Courtney knew Rath? She told Michael
she'd been looking for him for 50 years. Perhaps she met Rath
but instinctively knew he wasn't a part of the true royal 4.
Or, maybe Courtney had been working with the dupes -feeding
them information about our Roswellian pod squad working to
achieve her ultimate goal to have Michael on the throne? If
Courtney was the information link this is where the yearbook
may have come from as well as the info that Max and Liz had
been dateing and also that Philip Evans was dad (Lonnie knows
this when she's caught in Max's room)
I agree with all who are thinking Tess and Ava are with the
wrong group.
Brody loves pepperjack cheese, is this his hot and spicey
dietary quirck?
Rath and Lonnie's behavior reminded me alot of Harding's.
They are cold, calculating and have little regaurd for others.
Then of course theres that Rath/Liz kiss that put me in mind
of how eager Harding was to kiss Liz... Hey Starstruck,
Great post! Building on your line of thought: Rath sure
seems like he wanted to be boss and that had something to do
with his willingness to kill Zan. Maybe he intends to do the
same to Max.
And did you all notice how they switched from the shot of
the mega-pierced dupes to Brody's ear?
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By maxcedo
06:03 PM |
quote:Originally posted by GraceKel: MAXCEDO---thanks for
filling in for Zero and starting this thread for us, wonderful
job. Thanks GraceKel: I fixed the returns so it is now in a
readable paragraph.
PS: When are you going to become one of my agents????
| |
By Norma
Bates |
06:38 PM |
I tried to go to the link listed in the email at the top:
It rambles of to a can't find the URL page. Any
suggestions? Help please.
| |
By maxcedo
07:07 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Norma Bates: I tried to go to
the link listed in the email at the top:
It rambles of to a can't find the URL page. Any
suggestions? Help please.
The coding was not correct for the link. It is now
fixed. It wasn't your fault. Just an honest mistake with an
extra period.
| |
By maxcedo
07:08 PM |
Double post
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bluecornmoon |
07:54 PM |
Kristine888: Since QFanny has not jumped at the chance to
answer your query, I'll do it for her, mainly because I love
her idea and want it to be true: Could the two people who shot
Liz at the Crashdown that fateful day of September 17th, 1999
be.... Max and Michael? Think about it.... passive,
lurking-behind-the-tree Max would have never approached her on
his own and they had to "force his hand" by doing the one
thing he could not allow, even at the risk of his own life.
For his Liz to be harmed in any way.. so, during the last
episode of Season 7, Michael and Max shapeshift (I have all
the confidence in the world that by then they'll be able to do
that!), and travel to the past to ... start the whole thing!!
And, guess who sends them? You got it! LIZ! It gives me
goosebumps every time I think about it! The only thing I have
not come to terms with, is the
same-person-cannot-confront-its-own-self or they'll destroy
each other thingy, but, by then, I'm sure Liz and Serena will
have been able to work around it!
| |
By Qfanny |
08:02 PM |
quote:Originally posted by bluecornmoon: Kristine888: Since
QFanny has not jumped at the chance to answer your query, I'll
do it for her, mainly because I love her idea and want it to
be true: Could the two people who shot Liz at the Crashdown
that fateful day of September 17th, 1999 be.... Max and
Michael? Think about it.... passive, lurking-behind-the-tree
Max would have never approached her on his own and they had to
"force his hand" by doing the one thing he could not allow,
even at the risk of his own life. For his Liz to be harmed in
any way.. so, during the last episode of Season 7, Michael and
Max shapeshift (I have all the confidence in the world that by
then they'll be able to do that!), and travel to the past to
... start the whole thing!! And, guess who sends them? You got
it! LIZ! It gives me goosebumps every time I think about it!
The only thing I have not come to terms with, is the
same-person-cannot-confront-its-own-self or they'll destroy
each other thingy, but, by then, I'm sure Liz and Serena will
have been able to work around it!
Actually bluecornmoon, thanks for answering. I have been
busy playing maxcedo as you may have figured out. LOL
The reason why Max and Michael do not recognize FM &
FMi as the shooters is because they shapeshifted into such
ugly creatures that they cannot be recognized. Also, the one
shooter says to Maria, "No get out of here." Which is
something that Michael would and has said to Maria before (or
is it after?) Thanks for letting Kristine know, because my
hands have been tied up. (I'm into alien bonding you
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By deidra e,
jones |
08:58 PM |
One factor with the alien mythology, Liz is Human, totally!
Which makes the mythology so much more interesting.
Why was Max so attracted to her? Soulmates from different
Why? Essence? The bond is strong, this is what makes
Roswell so special.
As always enjoy reading this thread, amazing the way people
think, it's great, although I still believe in the Indians
choice of understanding life.
Human & Alien. There was a reason why Max's people
chose Earth. The brillant minds knew. Is it the matter of HOPE
for their people.
Take Care, DeeDee
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shapeshifter |
10:03 PM |
quote:Originally posted by deidra e, jones: Why was Max so
attracted to her? Soulmates from different world? Currently
I have 2 theories: 1) The aliens have, through natural
selection, evolved into a people who are attracted different
'species' (galactically speaking) as this gives the offspring
an edge on developing those "more highly evolved human
powers." I'm thinking of Vilondra here too. 2)(which i find
more romantic) Max has a 'memory' from FM that recognizes her
as necessary to their survival (her sympathy, her strength,
her intelligence, her ethics, her geographic and chronological
location, etc.), but the falling in love part is something
that just happens (and which complicates the Tess
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By deidra e,
jones |
10:32 PM |
Different galaxies, physically. 1947 - the two aliens were not
of this solar system? The pods were cloned, and as suggested
and located in areas of this world, but the actual King, Max
Evans resides in Roswell.
There is one Liz, she resides in Roswell. Go figure.
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By Qfanny |
11:01 PM |
quote:Originally posted by bluecornmoon: Kristine888: Since
QFanny has not jumped at the chance to answer your query, I'll
do it for her, mainly because I love her idea and want it to
be true: Could the two people who shot Liz at the Crashdown
that fateful day of September 17th, 1999 be.... Max and
Michael? Think about it.... passive, lurking-behind-the-tree
Max would have never approached her on his own and they had to
"force his hand" by doing the one thing he could not allow,
even at the risk of his own life. For his Liz to be harmed in
any way.. so, during the last episode of Season 7, Michael and
Max shapeshift (I have all the confidence in the world that by
then they'll be able to do that!), and travel to the past to
... start the whole thing!! And, guess who sends them? You got
it! LIZ! It gives me goosebumps every time I think about it!
The only thing I have not come to terms with, is the
same-person-cannot-confront-its-own-self or they'll destroy
each other thingy, but, by then, I'm sure Liz and Serena will
have been able to work around it!
bluecornmoon: I do not think that Liz come up with this
plan. Remember, version #1 of the timelines is that the
shooting never happened, and Max and Liz never meet, the alien
mythology is never completed.
When the shooter says "We have to get rid of her." The her
is not Liz. The "her" is TESS. They are going back in time so
he never falls for Destiny. He has always been attracted to
Liz, so it's natural for him to go back to a time where they
were both adult enough to handle the facts of their
relationship, but young enough to have their relationship grow
naturally, or as naturally as possible. This timing would be
critical, as Tess does show up not too much longer.
If Liz did instigate the plan, to change timeline one, then
at some point in timeline one, she learned about the aliens
and she learned about the granolith. In the Roswell High
Books, Liz O. says that she and Max had been lab partners
forever. I think it's strange that they would always be in the
same class, every semester and always be assigned as lab
partners. (But I come from a school the graduated 500+ seniors
a year, I'm sure Roswell is a bit smaller.)
Anyway, for Liz to come up with the plan, I don't think the
shooter that said, "We have to get rid of her," would have
said it that way. He probably would have said, "We have to
make this work. For all our sakes."
Also, I've been thinking about the seating arrangement of
the Crashdown Cafe that morning.
This graphic is poor, but I think it would help.
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shapeshifter |
11:09 PM |
Okay, this is my last post tonight. I am now convincing
myself that the shooters in Pilot were Skins because they look
like a lot of the types that were Skins in Copper Summit, and
later in Wipe Out (like the guy who grabbed Liz's feet). And I
think they either wanted to get rid of Tess using Liz as
Qfanny explains above, OR, they want to get rid of Liz but are
too stupid to realize this will just bring them closer, OR
they know (because Nickolas looked ahead in time) that Liz WAS
just going to be Max's friend and helper, BUT by threatening
her life he would fall in love with her and reject Tess
altogether (whom we know was necessary against the
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By Qfanny |
11:15 PM |
You know, I don't push the shooters as future Max and future
Michael very hard, I just want it to be considered.
I when making the graphic, I suddenly realized that Liz
does infact, complete the "V".
Do you see the "V". Scary!
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By Qfanny |
12:35 AM |
Ok. I've watched the first 30 minutes of Pilot and all the CD
scenes a few times.
First, the bar is actually on the otherside, but behind the
fourth booth on the left side of the wall, is a
fork/knife/coffee storage area, and that is why I thought the
bar was over there.
If you were standing in the back of the CD looking towards
the doors, on the right side are three booths, the shooters
sit in the first booth from the windows. On the left side of
the CD there are four booths, Max and Michael sit in the first
booth. Behind the last or 4th booth is the fork/knife/coffee
station and a mini storage area. You can see the ketchup.
Then the bar is on the right side. I think there are a
total of 7 barstools. There are two seats that face the back
of the CD and there are five ? seats the face the right side
of the CD.
You can pretty much draw the "V". The left side being
Max-Michael-Liz. The right side beining Shooter #1-Shooter
The bar takes up slightly more than half the back area.
Where Liz is standing half way in and out of the conclave
fork/knife area. The bar is a high bar. I am not a marksman,
but I think this shot would have required aim. It looks like
the bullet would have had to go up and over the bar, and then
lower itself to hit Liz's abdomen. Thus proving intention to
shot her.
If there are five ruling planets, and the "V" Constellation
represents their unity or connection, then does that mean..
Michael may be from a different planet than Max? It would mean
that the shooters cannot be FM and FMi as I set out to prove.
Would it mean Liz is an alien? I think it might, if the
symbolism is there.
shocker-- I am starting to change my thinking about Liz's
100% human status, but I'm not there yet.
I would like to know if you think that this is symbolism...
Or has Qfanny just jumped off her rocker again...?
Zero I bet you thought we've discussed this scene at
every angle, maybe this is a new one for the books.
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By nermal |
07:32 AM |
If those who made the pod sqaud thought joining with humans
gives the Royal Four an advantage, they obviously forgot to
let Nasedo in on their plan. He didn't want to include Liz in
If the Skins are just here for the granolith and don't
really want to be here on Earth, what prompts them in Future
Max's timeline to decide to take over the planet? Do they find
out that humanity is supposed to play a pivotal role in their
downfall so they try to end the world to prevent this?
I've always suspected that Future Max left a lot out of his
version of the future. The world ending because Tess leaves
just does not make sense. There has to be more to it than
that. Either he didn't tell the whole truth or he never knew
I just hope the pod squad discover how important the humans
and Liz are before the Skins do.
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bluecornmoon |
07:54 AM |
Qfanny: You cannot do this to me! I've KNOWN Liz is half-alien
from the beginning, but ever since you told me this theory and
my daughter told me "what if they were sent to Earth on
purpose because the Fifth Element (Liz = Perfect Love) was
already here? I have been, slowly but surely, changing my mind
(not there yet but....)!!
As a parentheses, I don't think the Skins are to be blamed
for everything. I think the "evil ones" Mom spoke about may be
another race, soon to be introduced. I also think they have
bening watchers, energy beings, Angels if you will, who are
here to make sure things happen as they should (SO47
graylings?). The invisible beings that have been showing up
lately are either of the two!
Having said that, regarding the shooting: It happened in
September 1999! Tess showed up in March or April 2000! When
the two shooters said "We have to get rid of her", their tone
of voice had a sense of urgency that denoted immediate action,
a we-have-to-do-it-today-or-else tone! Not "let's plan this
for 6 months from now"! On the other hand, I can see Max and
Michael "fighting", not only because... it's Max and Michael!
but also in order to make it sound plausible, to "stage" the
shooting for Valenti's benefit. (I can't believe I'm trying to
convince YOU of this - only on RoswellWorld !).
We must accept some undeniable truths: All Twilonians have
time travel capabilities (otherwise, Earth wouldn't be so
popular of late)! (They all want the Granolith for purposes
bigger than that!) If the shooters are Skins/EA, then they
traveled to the past to get rid of Liz because she is a. a
Human detrimental to their health, or b. a Twilonian
detrimental to their health:
If a Human, then they had one of two reasons to shoot her:
One: they wanted to get rid of Liz because they wanted what
Future Max did - a chance to redo their future because Liz/Max
have proven detrimental to their plans! Are we to assume that
the Skins/EA are so stupid that they would try to get rid of
her when Max is around? They had to know who he was. If they
knew enough about Liz they knew what Max looked like too. If a
mistake was made, then they would have come back again and
again to try to get rid of her! They haven't! That's not the
reason. Which leads us to...
Two: they shoot Liz so that Max may save her, thus
establishing a relationship. Max would fall so in love with
her that he wouldn't pay attention to Tess. Tess would grow so
disenchanted with her Desssstiny that she would leave Roswell
soon after, thus rendering the powerful Royal Four so weak
that they wouldn't win the war? Okay, it could work but Future
Max denied them of that.. so, why haven't they come back to
undo what FMax fixed? That's not it either!
Which leads us to: b. A Twilonian. If they shot her, it was
for one of two reasons:
One: She IS the Fifth Element, only she is not from Earth
but from Twilo, and was sent separately from the Royal Four,
hidden away, because of her importance. Again, why haven't
they tried to kill her again? They didn't pay attention to her
in Copper Summit, maybe because they don't know who she is
yet? But then, with time travel, they should, shouldn't they?
Unless it's not the Skins who shot her but somebody else.
Two: She is truly the fourth podster and Nacero planted
Tess and Ava for one of two reasons (I know, I know... I'm
giving myself a headache too! ): a. to protect Liz (saving
her in the house of mirrors, trying to get rid of her in the
pod chamber not because she didn't "belong" but because she
"belonged" too much?); b. because he is bad and wanted an
impostor - The Evil Shape Shifter , in which case HE would
have sent Beavis & Butthead to do the deed, but then.. why
didn't he try again? lack of time? not really!
Things to take into consideration: That little fixation of
our beloved leader when he was 8! And... if it was Max/Michael
who did the shooting, it doesn't matter that she is Human or
Twilonian - it works either way!
In conclusion (Thank you God!): I think it was Max /
Michael who shoot her. If Liz and Serena do not find a way
around it, (considering that quantum mechanics are there! then
- fine, they sent delegates, but the action WAS, most
definitely, initiated by them/Liz!).
In the words of one Maria DeLuca: you are a genius Nancy
Jeanne! And, of course, I will continue assuring everybody
that I always knew Liz was it! (which I did, I really did!).
BTW, when Liz disappeared, the noise she made was different
to what we heard when the Sheriff, Nick or Maria left!
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kristine888 |
08:04 AM |
I love the Future Max/Future Michael theory, but I do think
something besides "we have to get her" would have been said if
it was them. Even if they were talking about Tess, it was
still Liz that they were shooting. If they wanted to "change
destiny" - wouldn't it have been easier to do something to
cause Tess to be alienated from the group? I mean, they still
haven't gotten rid of Tess.
I do think it was someone from the future coming back to
try to change the future. Possibly in the future, Liz and Max
were married, and they had a child which would be the heir to
the throne. Maybe someone was trying to prevent that from
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By chicatron
08:06 AM |
Happy thanksgiving to everyone
(Sorry if this post twice)
Great thoughts on the shooter theories. I don't have the
pilot episode to watch, but i was thinking about somethings FM
said to Liz in EOTW episode. Did he tell her that there
relationship (them being together at that period in time)would
cause the basic end of the world and the death of everyone
including the Royal Four. Maybe the shooters are part of the
of Max's race, army alliance, followers under his command that
went back in time as plan "B". If FM could not stop their
relationship, then maybe the next plan was to stop it before
it even happened. This would probably occur however after the
death of FM. I don't think a future Max and a future Michael
would travel back in time to kill Liz, knowing that present
Max and Micheal are in the cafe too. That is almost defeating
the purpose, knowing that Max would save her life.
Has anyone been keeping up with me, I think I lost myself a
Anyways the point being that i don't believe that it was
the "skins" they could have just killed Max. And the future
podster just couldn't be that harsh. FM died inside all over
again when he saw Liz and Kyle together with the look on
present Max's face.
O man, this show is getting so complicated like some sci-fi
soap opera. I just want it to be simplier again when everyone
was in love!!!!!
Chicatron I am becoming to believe that Liz is not an
alien Dreamer
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bluecornmoon |
08:43 AM |
Kristina888: We posted at the same time! I think I responded
to same of your queries there!
You said: "Maybe the shooters are part of the of Max's
race, army alliance, followers under his command that went
back in time as plan "B". If FM could not stop their
relationship, then maybe the next plan was to stop it before
it even happened. This would probably occur however after the
death of FM."
Remember FLiz and FMax decided to go back to the past in 25
minutes, out of desperation, because Michael died! There was
no plan for that and, I think, the last survivors where M/L.
There wouldn't have been anybody left to do the deed!
You also said: "I don't think a future Max and a future
Michael would travel back in time to kill Liz, knowing that
present Max and Micheal are in the cafe too. That is almost
defeating the purpose, knowing that Max would save her life."
Yes, it would. That was the purpose of the whole thing: to
force Max to come out from behind the tree! To start the ball
Also: "Anyways the point being that i don't believe that it
was the "skins" they could have just killed Max."
Nope. They can't kill Max yet. They need him because they
either need his bloodline to assure themselves the throne, or
he is the only one who can work the Granolith or the key to
work it is inside his head or whatever but if it was that
easy, they would have killed Max a loooong time ago!
Also: "I am becoming to believe that Liz is not an alien".
On the contrary, my dear Watson, this little conversation
just assured me that I must spend all my energies in making
sure QFanny is convinced of the contrary: Liz is an
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shapeshifter |
09:48 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Qfanny: ...Would it mean Liz is
an alien? I think it might, if the symbolism is there.
shocker--I am starting to change my thinking about Liz's
100% human status, but I'm not there yet.... No! Say it
isn't so! Qfanny, maybe we can start a chapter of Alien Liz
Anonymous for you. **Sigh*** well, it's probably destined that
one of us would have to go over to the other side.
Anyway, on the shooters: I don't think they can be FMs
because 1) Mi & Max don't shapeshift and 2)Max would never
hurt Liz. But shapeshifters do shapeshift. I am thinking it
was Nasedo and TicTac (or some other shapeshifters) arguing
and that they really did intend to kill Liz to prevent the
Tess problem, but they failed because Max wouldn't let her
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By Qfanny |
11:08 AM |
quote:Originally posted by bluecornmoon: [B]Things to take
into consideration: That little fixation of our beloved leader
when he was 8! And... if it was Max/Michael who did the
shooting, it doesn't matter that she is Human or Twilonian -
it works either way!
In the words of one Maria DeLuca: you are a genius Nancy
Jeanne! And, of course, I will continue assuring everybody
that I always knew Liz was it! (which I did, I really
did!).[B] Someone should let my boss in on this genius
secret Norah. Does anyone need a billing clerk for their
utility company?
BTW---After sleeping in this shooting "V" idea, I've
decided the symbolism is not there after all. So, Liz may
complete the "V", but the shooting has nothing to do with it.
I like the Max/Michael as shooters idea too bluecornmoon.
I forgot, is not an
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By ~* Mimi *~
11:23 AM |
Hello everyone I am here to tell you not to give up hope that
Liz is not just human!!!
Remeber in Wipeout when she picked up the skin it
desentegrated ( or dimolished or what every I am in a bad mood
right now so I cant spell right....) . How can you guys miss
out on all the small things and say she isnt a alien , I mean
it seems like you guys are saying that there shouldnt have
even been a Max and Liz to begin with.If Liz hadnt been shot
that day and if Max hadnt saved her then her alien side
wouldnt have awakened.
So I am saying to all you guys who are starting to
loose faith in Liz being alien or Half Alien to not give it
up. That is why we are here to look up if she is one of them
or does she atleast have a chance.
I will be back I got to go look for my sister.....
strawBEHRyAPPLEsauce lover
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By Reggie |
11:52 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Metaphysicalgrl: Was someone
congratulating the writers on continuity? We should see this
in the next issue of variety...
Obsessed Fan Wanted: Weekly TV show is looking for an
obsessed fan to sit in on writing meetings to ensure that
continuity is carried over from episode to
episode. Qualifications: must have seen each episode a
minimum of 10 times, must be detail oriented. Full pay and
benefits, which include the opportunity to walk over to the
soundstage to bask in Jason Behr's beauty. Please fax your
resume to: WEN-EED-HELP or email it to us at:
Sigh, I know that was mean... Frusteration rears it's ugly
head. ROTFLMAO !!! Does the same address work for the
science consultant position?
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By Reggie |
12:23 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StephStephSteph: That's why it's
SO important for Liz to crack and tell Maria.. or tell Alex..
or heck, TELL MAX!!!!
If Liz told Max, he absolutely would not believe her. Look,
she's stuck a knife in his back, and twisted it. Then she says
she wants to be friends. Maybe I have an odd perspective on
this, as one of the few guys on the board, but I gotta tell
ya, this is not How to Win Friends and Influence People. Quite
the opposite! When Liz says she doesn't want Max to hate
her... the look on his face says she isn't getting that wish.
And before anyone flames me, let me point out that I think
Liz is adorable, and I wish I could find a gal so sweet.
{Well, maybe a little older... }
While the smart money is on Maria finally worming the truth
out of Liz, I'll put my money on Kyle. I'm not sure how; he
may confess to Michael, since they both know how it's hurt
their friends. Maria may go after Kyle, since Liz won't talk.
Max may do something hostile, and provoke Kyle to blurt it
out. Kyle is being very philosophical at this point in his
life, and telling the truth is something he will find
Or maybe Liz will quietly go nuts. If so, perhaps there
will be a new psychiatrist in town. One who likes candy.
| |
bluecornmoon |
12:35 PM |
Shapeshifter: Would Nacero or Tic Tac shoot Liz in front of
Max, knowing how he feels about her, for the purpose of
hurting her? I don't think so. If they did it, they would have
come from the future so they would know his feelings and what
he would do. Again, if it was them, wouldn't it have been to
start the ball rolling?
Reggie: I'll repeat what I said before. The only way for
Max to find out is if he gets a flash. The correct order of
things will be for him to forgive her first because his heart,
his brain, his everything tells him that he can't go on like
this. That he has to get her back into his life or else...
he'll explode! He'll tell her he wants her back, it'll be
awkward, they'll be in her room, Daddy will call her out for a
minute, he'll be left alone in the room, will look at the
pictures Future Max and she have been pawing at in two
episodes and... tadaaa... he'll find out the truth!
BTW, are you going to accept my invitation to come to NY?
| |
By Reggie |
12:43 PM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter: I am thinking it
was Nasedo and TicTac (or some other shapeshifters) arguing
and that they really did intend to kill Liz to prevent the
Tess problem, but they failed because Max wouldn't let her
Oh, now that makes sense! We know that Harding has been
keeping an eye on Max for a while - witness the big box of
photos. He probably realized long ago how important she was to
Max. If he decided Liz had to go, to make room for Tess, then
he would have done her in without a second thought.
Why not use the "silver handprint"? He didn't want Max to
realize an alien connection to Liz's unfortunate demise; plus
it would have drawn the alien hunters' attention to Max's
vicinity. I still don't understand his reasoning for
kidnapping Liz in M2tM though.
Liz is not an
| |
shapeshifter |
12:55 PM |
bluecorn & Reg, Okay, okay. Scrap the shapeshifter
shooters idea. So, now I'm back to obsessing on it being 2
Skins because it really did look like those kind of dudes, and
they would be in on the scoop. But aren't we supposed to think
they didn't know about Roswell until the beepers went off? But
Nickolas could have done a backwards time warp with 2 of his
henchmen maybe. But why?
bluecorn, I really love the idea of Max getting the clue by
touching the string of pics and getting a flash of FM. I don't
care about the proper order of things, though, I just want it
to be that way. And if it has already been shot a different
way, well, writers, eat your hearts out.
| |
By Reggie |
01:16 PM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter: bluecorn &
Reg, Okay, okay. Scrap the shapeshifter shooters
idea. No, I like this. No time travel involved, for one
thing. Harding was watching Max, realized he had a "thing" for
Liz, and decided to get rid of her so he could bring Tess in.
Tic-tac didn't think so, hence the argument.
bluecorn, I really love the idea of Max getting the clue by
touching the string of pics and getting a flash of FM. I don't
care about the proper order of things, though, I just want it
to be that way. And if it has already been shot a different
way, well, writers, eat your hearts out.
I'd rather he touches Liz, and gets: 1. FMax telling her
she has to make him fall out of love with her, 2. her crying,
unable to go any further, and 3. her overhearing Maria about
Michael. Once Max realizes that she did it because he told her
to, that should disconcert him enough to give her a chance to
explain. Otherwise, he's got better things to do than listen
to a back-stabbing .....
But you're right; the only thing he can trust from Liz is a
"flash". Only flashes have to be true; anything else could be
another lie. (Remember, the "We slept together" is a lie!)
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Metaphysicalgrl |
01:38 PM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter:
bluecorn, I
really love the idea of Max getting the clue by touching the
string of pics and getting a flash of FM. I don't care about
the proper order of things, though, I just want it to be that
way. And if it has already been shot a different way, well,
writers, eat your hearts out.
This would in fact be a beautiful scene! I just can't
understand how Max let Liz tell him what she knew about the
Granolith and didn't interrogate her on the spot. I mean, I
know he is angry and hurt, but come on.
I had an observation while re-watching Harvest. At the end
of the eppy when they were showing all the husks destroyed - I
could've sworn that they showed Nicholas's husk -- apparently
undestroyed. Did anyone else happen to catch this or are my
eyes crossing out of frustration and confusion?
Reggie: So glad I was able to make you laugh!!
I called the Roswell office and they ARE hiring a Sci-Fi
expert. They told me to pass along this number and email for
all those of you interested: Please call FAN-SMA-RTER or
email: Or for easy online
application, you can go to
Good luck and happy holidays!!!
| |
LizParkerfan |
04:43 PM |
Okay I can't stand it when people say that Maria saved the
day, if Liz hadn't have told Maria and Kyle about the whole
electricity thing. Acutually it was Kyle who noticed where the
force was going from, and it was Liz who came up with the
idea. Well anyways Liz was the brains behind saving everyone.
I wish Max would find out the truth. Max seems to be losing
his mind with every episode. What happened to the old Max?
Well gotta go.
Remember is half
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By StarBox
04:50 PM |
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
QFanny/Bluecornmoon/Shapeshifter - I am really enjoying the
speculation/theories on the shooting. Keep it up! :-)
Reggie - Although I will defer to your male perspective - I
realy HOPE Max would believe Liz. I think he knows in his
heart that she is lying right now (confrontation scene in
Harvest) - also she knows about the granolith - which I think
would give her credibility. If they would just TOUCH again
- surely he would be able to SEE into her soul once again
Finally - check this out It is a sesaon one
"primer" with quicktime video and commentary on each episode
by JK. VERY interesting - and I am thinking..... Liz is an
alien!!!!! :-) :-) I watched the episodes from Sexual Healing
on this morning and it was really thought-provoking. I noticed
ALOT that I had overlooked. Interestingly - the commentary on
"Destiny" is not up yet - I cant help but wonder if something
is going to be revealed in MITC that makes them unable to air
the commentary yet. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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shapeshifter |
05:09 PM |
Between nuked turkey and canned cranberry sauce I've been
downloading Jason Katims terrific commentaries on the first 18
eps of Season 1 (it takes about 20 minutes each on my phone
lines--and you sure wouldn't want to see my fuzzy videotapes).
Anyway, if you go over to you can
read a recap of Blood Brothers which has a scenario remarkably
like our current one with Liz keeping secrets from Max because
it is necessary, but Max cannot accept it. In BB Alex, who
(like Max) has a well-established relationship with Liz,
agrees to trust her when dealing with Topolsky, but then tells
Liz if she doesn't tell him the truth they are through. Later,
in Heat Wave, when they are in jail and he is about to spill
all he knows, Liz has to tell him about the aliens (but he
doesn't even believe it at first--just accepts that Liz
believes it).
So, will Roswellian history repeat itself again? Notice
that in BB Liz did not spill her story to relieve her own
pain--only to protect those to whom she is loyal.
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By StarBox
05:27 PM |
Okay - been looking at screencaps of Sexual Healing (after
watching the JK commentary and seeing Liz's flash of the
exploding star) and this image is really bugging me. I do not
have last season on tape - so I can not rewatch to see what
this is. Here is the screencap - of young Liz wrapped in a
blanket, looking over her shoulder. In front of her there is a
large egg-shaped object. What is it???? Can anyone with
video tell????
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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By StarBox
05:36 PM |
I know - I just posted that picture - but looking at it again
I just had a thought. It has always bothered me that in
Max's "flash" of Liz during SH he saw her putting on
make-up/dressing up (seemed a little suggestive of kiddie porn
to me) - I mean WHY is THAT MOMENT what Max would see????
But - now - looking at the screencap with the white cloth
wrapped around her - could Liz have been PLAYING
BRIDE?????????????? And - could young Liz have been thinking
of her beloved "Prince" - who was MAX?? THEN it would make
sense that Max would pick up on this moment when he looked
into her soul.
I dunno - maybe I have eaten too much turkey :-)
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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By HyperKitN
07:05 PM |
Hey RBI's & Mythologist.
Just wanted to wish every agent in the US a happy holiday.
To those her aren't from around here everyday is a day to
God bless
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By Qfanny |
07:29 PM |
Is there a transcipt the JK stuff on the Season One site? I
tried to watch some of these and got the video, but the audio
sounded like someone gargling...
Hope everyone had a great T-day.
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shapeshifter |
07:54 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Qfanny: ...but the audio sounded
like someone gargling...
I am (of course) doing
the same thing right now. I think mine's not gargling anymore
because when I re-installed the Quick Time after the crash of
2000 I told it I connected at 14.4 because I can only connect
at 26.4.
--shapeshifter aka qfanny's dupe?
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By shaiwon72
09:18 PM |
i don't believe lonnie when she said the our podsters were the
defective ones. the podsters are the original one and the
dupes are the decoy, should something happen to the originals.
why else would the podsters have the granolith and not the
the parkers could be the ones that holds the key to operate
the granolith, and it's in safe keeping. w/ that, the
granolith could have been transported to the chamber and kept
the original here. do maybe draw attention away from the
podsters, the dupes were sent to the other side of the
continent. where else could you get all the exposure but ny?
they are making themselves known and the podsters are secluded
in roswell. the podsters being in roswell, keeps them in close
distance to the granolith and to liz, the fifth element. the
key to the granolith was probably passed down to generation to
generation and i think presently, liz has it.
just rambling.
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By shaiwon72
09:19 PM |
oops.. forgot. happy turkey day.
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By Zero |
09:20 PM |
Hi all ! Just checking in while on vacation to wish every RBI
a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I've been doing the Disneyland + thing
for the last 5 days, and now am at relatives for 4 days. I'm
way behind on what is going on here discussion-wise, but did
catch "The Dupes" the other night while everyone else slept in
the hotel room - a sign of obsession! I need to rewatch it
before making too many comments, but I thought Lannie and Rath
were "Dupes" in more ways than one! I thought it was
interesting that we now know that the 5 stars probably
represent the 5 planets involved in the Twilo conflict. But,
it could still have the symbolism we have all speculated
about! I think this episode truly shows the importance that
nurture plays with respect to nature! And if Vilandra and her
betrothed were anything like Lannie and Rath, no wonder all
H*%# broke loose on Twilo! I hated the M/L scenes, not that
they didn't make sense, but that they were painful to watch.
(Max has to follow his heart as Liz did when Tess showed up!)
BUT I think that Ava staying behind was important - because
somehow she has to tell Liz or someone what happened to Zan,
and how awful L&R are. Liz, or someone, has to come to Max
and Tess' rescue - informing them of what they are walking
into - with truly unreliable partners. Okay - that's about all
I can add without watching it again - and having watched it in
a dark hotel room with my chair up close and the volume down
THANKS to SHAPESHIFTER for starting the thread!! I don't
know when I will be back on-line, so til then - keep
theorizing - just not too much or I will never get it all into
the intro!!
Zero I Shall Believe!!
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By maxwellian
09:50 PM |
Hey guys!
this thread to bits!! Great to see how every is chipping in
to unravell the mystery surrounding Liz!
So, I have to put in my bit!! I did some research and
found out that Max'z dupe's name Zan means 'nourisher' in
Hebrew. Nourisher could mean supplier, sustainer, cultivator,
sopporter and comforter! Tess's dupe's name Ava means 'Life'
or 'living beign' in Hebrew but check this out. It also stands
for Eve and in that context her name means 'temptress'. There
i like this whole debate surrounding that name!! Strange hey.
Wanna know something even more strange, well, Iz's dupe's name
is really weird coz the meaning of the name has been lost!!
Are these clues coz they are really strange!!
Anyway, gotta go!! Hope that someone can make sense of
Max & Liz forver!
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ViCoUs~CriTTeR |
09:56 PM |
okay me and my friend both think that both shooters looked
like hunters, and remember that Liz's parents happened to
mention that GC had arrested some hunters by herself... I also
feel that it's real important that GC was so interested in
Liz's love and Max? Okay It doesn't necessarily mean Liz or GC
is an alien but an interested key to the survival of max's
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By SweetJo
09:57 PM |
I know I have been gone for a while but I had to drop in to
see what was up. I will never be able to catch up on all the
Did anyone think that maybe Liz might have a dupe too?
I know, that's crazy. Oh well, I was just wondering if
anyone has played with that idea yet.
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By ree99 |
10:08 PM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter: [QUOTE]Originally
posted by deidra e, jones: [b] Why was Max so attracted to
her? 2)(which i find more romantic) Max has a 'memory' from FM
that recognizes her as necessary to their survival (her
sympathy, her strength, her intelligence, her ethics, her
geographic and chronological location, etc.), but the falling
in love part is something that just happens (and which
complicates the Tess thing).
Shapeshifter, can you explain the "memory" from FM? This
sounds very interesting. (I apologize if you've already
discussed this.)
P.S. Anybody got Rolaids?
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shapeshifter |
10:08 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Zero: ...THANKS to SHAPESHIFTER
for starting the thread... Um, actually Qfanny did the
posting for Maxcedo; I did some tweaking (but missed the
period after the link ).
Anyway, we'll be waiting for you, Zero! And I agree that
Liz & Co. are going to have to rescue Tess & Max.
Maybe Tess will finally bond with Liz, and then Liz & Max
can live happily ever after. Unless they kill off Tess &
keep Ava?
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shapeshifter |
10:18 PM |
ViCoUs~CriTTeR, Maybe the hunters were Skins (since they'd be
"babes" for 50 years). But supposedly the Skins didn't know
where the podsters were until the beepers went off. But maybe
the Michael worshipper skins were lurking around all along. So
then, why would Michael worshippers want to get rid of Liz?
Maybe to weaken Max?
quote:Originally posted by ree99: Shapeshifter, can you
explain the "memory" from FM? This would be a science
fiction concept. I'm suggesting that although the Podsters
aren't fortune tellers, they could get something like a flash
from the future if this life is a re-run. I'm not explaining
it very well because it's really just the germ of a theory.
Maybe someone else can fill in the gaps? In my example Max
would have "recognized" Liz when he first saw her because she
was crucial to the podsters' survival.
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CharmedKitten |
11:44 PM |
Okay...I just borrowed this book about signs and symbols from
a friend. But I'm having a problem. It tells the meanings of
the suits of cards as well as numbers...what did Max change
into a two of diamonds? I can't find it. Can someone help me?
Until then here is what I've put together regarding the 2
of Diamonds.
The number 2: represents both balance and the passage of
time. In Taoist belief the cosmos is made up of two
forces--yin and yang--which, although in opposition to each
other, are also complementary; represents the two sexes, it
can also signify easy life; ambivalent symbol of duality, both
parts must be perfectly balanced in order to avoid disharmony.
The suit of Diamonds: symbolizes the seasons of warmth and
light; represents feminie power; the King of Diamonds is the
king of fire; the Queen represents the fuel which feeds the
fire; the knave(Jack) is a warrior; diamonds can be associated
with the Tarot Pentacles suit signifying earthly matter,
money, courage and energy; in fortune-telling they foretell
spitefulness and annoyance.
If someone could let me know what he had to begin with I
can give the symbolizime behind it, at least according to this
book. Thanks. OH, and Happy Thanksgiving!
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shapeshifter |
11:58 PM |
C , From ITW transcript: quote:MAX: I'll see your nickel
and raise you a quarter.
PHILLIP: I fold. I know better.
ALEX'S DAD: Ha. Too rich for my blood.
JEFF: What are you hidin', Max? Got some power over these
guys...makes 'em do exactly what you want? Well, I call. Full
house. Jacks and eights.
(Max's hand would have beat Mr. Parker's hand, but he
changes one of the Aces to a 2 so Mr. Parker would win)
MAX: 2 pair. You win.
JEFF: That was a good bluff. But I saw through you.Lots of
possible double entendres.
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By Nemo |
12:09 AM |
I believe it was the ace of diamonds that Max changed into a
two. (The highest card of that suit changing into the lowest.)
A symbol of abdicating power in order to join the one he
(In the same hand were two other aces: spades and clubs.
The club symbol has 3 lobes; the spade, 1. Another 3 + 1
There has been much play with diamonds throughout season 1.
For example, a wall hanging with 3 diamonds at the Evans
house, where M/M/I hang out, and 1 more at the cafe, often
shown near Liz. More examples are cited on Rosta's Symbol
thread (p3, near the bottom).
For example, a symbol like this is seen briefly behind
Michael in the morgue of the White Room. [Except that the
actual symbol has numbers or blanks in the colored boxes, not
the words shown below. (Note added 11/24)]
That four-diamond shape (usually without the colors) kept
turning up all year. It's even embossed on the sheriff's
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By Galaxychic
01:20 AM |
I know understand Liz's importance more clearly...she is very
important, if only Max really knew. I originally thought that
after End of The World, Maria would have asked Liz what she
was talking about with Kyle in the car. Maria would have
eventually got it out of Liz. Then Maria would see a sad and
broken hearted Max at the Crashdown, and go up to him and
explain the situation.And then we are are all happy again!
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By NickyBicky
01:25 AM |
Just had to comment on the depth of perception this thread
has, and say that I admire your views and hope that whoever is
in charge of the storyline of Roswell - reads this thread!
esp. the intro
PS. you all must be/have been incredibly good English Lit
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By GraceKel
05:24 AM |
CHARMEDKITTEN yes Nemo is correct it was the ACE of DIAMONDS
to a 2 of DIAMONDS---NEMO how did I miss that sign you posted,
it just made me think of something else now.
Starstruck mentioned the symbolism about Max changing the
RED roses to WHITE roses and said trading LOVE for PEACE which
I think was a good analogy, but how about LIZ changing her RED
skin for YVONNE WHITE? Would that also not make some sense?
Has anyone else noticed that ALEX was wearing a NY
sweatshirt in the WHITE ROOM episode and Destiny I believe and
in the SURPRISE eppy, Courtney says to ALEX chill
NYPD---BLUE!!!!! Is this foreshadowing that ALEX has some role
to play in the future events in NY, will he be an abductee not
unlike BRODY DAVIS(if he can be believed)?
Also did anyone else notice in SUMMER of 47 Maria says to
Michael about letting him borrow the JETTA--I am only doing
this because I regret not saying goodbye to BREEPA
DELUCA(Brody Davis?) Same initials-how come? Also same
initials as the Blind Date episode title.
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By Palomino
06:30 AM |
While you all are talking about diamonds, did anybody notice
in SH when Max was walking Liz into the CD at the end that
there was a sign in the window across the street saying
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By StarBox
06:33 AM |
oops double post
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By StarBox
06:35 AM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: GraceKel - I FOUND YOUR
BACKWARDS C's!!!!!!!! (kind of - they are turned around but it
looks REALLY similar to me at least)
This is the promo for MITC frome the WB site - look at the
last image that falshes - TWO pods connected by metal
backwards C's!
For those of you new on the thread - tess had a ring with
this symbol on it - and Courtney wore a shirt with the same
How long until Monday???????
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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By LTL |
09:03 AM |
Great thread, you guys. I need to keep up more.
Starbox: In regard to yesterday's post about the flashes of
Liz as a child from SH, I can't freeze frame on my VCR, but I
like your idea about Liz playing bride. That scene with her
putting on the lipstick bothered me, too, especially since
it's followed by Max momentarily stopping the kissing with Liz
in the eraser room. But it becomes apparent later that what he
flashed on was Liz's shower fantasy.
Also, thanks for pointing out the two-pod symbol. Looks
like mitosis, right? Or the same way twins are formed when the
fertilized egg splits (podsters, Dupes). Although how that
would fit in with Courtney, I don't know. Now if TPTB can keep
their heads together to drop symbols and signs like this over
several episodes, why can't they do something simple like
*not* having Liz say the pocket knife was a Christmas present.
That sloppines is still sticking in my craw.
GraceKel: I thought Maria was saying, "Gramma DeLuca",
which would make sense since Michael was talking about
spending time with the old soldier.
| |
By Heart of
Ice |
09:58 AM |
Haven't been to this side of the Board in a long time - spend
most of my time on the Jason Behr site now ... hmmm, wonder
I just watched MTD last night. Just can't seem to shake the
image of Max leaving Liz's window.
Here's my twenty cents on the whole deal:
I cannot let go of the idea that Liz and Max are a couple
(yeah, I'm a die-hard Dreamer), and yet, Max has to go to NY
with Tess - it's an alien summit afterall, and I think he had
to make a clean break because, in his heart, he may be afraid
that he may not come back ... though I know he will It's just
that he wants to make sure the loose ends are taken care of
and it's easier to say good-bye to Liz the hard way rather
than to leave her pining. Love hurts.
BTW, did anyone else notice in "Harvest" that Liz is
wearing a silver band on her left hand? [You'll see it when
the P'Squad is in Whittaker's office, right before she calls
the UFL.] Was this just her way of being "married" to the once
and Future Max? Was it, perhaps, her way to 'tell' Max she's
not available anymore?
And, now to the meat of this post: I think that Liz, being
Liz, will have to tell Max - after he has a flash of FM. Don't
know how, don't know when, but there will be a revealing image
of FM for Max and he'll ask Liz. Remember in SH how Liz could
not stand to NOT tell Alex about the aliens? I don't think
she'll be able to NOT tell Max [or maybe Maria, even] about
why she did what she had to do to save the world.
Okay, so, as stated above, I'm a die-hard Dreamer, and if I
were writing an ep., I'd make sure that Max and Liz talked
about it and with the entire P'Squad, make sure that Tess knew
of her importance to the Squad, but that her place isn't
necessarily with Max.
Okay, now that I have that off my chest, I can have
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By azcat |
10:02 AM |
Um, Qfanny, what if the two shooters are FTess and FIs ----
Just to logically fit into your V-plan...
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By Qfanny |
10:05 AM |
Thanks azcat!
LOL! I know see that this "V" plan idea wasn't that great
anyway... Thanks for grounding me.
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By Nemo |
10:06 AM |
quote:Originally posted by GraceKel: NEMO how did I miss
that sign you posted, it just made me think of something else
If you want to search the sign for more possible meanings,
note the following:
The sign is a standard form for warning about chemical
hazards -- numbers in the various boxes express the type and
degree of hazard. There is a code -- for example a 3 in the
blue box would mean "...avoid skin contact..." For the rest of
the code, see (for example)
On the sign in question, I think there was a 3 in the
yellow box, which was the easiest to see. (I couldn't tell
what numbers might have been in the other boxes.)
At the same time there was a 3 on Michael's shirt. As if to
contradict Harding saying "I have four of you to watch now."
This hallway sign made me wonder if it was being suggested
that one of those four had a different agenda.
A similar sign was in The Morning After:
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By azcat |
10:22 AM |
Good morning everyone! Great thoughts yesterday and today.
I was rewatching MTD, and I noticed some interesting shots
that included signs. Yes, as someone mentioned, when the dupes
first walk down the steps at UFO museum, there is a Royal
Crown machine. Then the " Are they still here? " sign, then
the Director's Office, when Rath and Max come out after
talking, then the " Who are they? " sign when our squad is
looking at the NY squad.
A couple other things I noticed - when Max and Rath are
talking, Michael and Lonnie, then Isabelle and Lonnie are
talking. Tess is standing alone, and they don't show Ava at
all. Any significance? Also, can anyone see what the poster in
Max's room says? The one that is a picture of a wheel, and is
directly in between Max and Lonnie when they are talking.
Maybe nothing important, just thought I'd throw them out
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By azcat |
11:01 AM |
One other thing I noticed in MTD:
Right after Rath and Zan have the argument, Rath and Lonnie
exchange a look. Tess catches it and looks from one to the
other, nervously.
It was like they had it worked out before-hand. This
doesn't answer any questions, just makes more. But I am sure
that I saw it.
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bluecornmoon |
12:13 PM |
I love Thanksgiving.. but I'm happy it's over! Too many people
and things that stop a body from doing the important things in
life: Roswell!!
Re: Liz shooters. QFanny, you said Liz couldn't have sent
M/M because, without the shooting, Max and Liz wouldn't exist.
You are right! However, one of the axioms of sci-fi is
precisely that Catch-22 situation, in which the people who
changed the future are the cause of that change by going into
the past! It is acceptable, even required at times! Liz could
have sent, in this timeline, Michael and Max to shoot her. As
for the comment about how Max would never hurt Liz, of course,
not. But this was different - this was necessary and I'm sure,
if they are indeed the shooters and we get to see that fateful
scene from another point of view, we will see that they come
back, in another shape and form, to witness the aftermath of
their actions (to make sure everything went alright!). Just as
a comment, please notice how both of them take the gun and aim
it towards her - maybe Max changed his mind at the last moment
and Michael made him?
Shapeshifter: sorry for rehashing but... if Nacero wanted
to kill Liz in order to make sure Max fell in love with Tess,
and we know well that he knew what Max looked like, why would
he/Tic Tac shoot her while Max was there? Why take the chance
that the boy would act? And if they have time travel
capabilities, he would have known Max would act. However... if
Tic Tac did it for the purpose of pushing Max into action,
then, by all means, I agree. It would fit into the scenario
quite nicely, thank you. Tic Tac, with that fatherly smile in
the desert, watching while they were sleeping, would do just
that to push them together because he knows how important Liz
is to them! (As for the posts on how he is evil, I simply
don't get it - the jury may still be out but, to me, Tic Tac
is only concerned with the podsters (and Liz's) welfare!
Two Skins as shooters: I see Howie Backstreet Boys saying
"It has begun. This is the beginning, now we know where they
are. Shucks, about time we can start the real work!" Nope. It
wasn't them, mainly because they don't have capabilities of
anything right now. The poor things cannot even go back home
and, I don't know about you, but if I was twiching and
scratching, I wouldn't have time to think about anything
StarBox: I stared at the egg behind Young Liz for at least
5 minutes and couldn't come up with what it is. Could it be?
Maybe? Is it possible?.. I'm incapable of any conjectures on
this one so I'll just sit down and wait for your capable
As to your thinking the Parkers' are the keepers of the
Granolith Key. They would know, wouldn't they? And they don't
seem to have a clue as to the treasure they have for a
daughter! Could the key be in the pod chamber and Liz will
instinctively know where? or inside her orb and only she and
Max will be able to open it, while holding it together?
Grace Kel: "Liz changing red skin for Ivonny White". Could
you explain please? I don't know what you mean by red skin.
Thank you!
| |
shapeshifter |
12:47 PM |
quote:Originally posted by bluecornmoon: ...Shapeshifter:
sorry for rehashing but... if Nacero wanted to kill Liz in
order to make sure Max fell in love with Tess, and we know
well that he knew what Max looked like, why would he/Tic Tac
shoot her while Max was there? Why take the chance that the
boy would act? And if they have time travel capabilities, he
would have known Max would act. However... if Tic Tac did it
for the purpose of pushing Max into action, then, by all
means, I agree. It would fit into the scenario quite nicely,
thank you. Tic Tac, with that fatherly smile in the desert,
watching while they were sleeping, would do just that to push
them together because he knows how important Liz is to them!
(As for the posts on how he is evil, I simply don't get it -
the jury may still be out but, to me, Tic Tac is only
concerned with the podsters (and Liz's) welfare!... On the
first point, I am thinking about MTM and how Nasedo evidently
did not expect Max to rescue Liz. Of course, there is also the
theory that Nasedo planned to get Max captured to get the
other orb (and then rescue him), but even then I am now
thinking Nasedo planned on going as Max himself and then
shapeshifting to escape. So, it is quite possible that Nasedo,
the cold-blooded killer, might not have understood Max's
feelings for Liz beyond a physical attraction.
So that would leave open the possibility of the shooters
being the 2 shapeshifters, except recently on I read under SH that
TicTac was Nasedo. Of course, they could change that, but so
far we do not see that happening.
***Sigh*** I suspect the shooters are going to have to live
on as Beavus and Butthead.
quote:StarBox: I stared at the egg behind Young Liz for at
least 5 minutes and couldn't come up with what it is. Could it
be? Maybe? Is it possible...The orb? Sure. I also (like
Starbox) saw this sequence as disturbingly bordering on
kiddieporn, but Max pulls away from kissing her when he gets
that flash, telling us he is no pervert. I think the flashes
of little Liz were getting jumbled with her fantasies, as well
as with her own current visions that were leading them to the
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By GraceKel
12:55 PM |
PALOMINO-yes when I first posted about this card hand and the
two of diamonds, I also posted that in MORNING AFTER
eppy--when Liz meets Max in the ERASER ROOM as she shuts the
door behind her the number 2 is shown--she also says in this
IS MY DESTINY?" (yes we see DIAMONDS across the street)--Now
add this to SUMMER of 47 Richard Doty clearly trying to show
us the squiggly snaky looking 2(that is my interpretation) and
the beer is DIAMONDBACK---we have our 2 of diamonds back-after
YVONNE WHITE DISAPPEARED????? Maybe??? "Don't worry Richie
you are still going to get your WHITE picket fence????" Add
this to the sign that NEMO posted showing the WHITE SPECIAL
section--a defective, or tampered with RED ALIEN could become
a WHITE SPECIAL???? YVONNE WHITE who screamed and disappeared?
BLUECORNMOON I hope my post up above gives you the answer
to your question.
NEMO-thanks for the heads up on the sign I will be sure to
look at this more closely.
LTL--I know it sounds crazy that MARIA said BREEPA DELUCA
but I purposely put on the MUTE button and she does say BREEPA
DELUCA hmmmmm???? Very curious!!!
STARBOX--interesting find but those still are not my
backwards c's mine go more like this )( only the c's are more
pronounced. LOL!!!
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By azcat |
01:06 PM |
Go to S1.E9 and look at the picture of the symbols in the
cave. The backwards c's are on the fold of the page, at the
BTW, how do you put up a picture on a message?
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By GraceKel
01:29 PM |
Thanks for the heads up Azcat will go and check this.
Oh and Nemo I too thought the same as you about the three
arrows going on way, and the fourth going another, either
different agenda or different bloodline even? Maybe!
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By Zara |
01:32 PM |
Hi, Starbox, I really like your idea about Liz playing
dress-up bride. Max connected with his own moment in Liz'
memory! Very nice. I love that Max reaches into Liz's past and
connects with a moment that reflects his future importance to
her. It reflects the scrambled timeline theme quite well.
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By Reggie |
02:04 PM |
The problem is, we haven't met anybody who wants to "get rid
of" Liz. Sure, Harding and Tess found she was in the way of
the Destiny plan, but their solution was to pull Max away from
Liz. (First with illusions, then with the truth.) The FBI
wasn't interested in her, except as a handle on Max. The Skins
weren't interested in her, except that she knew too much. The
Dupes didn't seem interested in her at all.
I really don't think we've met the person or faction which
wanted Liz dead. Yet.
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By Rozburtie
02:08 PM |
quote:Originally posted by bluecornmoon: You want Liz to
tell Max. I don't. Max feels unconditional love for her. The
only natural progression of events here has to be that he
forgives her, tells her how, although he doesn't understand
why she did it, she must have had a powerful reason, that he
believes in her, trusts she had a good reason for sleeping
with Kyle and that, no matter what, he loves her and wants her
back because without her, he is nothing. Unconditional love is
that: unconditional. Only then, I expect he'll touch the
4-picture strip and get flashes from FMax, etc. I don't think
he'll find out the truth from anybody else. And boy, am I
looking forward to that cry both of them are going to have in
each other's arms when she finally breaks down and
confesses!!! Then and only then, Max will get his balance
back, will start to think straight and resume his quest for
leadership and knowledge!
Just when I think I've caught up enough to comment you guy
zip ahead 2 or 3 pages.
But I had to agree with you Bluecornmoon. Max believing in
Liz and loving her no matter what is the ultimate
unconditional love. If he can pass this test, he will be ready
to step into his leadership role because he will prove that he
can follow his heart and that his instincts are correct.
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By Reggie |
02:23 PM |
No. It's a different thing entirely.
In the Tess/Max/Liz thing, Max was interested in
maintaining the romance with Liz. All Liz had to do was go
along with Max.
In the Max/Liz/Kyle thing, Liz has made it plain that she
does NOT want to maintain the romance with Max. It takes two,
and Max can't do that alone. Nor should he.
Max is perfectly right in moving along, given what he knows
and the way Liz has acted toward him.
| |
By Nemo |
02:48 PM |
GraceKel, I'm sorry if I misled you about the diamond sign --
the words like "white / special" on the posted diagram are not
on the actual symbol, which just has numbers or blanks in
those colored areas. (The illustration I posted -- the only
clear example I could find -- is one that explains the code,
so it has words where the code numbers normally go. I added a
note about this to the original post.) So I don't know how
significant the white sector is. Still, connecting that with
Yvonne White is an intriguing possibility that I had
About the signs with one arrow pointing opposite to the
other three -- another possible meaning is that the fourth
member of some group is to be found in a different place from
the other three.
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By czech
please |
03:33 PM |
OK...So I just finished reading Vanessa (Crawford) Whitaker's
journal over at and my head is basically
spinning. The whole thing was very cool and it actually
answered a few of the nagging sci-fi questions I've had.
Unfortunately, it also blew a few of my favorite Nasedo/Liz
theories to hell! Oh well. I'm going to go re-check a few
things and try to work them into coherent theories for y'all.
If you haven't seen this thing yet, definitely go an check it
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SilverDreamcatcher |
03:48 PM |
Ok I don't know if this was ever discussed or mentioned... the
meanings of the characters' names. Willow42 looked up Ava's
name, I know, but what about the main characters? I've been
looking them up online with very interesting results. For
instance, Max is a Latin name meaning "leader" or "greatest."
Applies to our Max! Now here's what I wanted to share.
Guess what the name Tess means? *HARVESTER!* I'm going to
let all you Tess-haters draw your own conclusions.
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By RoswellMoe
04:23 PM |
I just wanted to say that you are all doing a wonderful job. I
am curious if any of your speculations so far regarding Liz or
the show in general, have actually proved to be true? I also
wanted to wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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By Reggie |
06:04 PM |
quote:Originally posted by czech please: OK...So I just
finished reading Vanessa (Crawford) Whitaker's journal over at and my head is basically spinning. The
whole thing was very cool and it actually answered a few of
the nagging sci-fi questions I've had. Unfortunately, it also
blew a few of my favorite Nasedo/Liz theories to hell!
Remember that it is not, as far as anyone can tell,
Official Roswell Information. Think of it as a fan-fic, even
though it's on a good website.
| |
By Qfanny |
07:24 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Reggie:
Remember that it is
not, as far as anyone can tell, Official Roswell Information.
Think of it as a fan-fic, even though it's on a good
website. Reggie: The URL is owned by the WB and I think
there is also a thread going on Ros2 about whether or not this
site is "legitimate" in the Roswell timeline. Given all the
discrepancies in the Timeline, a true fan would not be making
those kinds of mistakes, or if they did, they would go and
correct them. I think that someone from the show is writing
the journal.
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By RW |
09:24 PM |
quote:Originally posted by CharmedKitten:
The suit of Diamonds: symbolizes the seasons of warmth and
light; represents feminie power; the King of Diamonds is the
king of fire; the Queen represents the fuel which feeds the
fire; the knave(Jack) is a warrior; diamonds can be associated
with the Tarot Pentacles suit signifying earthly matter,
money, courage and energy; in fortune-telling they foretell
spitefulness and annoyance.
Interesting how that fits with the fact that Max hasn't
been much of a leader lately, and the speculations that he may
never be a good leader without Liz. "Fuel that feeds the fire"
No more comments at the moment, just trying to catch up on
all the posts.
| |
CharmedKitten |
09:44 PM |
Here is more on the cards:
Ace of Diamonds: represents the single entity
Ace of Spades: symbol signigies a leaf or the cosmic tree,
and thus life--represent the cold seasons of fall and winder
as well as the power of darkness; Spades can be compared with
swords of Tarot, variously symnbolize intellect, action, air,
destiny and (particularly association with the Ace) death;
spades can bring unahppiness, illness, and financial ruin.
Ace of Clubs: represent fall, winter, night and darkness;
symbol of the male principle in opposition to Diamonds; Like
the Wands of Tarot, Clubs signify fire, energy and will, as
well as wealth, work and luck, any card in the suit of Clubs
generally represents happiness.
Add on:
Wheel: powerfull ancient symbol for the cycle of life and
has significance in most religions; also denotes the sun with
rays radiating out form the center and is the sign of sun
gods; in Buddist religions--usually eigth-spoked, signigying
spiritual power and enlightenment.
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By HyperKitN
09:57 PM |
Sorry didn't know this posted
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By starE |
09:58 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Reggie: No. It's a different
thing entirely.
In the Tess/Max/Liz thing, Max was interested in
maintaining the romance with Liz. All Liz had to do was go
along with Max.
In the Max/Liz/Kyle thing, Liz has made it plain that she
does NOT want to maintain the romance with Max. It takes two,
and Max can't do that alone. Nor should he.
Max is perfectly right in moving along, given what he knows
and the way Liz has acted toward him.
Reggie: you are breaking my heart!! However, I have to
admit you are right! I actually think that Max is finally
starting to show some initiative (not the kind I like) but
maybe this is the start of his road to leadership.
I do agree with you all that Liz is an elemental component
in his ability to be a great leader.
| |
By StarBox
10:05 PM |
Nemo - I love the signs :-) I think it definately fits with
the "one of these podsters is NOT like the others" theories
Silver Dreamcatcher - we have looked at the meaning so f
the names before :-) - Personally I think that the names of
the original characters from the books may not have as much
significance in terms of Roswell the show as the names of NEW
characters. I find the Tess/Ava link very interesting. An
alternate meaning of Ava is also SERPENT. However, I am not
ready to speculate on much regarding the dupes yet - because I
feel like MITC is going to reveal some new info about their
true identities. In the screencap from the promo - for example
- you see two pods on a wall connected by iron "C"'s.
Obviously - there are at least TWO "extra" podsters in
addition to the eight (or seven if you take the leaky pod into
account) pods that were in "four square" formations/ pod
As for the young Liz picture - someone asked what my
speculation was. I dont really know because I dont have a way
to watch the whole sequence - but I am wondering if maybe
young Liz was at GC's house - could the egg behind her be a
"pod" of some sort???? For those of us that think GC may have
ended up with the leaky pod??? We know the pods were still
around even after they "hatched". If you look at the screencap
- young Liz looks like she is looking AT Max - like she
recognizes him and its almost like she is showing him
something...... I dont know - I am just leaning to the idea
that this particular flash had a deeper significance. The
other flashes Max had of Liz as a child did - when she
"recognized him" - and wearing the cupcake dress (which showed
her noble character - that she would rather sacrifice her own
desire, happiness in order to protect someone she loved - in
this case as a child wearing an embarrassing dress to protect
her mother's feelings)
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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By HyperKitN
10:06 PM |
Well don't they say that for every great man stands a greater
woman, hehehe
On the last thread I had posted about the dupes being
decoys to through off the bad dudes. So I agree w/what other
are saying especially in the case of the Granilith. If the pod
squad were the defectives the other aliens would not have
intrusted them w/the granilith and Harding/Nasedo/TicTac
etc... would not have been watching put for the podsters.
Also if the Nicholas' skins had found the Royal Four, how
come the NYpodsters were contacted for the summit? Had
Nicholas not told the others about them. I was just thinking
this cause the timeline for everything that has been happening
these dayz are just dayz apart. --In Harvest Grier says
that the Royal 4 came to them instead of them finding them.
But the NYpodsters were already known since they had received
this message more then once. I realize this could have been to
protect the real podsquad. so was there a underlined reason
for Nicholas not telling this counsel or whatever they are
called? Does all this really have to do w/Vilandra?
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By RW |
10:11 PM |
You guys having been doing a great job. a lot of interesting
I just watched MTD today, so here are my comments.
So was Lonnie telling the truth when she said that M/I/M
where the defective pod? Of course she probably was lying for
many reasons: 1. well, MOST everthing else out of their
mouths where lies. 2. Why did M/I/M have the granolith, not
the NYers. 3. M/I/M have so much interest in them from
other aliens, both protecters and enemies. 4. Lonnie had an
obviouse contempt for the Roswellians, thus she would say
things just to hurt them.
Heres the problem.... there are almost as many reasons that
she could be telling the truth and ( disgusted sigh) half of
them are almost the exact same facts.
1. Lonnie DID obviously know about Vilandra and at least
told the truth about that if nothing else. 2. The NYers
sure do seem to remember a lot more than the
Roswellians. 3. If the Roswellians are the defective pod
and are there for the purpose of being decoys for the enemy,
then they sure are doing a good job! They've been practicelly
smothered with shapeshifters, skins and FBI agents. I got the
impression that the NYers weren't having to deal with such
things. (I mean, good greif, they were walking around with
that foursquere symbol tattood on their arms for everyone to
see!) 4. The NYers got the invite to the Summit. Not the
Roswellians. 5. Lonnies observation was very true. The
Roswellians ARE a lot more human than the NYers. 6. The
NYers sure do act more like what I would expect Vilondra and
Co. would act like, judging from what all we have heard about
them so far.
Of course this all revolves aroun whether the NYers where
really the other pod, which I believe was true. Otherwise, we
wouldn't see the scene in NT about Zane getting killed.
I also think it makes since that Tess and Ava could have
been switched. Their personalities sure did not match their
respective pods. However, I'm not sure that the writers are
going to kill Tess off. They may just have for Ava what they
had in store for Courtney, an underdog with a heroic death. I
do believe that it is very important that Ava stayed behind. I
agree with a lot of others that she will probably tell Liz or
Michael or Isabel (my money's on Liz, Ava probably would
expect M and I to react the same way L and R would if she told
them unpleasant news) about what really happend to Zane. As
for why she didn't do anything when Zane was killed, I just
thought that it had all happend so fast that she didn't have
time to react. I know when something catches me by suprise, I
kinda go into shock for a minute.
I'm not even going to comment on the M/L situation because
it frustrates me to much!
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By RW |
10:24 PM |
Sorry about posting again after such a long post, but I got so
carried away that I forgot to mention the reason why I posted
the whole thing about which pod is defective, if there is a
defective pod at all.
Any way, I think it would be interesting if it turned out
that Max and co. where the defective pod. If all the NYers are
killed off ( which I have not doubt will happen, not saying
whether I like them one way or another), then that would put
Max etc. in the position to have to save people who thought
them defective. That kinda parallels with a child trying to
win the approval of a stoic or unapproving parent. After all,
this show was originally base on the metaphor of teen
Besides, I've always loved rooting for the underdog. Guess
that's part of the reasons Liz is one of my favorite
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shapeshifter |
11:06 PM |
Great post, WR! I was just re-reading "Vanessa Whittaker's
journal" at It IS on the WB site, so it
should be legitimate. The only possible blooper it contained
was that CW didn't know about Liz until after she was "hired"
as an intern. I got the impression that CW had saught her out,
and anyway, we know that Pierce knew about Liz in WR before
Nasedo took Pierce's identity. I suppose Piercedo could have
destroyed the Liz files before CW saw then, but given the
blood on the uniform that led to Agent Stephen's involvement
and ultimate death, it seems unlikely that CW would not have
known all about it.
So, if the silveHP is legit, it's got bloopers. And if its
got bloopers, then how accurate would it be for our theories?
But just for the record, if it's supposed to be true (if
Katims endorses it), then I got the impression the Skins only
came here to get the granolith and then use it to go home and
rule Twilo/Antar. Meanwhile, Max's people tried to time it so
the podsters would emerge as the Skins died. I'm not ready to
think Dupes here. Maybe tomorrow.
| |
By Nemo |
11:45 PM |
quote:Originally posted by azcat: do you put up a
picture on a message?
Posting images: 1. Find the location of the image as
follows: Go to the image and right-click on it. On the menu
that appears, choose "copy image location." (Or whatever is
equivalent, on your browser. You may have to look under
"Properties" for the location. Copy it.) 2. Paste this
location onto your message. Add [ img ] before it and [ / img
] after it, except omit the spaces that I used in this
illustration. Then it should be ready to post.
Other things worth noticing: 1. The gallery of images
available via the Images button on the Episodes page. 2.
The "Reply with Quote" icon (last icon on the right, in the
string of icons above every post). Even if you're not going to
quote someone's post, this will show you what they typed in,
so you can learn from their example. (Just be careful to quit
the editor without hitting the Submit button.)
| |
By Tasyfa |
01:07 AM |
quote:Originally posted by shaiwon72: i don't believe
lonnie when she said the our podsters were the defective ones.
the podsters are the original one and the dupes are the decoy,
should something happen to the originals. why else would the
podsters have the granolith and not the dupes?
the parkers could be the ones that holds the key to operate
the granolith, and it's in safe keeping. w/ that, the
granolith could have been transported to the chamber and kept
the original here. do maybe draw attention away from the
podsters, the dupes were sent to the other side of the
continent. where else could you get all the exposure but ny?
they are making themselves known and the podsters are secluded
in roswell. the podsters being in roswell, keeps them in close
distance to the granolith and to liz, the fifth element. the
key to the granolith was probably passed down to generation to
generation and i think presently, liz has it.
just rambling.
Well, then keep rambling! The fact that the podsquad have
the granolith--not the dupes--is the best argument I've heard
for which set is the "correct" one.
This is the first time I've lurked at this thread--I've
only been posting for 2 weeks--but it's GREAT! There are so
many wonderful questions and theories. I'll definitely come
back--hopefully with more to contribute!
| |
By Tasyfa |
01:25 AM |
quote:Originally posted by azcat: One other thing I noticed
in MTD:
Right after Rath and Zan have the argument, Rath and Lonnie
exchange a look. Tess catches it and looks from one to the
other, nervously.
It was like they had it worked out before-hand. This
doesn't answer any questions, just makes more. But I am sure
that I saw it.
I noticed it, too--it was obvious enough that I saw it the
first time I watched MTD! It looked like Rath & Lonnie had
an agreement in place and were just watching for an opportune
moment. And Ava definitely understood it. Maybe that's because
she's seen them hunt together before, though--I get the
feeling that the four of them survived in the big apple by
being predators.
I think that Ava will turn to Liz in MITC, telling her what
Rath & Lonnie did. She seemed to look at Max kind of
longingly--I think he noticed it, that's why when he
introduced himself it was kind of directed at her. She's
evidently distressed by Zan's murder, and by the possibility
of Max's death.
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By ~* Mimi *~
09:42 AM |
Hello every one I havent posted in awhile....I wonder what
happened with the dreamers and candyclanners and stargazers
unite thread..hmmmmmm......
Anyways I hope you all read the sypnosis on Max In The
City. I wont tell you about it out of respect but I do urge
you to read it. If you wanna know if it is good or bad and
dont want to read the sypnosis the pm me and I will either or
:frown: when I reply or if it is a mixture of both I will but
other than that I suggest you read the sypnosis.
I am glad to be a Mythologist cuase now I can express my
feelings and maybe not be gunned down by over doing my theory.
I still though strongly think Tess and Liz could be the same
person and as Shapeshifter said " They do repersent both
sides of Max's perfect partner" I am glad to be backed up by
StephStephSteph and Shapeshifter on my theroy thank you very
Now I hope we will come at peace with the truth and not be
shaken up anymore.
Yet if Liz told Max about the Kyle situation , and she did
change the future and if you guys think Max will love Liz more
for this what if Max and Liz slept together? Then I mean
wouldnt things take a turn for the worst. I mean by all means
I think Max and Liz belong together but they need Tess to
survive and....oh I am getting ahead pf myself...I will stop
and think about it first then post it .
Bai Bai
dreamer, stargazer,candy ,mythologist eating
StraBEHRyAPPLEsuace lover
| |
shapeshifter |
10:39 AM |
quote:Originally posted by ~* Mimi *~: ...I am glad to be a
Mythologist cuase now I can express my feelings and maybe not
be gunned down by over doing my theory...Definitely no gunning
down allowed unless Max is sitting at the next table ready to
jump up and heal the victim quote:...if Max and Liz slept
together...wouldnt things take a turn for the worst. I mean by
all means I think Max and Liz belong together but they need
Tess to survive and.... In TEOTW the reason FM gave for the
"cementing" being bad was (as you say) that Tess was alienated
(pun ) and left town, taking her necessary powers with her.
However, additionally, I think the WB writers have
consistantly (unlike fanfic writers) maintained a high moral
standard on teen sexuality, inspite of eps like our beloved
***sigh*** SH. Recall in SH that they had to face their
parents (and Maria ). And, by following their urges, they
uncovered the orb which ultimately led to alerting the enemy
aliens to their location (consequences of sexual involvement
Roswell-style, young people take note: it's not much different
in the real world). But I also suspect that as soon as the
writers make Max & Liz 18 years old (legal age to have sex
in U.S.), things could change. But then again, recall from
TEOTW that they were 19 when they got married and that this is
considered "way to young."
| |
flashgordon9 |
11:03 AM |
I think that the biggest problem was just that Tess left. I
think Liz is much more important to the pod squad than what
people realize yet and that will come out anytime soon! I also
think that all they have to do is get Tess with Kyle or
somebody and she'll stay! I jsut really think that things need
to get better between Max and Liz because this is just hurting
them and nothing is improving.
| |
bluecornmoon |
11:32 AM |
Reggie: Regarding your post of page 4: "In the Tess/Max/Liz
thing, Max was interested in maintaining the romance with Liz.
All Liz had to do was go along with Max."
I don't
believe this is true. Liz did not have to just "go along with
Max. Her integrity, her entire being had to revel against what
she saw and knew. She saw Max/Tess kissing with her own two
eyes (any parallels here?), she heard Mom say they had been a
couple, the entire Universe is against their union, he is a
king of entire planets. She is the smallest of small town
girls. Let's not forget she is also fighting the feelings of
inadequacy we know she has. (Max Evans? This? No, Maria, no!).
Maybe you don't think so but Liz had to surpass a lot of
obstacles within and out of herself in order to accept Max
again! It wasn't a simple… all she had to do was go along with
"In the Max/Liz/Kyle thing, Liz has made it plain
that she does NOT want to maintain the romance with Max. It
takes two, and Max can't do that alone. Nor should he."
We all are on Max's side. But…. he saw her with his own two
eyes. He has to accept it but he can't. He has doubts because
he loves her and wants her back. Max has a big problem,
doesn't he? On one hand his love doesn't want him and has hurt
him badly. On the other, he needs her and loves her. He cannot
listen to his heart because it is warring with his brain. It's
true that right now, the only road to take is Tess', because
hers is not the last wound or the deepest (remember the mind
rape last year? And the subterfuge? And the lying?). But
that's not what we are studying here, is it? Max is
unbalanced. Completely. And until he changes this, he won't be
able to look at this in perspective and he will continue
making the same mistakes that took him to NY this week. And I
still maintain that the only way for this to correct itself is
for him to think about it, know that whatever she did, she
must have had a reason, because otherwise, the "going back
together" will not be real. There'll always be doubts in the
other's mind if he only takes her back because he knows the
truth. In order for this reunion to be true, real, definite,
he has to find out the truth after they are back together
again. Rozbrite said he'll only be a true leader when he
trusts his instincts and he listens to his heart. Liz is his
heart and his balance. Only when he has her back in his life
will he be able to choose the right path in whatever life has
in store for him.
Tasyfa: I would like to hear more re your theory of the
Parkers being the keepers of the Granolith key! I think it'll
be a joint "knowledge" of Max and Liz and it'll be somewhere
in the pod chamber or in Liz's orb (let me duck as QFanny will
jump into the fray now - I said the magic word :lol.
| |
bluecornmoon |
11:42 AM |
Mimi: you would like Max and Liz to cement their relationship.
Well, I think all of us would too, but you have to remember
what Future Max said. If they do, they will stop whatever
"growing", "awakening" Liz has to do. It seemed to me that
they had stopped their individual and conjoint development
and, in the end, all of them suffered for it. I think that, by
following this timeline, if they wait, they'll learn things
the Future Max and Future Liz we met in "The End of the World"
didn't even dream about! And they will be powerful
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By Palomino
11:53 AM |
Hi again, I have returned to the Liz thread now that I have
more time.
About Tess leaving Roswell. We saw that Tess was not well
treated by Max until after he saw Liz and Kyle together. She
was ready to leave because she felt unaccepted and unwanted.
Now she and Max are at least friends, and she has gained
acceptance. The future has already been changed because Tess
has stayed longer. If Max had not been hurt by seeing the L/K
thing, he may not have made the same decision about going to
Copper Summit, and the skins may have gained the upper hand by
getting their new skins. Tess has helped to fight the skins
both in CS and Roswell, as well as accompany Max to New York
for the summit meeting. The future has been changed, but
enough? Even if Max and Liz did get back together, Max could
handle it in such a way that Tess could still feel like she
was wanted and part of the team.
Going back to TEOTW,If Max was showing gray at 31, then the
podsters are not aging slower than humans. There is an awful
lot to do in such a short lifetime, and still get to rule. It
makes me wonder if they are going to have new bodies when they
return home. Have pure alien bodies been cloned for them to
transfer into? When they hit 35 or 40, do they go spin a
cocoon and metamorphosize into an alien that has a "normal"
lifespan? I have this sad scene in my head of Alien Max
reaching out silently with long silver fingers to an unsure
Liz, as an SSer yells "All aboard" from the ramp of a
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By RoswellMoe
12:36 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Palomino: I have this sad scene
in my head of Alien Max reaching out silently with long silver
fingers to an unsure Liz, as an SSer yells "All aboard" from
the ramp of a spaceship.
I'd be happy if an alien Liz reached back.
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By Qfanny |
01:13 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Palomino: It makes me wonder if
they are going to have new bodies when they return home. Have
pure alien bodies been cloned for them to transfer into? When
they hit 35 or 40, do they go spin a cocoon and metamorphosize
into an alien that has a "normal" lifespan? Well, if I
recall Balanced (and I have finally seen it) Michael was in
some sort of a cocoon-spidery-web like crust. I wonder if
something like that happened.
The fact the Liz found her own path to Michael's healing
without the stones seems to suggest that Liz is *important*
beyond the terms of normal. I think at this time she and
Michael were still having some trust issues... Which I think
finally got resolved after this healing.
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By HyperKitN
02:00 PM |
Maybe the key is not only Max and Liz being together and
trusting each other, but all the podsters to except Liz. It
seems to me that the only ones who truly except Liz are Max
and Michael. Isabel and Tess (especially Tess) still have
harbored feelings about Max letting Liz know about them. She
tells him in the Surprise. I know that as friends and
acquaintences she is excepted, but if she is one of them or is
a 5th element type of thing she needs to be completely
accepted. Sorta like what Palomino says about Tess. Max
doesn't need to be w/her, but be able to be close enough to
maintain a stable relationship insuring that she stays.
I hope that if Ava tells Liz and Liz tells the others about
Zan and Max that they go after him and recement their bonds.
Right now he is probably feeling like everyone is betraying
him except Tess which ultimatly might be a bad idea since she
can go freaky w/her powers.
I was wondering if anyone thought that Nasedo first found
the Dupes then realized they were not the right ones. First
because they had Ava, but secondly because they were not in
the right frame of mind.That could be why he took so long to
confront the pod squad (if he was TicTac after all). They
kinda were under going many tests before he really let them
know who he was. Finally w/the whole orb thing the watcher
seemed satisfide(sp).
Which also points out that the Roswellians not only have
the Granilith, but the healing stones and the orbs.
| |
By nermal |
02:19 PM |
The last time Max and Liz reunited they activated the orbs. Or
the orbs activated them.
Makes me wonder what will happen they next time they
reconnect romantically.
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kristine888 |
03:22 PM |
Ok, In Meet the Dupes, when Lonnie was at the museum, and saw
Max for the first time, she said "Yeah, that's Zan alright.
Zan with an even bigger stick up his ass than when his bitch
left." She said this BEFORE she had spoken to any of the
podsters, and did not know at that point that Liz and Max had
broken up. I think that "the bitch" she is referring to is an
"ex" of Zan's. She was not talking about Max and Liz. So,
there is a girl that broke up with Zan, and judging by
Lonnie's comment, probably broke his heart. Do you think a
"future Zan" caused that breakup as well?
| |
By StarBox
03:40 PM |
quote:Originally posted by kristine888: Ok, In Meet the
Dupes, when Lonnie was at the museum, and saw Max for the
first time, she said "Yeah, that's Zan alright. Zan with an
even bigger stick up his ass than when his bitch left."
She said this BEFORE she had spoken to any of the
podsters, and did not know at that point that Liz and Max had
broken up. I think that "the bitch" she is referring to is an
"ex" of Zan's. She was not talking about Max and Liz. So,
there is a girl that broke up with Zan, and judging by
Lonnie's comment, probably broke his heart. Do you think a
"future Zan" caused that breakup as well?
Kristine - the actual quote is NO WONDER his bitch left
him. Zan did not have a "woman" - they are talking about Max
and Liz.
And now - a public service announcement for the
unspoiled. IF you do NOT normally videotape your Roswell
episodes - you will WANT TO TAPE MAX IN THE CITY. Just a
little warning to ya - there *might* be some huge implications
in terms of Liz mythology *hint* *hint* so go buy a video tape
and program your VCR *hint* *hint*
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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By makoto14
04:15 PM |
Yow! You are all off and running! It definitely pays to
read everyday!
I am all over the idea that Max had to be with Liz, so that
the race could evolve to a higher being...!!
Forgive me, I am going to attempt to comment based on my
memory of MTD...
Did Zan say something to the effect of .."they don't want
no. 2; they want the Royal Four.." ? Was he refering to Rath
as No. 2 or the NY Dupes as no.2?
I can't help feeling that Ava and Tess were switched at
birth (or something...)The symbol on her ring -- the backward
"C" thing..was it you Reggie, that mentioned it seemed sort of
molecular? Like twins being split or something.In the few
moments at the beginning of MTD, it just didn't seem that Ava
and Zan were "together," in the Mom-o-gram sort of way. If the
NY Dupes are part of the plan, would they have received a
momovision as well?
And why did it just "it has begun" when our favorite
Podsters hit the stones? As it appears that the NY Dupes seem
to know so much more about their past lives, did they know
better not to contact home? But then what is the significance
of the message from mom, in light of what has happened now?
Someone knows how to reach the Dupes without their having to
"phone home." (sorry!)
I was never sure about how I felt about Tess, but now it
seems Tess is really part of some other grand scheme; the
signal from other parts of the country, possibly Roswell,
wasn't from Nicholas, but from Tess. Is she is giving insight
to the Dupes or her race? Was Ava was supposed to be with our
Podsters but was the "good twin" and replaced with Tess???
Ugh! I'm sorry...I'm rambling! :frown:
Any thoughts? Am I WAAAYY off base?
I still believe Liz is human!
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By Reggie |
04:17 PM |
quote:Originally posted by bluecornmoon: Reggie: Regarding
your post of page 4: "In the Tess/Max/Liz thing, Max was
interested in maintaining the romance with Liz. All Liz had to
do was go along with Max."
I don't believe this is
true. (...) Maybe you don't think so but Liz had to surpass a
lot of obstacles within and out of herself in order to accept
Max again! It wasn't a simple… all she had to do was go along
with Max!
Yes, but my point, as you yourself put it: "in order to
accept Max again". Max was offering himself to her. In the
Kyle/Liz/Max thing, Liz is most emphatically not offering
herself to Max. Max can't "accept" what isn't
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By HyperKitN
04:36 PM |
Makoto I noticed what Zan said also. I think he was refering
to themselves and #2 and that is why he didn't want to bother
w/it. But Rath having some of Michael's hard head wants to go
and find things out for himself.
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By Reggie |
04:39 PM |
quote:Originally posted by makoto14: Forgive me, I am going
to attempt to comment based on my memory of MTD...
Did Zan say something to the effect of .."they don't want
no. 2; they want the Royal Four.." ? Was he refering to Rath
as No. 2 or the NY Dupes as no.2?
I can't help feeling that Ava and Tess were switched at
birth (or something...)The symbol on her ring -- the backward
"C" thing..was it you Reggie, that mentioned it seemed sort of
molecular? (...)
Any thoughts? Am I WAAAYY off base?
No, that wasn't
me about the ring. As for being "off base", I heartily
recomend Starbox's advice. If you watch the tape, you'll get
some answers to your questions; slo-mo and freeze frame are
your friends.
Believe me when I tell you that there really will be things
you will want to look at, and hear again, in Max in the City.
(I've seen it, twice.)
| |
By Zero |
04:44 PM |
Hi All! Looks like you are all having some wonderful
discussions while I'm out-of-town! I wish I could rewatch the
episode, but that has to wait until I get home Monday.
My theory is that the podsters are the more "human"
creations, but whether this makes them the "defective" ones is
a matter of opinion. Why use human DNA and send them to Earth
if there wasn't a benefit to being human.
My question - who has been looking over and filling in the
Dupes all these years? They sure know a lot!! Could Tic Tac
have been their contact, and that is why he has only made
limited contact with the podsters? I agree with whoever said
they will be VERY DISAPPOINTED if M&T don't pump Lonnie
and Rath for information on the long drive to NY!!
Spent the day at the Getty Museum and stumbled on this
little tidbit of information. Selena was the Goddess of the
Moon! Ummmmm ....
Well, got to go have dinner with the In-Laws! Hope everyone
is enjoying the holiday weekend! Welcome to alllllllll the
newbies!! AND A BIG THANK YOU TO QFANNY who started this
thread in my absence!! :0
Zero I Shall Believe!!
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By Willow42
05:51 PM |
Hey again. I really should keep up cause i just love this
Starbox-thanx for the subtle hint that we should tape Max
In the City. lol. I was wondering if i should but now i
definitely will
I know the whole Liz as Venus thing is probably very old
plus I am sorry for possibly repeating things. I came across
something in the Sci-fi in Meet the Dupes thread. A post by
shapeshifter quoted the scene with Max and Liz in 4square.
"LIZ: Oh, wow, it’s Venus. When it’s in the right place in
the sky, it completes the V shape. It started moving into this
formation after the last full moon. MAX: About the time
that Tess showed up."
Ergh I don't like what it implies but I needed to hear
people's thoughts on this. Sorry again if it's already
been brought up
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By makoto14
05:56 PM |
Thanks for the heads up, Reggie!
As I am relatively new to all of this, where are you that
you can see next week's episode twice?
I throw out questions as a way of thinking out loud...sorry
if it is old news..!
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By WR |
05:56 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Qfanny:
The fact the Liz
found her own path to Michael's healing without the stones
seems to suggest that Liz is *important* beyond the terms of
normal. I think at this time she and Michael were still having
some trust issues... Which I think finally got resolved after
this healing.
But Liz does have a stone in this ep. Michael takes it back
from her after he is healed.
OK, I have something new, discovered during a family trip
to a museum. It was a display of Romany Gypsey life, history,
etc, In the section for their legendary 'future' reading
abilities, there was a ceramic hand, marked with the 'lines'
etc, and printed with aspects that rule a particular part of
the hand. Naturally, related to the Zodiac, these are
predominantly named after Planets. Printed, quite boldly, over
the heel of the hand (Is that what you call the fleshy part at
the base of the thumb? And is that the part Max pressed to
Liz's gunshot wound?) is the word "VENUS". Well, I liked it.
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By StarBox
06:23 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Willow42:
"LIZ: Oh, wow, it’s Venus. When it’s in the right place in
the sky, it completes the V shape. It started moving into this
formation after the last full moon. MAX: About the time
that Tess showed up."
Ergh I don't like what it implies but I needed to hear
people's thoughts on this. Sorry again if it's already
been brought up[/B]
Willow - I have a little "pet" theory that Liz/Max's
physical attraction is tied to the movement of Venus. Someone
pointed out that the distance between Sexual Healing and the
night Max and Liz would have made love corresponds exactaly
with the orbit of Venus. Tess showed up RIGHT after Sexual
Healing. My impression of this is that Max is connecting Venus
(wrongly) with Tess and not with he and Liz increasing their
intimacy/finding the orb in the desert. Although I do think
that Tess showing up just as Max and Liz were approaching
intimacy was not an accident.....
As for how Reggie can see the episodes twice - I am
assuming he has a satellite dish. Roswell is aired on
satellite feed to the WB affiliate stations in the wee hours
of Saturday mornings. For those of you who want to be
"spoiled" a few days early - there is a detailed synopsis of
the new episodes posted on the spoiler board - just remember
BOARD!!! - Try not to even HINT about it - Monday is not long
away and we can discuss our hearts out then!! :-) :-)
**StarBox** dreamer. mythologist "Liz..I just want
you to know...I have meditated about this situation...and I am
at peace."
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By Babie
Rachie |
06:25 PM |
I belive strongly in the idea of the 'V' and Venus being
important. We seem to link Liz and Venus, and so I believe
that TPTB are trying to show us that they too belive that Liz
is important. This symbol shows up so many time, and we are
still learning more about Venus and linking to the aliens
(note the post above about the hand). I believe that they are
going to use all this Venus and the "V" stuff to link Liz. I
believe that this is one of the best ways for TPTB to write
Liz into Max's destiny. Isn't there a quote or something that
goes "Our destiny is written in the stars?". Well look at the
stars people. They're saying, "Move over Tess ! Liz is coming
in to take her place beside Max - shining much brighted than
| |
shapeshifter |
07:52 PM |
Zero, at least you check in on us more often than Mommogram.
quote:Originally posted by Zero: ...the podsters are
the more "human" creations, but whether this makes them the
"defective" ones is a matter of opinion. Why use human DNA and
send them to Earth if there wasn't a benefit to being
human.With the eps about the Skins we can assume the human
element was just for physical survival on Earth. But Michael's
line from SH continues to echo: Maybe that's how we find out
about ourselves--by connecting with humans. quote:...My
question - who has been looking over and filling in the Dupes
all these years? They sure know a lot!! Could Tic Tac have
been their contact, and that is why he has only made limited
contact with the podsters?... While you've been gone, Zero, a
quote from the WB's Season 1 Primer seems to have laid TicTac
to rest with Nasedo. But as someone else on the SciFi thread
has pointed out, maybe the NYers just "remember" all that
stuff because they're less human. And this would give evidence
to the Tess/Ava switch idea, which would definitely influence
the Max/Liz relationship.
| |
By Willow42
08:52 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: Willow - I have a
little "pet" theory that Liz/Max's physical attraction is tied
to the movement of Venus. Someone pointed out that the
distance between Sexual Healing and the night Max and Liz
would have made love corresponds exactaly with the orbit of
Venus. Tess showed up RIGHT after Sexual Healing. My
impression of this is that Max is connecting Venus (wrongly)
with Tess and not with he and Liz increasing their
intimacy/finding the orb in the desert.
Starbox- I like the way you think. That makes me feel much
better. I too think Liz plays an important part. Wait-of
course I do that's why I go to this thread! So when can I
expect Sexual Healing2? Okay getting off track... I don't have
any theory or insight to offer now but hopefully Monday will
give me something to ponder on.
| |
By Reggie |
09:52 PM |
quote:Originally posted by makoto14: Thanks for the heads
up, Reggie!
As I am relatively new to all of this, where are you that
you can see next week's episode twice? My sibling,
Palomino, has a friend with a "big" satelite dish. The friend
can pick up the (Fox!) network feed at 3:30 AM Sat. morn., and
tape it for us to watch Sat. afternoon, when I get home from
work. No commercials, and no "scenes from next week". We
watched it twice this afternoon, and again this evening. No
spoilers, but we do suggest taping it.
This is your brain: This is your brain on spoilers:
Any questions?
| |
By StarBox
06:17 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Willow42: Starbox- I like the
way you think. That makes me feel much better. I too think Liz
plays an important part. Wait-of course I do that's why I go
to this thread! So when can I expect Sexual Healing2? Okay
getting off track... I don't have any theory or insight to
offer now but hopefully Monday will give me something to
ponder on.
I think the next alignment of venus is on June 12th or
something - so - if this theory is correct the writers *might*
fiddle with time constraints slightly and let it be the season
finale (I also think that when Liz and max "connsumate" that
she will go through some type of physical change (that we saw
started in SH). BUT - if the show is renewed - they may just
ship one of the two away for the summer - thus keeping them
apart until "next time". I dont know - how willing are
TPTB to show us someone losing the "V" card?? Personally - I
dont think its a problem for them - the WB doesnt shy away
from sexualtiy on its other teen shows - and JK certainly did
not shy away from it on MSCL or Relativity.
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
"Liz..I just want you to know..I have mediatited on this
situation..and I am at peace."
| |
By GraceKel
08:54 AM |
Hello to my fellow RBIer's
Starbox I find it uncanny about the VENUS revolutions 245
day cycle and our SEXUAL OUTBREAKS LOL!!!!
Shapeshifter--I just wanted to let you know I went back and
looked at the scene from SKIN and BONES with the boy on the
bike when we first saw Max come up to Liz for the first time
since DESTINY and you asked was that NIKOLAS???? Well I think
the implication is there, or at least that this might be the
same boy who was at the end of WIPEOUT---Again IMPLIED but not
sure. One thing I did notice in GRACEKEL MODE is that LIZ
watches this biker go behind MAX so it seems we are suppose to
notice this but also what looks like a cigarette????? is
tossed right in front of Max---blooper? does it mean
something? I don't know LOL. I know you have been waiting for
someone to check this.
QFANNY---as for your theory about Max and Michael being the
shooters well if you were talking about the DUPE
does I must admit sound very much like a MICHAEL line.
| |
shapeshifter |
09:29 AM |
Thanks, GraceKel! Now, if only someone can recognize the
poster on Max's bedroom door in MTD.
The real problem with either of the Max's or Michael's
being the shooters is that podsters don't shapeshift. Lately
I'm going for it being either shapeshifters (who are either
among us or who granolith in for the occasion), or
Skins--maybe Michael Worshippers (if that wasn't a line of
c**p) or some other faction. Either way, I like the idea of it
being modeled on the Woodsman who was supposed to cut out Snow
White's heart but couldn't bring himself to do it, or, to be
more literary about it (with my daughter's help), Hecuba
abandoning Paris of Troy instead of killing him because his
mother had a vision of everything going up in flames when she
was pregnant with him (too much Tobasco sauce before bed in
ancient times? ). Of course all of this would fit better on
BehrAll's new thread at Representations &Interpretations
6: A New Era.
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By GraceKel
10:31 AM |
Shapeshifter are you POSITIVE that PODSTERS cannot SHAPESHIFT?
Are we sure of anything? I mean they have so little
information about ANYTHING LOL!!!!
Are you basing it on what Tess told Max in M2TM because he
doesn't have a human body like we do he needs to hide what he
really looks like--is this the proof? If this is the proof
then the jury is still out for me because Tess has not been
proven trustworthy yet to me or are you basing it on that
Lonnie and Rath appeared to only change parts of themselves to
look like Isabel and Michael? I guess this could be considered
proof or it could be just simply not fully revealing YET what
they are capable of I think I am still just not sure.
| |
By Qfanny |
11:07 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Reggie: No spoilers, but we do
suggest taping it.
This is your brain: This is your brain on spoilers:
Any questions? Telling me to tape Roswell is akin to
telling me don't forget, the Earth is round, the sun rises in
the east and my head is attached to the rest of my body. I
don't think I could forget to tape Roswell anymore than I can
forget my name. Glad to hear it's a good episode.
I hope that means heavy Liz stuff.
| |
By Qfanny |
11:16 AM |
quote:Originally posted by GraceKel: QFANNY---as for your
theory about Max and Michael being the shooters well if you
were talking about the DUPE VERSIONS----MAYBE I COULD SEE IT
THEN. "NO GET OUT OF HERE" does I must admit sound very much
like a MICHAEL line. LOL!!!! I hadn't considered that the
shooters could be DUPE MAX and DUPE MICHAEL. But I like it, it
makes things way more complex.. To be true...
Dupe Max and Michael shapeshifted, then time traveled (via
the granolith) to shoot Liz (We got to get rid of her
--meaning Liz this time). Why, becauce Liz is the protector of
the granolith, stops Max from following Destiny, who knows????
To be true, Dupe Max and Dupe Michael would have had to
know these items... 1) Locations of granolith 2) Max was
in love with Liz 3) Liz is key to the alien's
survival 4) Dupe Max & Dupe Michael had to do this
sometime before the events of TEOTW.
Again, the biggest problem with the whole idea is the
timing, but because our beloved writers are not worried with
such a small matter of chronological consistancy, why should
What do you think BCM?
| |
By Qfanny |
11:22 AM |
quote:Originally posted by GraceKel: [B]Shapeshifter are
you POSITIVE that PODSTERS cannot SHAPESHIFT? Are we sure of
anything? I mean they have so little information about
ANYTHING LOL!!!![B] I think that the podsters can
manipulate their own bodies as much as they want. Michael
changed his fingerprints, and as far as I know, fingerprints
are determined by genetic code. What the podsters cannot do is
shapeshift into a coyote or a wall like we think TicTac and
Harding may have done. Just because they are "tied" to a human
body, doesn't mean they cannot manipulate it. It hasn't be
very well explained, the writers may not even see that the
term "manipulation of molecular structures" and
"shapeshifting" has been used in leau of on another.
Shapeshifting to me, is actually changing one's shape. Going
from a square to a circle. That's shapeshifting. What the
podsters can do is go from an equalaterial triangle to an
isoceles to an acute triangle. They are not changing shapes,
just how they look.
| |
katherinevu |
12:42 PM |
Hi, just want to say hi I love this thread, anyway, great
summary about Liz's importance, maxcedo. Anyway, thanks for
all of you theories, so many of got all these cool theories
and I agreed with you but some. But that's ok, I still believe
Liz is important to Max and to the aliens. She's there for a
reason, in SH I was like, why would she see flashes of the
crash while Max didn't? This thread is just too cool. I just
hope that the truth will come out soon and truth is depends on
the writers.
| |
By maxcedo
12:48 PM |
quote:Originally posted by katherinevu: Hi, just want to
say hi I love this thread, anyway, great summary about Liz's
importance, maxcedo.
Actually, the summary is written by Zero: I had the
pleasure of posting it when the time came! Nice to see another
new member join the Roswell Bureau of Investigation, or the
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By azcat |
12:54 PM |
Nemo, thanks for your help re: my questions.
| |
By Nemo |
01:07 PM |
azcat, you're welcome. The answer was still on my computer
from when someone else asked -- only days ago, it seems, but
already two threads back. How fast this one moves!
| |
By Qfanny |
01:20 PM |
Over on Ros2 are some transcripts to the JK commentary:
Here is the link:
| |
By azcat |
01:37 PM |
Oh my gosh. Has anyone seen the trailer on the WB for MITC?
Okay, maybe this is old news and I haven't heard about it, but
I thought it was really cool. Go to this address:, and go to the trailer.
Go through it till you come to the end, where Tess and Max are
looking out, I'm guessing, from the Empire State Building, and
slow it down with the forward, backward buttons, and watch the
formation of the letters for the word "Roswell." Also, note
what it is that forms when the light is shown through... Max's
head (?).
Nemo, I went there to look for the Images you mentioned. It
must have been the wrong place. Which site are they on?
| |
By azcat |
01:40 PM |
Sorry, one other thing. On that same page, under Roswell, it
states, "Max walks right into a trap in New York City."
| |
By Mavonne
01:43 PM |
quote:Originally posted by maxcedo: Welcome to the 18th
thread of the continuing discussion of "Liz's Importance to
the Alien Mythology." We have been dissecting all the Roswell
episodes, one by one, finding "clues" to Liz's importance to
the Alien Mythology and other relevant topics - and there are
a lot of them! Shapeshifter and Qfanny have graciously agreed
to set up a single link to the former threads that are
available to read. The link will be
The following is a summary (sorry it is so long!) of some
of the thoughts and theories that have been expressed on the
previous threads. I try to incorporate new theories as we move
through Season 2 and new clues are unveiled, however, not all
theories are covered in-depth. Our basic thesis is that LIZ IS
I've been meaning to "get into" this interesting thread for
a while. I see I have a lot of catching up to do, and I'll
probably lurk most of the time. I've just printed Maxcedo's 8
page intro! Well, that's okay. It means you all are serious.
| |
By Zero |
01:50 PM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter: ...With the eps
about the Skins we can assume the human element was just for
physical survival on Earth. But Michael's line from SH
continues to echo: Maybe that's how we find out about
ourselves--by connecting with humans. ... While you've
been gone, Zero, a quote from the WB's Season 1 Primer seems
to have laid TicTac to rest with Nasedo. But as someone else
on the SciFi thread has pointed out, maybe the NYers just
"remember" all that stuff because they're less human. And this
would give evidence to the Tess/Ava switch idea, which would
definitely influence the Max/Liz relationship.[/B][/QUOTE]
Back for another brief check-in!! Shapeshifter - I think
the use of the human DNA has more to do than survival. I think
there will be something involving the "humanity" the human
form brings, etc. I can't put my finger on it, yet, but the
line Nick uses about Max deciding the fate of many with the
flip of a coin bugs me - like, maybe Max's alien being along
with Vilandra/Iz, etc. needed to be given that second chance
to become better beings than they were. This is where Liz
comes into play - her presence in his life, along with his
up-bringing with his parents, have caused him to become a
better being, though he still has a lot to learn, and Liz
seems to be instrumental and essential to this learning
process regardless of her origins. And this also plays into
what Mikey G says about connecting with humans.
Also, can you explain about the primer's comments on Tic
Tac and Nasedo?? I've obviously not had time to get to read
these, and probably won't for a while. Need it state that Tic
Tac/Nasedo/Harding were all one-and-the-same?? That's seems to
not fit with the way Harding and Tic Tac were presented last
year - plus, it would be more interesting if there were more
shapeshifters out there than just Harding. Let me know what
they said if you have time - THANKS!
Reporting in (briefly) from Sunny So. Cal. (and praying my
VCR taped while I was away!
Zero I Shall Believe
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shapeshifter |
02:03 PM |
Qfanny to Reggie: quote:Telling me to tape Roswell is akin to
telling me don't forget, the Earth is round, the sun rises in
the east and my head is attached to the rest of my
body......Or like telling us to watch it all. I think if it's
coming from Reggie it must have lot of Katie Heigle in it. But
don't tell me any more because I'm allergic to spoilers.
| |
By Nemo |
03:32 PM |
azcat, the front page of has pushbuttons for
Episodes and Images, linking
Episodes has transcripts, reviews, links to slideshows of
last year's episodes and screencaps of this year's. (Today the
slideshows are working again, last week some of them were
Images has some different pictures, and (further down) all
the same ones as the slideshows, but indexed differently, via
thumbnail-sized samples that you click on to get the bigger
picture. (This doesn't always work either, but once you catch
on to the code for locations, you can change from thumbnails
to regular slides by editing the address in the location bar
of your browser. For example, one intriguing image is
(thumbnail size) (regular
You see what a small change it takes to get from one to the
other, once you know the code.)
Now that the image is on hand, what's intriguing here is
the array of white poles just left of the crossroads. (The car
that turned left is about to pass behind it.) There are four
poles in square formation, plus a slightly taller one in the
center. Another 4 + 1 reference, like so many others pointed
out on these threads.
| |
shapeshifter |
09:21 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Zero: ...can you explain about
the primer's comments on Tic Tac and Nasedo?? I've obviously
not had time to get to read these, and probably won't for a
while. Need it state that Tic Tac/Nasedo/Harding were all
one-and-the-same?? That's seems to not fit with the way
Harding and Tic Tac were presented last year - plus, it would
be more interesting if there were more shapeshifters out there
than just Harding. Let me know what they said if you have time
Reporting in (briefly) from Sunny So. Cal. (and praying my
VCR taped while I was away!... Zero, from
: "Liz and Max fall asleep in the desert only to be
awakened by a strange man who unbeknownst to them is Nasedo."
But then is also posted by the WB, and
the 'journal' there claims CW didn't know who Liz was until
after she randomly hired her. But we know that Pierce knew Liz
very well. Of course, I guess the original Pierce might not
have shared everything with the Congresswoman either.
| |
By deidra e,
jones |
09:24 AM |
I still believe that Liz was changed by Max when he healed
her. Not 1/2 alien, but an altered human. My belief since the
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StephStephSteph |
12:06 PM |
Ok, so it's 2:00 PM EST on Monday and I'm JUST getting a
chance to glance at what I've missed since last Wed. Hmm..
needless to say, I haven't read it yet.
Just wanted to say hi before tonight's Journey To NY.
Here's hoping for some GREAT Liz revelations!!!
(I'll be back after I read through! )
| |
StephStephSteph |
12:18 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Reggie: No.
If Liz told Max, he absolutely would not believe her. Look,
she's stuck a knife in his back, and twisted it. Then she says
she wants to be friends. Maybe I have an odd perspective on
this, as one of the few guys on the board, but I gotta tell
ya, this is not How to Win Friends and Influence People. Quite
the opposite! When Liz says she doesn't want Max to hate
her... the look on his face says she isn't getting that wish.
And before anyone flames me, let me point out that I think
Liz is adorable, and I wish I could find a gal so sweet.
{Well, maybe a little older... }
While the smart money is on Maria finally worming the truth
out of Liz, I'll put my money on Kyle. I'm not sure how; he
may confess to Michael, since they both know how it's hurt
their friends. Maria may go after Kyle, since Liz won't talk.
Max may do something hostile, and provoke Kyle to blurt it
out. Kyle is being very philosophical at this point in his
life, and telling the truth is something he will find
Or maybe Liz will quietly go nuts. If so, perhaps there
will be a new psychiatrist in town. One who likes candy.
I totally disagree! I know Max is hurt now and the idea
that he'd forgive Liz right now is pretty far fetched, but I
truely believe he would trust her if she told him what
happened. Why would she lie about that? They have ALWAYS had
faith in each other and although right now Max is doubting
that (I can't say I blaim him.. she hasn't given him much
choice) I'm positive if she told him what REALLY happened..
he'd understand!
I have to say though.. I'm with the theory that he'll find
out through a flash. Either by touching Liz or by touching the
strip-pictures of him and Liz that FM touched! I don't think
anyone could really convince Max of what happened (other than
Liz) and unfortunately, I just don't think she'll tell!
Continuing on my reading.. be back soon!
| |
By Reggie |
01:21 PM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter: ...Or like telling
us to watch it all. I think if it's coming from Reggie it must
have lot of Katie Heigle in it. But don't tell me any more
because I'm allergic to spoilers. Hey! :/ I've very
carefully NOT expressed any preference for any of the ladies
of Roswell. Didn't I just say Liz was "adorable" elsewhere?
And BTW, EdR's costume in "Beastmaster" consists of a blue
leotard, and blue paint. And a painful hairdo.
| |
shapeshifter |
01:26 PM |
I am imagining that when Max finds out about why Liz faked the
Kyle thing he will be soo repentent because Liz did what she
did to save lives, whereas Max allegedly kissed Tess because
he allegedly couldn't stop himself. But then I also want to
find out that he and Tess never really did kiss, that it was a
Tessovision to further the Destiny. And now that Nasedo is
gone, we can blaim him for making Tess do it.
| |
By chica |
01:39 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Zero: Back for another brief
check-in!! Shapeshifter - I think the use of the human DNA has
more to do than survival. I think there will be something
involving the "humanity" the human form brings, etc. I can't
put my finger on it, yet, but the line Nick uses about Max
deciding the fate of many with the flip of a coin bugs me -
like, maybe Max's alien being along with Vilandra/Iz, etc.
needed to be given that second chance to become better beings
than they were. This is where Liz comes into play - her
presence in his life, along with his up-bringing with his
parents, have caused him to become a better being, though he
still has a lot to learn, and Liz seems to be instrumental and
essential to this learning process regardless of her origins.
And this also plays into what Mikey G says about connecting
with humans.
I haven't been able to keep up with the msg boards over the
holiday (had to keep my Roswell obsession just a bit under
wraps!) I agree with you Zero that there was some strength
(other than earth survival) that made the human factor
desirable for the podsters this "2nd time around". I'm not
sure what that is yet--my imagination falls way behind any of
you on the boards. But I don't think that the presence of Liz
in his life seems to have essentially changed Max from the way
he was before the healing. The way he was portrayed in the
pilot showed a sensitive guy who was comfortable (or resigned)
to the shadows who nevertheless showed great courage to reveal
himself at possibly great cost to himself by healing Liz
because it was Liz. I have never really thought it through if
he would have responded similarly if it had been someone other
than Liz, but he seems to have stayed true to this same
characterization through season 2. (Except this past week when
he left Liz to go to NY, which has always seemed really unMax
like even though I know he is hurting.) I don't know who said
it before but I agree with them and took the flip of the coin
phrase to mean he was that powerful, not that he was that
careless of a ruler.
Hmm. Guess I'll wait and see.
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StephStephSteph |
01:42 PM |
OK, here's a thought..
Could it be that now that we know there are 2 sets of the
Royal Four (the Pod Squad and the Dupes).. could it be that
the Dupes are the ones that should fulfill the Destiny? In
other words, since Zan was killed can we assume that HE should
have married/wed/loved/betrothed Ava/T and that now that he's
gone NOONE will take that Destiny.. hence leaving Liz and Max
free to love each other?
Or.. do I have to now accept that Max will take over Zan's
position in the Royal Four and go on to lead and
marry/wed/love/betroth Ava/T ?? Cuz.. I don't wanna!
| |
By Reggie |
01:50 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StephStephSteph: Or.. do I have
to now accept that Max will take over Zan's position in the
Royal Four and go on to lead and marry/wed/love/betroth Ava/T
?? Cuz.. I don't wanna!
Well, recall there was some talk about using any spare
Max/Zan on a stud farm... Really, as a King, Max probably
could have several wives. Liz and Tess and Ava.
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Aphrodite029 |
02:22 PM |
I don't usually post here, but I just wanted to say that you
all have some great theories. Liz is by far my favorite
character, and while I don't believe in an entire alien
history behind her, I definately agree that Max has changed
her and that she's not just a normal human anymore. I think
it'll be intresting to see what the writers do with her story
line, especially the whole Max situation. I hate how the two
of them are always pushing eachother away while the other is
pining away for the relationship. Although, it does keep the
storyline more interesting.
Anyway, I know tonight's ep will have everyone talking(my
dumb friend sent me a spoiler and I couldn't help but read
it). I'm looking forward to it, and I know everyone that
frequents this board will love it(no spoilers, I know, I'm
just teasing a little to perk interest).
| |
StephStephSteph |
02:33 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Aphrodite029: Anyway, I know
tonight's ep will have everyone talking(my dumb friend sent me
a spoiler and I couldn't help but read it). I'm looking
forward to it, and I know everyone that frequents this board
will love it(no spoilers, I know, I'm just teasing a little to
perk interest).
Do we look like we need help peeking.. err.. perking our
| |
shapeshifter |
02:48 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Reggie: Well, recall there was
some talk about using any spare Max/Zan on a stud farm...
Really, as a King, Max probably could have several wives. Liz
and Tess and Ava. Palomino, where are you? We desperately
need the recap of the multiple podsters theory from Season 1
before your sibling corrupts our pristine ideas.
| |
By Rozburtie
04:26 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Reggie: Well, recall there was
some talk about using any spare Max/Zan on a stud farm...
Really, as a King, Max probably could have several wives. Liz
and Tess and Ava.
| |
By RW |
04:55 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Zero: Back for another brief
check-in!! Shapeshifter - I think the use of the human DNA has
more to do than survival. I think there will be something
involving the "humanity" the human form brings, etc. I can't
put my finger on it, yet, but the line Nick uses about Max
deciding the fate of many with the flip of a coin bugs me -
like, maybe Max's alien being along with Vilandra/Iz, etc.
needed to be given that second chance to become better beings
than they were. This is where Liz comes into play - her
presence in his life, along with his up-bringing with his
parents, have caused him to become a better being, though he
still has a lot to learn, and Liz seems to be instrumental and
essential to this learning process regardless of her origins.
And this also plays into what Mikey G says about connecting
with humans.
Zero- I agree. It seems to me that the NYers, the less
human pod, acted more in accordance with what we've heard
about the original royal four. i.e. Lonnie betraying her
brother, Ava seemed to act more like a "young bride" than
Tess, etc. It would make since that it is the Roswellians
human side that will make them true leaders and heros.
BTW, if "Lonnie" is short for Vilandra, then are the rest
of the NYers names shortened versions of the original Royal
Four's names?
| |
By Evid |
05:09 PM |
Hi RBI's, Everyone getting their VCR's ready for tonight.
It looks like we might be getting some answers. I hope this
means that Liz will we getting a lot more screen time.
I was reading the transcript for Wipeout when I came across
a line that made me go, hummmmmmm. Here it is.
TESS: I've never come up against power like that before. It
feels like...someone took a sledgehammer to my head.
So what Tess is saying is that she has fought against
something or someone with powers before. I never caught this
during the show because this was when Max was rubbing her
back, and I was pretty ticked off. Oh boy, did I ever want to
take a sledgehammer to her head. Anyway, this also means that
Tess knows about other Aliens on earth, or does this mean she
fought them on another planet? How ever it adds up it's juat
one more reason not to trust the snake.
Oh, and I have a question, why did Iz reach for Nicholas's
Fanny pack in the bus? At first I thought it was a camera
case, but the Transcript on Crashdown said it was a Fanny
pack. Did I miss the reason she wanted it so badly, or is this
one more thing the writters forgot to let us viewers in on?
Now my life is in your hands.~Max~ Evid
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By Zara |
05:53 PM |
Have you guys checked out the stars tonight? Venus is blazing!
(At least we Think it's Venus - we can't see moons with the
binoculars, so it's not Jupiter...)
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By RW |
06:28 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Reggie: Well, recall there was
some talk about using any spare Max/Zan on a stud farm...
Really, as a King, Max probably could have several wives. Liz
and Tess and Ava.
I agree with the others.
I suppose it's possible, but highly unlikely. As in
unlikely. Besides, no matter how much Max is talked into
following his destiny, I don't think he'd ever go for that!
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By Dayneen
06:43 PM |
I think Liz's birthdate would shed new light on the Venus
theory. Isn't the constellation Aries apart of the "V"
formation? What if Liz's sign is Aries.
Also, If the 5th element theory is true, then Liz and no
one around her knows this (duh) A friend of mine was telling
me about Buffy's sister on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She and
everyone else thinks that she's Buffy's sister, but she isn't
(everyone has memories of her, the whole nine yards). There is
a special power hidden within her, and if this power gets in
the wrong hands it could be dangerous. Therefore no one knows
about it, but the beings that planted it there. What if Liz is
in a similiar situation. That would explain why no ones after
her, and why they're only after the Royal Four. Maybe when Max
healed her that day, he awakened that power.
Then again, Maybe Liz really isn't apart of the
podsters destiny or part alien. Maybe this is just a case of
deep undying love between a human and an alien, now that would
truly be beautiful. That the connection Liz and Max share,
caused her to have those visions, to feel what she thought was
herself changing, was really Max changing, for her to be so
connected that she begans to share his power of healing etc.,
Now that would be incredible!
But I'm sure that's not the case, and to tell you the
truth, I don't want it to be. I know that Liz is an important
part to the podsters. Time will only tell what it is.
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By StarBox
08:29 PM |
Ah - and so now - at last - everyone knows....
LIZ HAS POWERS!!! Maybe even STRONGER powers than Isabel.
LOTS of BIG hints that she has "CHOOSEN ONE" status. And
Ava and Zan were NOT together because he was "waiting for
someone" - (The CHOOSEN ONE??) Are Liz's powers simply the
result of being healed - or is it that her healing was the
sign of the prophesied "CHOOSEN ONE"?????? We dont know - but
I definately think Ava's actions suggest that it is more than
just the result of a healing.
And the big "C" word - "CHANGE" - Liz has CHANGED (just
like FMax said she would).
Notice that the DRAGON on Liz's window has been prominent
in every single episode this season?
Also - looked to me like Liz and Ava were sharing a strong
connection - rather than switched pods for Ava and Tess -
could it be that Liz and Ava are connected somehow????
One quick thought - my husband and I both agree that the
opening scene with Tess and Max on the empire state building
was an obvious parallel to the temptation of Christ. You
just never see someone stand on top of a mountain/building/etc
and say "This is where you belong - with all this at your
FEET" without it being an allusion to Satan.
**StarBox** dreamer, mythologist
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By michworl
08:36 PM |
After tonights episode, I think it's obvious how important Liz
is to the podsters destiny. Obviously in the podsters past
life, things turned out poorly for their planet somewhat based
on bad decisions the podsters made (i.e. Vilandra, Max- Brody
mentioned that tonight). The podsters were sent to earth to
try again to save their planet. I think Liz is the essential
piece that was missing on their planet the first time around.
The changes in Liz could enhance Max's powers and make him
better than he was before. He was missing something important
in his life previously-Liz.
Why didn't they try to get more information out of Ava? She
seemed like she knew a lot of stuff about their powers.
I'm so happy about Max and Liz- the last scene, but why
didn't she tell him about Kyle.
| |
By michworl
08:41 PM |
After tonights episode, I think it's obvious how important Liz
is to the podsters destiny. Obviously in the podsters past
life, things turned out poorly for their planet somewhat based
on bad decisions the podsters made (i.e. Vilandra, Max- Brody
mentioned that tonight). The podsters were sent to earth to
try again to save their planet. I think Liz is the essential
piece that was missing on their planet the first time around.
The changes in Liz could enhance Max's powers and make him
better than he was before. He was missing something important
in his life previously-Liz.
Why didn't they try to get more information out of Ava? She
seemed like she knew a lot of stuff about their powers.
I'm so happy about Max and Liz- the last scene, but why
didn't she tell him about Kyle.
| |
By EL |
08:48 PM |
'Max in the City' was definitely one of season two's more
palatable episodes - I'm surprised. I expected it to royally
(forgive the pun) suck, but it really was much better than I
The biggest development we discovered tonight - an
'altered' Liz. The Liz Mythologists here must be going into a
frenzy right've been discussing this theory since
Roswell's inception. I agree that Liz remains human on a basic
genetic level, and Max's healing most likely makes her an
'advanced' human, rather than part alien. I think the writers
will keep Liz as the sole 'superhuman', if you will, despite
Kyle's healing. There'll probably be some minute details about
timing, eye-contact, etc., etc., that will prevent Kyle from
being similarly gifted. Remember, a key clue in this is that
in EOTW, Kyle reveals he didn't 'flash' when Max healed him.
We learned in Destiny that the Pod Squad's abilities are ones
that all humans will possess one day; just a couple thousand
years into the future. If Max's healing Liz advanced her
mind's potential to that point, then technically, she might be
able to share all the Pod Squad's powers.
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By Amyb117
08:54 PM |
Has anyone noticed that every time something "supposedly"
happens to Tess, that it never shows it? For example CW beat didn't show that. Then tonight, Lonnie and Rath took
her. Why don't they show it??? Unless there is something about
Tess we aren't supposed to know. Sorry if I sound crazy, but
this seems circumspect to me.
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By michworl
08:59 PM |
After rewatching a couple of parts of tonight's episode I have
another thought about Liz's change.
There was a theme of change tonight. Liz changed when Max
saved her life and Brody at the peace summit said that things
needed to change...or that he'd hoped things had changed.
Something did change tonight. When Rath killed Zan it was
right after an argument between them and Zan said "I'm the
man". Then Rath dropped the ball, Zan tried to get it and was
pushed in the street with Ava unable to do anything. Tonight,
the same scenario, Max arguing with Rath, ends up saying "I'm
the man" and then they try to kill Max while Tess is unable to
One difference: Liz saved Max. She has already brought
about change. Brody said change is needed.
I really think the writers had to be tying that scenario
in, because why would the dialogue "I'm the man" and the
replicated scene be in both episodes.
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By StarBox
09:00 PM |
Okay all my fellow RBI'ers who videotaped this episode. I
just rewatched the last scene about five times and I THINK MAX
KNOWS. Watch it again - when Max asks Liz if she slept with
Kyle - notice how nervous he is about what her answer will
be. When she just gives that teeny weeny little shadow of a
nod - I think he KNOWS she did not sleep with
Kyle. Afterwards - Max looks relieved - he says "Okay - see
you tomorrow" and you can see him START TO SMILE. If he
thought she really slept with Kyle - I think we would have
seen a crushed Max fight back tears - not a relieved Max fight
back a smile. Rewatch and see what you think.
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
| |
By Reggie |
09:06 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: Ah - and so now - at
last - everyone knows....
LIZ HAS POWERS!!! Maybe even STRONGER powers than Isabel.
Also - looked to me like Liz and Ava were sharing a strong
connection - rather than switched pods for Ava and Tess -
could it be that Liz and Ava are connected somehow????
One quick thought - my husband and I both agree that the
opening scene with Tess and Max on the empire state building
was an obvious parallel to the temptation of Christ. You
just never see someone stand on top of a mountain/building/etc
and say "This is where you belong - with all this at your
FEET" without it being an allusion to Satan.
**StarBox** dreamer, mythologist
We don't know that Liz has any Powers. Likely, Isabel
did the work, and Liz just gave it direction somehow. Focus!
Ava has probably never been treated with such open
affection before. Lok at how Lonnie treated her, in the car on
the way out. Of course she had a "strong connection"!
Max as Christ: maybe, but he doesn't need to prove his
royalty; the Emissary does that. It's a touristy thing to do,
and is a neat place for Max to say the Titanic line; as well
as for Tess to be supportive.
Does anyone else see the beginning symptoms of Cartwright's
Disease in Tess? I think she gets killed soon; and they have
to find Ava to make the Royal Foursome.
| |
By Melodious1
09:10 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: LIZ HAS POWERS!!! Maybe
even STRONGER powers than Isabel.
As an RBI/Liz Mythologist, this ep has got me giddy.
Chalkful of Liz's Importance goodness. I need to rewatch it
before I do any serious speculating, but I just wanted to say
how much I LOVE Ava for throwing out this little "you [Liz]
are changed now"... WOOHOO!! Cancel our memberships at the
looney bins, the RBIs had something all along Kudos to
everyone who went along with the "changed Liz" theory.
Granted, Liz's *specialness* might even strive beyond just
this "changing" and/or I probably shouldn't be taking Ava's
word as that of *heaven sent* just yet... but I'm giddy
btw, I'm not entirely certain if Liz's possible "powers"
are more potent than Isabel's, but I do feel Liz's connection
to Max is much stronger than Isabel's after watching MITC
("Journey to New York"? Whatever this ep is called). If this
is so... Liz's connection to Max is more powerful than that of
even his sister's [who is someone he always felt a special
connection to in this life and arguably in the past one as
well?] ... Liz is more vital (to the King) than Isabel?
(please don't kill me for saying that Iz fans)
quote:LOTS of BIG hints that she has "CHOSEN ONE" status.
Ava and Zan were NOT together because he was "waiting for
someone" - (The CHOSEN ONE??) Are Liz's powers simply the
result of being healed - or is it that her healing was the
sign of the prophesied "CHOSEN ONE"??????
I honestly feel Liz is "the chosen one"... after MITC this
belief is definitely strengthened in me. Zan (the clone of the
King) was seemingly "waiting for someone else" according to
Ava. The Dupes who -as far as we've seen- are all over this
"Destiny" jargon (physically that is, ahem). Yet Zan didn't
seem to love (his) "young bride", yet Ava loved him? Could
this be because the Tess/Ava switched theories still stand ...
or since Max has an undying (hopefully unconditional love!
THINK Max... WHY would Liz know anything about the
Granilith?!) love for Liz, SHE is the one that the King would
have waited for? But Max will never have to wait... because he
already has his *someone*; "the chosen one", the one he has a
stronger connection to "his Highness" than even that of his
sister? ::sigh:: Sorry, the rampant Dreamer is once again
taking me over. Can't help it after tonight.
One more Dreameresque tidbit and I'll drop it... was anyone
catching some serious symbolism at the end scenes of this ep?
First it was Max professing his confidence and love for his
sister, no matter who she is... second scene, Liz *seeing Ava
off*, quite cordially and warmly (I couldn't help thinking
"out with the old, in with the new"... "the young bride" [aka
Ava/Tess] was the past, LIZ is the present and future... the
difference and key to success for the King in this
lifetime?)... final scene, Max and Liz together ... ALL of
these scenes going on with "Everything" by Lifehouse in the
Here's a sample of the lyrics from the song: "You calm
the storms and you give me rest. You hold me in your hands;
you won't let me fold. You still my heart when you take my
breath away. Would you take me in take me deeper now and how
can I stand here with you and not be moved by it? Would you
tell me how could it be any better than this?"
Isabel and Liz are the most important to Max; his sister
and his love. They're his "everything" (yet Liz a little more
important than even his sister?). As a Dreamer, for once, I
did actually feel somewhat uplifted after MITC. Much moreso
than any other ep post-EOTW. And now I'll stop with the
Dreamer rant!
quote:Also - looked to me like Liz and Ava were sharing a
strong connection - rather than switched pods for Ava and Tess
- could it be that Liz and Ava are connected somehow????
I also got that impression. It was also comforting to see
some *pleasant* scenes between EdR and Shiri, their scenes
together are usually wrought with tension. Liz comforting Ava
was very nice to see... that's our Liz, always their for the
hybrids around her, even if they look like people she doesn't
necessarily trust or like all that much. I *definitely* am an
Ava fan (even though I had NO idea where the girl was supposed
to be from... that small borrough in NY called Aussie Harlem I
suppose... no offense to EdR at all, none of the Dupes accents
were stellar).
quote:One quick thought - my husband and I both agree that
the opening scene with Tess and Max on the empire state
building was an obvious parallel to the temptation of Christ.
You just never see someone stand on top of a
mountain/building/etc and say "This is where you belong - with
all this at your FEET" without it being an allusion to
Is it shapeshifter's theory that if more than one person
believes something than it has a high probability of being
plausible? Well, count me into that "Christ/Satan" comparison
Starbox because I saw it too. And I thought it was just my
Christian private school upbringing that warped my mind!
Once again... are the RBIs/Liz Mythologists *correct* with
their Tess / *snake* comparing? Tess is "the snake" (aka
Satan?) trying to stray Max from the righteous path (Liz =
Eve?)? According to Nikolas, Max (Zan?) made "bad choices" in
the past life... perhaps Tess (Ava) was one of them? No
offense to Tess/Ava or anything, she could have rightly wanted
or thought she was doing the right thing by marrying / falling
in love with "the King"... but marrying her (or *almost*
marrying her, Larek said he attended "the wedding", but I feel
that still doesn't mean Zan/Ava didn't die that day) could
have been just another "bad choice" by Zan?
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By redhawk
09:11 PM |
Answer!!! Liz is changed and Liz has powers. I was so excited.
I couldn't wait to come to this thread and shout from the
rooftops! Plus it was a very decent ep., well-written, smooth,
nice cadence, etc. Can't wait to see what you guys think.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll finish reading the rest of this
thread, I just can't seem to keep up with you guys lately. But
it doesn't mean I'm not thinking of my fellow RBIers. Have a
great night!
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By Amyb117
09:12 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Reggie: [QUOTE]Originally posted
by StarBox: [b]Ah - and so now - at last - everyone
LIZ HAS POWERS!!! Maybe even STRONGER powers than Isabel.
Also - looked to me like Liz and Ava were sharing a strong
connection - rather than switched pods for Ava and Tess -
could it be that Liz and Ava are connected somehow????
One quick thought - my husband and I both agree that the
opening scene with Tess and Max on the empire state building
was an obvious parallel to the temptation of Christ. You
just never see someone stand on top of a mountain/building/etc
and say "This is where you belong - with all this at your
FEET" without it being an allusion to Satan.
**StarBox** dreamer, mythologist
We don't know that Liz has any Powers. Likely, Isabel
did the work, and Liz just gave it direction somehow. Focus!
Ava has probably never been treated with such open
affection before. Lok at how Lonnie treated her, in the car on
the way out. Of course she had a "strong connection"!
Max as Christ: maybe, but he doesn't need to prove his
royalty; the Emissary does that. It's a touristy thing to do,
and is a neat place for Max to say the Titanic line; as well
as for Tess to be supportive.
Does anyone else see the beginning symptoms of Cartwright's
Disease in Tess? I think she gets killed soon; and they have
to find Ava to make the Royal Foursome.[/B][/QUOTE]
Sorry Reggie, but I don't agree. Did you notice that Isabel
opened her eyes and looked at Liz right before a connection
was made? Liz had her eyes closed. Looked to me Liz did all
the work. Isabel has had her eyes closed any other time she
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By czech
please |
09:12 PM |
I have just one thing to say: Damn, we're good!
MITC will pull me through the next 3 weeks of rerun hell.
goodnight my fellow rbi's!
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By Reggie |
09:15 PM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: I just rewatched the
last scene about five times and I THINK MAX KNOWS. When she
just gives that teeny weeny little shadow of a nod - I think
he KNOWS she did not sleep with Kyle. If he thought she really
slept with Kyle - I think we would have seen a crushed Max
fight back tears - not a relieved Max fight back a
smile. **StarBox** mythologist, dreamer[/B]
Goodness, I think you may have something there. Max knows
that Liz is keeping something from him - they didn't show the
discussion between them, so we don't know how much he does
know. OTOH, he does know she loves him, and will be friends
again; and that would make any guy smile.
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By Melodious1
09:20 PM |
I'm just going to go ahead and post all the lyrics to
Lifehouse's "Everything" (played in the final scenes of
MITC).... I think they're just too great not to share with
y'all. If there's any relevance to the music this season...
read these lyrics and you tell me whether Liz is important to
at least Max's destiny or not.
"Everything" by Lifehouse
Finally here once speak to me I want to feel you, I
need to hear you You are the light that's leading me to
the place Where I find peace again You are the
strength that keeps me walking You are the hope that keeps
me trusting You are the light to my soul You are my
purpose You're everything and how can I stand here with
you And not be moved by it Would you tell me how could
it be any better than this
You calm the storms and you give me rest You hold me in
your hands You won't let me fold You still my heart
when you take my breath away Would you take me in take me
deeper now And how can I stand here with you and not be
moved by it Would you tell me how could it be any better
than this
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by it
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this
Cause you're all I want, you're all I need You're
everything.. everything You're all I want You're all I
need You're everything.. everything You're all I want
You're all I need You're everything.. everything
You're all I want You're all I need Everything..
everything And how can I stand here with you and not be
moved by it Would you tell me how could it be any better
than this And how can I stand here with you and not be
moved by it Would you tell me how could it be any better
any better than this And how can I stand here with you and
not be moved by it Would you tell me how could it be any
better than this Would you tell me how could it be any
better than this
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By StarBox
09:21 PM |
[/b][/QUOTE] We don't know that Liz has any Powers.
Likely, Isabel did the work, and Liz just gave it direction
somehow. Focus!
I strongly disagree with this theory. Ava clearly states
that LIZ can reach Max. Isabel tries and we see her
fail. WHEN Liz contacts Max you see a shot of Isabel with
her EYES OPEN just WATCHING Liz - doesnt look to me like she
is doing any work at all - let alone ALL the work. In fact - I
just rewatched to make sure and you see both Is and Liz with
their eyes closed - the you see Isabel open her eyes - like
she is giving up because she is not reaching max - once Isabel
opens her eyes and Liz is left ALONE - at THAT moment Liz
breaks through to NYC. I think she is holding Liz's hand as
reassurance - if anyone is "guiding" - it would be Isabel -
"guiding" Liz in how to use HER power to reach Max. Liz
reaches him totally on her own.
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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bluecornmoon |
09:25 PM |
Sorry, double post!
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bluecornmoon |
09:26 PM |
Well, this thread is about how important Liz is to the aliens.
If this episode didn't show that in more ways than one, then I
don't know what importance is! She rocks and she is the
cornerstone upon which each and every one of them will achieve
their goals! Human or half-alien (and frankly, regardless of
what was said today, the signs are still there for Miss Fifth
Element to be either one), she is It! The finder / provider of
information and the balance for all of them!
More later, right now I just want to watch MitC again and
ponder upon it!
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By redhawk
09:33 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Melodious1 Cancel our
memberships at the looney bins, the RBIs had something all
You're not the only one who was giddy. I couldn't sit still
during the whole ep. If pacing wouldn't have hampered my
ablility to watch the screen, there would have been worn paths
in the carpet.
I do agree with you Melodious on the "chosen one". They
were dropping an awful lot of obvious and blatant hints for
this not to be leading somewhere.
GO Max GO! Go Liz Go! ::redhawk is a little too happy for
this late in the evening:: You know, it's about time the WB
makes us happy again. Yippee!
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By czech
please |
09:38 PM |
OK, so I have more than one thing to say. How shocking!
Some things occur to me:
...IMHO, Liz didn't really "dreamwalk" Max, per se. She
made him see something (her) that wasn't really there.
Hmmm...where have I seen that before??? Now, remember that the
royal four form a complete unit because of their individual
powers, not because of who they are personality wise. Do you
guys see where I'm going with this? Assuming Liz now has
powers, assuming that those powers are identical to or similar
to Tess's, would the royal four still need Tess?
...Or maybe Liz doesn't actually have any powers of her
own. Perhaps she is simply a conduit, or even an amplifier for
the aliens. What if Liz had touched Max during the funeral
scene in Wipe Out? Would the green jello shield have grown
noticably stronger? Was Liz's healing different then Kyle's
because she actually intensifies Max's powers, thus enhancing
the connection?
***WARNING***This next part is total speculation on my
part, and it's kind of out there.
...I wonder if the Granolith doesn't do something similar
(amplify powers). More than ever I am convinced that Liz is
somehow connected to it. What will happen when she is actually
in the same room with it? Could Liz be a human version of the
That was so much more than I meant to post. What do you
guys think? Am I on to something or have I finally lost it?
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By sugarbaby
09:49 PM |
I just wanted to stop by because...the MITC general discussion
thred was just not appreciating enough how amazing all this
stuff about Liz is especially if you are somewhat spoiled...I
just wanted to say: WOOHOO Lix rocks, Max
rocks...together... and I have to say that I agree that it
was all Liz in the dreamwalking...Is was just her
tourguide...Venus is coming into her own...ok teh excitment
had made me giddy I'll go back to lurking now...sorry for teh
semi rant!
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By ree99 |
09:56 PM |
Howdy, all and Yahoo! Hopefully won't make this too long a
post--I am excited about what we learned tonight and can't go
to sleep!
Uhmmm, Zero? Was the alien in the body of the very nice
looking, African-American man named Zero? I couldn't help
smiling when I heard that. Or, did I misunderstand it?
Did anyone else notice how smoothly Michael used his power
to burst all of those dishes? I guess practice pays off!
StarBox, I really loved your suggestion of the parallel of
Max on the Empire with the temptation of Christ. And, you are
SO right: "You just never see someone stand on top of a
mountain/building/etc.and say 'This is where you belong - with
all this at your FEET'without it being an allusion to Satan."
(AND, I really, really, really hope you are right about Max
knowing that Liz didn't sleep with Kyle. He's got to know that
something is going on!)
Michworl, wonderful post on the changes shown in MITC!
Loved your thinking about how Liz DID bring about change in
that situation: Ava/Tess incapable of stopping Rath/Lonnie
from killing Zan/Max, but Liz stepping in to bring about the
change and save Max's life.
Melodious1, I think you've got a good point in suggesting
that Liz has (or will have) a much stronger connection to Max
from now on. Reggie, I have to agree with Amyb117 and StarBox
that Liz contacted Max mostly on her own. Iz did seem to
remove herself from linking with Liz when she opened her eyes;
I also thought it was solely Liz from that point on. So, maybe
Liz just needed a little push to get going and Iz was there to
give it? Or, what I like even more, is that Iz taking Liz's
hand was simply a gesture of comfort and support, one friend
to another (or one person who loved Max to another). I know, I
know... that totally goes against the whole linking idea.
But...don't hospital emergency teams often have someone come
in and hold a patient's hand just to help calm them? (Or is
that something they only do in little, rural podunk towns like
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By redhawk
10:04 PM |
Okay, okay, so I have not gone to bed yet.
quote:Originally posted by czech please: ...IMHO, Liz
didn't really "dreamwalk" Max, per se. She made him see
something (her) that wasn't really there. Hmmm...where have I
seen that before??? Now, remember that the royal four form a
complete unit because of their individual powers, not because
of who they are personality wise. Do you guys see where I'm
going with this? Assuming Liz now has powers, assuming that
those powers are identical to or similar to Tess's, would the
royal four still need Tess? For me, the jury is still out
on the dreamwalking vs. vision thing. I think I'll have to
watch it again. (oh darn.) I do think that when Ava was about
to tell Liz that she was changed, she hesitates as if Max
healing Liz has altered the paths i.e. the destiny of all of
them. I feel like that was a loaded moment, like Ava was
realizing that all the plans and directions sent from Twilo
have been turned on upside down. And/Or Ava is realizing that
Liz, this "smallest of small town girl", is the "chosen one".
Okay, now I'm beginning to ramble, time for bed.
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frog__princess00 |
10:10 PM |
I think Liz is definitely more important to the alien
mythology than I originally thought. I don't think I've ever
been here before, so .
Liz saved the life of the leader of another world. She has
powers now that she has been healed by Max.
She may even be part alien now. Maybe there is even some
kind of alien law that says aliens can marry humans that they
have saved.
Well...maybe that's just the dreamer in me.
After I read this entire thread (probably tomorrow, it's a
little too late at night right now) I'll post again, because
what was revealed tonight was really awesome.
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By Melodious1
10:25 PM |
quote:Originally posted by ree99: what I like even more, is
that Iz taking Liz's hand was simply a gesture of comfort and
support, one friend to another (or one person who loved Max to
Right when you said that Ree I suddenly remembered Liz
grabbing hold of Isabel's hand in DESTINY... when they were
running through the UFO Convention Center. I also remembered
all those theories on "hand holding". Holding hands isn't only
a symbol of brotherhood but an exchange of powers? Could Iz
and Liz have connected to some extent during their contacting
of Max? Could it be considered *connecting*? If so... Liz has
"connected" with at least four hybrids and one actual SSer
(yes, I'm editing )... Max, (possibly) Rath when he kissed her
(cloned Michael), (possibly) Michael via healing in BALANCE
(and it was always strange her "participation" in this
particular healing, as if she was the deciding factor almost
in it's success), Nasedo aka Maxedo and now (possibly) Isabel.
The only human of all of them that has (possibly) connected to
almost all the hybrids and ONE SSer (full blooded alien). Will
something even more drastic (or finalizing?) happen to Liz if
she connects to Tess or Ava? Could Max, Michael, Rath, Isabel
and Nasedo all of been contributing in "changing" Liz??
Palomino has a really fantastic break down of the ep and
theories on the Sci Fi of MITC thread, I suggest checking his
post out. I latched onto one of his thoughts in particular.
Since it seems these "home planet" aliens can come to Earth by
literally possessing human hosts... then could it have been
possible Zan himself (before he became king?) came to Earth
before? Zan studied Earth prior and --based on whatever
deduction-- decided before his death that Earth [Zan's want of
change possibly stemmed from study of more democratic {however
primative / simplistic} ideas of government on Earth / United
States?] would be the home of the Granilith and also became
*his future home*? Could this have been based on a decision he
made himself or his mother made... one of those "It's what my
son would have done/wanted [based on his love / admiration /
knowledge of Earth?]" things. Zan wanted to lead like some of
the better/best leaders of Earth, but such seeming massive
change was impossible on Twilo at the rate he was going...
and/or Khivar & Co. were COMPLETELY AGAINST these changes
which might have eventually succeeded had Zan lived? I don't
know, I'm in the middle of a big rant at this point.
Could this "Zan the possessor" idea tie into other past
theories from this thread on Liz's family/legacy? Zan met
someone on Earth, one of Liz's ancestors, and fell in love
with this Liz ancestor... in turn, this Liz ancestor fell for
him (a much younger Grandma Claudia?). Zan, however, obviously
had responsabilities which pulled him away from his impossible
*human love on Earth* [Zan's father died -- possibly
murdered/assassinated? -- hence Zan is suddenly and
prematurely King] and had to go back to Twilo, eventually
marry Ava (for political reasons).
IN THIS TIMELINE, Max (Zan) -- possibly carrying the same
human DNA (but isn't physically identical) of that human he
possessed when he first went to Earth -- has subconsciously
*changed* "his love" (the love he *saw/sees* in Liz; he
recognizes the "essence" of that human he loved in her?).
However, to CHANGE DESTINY, the Zan in Max realized that to
*be with* his love in THIS LIFETIME, "his love" MUST CHANGE?
So the Zan in Max changed (or has started the change which is
manifesting in) Liz (and only Liz), now Zan can be with the
homosapien (homosuperior?) he loves (at least her essence
anyway) w/out endangering her or the fate of the home planet
and/or Earth? Liz is no longer that "smallest of small town
girls" and can now (or eventually) be the Queen of a King from
a far off galaxy (embroiled in war)? Ugh.... I think I need to
go write a fanfic or something and keep my insane theories off
this thread!
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By Willow42
10:33 PM |
Okay it's pay up time. Who placed bets on what theory? Well
actually maybe it's too soon to be paying up yet. I don't know
what to think quite yet. I think she has abilities but what
they are exactly i'm not sure. One thing is for sure- Did you
see Ava's reaction to Liz saying she was brought back to life?
It seemed more than Liz is now changed. It seemed like now the
situation/circumstances have changed. Ergh. I dunno. Now the
question is what about Kyle? Any thoughts? I for one say he
wasn't changed. I think its all about where Max's hands where
(ie on the back of her head) plus the fact that Max didn't get
flashes from Kyle and there was no reverse connection. I think
one of the things the change did was make a strong connection
between them both.
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By michworl
10:38 PM |
I thought of something else. At the peace summit, Nicholas
says to Tess "Haven't killed anyone today". Tess replies,
"Day's not over."
Could this be foreshadowing? Is she a part of the plot to
kill Max.
Right after the scene where Max and Tess are talking and
she says you must have been a great husband, it flashes to the
streets of New York with a siren going off. Maybe this is a
sign or warning that Tess is not what she seems to be.
I have to agree with previous posts that we never really
see Tess being tortured by Congresswoman Whitman, Rath, or
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By michworl
10:47 PM |
Another thing about Liz saving Max and changing the same
situation that happened to Zan. Brody said that he hates to
see history repeat itself. It didn't repeat itself for maybe
the first time? because Liz saved Max.
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HappyendingsP/J&M/L |
11:16 PM |
EVERYONE READS IT>>>SORRY if I give anyone a
FUTURE MAX telling of destiny>> He said something
about they were only stopping them from eloping to early. Okay
has anyone ever thought that if LIz had never done what she
did Max would have never gone to New York? I mean he would
been in lover land with Liz and needed no escape. So there
would have been no reason for Liz to save his life, Ava would
never have told them about LIz's change. Thus, if the future
the would never known of Liz's powers. Thus, she won't have
been able to help them in their fight. But now if her powers
are as strong as people think she can fight as well. I just
thought of that. Thus, Liz doing what she did could have
changed their futures are the best in all dreamers eyes.
Okay the off the wall stuff first. Maria and her
reaction when she finds out Liz has special powers. Whoa, I
hope they show that scene because she is definatly going to
Liz's powers>>>First of all how did Ava know that
she was changed. I am sure that they had never saved a human,
unless that is something about Zan we don't know. I mean did
you see Ava's face when Liz mentioned that it was like she
experienced deja vu. PLus, she held her tongue to the last
possible minuate. Plus, I don;t think their planet in their
first life was inhabited with many humans to learn these
lessons from. It must be some kind of legend. I don't know. I
just think it proves that Liz is a lot more important then
first thought.
Max/Liz-----Tess OKay, hate to group these names
together but for the purpose of this it is a must. Have you
all noticed again and again the reference to how awful their
old way of life was> HOw everyone died? Well why would they
want that old way of destiny. I think it is fortelling that
the old couples are not suppose to be together.
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By Melodious1
11:35 PM |
Just remembered something which could be vital in the
Liz/Max/Tess saga...
In ASK NOT Tess tells Max that she remembers him loving
her... YET
~Zan didn't seem to love Ava and was seemingly "waiting for
someone else".
~Max doesn't love Tess, Max loves -and has always loved-
Why does Tess seemingly remember Max (Zan) loving her once
when NEITHER current version of the King seem(ed) to love
their "young brides" (one of which was seemingly "waiting" for
someone else to come, interesting choice of words by Ava).
Makes one seriously wonder whether Zan loved his "young bride"
at all (I mean, beyond our biased Dreamerness that is wanting
this to be true) and what Tess seemingly "remembers" might
either be false (her own lie) or planted in her head by
someone else (Edsedo? Khivar [who'd obviously WANT history to
repeat itself where "the once and future King's" life is
If there's anything here I do feel it was purposefully done
by our dear Ron Moore. Since he penned both ASK NOT and MAX IN
THE CITY... I feel he WANTED us to see this inconsistency.
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shapeshifter |
11:49 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Melodious1: Is it shapeshifter's
theory that if more than one person believes something than it
has a high probability of being plausible? Well, count me into
that "Christ/Satan" comparison Starbox because I saw it too.
And I thought it was just my Christian private school
upbringing that warped my mind! Okay, confessional here: I
morphed my theory from the words of Christ: "Where any 2 or
more are gathered together in my name, I am there among you."
No plagarism intended, just borrowing from Ancient Wisdom, and
I really thought someone would have picked up on it by now.
But we're still cool with it, right? I mean the point really
was: it doesn't matter who thought of "it" first, whatever
"it" is.
And of course I went "Snake?" when Tess was telling him
everything at his feet (from the Empire State Bldg) was his.
But I do not think she is evil, because (one last scriptural
reference) she wipes out the bad guys and "no house divided
against itself can stand." But there is a precedent to have
her killed off like Nasedo. I hope not. After all, poor Kyle
is running around half changed.
I did cry a tear at this one (I didn't at TEOTW). It
reminded me of 30 years ago when I hung up the phone for the
last time on my Romeo Alien. But ***sigh*** this time around
on Roswell they will get it right.
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By 6throck
11:52 PM |
I just had a thought about the Liz/Tess connection, about how
Liz might make the unit complete now instead of/besides Tess.
Back in Season 1 (let us cast our minds back in time) Max
refers to Liz as being Venus.
Then in Four Square, Liz pulls up the star chart for that
date (forget that the date continuity is off) she says when
Venus is in place it completes the V symbol and that Venus
moved into place just about the time Tess arrived.
So, both Tess and Liz have been referred to as Venus,
completing the V symbol.
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By RozRules
12:01 AM |
FUTURE MAX telling of destiny>> He said something
about they were only stopping them from eloping to early. Okay
has anyone ever thought that if LIz had never done what she
did Max would have never gone to New York? I mean he would
been in lover land with Liz and needed no escape. So there
would have been no reason for Liz to save his life, Ava would
never have told them about LIz's change.
This all leads back to the Run Lola Run reference in
'Suprise' If you have seen the movie, you know that it is
about the 'what ifs' in life. 'What if' you had done something
slightly different. Could it change the entire future? I think
that Run Lola Run reference was put in there intentionally to
give us a clue to something.
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By Zero |
12:02 AM |
Finally back from vacation, and what a treat I arrive to -
confirmation that Liz has "changed"!! I too thought Ava's
reaction to Liz's telling her about the healing was more
significant than just a slight "change" - you have to know
that Moore would not have thrown that comment about Zan always
seeming to be waiting for someone to come along without it
having importants! It directly points to the search that Zan
was on for his soulmate - a mate that Max recognized while
decending the stairs of his schoolbus years ago!
I think it was Liz's power that transported her to NY to
save Max, but I do believe in the connection with Iz helping
ignite Liz's powers. I think we have been seeing a development
and refinement of Liz's powers from the first flash/vision,
and I think the revision of the future that was brought about
in TEOTW is allowing the continuation of the development of
these powers. I believe they will be more than derivative
powers, but powers that stand alone, and will ultimately (or
continue to) make Liz and essential piece of the equation!
I liked the connection between Ava and Liz, and wonder why
Ava left? Of course, the door is now open for all the dupes to
show back up. I'm still wondering how Nick survived. I get the
feeling (based on Nick's comments) that Tess was some mean
Lady on Twilo in her previous life. I personally do NOT think
Tess is a willing participant in the podster's betrayal, but I
think that we are in for some interesting revelations about
Tess. I also wonder why Lonnie and Rath weren't more
forthcoming about their shapeshifting protector, and what
happened to him/her??
BTW - love Palomino's Zan possessor theory! Plays nicely
into some of our standing theories.
Jury is still out on the final scene. I have only watched
it once, but I think she doesn't answer one way or the other -
and Max accepts that that is old news that Liz does not wish
to discuss. I think Max accepts this and leaves knowing he may
never clear it up.
Starbox - I also agree that there was symbolism in the
opening scene from the top of the Empire State Bldg. He is
soon going to be offered power, and how he deals with that
offer will define his character.
I thought it was very interesting the Reaction the other
rulers had to finding out that Khivar did not have the
Granolith and that Max did. I wonder if the belief that Khivar
had the Granolith had given him a edge on the other planets?
Ummmm ... AND are we ever going to find out what the Granolith
does? Or is this going to be another Megan's Box (Felicity)
thing?? AND WHY DIDN'T Max ask Liz about HOW she knew about
the Granolith - he mentioned that it had been bugging him???
I thought the comments by the Possessed Brody (PB) were
interesting. I don't think history has repeated itself - like
someone pointed out already - due to Liz's intervention!! The
similarities between the Zan murder and the attempted murder
of Max was deliberate - and Liz's intervention changes the
I've rambled enough, but I have to say, my favorite scene
was the Liz/Maria scene by the fountain - that was classic
Roswell at its best!!
More when I have time to rewatch!! Feels good to FINALLY
get some confirmation of our long held belief! :firehop:
Zero I Shall Believe!!
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By Melodious1
12:02 AM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter: And of course I
went "Snake?" when Tess was telling him everything at his feet
(from the Empire State Bldg) was his. But I do not think she
is evil, because (one last scriptural reference) she wipes out
the bad guys and "no house divided against itself can stand."
I don't feel Tess is evil either. I did see the comparison
of Satan/Christ, but merely to show that Tess is possibly the
representation of the path Max SHOULDN'T choose (this is the
path he took last time and it obviously failed). Tess doesn't
realize she's the "snake", the tempter of the *unrighteous*
path. I do feel she's doing what she feels *needs to* and
*must* be done and she feels it's right... yet whether it
truly is or not, I'm highly doubtful. All clues still seem to
point to Liz and the path Max should take with her (the
correct path). I seriously don't think I'm being all that
biased either.
Zan (seemingly) chose and married Ava once... they all
died... so what do you do? Let's get recreated into new bodies
and make all the same mistakes AGAIN. Not saying there was a
direct corrolation between failure and Zan's choosing Ava...
but not saying there wasn't either. Zan -- according to
Nikolas (so I should take it with a grain of a salt I suppose)
-- never seemed to trust the *right* people. That doesn't mean
they were (all) *bad*, but possibly incapable of *ruling* or
had ideas on *ruling* that weren't necessarily good ideas
(good intentions but not right for the kingdom)? Ava (her
advisors, family?) possibly influencing these bad Zan
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By YeNNiE |
12:02 AM |
One quick question... When Liz mention to Ava that Max
brought her back... Ava seems like she was about to swallow
her tongue. Why didn't she tell Liz about the 'being changed'
thing right then and there??? I think there will be a huge
discovery or revelation about this 'being changed' thing. At
least an explanation!
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By RozRules
12:15 AM |
Ok, I'm not sure if someone has mentioned this before, but I
just noticed something else about Run Lola Run(in particular
the song Liz was listening to.)
It is the theme song for the movie and I just downloaded
it, and there is a verse that really stuck out to me when I
heard it and got me thinking how it could relate to Liz. Here
it is: " I wish I was a starship, in silence flying
by I wish I was a princess, with armies at her hand I
wish I was a ruler, who'd make them understand "
Any thoughts on this?
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CharmedKitten |
12:36 AM |
I'm a happy girl!!!
I agree with everyone that saw more into the Ava and Liz
scenes. I was jumping up and down with joy when Liz found Ava
in the alley. I just knew she was going to take her in. And
Ava's nightmare? So amazing, the scenes afterwards with the
two of them and then with Michael and Isabel.
I think that Isabel helped Liz find her way, but didn't
really have a big part in it. I think that she realized that
she wasn't needed to do the task, just to make Liz believe in
herself. (Oh, and I loved this scene...I have a little belief,
sorry if it's OT, that Liz and Isabel are the main forces in
keeping the two different groups together. They're the driving
force of both groups. Just had to throw that in there! )
I loved the scene between Liz and was so great
to see them back together and building their friendship back
And I loved the scene with Max and Liz. Max knows something
and he won't give up. But he will drop it. He won't meantion
it again until Liz brings it up. He'll stand firm on that. He
knows that she still loves him more than anything, he just
hasn't figured out her reasoning. I'm starting to like the
idea more and more of Max accepting Liz back and forgiving her
and THEN finding out the truth.
Okay, I'm going to stop now and go to bed and come back
tomorrow and start to really do some anaylsis after I've
watched it again!
Night all!
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shapeshifter |
01:09 AM |
To bed in a moment, but I was really impressed with the
writers for showing Liz and Maria rejoicing in their
And I got the impression at the end that Max did not think
Liz slept with Kyle; her look told him that she simply could
not tell him otherwise. And his experience in NY showed him
that he could trust her.
| |
By deidra e,
jones |
04:19 AM |
Advanced human, Liz!
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By deidra e,
jones |
04:35 AM |
Now if they bring back River Dog!
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By nermal |
05:27 AM |
I wonder what else Liz can do now? If she'd only tell Max the
truth... Though it's nice to see Max trying to be friends
despite what he thinks happened.
After her fire spree in Wipeout, Tess as Satan is fitting.
I thought it weird that she doesn't remember how she fought
back against Rath and Lonnie. Did she wipe them out, too? Is
someone else controlling her? I'd assume she's a traitor
except she knows where the granilith is. Unless control of the
granilith has to be relinquished for a transfer of power to
take place.
I don't get any bad vibes from Ava. She seems pure, like
the Roswell podsters. It seems like she should have stayed and
told what else she probably knows.
With Zan waiting for someone else, Liz must fit in some
other way than just having powers. A Chosen One or Fifth
Element would fit in here. The granilith being a powerful
religious artifact, even being described as their holy grail,
must be part of it, too. The step up in religious symbolism
has to be leading somewhere.
From what Ava said, Kyle must be changed, too. Though he
said he felt changed, he doesn't share the flashes/connection
with Max that Liz does, again supporting what's happening to
Liz is special.
I hope River Dog comes back, too. Our characters are in
desparate need of a mentor/spirit guide right now.
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By StarBox
05:41 AM |
Am I the only one who still thinks Tess is evil??? As for the
"house divided against each other" quote - we KNOW Tess did
NOT kill Nicolas - how do we know she actually killed ANY of
the skins? And remember - the same exact effect of indian
chanting was played during this scene as was during the
Lonnie/Wrath scenes - usually in all forms of theatre - when
you have a repeated musical "theme" it serves the purpose of
identifying and connecting. Here is what I think - I think
that this season Max is going to be dealing with the Khivar
supporters/skins that want him DEAD - and THEN he is going to
have the new threat of the rebels and the betrayal of Tess
(who by that time he will trust completely although not be
romantically involved with).
Did anyone see a fourth pod in the sewer? I only saw three.
I LOVE the Zan-coming-to-earth theory.
GRACEKEL - did you pick up Lonnies line to Nicolas "I have
CARDS you havent seen yet??"
EVID - thought of you with Liz's "Virgin Mary" pose when
she first materialized in NYC
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer
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Dreamdancer |
05:59 AM |
Czech Please I was thinking the same thing what if Liz is a
catalyst for the Aliens. Now dont get me wrong I am a Liz HA
or changed supporter but what if Liz is some kind of catalyst
for the pod squad. An another thing what if she is the "key"
or "chosen one" who will open the granilith? Okay this maybe a
little confusing but here I go anyway...
About thr granolith what if Liz is the key to using it.
Future Max spoke of a Serena what if that was Liz's name in a
past life and she is the one who opened the granolith for time
travel? One of the biggest things about Liz we have known from
the beginning is her love of science especially molecular
biology and one of the aliens gifts are how to manipulate
molecular structures. Maybe (Liz) Serena is the one who finds
out how to manipulate the molecular structure of time like put
a whole to divert space and using the granolith as a source of
power. I know this is confusing but
I beilive it was Melodious who mentioned the song at the
end of MITC and the "chosen One" status and I was thinking
about the song I shall Beilive by Sheryl Crow which is played
at the end of EOTW. One of the last verses show Liz spinning
and Sherly crooning and you hold the key or you are the key I
am not sure on the wording. Then in MITC Liz has changed
because of her death and Zan never truly loved Ava and Max
dosent give up the granolith because of the message from Liz a
person he supposedly dosent trust. I think that all this leads
up to Liz being the "key" or the "chosen one" Maybe she is
needed in the end to help the pods open the granolith and
defeat their enemies and maybe that was the reason the parents
decided to send them to earth and not another habital planet
to find the key
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By Alexis |
06:00 AM |
I just wanted to say that Liz saved the day once again! Yea! I
am so excited that she has changed, which in turn means that
Kyle has changed and that means that they will definitely be
on the show more.
I thought it was great that even Ava had a feeling Zan was
waiting for someone else to walk into his life! That means
that Liz is the 5th element and is important to the survival
of the Royal Four.
But poor Lizzy has it all wrong! Tess and Max don't have to
be together in the relationship sense of the word! Tess just
has to stay in Roswell. Besides, they have a spare they can
contact. I wish they kept that open (like a probe that they
could contact Ava with). I'm glad she told Maria the truth!!!
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By Alexis |
06:21 AM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox: Ah - and so now - at
last - everyone knows....
LIZ HAS POWERS!!! Maybe even STRONGER powers than Isabel.
LOTS of BIG hints that she has "CHOOSEN ONE" status. And
Ava and Zan were NOT together because he was "waiting for
someone" - (The CHOOSEN ONE??) Are Liz's powers simply the
result of being healed - or is it that her healing was the
sign of the prophesied "CHOOSEN ONE"?????? We dont know - but
I definately think Ava's actions suggest that it is more than
just the result of a healing.
And the big "C" word - "CHANGE" - Liz has CHANGED (just
like FMax said she would).
Notice that the DRAGON on Liz's window has been prominent
in every single episode this season?
Also - looked to me like Liz and Ava were sharing a strong
connection - rather than switched pods for Ava and Tess -
could it be that Liz and Ava are connected somehow????
One quick thought - my husband and I both agree that the
opening scene with Tess and Max on the empire state building
was an obvious parallel to the temptation of Christ. You
just never see someone stand on top of a mountain/building/etc
and say "This is where you belong - with all this at your
FEET" without it being an allusion to Satan.
**StarBox** dreamer, mythologist
Starbox I completely agree with everything you said! It is
a great point abou the reference to Satan. All great leaders
(including Christ) had temptations staring them (or forced
into) their face and they have to make sacrifices for the
"Greater Good."
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By ree99 |
06:32 AM |
Morning, all. I wanted to comment on the appearance of the
dragon sticker in Liz's window. I noticed it in last night's
episode (will go back to check earlier ones), and especially
noted that it appeared right behind Max's shoulder in the last
Well... I don't know if any of you are familiar with the
Wheel of Time series of books by Robert Jordan, but it strikes
me that there are definitely similarities between Max and the
hero in that story, Rand, who is also called the Dragon
1) Rand is a small town boy just going about his business
when he is suddenly thrust into a world that seems to either
want to worship him or kill him.
2) Rand is a "reborn" version of an historic king.
3) The king was responsible for bringing about the
destruction of his empire and nearly destroying his world. (I
know the jury is still out about Zan's rule, just thought this
might be a connection.)
4) Rand fights his destiny as the reincarnation of this
5) Rand is tied to multiple women in his life (three, not
just two).
6) Rand has almost no idea of how to tackle the problems he
now faces as a ruler. (Max at the summit reminded me
particularly of this aspect of the books.)
7) Rand has multi-taloned dragons appear on his lower arms
after challenges he must face and conquer. The dragon sticker
strongly reminded me of the dragon symbols on his arm.
The similarities may just be linked to Joseph
Campbell's Hero Journey, but the dragon sticker just really
hit home last night.
Okay, now late for work. Have a great day!
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By azcat |
06:52 AM |
First of all, IMHO, it was definitely a miniscule nod that Liz
gave Max when he asked about her and Kyle. For the past couple
episodes, she's been asking more and more from him - last one,
she wanted to be friends despite all of it, this one, when Max
said he wanted to be friends, she looked disappointed, like
she wanted something more (of course she does! ). But for some
reason, she still felt it necessary to lie to him. Maybe she
wants him to find it out for himself, maybe to follow his
initial intuition.
It totally grabbed my attention, the look Ava gave Liz when
she found out Max "brought her back." Very intense, almost
like ( and someone mentioned a prophesy - interesting how
alien religion is starting to be brought in this late in the
game )it was a thing she had heard about, as in a prophesy.
The camera time on her face at this point suggests that for
some reason this is *a big deal.*
Anyone notice that the NY squad lived in the sewer of Track
More thoughts after I watch this again tonight.
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By jjac |
06:57 AM |
Hi, I hope that I am not repeating what someone has already
said, but I got an idea and I was so excited about pasting
that I could not wait.
Change seems to be a very important theme both in EOTH and
last night's episode. In EOTW, FM to Liz that she was not
allowing herself to change. In MITC, Brody/Larek told Max that
he had to learn that change happens slowly , that Max was in
too much of a hurry to enact change and that he wouldn't
listen. In EOTW, Max would not listen to Liz as she tried to
push him toward Tess, which caused her to make her drastic
Also, althought I am definitely not a Tess supporter, I am
moved by the fact that both she and Ava seems to be the
subject of abuse and mistrust from both the podsters and the
Dupes. I believe that part of the change that needs to take
place is the treatment of Tess/Ava. Liz definitely if a factor
in the way that Max has changed his treatment/support of Tess.
In MITC, she stopped Isabel and Michael from doing physical
harm to Ava. In so doing, she opened the door for Ava to show
her how she had been changed thus allowing her to save Max. I
believe (hope) that in the future, Tess will realize what Liz
did for her thus alowing her to see that Liz is not "only a
human who has nothing to do with the podsters", but a vital
part to their survival both on Earth and their home planet.
By the way, has anyone noticed the way that everyone
associated with the home planet seems to virtually ignore Tess
or never address her as the mate of the king? The highest
distinction that seems to have been given to her is
"girlfriend" by Nicholas. Wouldn't he of all people, who seem
to have memories from the past recognize her?
I have more thoughts that I will post later.
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By azcat |
07:01 AM |
the yelling. I am very excited about this! Does it make sense
to you all?
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By azcat |
07:08 AM |
quote:Originally posted by czech please: Could Liz be a
human version of the Granolith???
I just thought of this. Elizabeth means "house of God."
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StephStephSteph |
07:18 AM |
WHOOHOOHOOOEY! I'm SO excited!!!
I haven't had a chance to read through everyone's responses
as of yet since I just got a chance to get on the boards and
well... I'm just SO excited after last night that I HAD to
post right away!
OK.. the change!!! Ava says Liz "has changed"? We see Liz
do a type of dream walk, but it's different. It's a different
type of power than Iz, isn't it? She can't be heard.. he can
only see her. I guess he could only see Iz too and maybe since
Liz is SO new at this she hasn't quite perfected the talk and
touch aspect of this little (dare I say) power?
Here's a question though.. what about Kyle? He was "brought
back"? There's two theories I have.. either, the obvious,
they're both changed and Kyle has yet to figure it out - OR -
only Liz was changed because she hasw a much more deeper
meaning than just "being brought back" by Max!
Ava's look was CLASSIC when Liz mentioned being brought
back. Although, I admit, I started jotting things down the
second Ava mentioned Zan not loving her completely and "always
looking for someone else to love". Could there be another Liz?
Could it be this Serena we've heard so little about?
I have to know though why didn't they grill Ava for
information before she left?? It's similar to the why didn't
anyone read through CW's files question!
The ending! AHHHH. T is evil. Something's wrong! That whole
last scene was bizarre! She had weird looks going on ALL night
(first in the sewers, then at the summit). It's either NOT her
at the end and Max is bringing home Nickolas or someone evil
OR T is in on the whole thing and she'll eventually be the
I'd have to say though.. for us RBI's!? This was an A+
episode to me!!! Liz has POWERS!!!!
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By azcat |
07:19 AM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter: And of course I
went "Snake?" when Tess was telling him everything at his feet
(from the Empire State Bldg) was his. But I do not think she
is evil, because (one last scriptural reference) she wipes out
the bad guys and "no house divided against itself can stand."
But did she really wipe out the bad guys? I mean, how
the heck did Nicholas survive that? I've heard the theory that
it's because he had greater powers, but, I mean, he's still a
skin, we saw his husk. Erf?
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By homezomy
07:19 AM |
I have a theory about Kyle (ok I know this is a Liz's
importance to AM but it involves her) Ok so we now know that
Liz has been changed not sure entirly to what extent and what
this means for her in the future but I keep coming back to the
point that Kyle didn't see flashes .. so I'm just giving a
little thought to this and perhaps he needs to be involved
with an alien before the changes become evident like Liz did
in SH .. Liz saw flashes from Max and Nasedo so I'm thinking
if Kyle would just kiss someone, anyone (probably an alien
chic would be helpful) he might get flashes and his changes
might become more evident.
PM me if you'd like to talk about this further cause I'm
not on FF very much or you could email me at and let me know your thoughts on
this wavelength..
| |
By Alexis |
07:31 AM |
quote:Originally posted by shapeshifter: To bed in a
moment, but I was really impressed with the writers for
showing Liz and Maria rejoicing in their virginity.
And I got the impression at the end that Max did not think
Liz slept with Kyle; her look told him that she simply could
not tell him otherwise. And his experience in NY showed him
that he could trust her.
Shapeshifter I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY about Liz and Maria
rejoicing in their virginity! It's nice to know that Girl
Power can positively affect girls realizing they can have love
without making love in that way! There are plenty of other
ways of showing your love for someone (I just wanted to keep
you warm springs to mind).
I think Max doesn't really believe that Liz slept with Kyle
(I know you Liz and I know you wouldn't do that to me). I
think he's dropping it because he knows she can't tell him. I
hope he gets a flash when he picks up that strip photo!
| |
StephStephSteph |
07:44 AM |
quote:Originally posted by azcat:
But did she really
wipe out the bad guys? I mean, how the heck did Nicholas
survive that? I've heard the theory that it's because he had
greater powers, but, I mean, he's still a skin, we saw his
husk. Erf?
EXACTLY! Where did Nick come from?? He was blown away
by this T power, yet he's still around? I don't think so! I
think it was a T - O - Vision and SHE conjured up the whole
*poof be gone* idea with Nick, so that they could get out of
there before the force field was lifted. I mean, maybe T could
see what was happening with Liz/Maria and Kyle? We really have
NO clue to what extent her powers range, ya know!?!?
| |
By StarBox
07:48 AM |
quote:Originally posted by StephStephSteph:
The ending! AHHHH. T is evil. Something's wrong! That whole
last scene was bizarre! She had weird looks going on ALL night
(first in the sewers, then at the summit). It's either NOT her
at the end and Max is bringing home Nickolas or someone evil
OR T is in on the whole thing and she'll eventually be the
demise! [/B]
OOOOOOH - I had not even THOUGHT of this. You are
RIGHT! It WAS totally weird. And her line about "going HOME to
Roswell" - that was such an "un-Tess" thing to say. since when
does she consider ROSWELL
"home". Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Could
it be Nicolas? Or could it be LONNIE? (Remember her mysterios
comment about having "CARDS TO PLAY that she had not SHOWN
yet?"s are numebered and we will be seeing Ava again.
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer We will have to see
what the future holds. And reggie - I agree - I think
Tess's day
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By lurker |
07:56 AM |
ok, i posted this on the MiTC discussion thread but i think it
got lost among all the posts. i thought the last scene with
liz looking in the mirror for "changes" was very reminicent of
a girl after losing her virginity. max being there really
brought this into my mind, perhaps its an echo of what would
have happened if they had made love earlier.
lots of repeating history, repeating scenes references
here. commendable continuity.
it seems to me that if liz is changed by max, maybe she was
changed to a much greater degree than kyle because of all the
forced flashes, etc. later. so i don't think kyle will show
the same type of powers.
here's my question, why is tess always so jumpy when max is
questioned about the granolith? we saw it in WO and here when
lonnie asks him the first time tess really looks uneasy,
almost overacting the scene. why does she care so much if nick
or the dupes learn about the granolith from max? is it because
she's in league with them and hasn't told them yet?
any for everyone who wants to get rid of tess, just think
if she was gone and ava was in, all lovey-dovey and no great
plots to uncover. no fun!
| |
StephStephSteph |
08:03 AM |
quote:Originally posted by StarBox:
OOOOOOH - I had not
even THOUGHT of this. You are RIGHT! It WAS totally weird. And
her line about "going HOME to Roswell" - that was such an
"un-Tess" thing to say. since when does she consider ROSWELL
"home". Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Could
it be Nicolas? Or could it be LONNIE? (Remember her mysterios
comment about having "CARDS TO PLAY that she had not SHOWN
yet?"s are numebered and we will be seeing Ava again.
**StarBox** mythologist, dreamer We will have to see
what the future holds. And reggie - I agree - I think
Tess's day
GREAT POINT! Since WHEN does T think of Roswell as home?
She's always been so "anti-human/Earth/Roswell"! Now all of a
sudden, "oh, they tried to get the information, but I wouldn't
let them"? BAH! I think not!! I don't trust it!!
Also a good point about Lonnie's comment about the cards.
Could she have shifted into T ? We saw her do that into Iz and
Rath into Mike - can they shapeshift (of sorts)?
One more thing.. did I miss it or were there not previews
for next week's eppy!?
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By SF |
08:06 AM |
quote:Originally posted by michworl:
There was a theme
of change tonight. Liz changed when Max saved her life and
Brody at the peace summit said that things needed to
change...or that he'd hoped things had changed.
Something did change tonight. When Rath killed Zan it was
right after an argument between them and Zan said "I'm the
man". Then Rath dropped the ball, Zan tried to get it and was
pushed in the street with Ava unable to do anything. Tonight,
the same scenario, Max arguing with Rath, ends up saying "I'm
the man" and then they try to kill Max while Tess is unable to
One difference: Liz saved Max. She has already brought
about change. Brody said change is needed.
I really think the writers had to be tying that scenario
in, because why would the dialogue "I'm the man" and the
replicated scene be in both episodes.
Great catch michworl. The "I'm the man," repeat looked
really obvious to me as well. I think the theme of change has
been there all season. This time around things have to change
or "history will repeat itself." And Liz is definitely
intergral to the change, after all, she is the one who says
her life is like Run Lola Run.
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By Willow42
08:18 AM |
As for Tess calling Roswell home I just thought it was because
she was finally figuring out her home planet isn't exactly
wonderful. She never had a place in this world and now she's
starting to feel connected to Roswell. I mean with the way
everyone was treating Tess and would be treating her when she
got back home (not to mention the aliens don't seem to be the
nicest people)- i wouldn't be thrilled to go back home either.
But I must say the whole scene with Max finding Tess was
fishy. Something is up.
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By NyLoN |
08:20 AM |
Interesting thoughts here, not sure about the Zan theory
though. Liz getting powers was predicted over on the Campbell
thread, and it is Campbellian even if I don't like it. Ree99 I
don't think there are any great corelations save for the
Hero's Journey.
Ava and Liz's talks were really crucial, it is clear that
the show is getting ready to move back to a romance oriented
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StephStephSteph |
08:44 AM |
Didn't you also find it bizarre that Liz and Ava made such a
connection? Ava was so sweet and innocent even though Ava had
loved Zan, who was pretty much Max, but not (gawd, I'm
confusing myself here).
I just think it's vitally important that T has always been
someone of a suspicious "person" in the Roswell Group and Ava?
Well, she just seemed very pure. Pod switchings? T as a
traitor? T as a Skin-Helper? They're ALL possibilities in MY
Oh.. and where did Ava jet off to - get that girl back here
to answer some questions!!
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By chica |
08:47 AM |
I also have my doubts about who has come back to Roswell as
Tess. We weren't told what happened to Rath/Lonnie. The Tess
person didn't seem to know what she has supposedly done to
them. So if Rath/Lonnie are still out there, and Nicholas
still knows where they all are, how can Max head back to
Roswell to home/safety. What is to keep all the alien enemies
for descending on this town in retribution of Max's failure to
accept Kivar's deal=give up the granolith. Rath showed no
reticence to do away with anyone who stood in his way; why
would he let Tess go. I wondering if Tess might be dead (like
Zan) and we have Lonnie in her place. The enemies, if they
group together, would stay at bay for a while letting Lonnie
try to get the granolith location by deceit.
A thought: thank goodness Max is thinking clearly again! He
KNOWS Liz was not unfaithful--he's just waiting for her to
tell him in her own time. It has only taken 9 episodes of
season 2, but at last Max and Liz will once again be working
together. The best is yet to come!
| |
StephStephSteph |
08:50 AM |
I know I know.. I have to stop posting quesitons, but.. did
anyone else notice that it didn't REALLY look like T was
fighting Rath when Rath "took her"? I mean, she had an
open-eyed look, but there wasn't much wiggling or kicking or
anything! Hmmm...
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By azcat |
09:29 AM |
So what are these re-runs?
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StephStephSteph |
10:10 AM |
They're rerunning Skin and Bones next week and then the
following week we (Boston) have some weird Health Show called
Teens on in that slot! *grrrr*
How am I supposed to go until the 18th until we find out
any more!?!?!?
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By Dayneen
10:19 AM |
Morning All!!! Last night's episode was completely
mezmerizing! Now this is the Roswell I know and love!!! I had
a feeling this episode was going to be the turning point in
the whole L/M love story, and Liz's connection to the pod
The suggestion being made about Tess really being Lonnie,
is very possible. I'm finding it hard to believe that she
incinerated Rath & Lonnie the same way she did the skins.
1. For one thing , Tess would've had to use her powers
against 2 of the defective Royal Four. Key word here is "Royal
Four" I believe Lonnie & Rath together are just as
powerful or even more powerful than Tess. They knew much more
about themselves and their powers than the real
podsters. 2. Then there's the comment about going home.
"home to Roswell" Though that could've been Tess, it very well
could've been Lonnie. Don't get me wrong Tess has never really
expressed any love for Earth, but what I don't understand is
why would she feel she needs to tell Max "I'm ready to go
home, to Roswell" Max would already know if she said I'm ready
to go home, she meant Roswell. Tess could very well be Lonnie
disguising herself to find the Granolith.
Some might ask, Where's Rath?? Well, Lonnie might've killed
him after they killed Tess. Remember Nicholas told Lonnie only
she could go back to their home planet: he didn't want Rath
there. Lonnie has proven that she'll betray (kill) anyone that
gets in her way. Brother, Boyfriend, whomever.
And as far as Max goes, this whole plot to assasinate him
is NOT over!! Nicholas said that Kivar wants him dead no
matter what. I bet there's a much higher price on Max's head
right now! With Kivar coming after him and not to mention the
other planet leaders who will now be after him. And I believe
Liz's importance to the podsters will play a huge part in
continuing to keep the the King (Max) alive.
StephStephSteph- I noticed this too. You'd think Tess
would've been able to throw one her infamous illusions to stop
what was going on. Bottom line I still don't trust her. Or
whomever she might be now. Max will not become a great leader
if he has a doting bride behind him nodding to everything he
says. If Liz were the one with him New York, they would've had
an intense discussion about his decision, and he would NOT
have been so confused about what to do.
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By huggybehr
10:54 AM |
I know I haven't been posting much lately, but as a long time
Liz mythologist, I just had to come out of lurkdom to
celebrate with you all. Liz with powers, how great is that! I
will be back when I've had a chance to see the whole episode,
and read the rest of the thread. But, I was wondering about
Liz's line before connecting with Max in NY "I don't know why,
but I'm really scared of doing this" (it's from memory so I
may be slightly off). I thought maybe on a subconscious level,
she knew that using her powers for the first time would start
the change, or maybe she was scared that by connecting with
Isabel, she would reveal something about the secret she is
carrying. Also, Isabel's line "I know my brother, and if
there's one voice he will hear no matter where he is, no
matter what he's doing, it's yours", reminded me of the scene
in 285 South when Liz said she could never take Max away from
Isabel. I think this is what Isabel feared all along, it seems
she may be accepting the important role Liz plays in his life
now. Do you think she might be instrumental in bringing them
back together? (I know, dreamer tendencies are showing!)
Can I also resurrect my speculation on the importance of
'The Balance' - "...a force that can change both your body and
your mind, unless you navigate it properly". I still maintain
that this is the difference between the healing of Liz and
Kyle. Max was definately in control of the latter healing. I
wonder if he inadvertently transferred some of his essence to
Liz in the healing, especially if he brought her back to life,
after all the pod squad all died and were brought back to
life. Perhaps Liz's powers will turn out to be the same as
Max's and they will share more than the same soul.
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By estrella
11:11 AM |
I am new to fanforum and thus new to the open discussion of
Roswell, so please bear me if I repeat something that has been
said before. I welcome any feedback.
I am very intrigued by the use of symbols throughout the
Roswell epi. I have considered many of them but since I am the
only one in my household that really gets into the show I have
been unable to explore these symbols in great detail.
One of the things I have noticed is the presence of the
dragon on Liz/s blinds (I believe someone else noticed this as
well). The use of the dragon is interesting because of its
many different meanings including that of strength power and
protection. In the design of "coat of arms" dragons represent
valor and protection. They have been described as the most
valiant defender of treasure.
This makes me think of the Granolith and Liz's connection
to it. Clearly this is a treasure of unknown potential. Even
if Liz's knowledge of it is through Future Max she is still
largely responsible for Max refusing to give up this Religious
Are there some yet unrevealed prophecy connecting Liz with
the Royal Four and their mission? Of course! I know I am not
alone in my belief--otherwise we would not be here trying to
solve these riddles.
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By Miss
Roswell |
11:48 AM |
quote:Originally posted by YeNNiE: One quick
question... When Liz mention to Ava that Max brought her
back... Ava seems like she was about to swallow her tongue.
Why didn't she tell Liz about the 'being changed' thing right
then and there??? I think there will be a huge discovery or
revelation about this 'being changed' thing. At least an
I totally agree!! This scene jumped out at me with both
legs on the floor!!! Did Ava realize at that time that Liz was
the one that Zan was looking for? Is Liz really the other
podster? Is Liz really the bride?
So many questions and not enough answers.
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By azcat |
11:57 AM |
quote:Originally posted by estrella: They have been
described as the most valiant defender of treasure.
This makes me think of the Granolith and Liz's connection
to it. Clearly this is a treasure of unknown potential.
Interesting point. We've all been wondering what the dragon
could mean - this strikes me as a very plausible theory,
especially since it's on her window, which is often used as an
entrance to her room (mostly by Max, from what I've seen ).
And Liz always seems rather retiring - a defender,
certainly, but a dragon? Could this be a little insight into a
side of her character we've yet to see?
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StephStephSteph |
11:59 AM |
quote:Originally posted by Miss Roswell: I totally agree!!
This scene jumped out at me with both legs on the floor!!! Did
Ava realize at that time that Liz was the one that Zan was
looking for? Is Liz really the other podster? Is Liz really
the bride?
So many questions and not enough answers.
Me too! I was like what does that mean! What does that
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By azcat |
12:04 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Dayneen: Some might ask, Where's
Rath?? Well, Lonnie might've killed him after they killed
Tess. Remember Nicholas told Lonnie only she could go back to
their home planet: he didn't want Rath there. Lonnie has
proven that she'll betray (kill) anyone that gets in her way.
Brother, Boyfriend, whomever.
Yes, so, why didn't they kill Tess when she "wouldn't let
them in"?
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By Zara |
12:10 PM |
Hi all,
I couldn't wait to get home from work to jot down a few
thoughts -
Does Max see through the Liz/Kyle thing after watching the
last scene of MiTC? You bet. In fact, the more I ponder it the
more I think he's spotted the whole thing as a fake from the
moment at the window back in EOTW. He's been upset with Liz,
not because she slept with Kyle (which she didn't) but because
she was unwilling to take a risk on their love when faced with
the "destiny" imposed on them by goshknowseverybody, FM and
Mommy included.
This risking free will over destiny the central theme of
the season for Isabel as well, as she fights Vilandraism,
whe're she's cursed by ill-fate in her "destined" betrayal of
Max. Odd how Lonnie's words rang so true when she impersonated
Isabel in the fight with Max: "it is EXHAUSTING", she said,
trying to live with the knowledge of the supposed betrayal
(I'm paraphrasing - don't make me go get my vcr remote, you
remember what I'm talking about...)
About Ava leaving the way she did - that was so exCIting to
me - I think when she realized that a change in the destiny
had taken place (via Max healing Liz) she felt surprise,
confusion, perhaps shock, then ... LIBERATION! She seemed SO
happy when she left - because the universe was her oyster now!
It was new beginning! (We see that with Max, too, remember? "I
want to start again", he said to Liz. Yippee!
All I can say about the snake is poor Tess, whom I dislike
and distrust but now also pity because she's clinging to the
hope of this old destiny - someone prophetically said "that's
ancient history now" in MITC - I need to go back and see who
it was and check the context, but I think the phrase has broad
On Trust - a couple of important things last night: Max
left Liz back in Roswell with the feeling that he couldn't
trust her (imo, trust her to believe in them and move forward
in confidence). In NY there's the whole speech with Tess about
how she's always trusted him blindly (imo again, because she
believes in destiny). Trust as it relates to free
will/determinism again. We should expect to see this theme
rear its head again as it relates to Liz and Tess.
And finally, does anyone see a little Serena in Ava?
I know I ramble - perhaps something of merit here...
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StephStephSteph |
12:15 PM |
Good points, Zara!
Let's see if Liz's confiding in Maria about the
not-sleeping-with-Kyle thing helps her along the way. I mean,
Liz tells Maria she can't because T and Max have to be
together - they're stronger that way. Yet, we see Liz use
those powers we've all been waiting for!
How strong is Max WITHOUT Liz? She's always there! She's
always helping! She's ALWAYS coming to the rescue! She's an
even more key factor now than ever.. and this T and Max need
to be together crap? Well, let me open the window so we can
chuck that theory RIGHT ON OUT!!!!
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By SweetJo
12:15 PM |
Oh wow! I am so excited!
LIZ HAS POWERS. I knew it, we all did!
Now I can't wait to see how many of the theories the RBI's
have come up with turn out being correct.
I know I am still convinced that LIZ is some kind of FIFTH
ELEMENT. Especially, now.
I don't think Liz was Max bride back on Twilo but she is
his soulmate that he always longed for but could never find
back on Twilo.
SweetJo I SHALL BELIEVE!!!!! Grandma Claudia-If it
isn't complicated, then he probably isn't a soulmate-LEAVING
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By Spitfire
12:24 PM |
Wow! I missed a bunch--that'll teach me not to keep up with my
reading! Have to read everything--be back later!
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By SweetJo
12:27 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Zara: Hi all,
And finally, does anyone see a little Serena in Ava?
OMG! That is a very interesting thought. I got the feeling
that they were becoming very good friends. Plus, Ava seems to
know alot more than the rest of the podsters. That combined
Plus, Ava would want to change her name so that she would
be less likely to be found by Lonnie or Rath or any of the
evil aliens.
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Rockgoddess |
12:31 PM |
I'm torn between seeing Tess & Liz as both needed for Max
and just not liking Tess. Liz is the true soul-mate. She helps
Max think. She plays devil's advocate. Liz is Max's equal.
Together, both Tess and Liz have saved Max several times.
In White Room, Tess planed the rescue while Liz brought in the
calvery (Valenti)needed to pull it off.
When the Skins captured everyone, it was Liz who went off
to deal with the probe while Tess stayed by Max to save them.
Again, Liz's intellect and Tess's powers worked together to
save the day.
Even in MiTC, Liz working with Ava/DTess work to save Max.
Is it possible, that the relationship Liz was able to have
Ava is a forshadowing of what the relationship Liz should have
with Tess. Together, Liz and Tess create a strong foundation
for Max.
We know from FMax that Tess needs to be around. I think
Tess saying she wants to go home to Roswell is the final lock
that the sacrifice Liz made worked.
Tempress Tess may be true but not evil. Tess follows Max
blindly. She doesn't question him or try to hold him back. "I
know whatever decision you make will be a good one." Support
is great but not if you are supporting someone jumping off
cliffs. Liz provides the balance to Tess's adoration.
Abucted Brody said that Zan tried to do too much before. If
Tess was cheering him on unquestioningly, its possible that
Liz will counteact Tess's influence.
Liz may be developing powers but what if the powers are
passive. Liz shows up in NY physically but unable to move or
speak. max might not have seen her. Isabel and Tess, with
active powers, are able to get in your brian and communicate.
Tess could balance out Liz's passive powers. One thinks, the
other acts.
I am a Dreamer. However, a few things about Tess in MiTC
struck me. Tess has quit trying to get physical with Max. When
Lonni & Rath started making out, Tess was as uncomfortable
as Max. When Tess said Zan was a great husband in the last
life, she didn't infer Max would be her husband again. Second,
when Max said Liz had told him about the granolith's power,
Tess did not go off. Tess didn't show any disrespect toward
Liz. A simple, "How does she know" and that was it.
I think Tess is starting to see herself as her own person.
Tess feels Roswell is home, Max appreciates her,maybe, Tess
now sees a role other than Max's mate which brings Liz back in
the fold.
Thanksfor yourconsideration.
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By soxgirl45
12:45 PM |
I think Tess is really changing into something more than the
creator of the Max Evans obsessed fan club! I think she
realizes that Max really loves Liz now and will lay off a
little, or at least I hope she does so Max and Liz can get
back together. I couldn't believe that Liz has powers. Does
that make her an alien too? And what about Kyle? He got
healed. Does he have powers? ~soxgirl45
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By estrella
01:03 PM |
Original posting:
I couldn't believe that Liz has powers. Does that make her
an alien too? And what about Kyle? He got healed. Does he have
Remember last season Nasedo said all their powers were
human albiet very advance. I think he also made a comment
about how little of the brain is used by humans.
This being the case, if Liz has changed and now has
untapped/newly developing powers she would still be human or
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By 1wld4L/M
01:42 PM |
I totally agree with lurker!
FM says in EOTW that M&L relationship was cemented
after they made love. Well if Liz never met FM, and L/M did
have sex that night, then there is no question in my mind that
Liz would have gone to NY with Max and NOT Tess. And if she
had gone then she wouldn't have been forced to discover her
"powers". Perhalps, in the life that FM lived, Liz didn't
discover her powers until much later. And he didn't realize
that that info could have the same cementing effect.
I think that at the end of MITC it was actually Lonnie
shape shifting into Tess. (Like Nasedo said in TWR to Michael
"You've barely tapped into what you are capable of" so I'm
sure she is capable. Was this one of the cards she hinted
about to Nicolas?)
Since Liz is usually the hero, it will probably be her to
first suspect that the Tess who returns to Roswell is an
imposter. This means that Max and Liz will have to go find the
real Tess. And Maybe, just maybe...she will be so greatfull
that Max cared enough to save her, but at the same time
realize that Max will never have the same fealings for her as
he does for Liz, maybe she will willingly step aside to allow
them to be together. (especially if she acknowledges that Liz,
with her new found powers, may be a 5th element)
Obviously I'm not convinced that Max and Liz won't be
together again (like anyone is). The writers left it wide open
with FM's lines of "I don't know anything now...From now on
the future is to be determined...We create our own destiny"
I like the idea of Max finding out the truth by geting a
flash from the strip of pic's.
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By Evid |
01:43 PM |
Hi RBI's,
WOW, is all I can say about MITC. We should all be proud of
our selfs for solving this great mystery. Liz has been
changed, or as we like to call it, altered. I was thinking of
everyone on this thread when Ava finally revealed this. How
many of you held your breath when Ava looked at Liz like she
was a miracle, not only because Max saved her, but because Ava
realized that Liz was the CHOSEN ONE, she seemed to be in awe
of her. The fact that Zan was waiting for someone, spoke
volumes that he must have been waiting for Liz. Zan, like Max,
built up a wall, and it was Liz that tore down Max's, or made
him come out from behind the tree. Zan had not found Liz and
must have lost hope. I think Liz Dream Walked all on her
own, Iz opened her eyes and just seemed to give Liz her
support. So on Liz's first try, she got to Max all the way in
New York and also while he was wide awake. Just how powerful
is our Liz going to be? The Granolith was compared to the
Holy Grail, a religious symbol that Max's people worshipped
and someting that Max was intrusted with. So who intrusted it
to Max? Why was it sent to Earth, and of all places, Roswell
NM? Who is it that has a family that has lived in Roswell
for four generations? Who is it that had both the King and the
Dupe king searching for her? Who have we connected to
religious symbols and therefore the Granolith? Who found the
orb? Who was around for the successful healing and the
Mom-o-gram? She goes by one simple three letter name, LIZ.
I think we will find many more answers, if we continue on
this path to prove that Liz is indeed very Important to the
Alien Mythology. Zero: Thank you for starting this thread,
it's been a great ride.
Your the one Liz, the only one. ~Max~ Evid
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StephStephSteph |
01:52 PM |
Speaking of a great ride.. when do we start Thread #19? This
one's getting a tad long
*sits and waits patiently - sorta*
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By Reggie |
01:53 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Zara: Have you guys checked out
the stars tonight? Venus is blazing! (At least we Think it's
Venus - we can't see moons with the binoculars, so it's not
If it's low in the west, just after sunset and in about the
same place, that's Venus. You may be able to see a half-moon
shape, through your binoculars.
| |
By redhawk
02:53 PM |
Hi! I had a chance to watch the ep twice this morning. It
is so nice to see Roswell back to it's old self.
Just a few comments:
quote:Originally posted by czech please: ...I wonder if
the Granolith doesn't do something similar (amplify powers).
More than ever I am convinced that Liz is somehow connected to
it. What will happen when she is actually in the same room
with it? Have you been reading fan fiction lately? There is
a fantastic trilogy by Ash which runs along these same lines,
except the orb has the ability to influence and change others.
At the moment I'm not so sure if the Granolith serves as a
conduit. I think the change in Liz took place during the
healing and perhaps also with the reverse connection. And I'll
get back to this in a minute.
I think StarBox, Melodious, & others are on to
something with this reference to Christ and the temptation at
the Empire State building. I believe that, yes, the writers
are accessing our subconscious with these references. And,
yes, they often refer to Max. BUT, you know, the more eps I
see, the more it seems they also refer to Liz as the Savior.
She is what we call the "chosen one". She comes up with plans
to save the podsquad. She sacrifices her future for the good
of the world. She rescues Max from certain death by appearing
in NYC thereby changing history. I'm just hoping she really
doesn't have to die to save the world, unless, of course, she
rises again. Hmm, nevermind, I'm going to be selfish - I want
Max and Liz back together, screw the world.
Well anyway, on the subject of deliverance, I know a number
of you are dreamers, but don't always make it over to the
Cherishing thread. I have a really wonderful suggestion that
ties in with the above theory. Please download this music
video that JenDaze made. It is all M/L clips done to the song
"Deliver Me" by Sarah Brightman. It is SOOOO worth the
download time. You won't be disappointed.
Also on the religious symbolism front, I noticed the same
thing about Liz's stance when she appears in NYC to save Max.
At the time, it set off buzzers in my head. Like "I know I've
seen that somewhere, now where was it?" She stands straight
legs together, arms at her side, hands splayed flat out. I
wasn't sure if it was referring to Christ, but now I see.
Thanks StarBox. quote:Originally posted by Starbox:EVID -
thought of you with Liz's "Virgin Mary" pose when she first
materialized in NYC.
I definitely think that all this religious symbolism is
put in there for a reason. All of these references to saving
must be leading somewhere. Will Liz redeem Max and his "sins"
in his previous life? Is the talk of the Granolith as a "Holy
Grail" suggesting that the war on Twilo is more than just
civil... is it a religious war also? Hmmm....
Well, I still can't get over that loaded moment when Ava
realizes Liz is changed. It's as if she is thinking back on
some bit of knowledge from her previous life. I think she is
thinking back on a prophecy. She knows Zan was waiting for
someone important and she realizes Max has found the "one".
Anyway, just thought I'd post this collage again. I love it
when our theories actually materialize before us.
Sorry that was so long.
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By azcat |
07:04 PM |
Two things I noticed on watching this again. First, when the
emmissary tests Max, and it is determined that he is indeed
the King, the song that's playing is something to the effect
of "this isn't me, this isn't happening" - very plaintive.
When Rath tells Max he should be celebrating, Max is reticent.
Maybe it was his last hope that he could get out of this and
have the life he so desperately wants. Paying attention,
noticing his sorrowful nuances almost broke my heart. Behr
does the pathos thing *really* well.
The other thing was when Max was talking to Larek after he
has refused the "offer". It was brought up somewhere here that
Prince Zan in former life may have been studying Earth as some
kind of model. Well, Larek says (loosely quoting) that he
tried to tell Zan that the change couldn't be effected so
quickly, "...but you just kept - Oh, what's the point. That's
all ancient history now."
WHAT did Zan keep doing? Maybe going to Earth?
Oh, and I think there were only three pods in the Track 2
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By Zero |
08:05 PM |
Hi All RBIs/Mythologists - Looks like it is time for a NEW
thread - I will have the new one up this evening (though I've
had a hard time getting on the Board tonight)! So - look for
LITAM #19 to be up by midnight!!
Zero I Shall Believe!
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By azcat |
08:16 PM |
Maybe this is cuckoo, but the granolith all along has been
reminding me of something less like the Holy Grail, and more
like the Old Testament Ark of the Covenant. Anyone have any
thoughts on that?
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By jemapelle
08:34 PM |
I don't normally post on this thread but I love to come in and
read all of the interesting and thought provoking theories.
And after last night's episode I am more than excited to see
what the future will hold for Liz.
I have believed since the beginning that she is somehow
connected with the podsters especially Max. And the connection
is finally coming in to the forefront!
I'm not sure if this has been brought up already or
answered but when I was watching MITC I noticed only three
pods in the sewer. I rewatched that scene five times to make
sure and I don't see a fourth. Anyone else notice that? Any
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By LizEvans13
08:38 PM |
Hey guys. I haven't really been keeping up with this thread...
I used to... but I gotta' tell ya', I freaked last night. I
*knew* Liz was changed. She said so herself. And now we've
heard it, on the show. Yay! We're so clever. I knew something
was up when Liz was talking to Ava (who I *totally* loved) and
Ava said something about him 'bringing her back'. I was like,
"I bet they're gonna' find out Liz has been altered."
Anywho, congrats! We're a bunch of sleuths. Can't wait to
see what awaits. And what's this I hear about having to wait 3
WEEKS for a new episode?!?!
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By shaiwon72
09:08 PM |
i nearly fell off the stool at work when ava said that liz has
changed b/c of max. i had to rush home and rewatch it on my
i can't wait to see what else has changed in liz. getting
mighty interesting.
i have to say that i have warmed up to ava so much more so
than tess. also can't wait until max finds out the truth about
liz and kyle. i loved the liz & maria moment when all came
into the light. liz declaring that she loves max. my dreamer
heart is happy.
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By Zara |
09:09 PM |
quote:Originally posted by Reggie: If it's low in the west,
just after sunset and in about the same place, that's Venus.
You may be able to see a half-moon shape, through your
Definitely low, in the west and powerfully bright last
night! Very fun, I thought! Did anyone else notice?
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By sleepybehr
09:14 PM |
Hi everyone, I don't post here normally but I do follow along.
I had a thought on mitc. Redhawk mentioned a profecy and that
was the exact thought that I had. I think that there was a
profecy in the old world that zan would save the life of his
soulmate and she in turn would become very powerful and
destroy Khivar, returning peace to their planet. When Ava
heard that max saved liz she got scared almost, like she
realized the profecy had come true. She was scared of Liz
because of how powerful she had become. Ava also said that zan
was waiting for someone else to come into his life. I think
that the pods were sent to Roswell because liz would be born
there and the profecy would come true. Max was the real King
and not the duplicate, that is why he has the granolyth and
was sent to liz. Liz is the one who can help save the planet
because of the profecy.
I don't know if this makes any sense to any one else, it's
just a thought I had.
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By shaiwon72
09:28 PM |
there's something that i was wondering. when the podsters got
the mom-o-gram, they had those communicators. one was from max
and liz digging it up and where did the other one come up?
topolsky, i think, had it but where did she get it. now...
when the podsters made contact, did the dupes make contact as
well? at the same time? or was it earlier. did they have 2
communicators as well or was one communicator to go to each
group? it just seems a bit suspicious that the dupes would
talk about the momogram -- where they too made contact or was
told to them about the message. nacedo, maybe? but i don't
think he was around when the communicators were used. unless,
one of those infared, invisible aliens were spying and saw the
whole thing... i don't know.
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shapeshifter |
09:34 PM |
azcat,, I can definitely see the Granolith as the Ark of the
Convenant. Did you post that idea over at the Representations
&Interpretations thread?
Tess saying she is "going home to Roswell" simply means
that Liz was successful--at least thus far. But as (I think?)
Elliot posted, Tess seems to be even more in love with Max now
than before. And I got a real chill when Tess asked how did
she (Liz) know about the Granolith. The way Emilie said "she"
you could see the italics.
Moderators, please be patient, Zero is about to start the
next thread any moment (hour) now. She just got back from a
long journey to the city.
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By shaiwon72
09:35 PM |
quote:Originally posted by sleepybehr: Hi everyone, I don't
post here normally but I do follow along. I had a thought on
mitc. Redhawk mentioned a profecy and that was the exact
thought that I had. I think that there was a profecy in the
old world that zan would save the life of his soulmate and she
in turn would become very powerful and destroy Khivar,
returning peace to their planet. When Ava heard that max saved
liz she got scared almost, like she realized the profecy had
come true. She was scared of Liz because of how powerful she
had become. Ava also said that zan was waiting for someone
else to come into his life. I think that the pods were sent to
Roswell because liz would be born there and the profecy would
come true. Max was the real King and not the duplicate, that
is why he has the granolyth and was sent to liz. Liz is the
one who can help save the planet because of the profecy.
I don't know if this makes any sense to any one else, it's
just a thought I had.
that does make sense. why else would ava react that way.
the prophecy may have just come true. it's a good thing that
the rath and lonnie don't know about that. if is a prophecy,
they learned about it, they might attempt to hurt or kill liz.
she may have changed, but i don't think she has any alien
powers to fend them off.... max, the protector? in the
momogram, "... you will only know them by the evil within..."
since liz changed, she could be the one that "sniffs" out the
baddies. she saw all the blackness when maxcedo kiss her. she
is the key to defeating kivar. she probably also has the key
to the granolith, just that she doesn't know it yet.
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By Texas
Pepper |
09:47 PM |
Maxcedo and Zero, you've got WAY too much time on your hands!
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shapeshifter |
09:59 PM |
shaiwon, Redhawk, et al: I agree with the prophecy theory. So,
then, why did Ava react the way she did? Like she wanted to
hide the Prophecy? Is it too tragic? Too heartbreaking? Too
unbelieveable? Unspeakable?
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By 1wld4L/M
10:04 PM |
I've been a bit of a lurker but I have a lot of ideas about
what has/is/will happen on the show, so I've finally started
I also noticed that there were only 3 pods in NY. and I
have a somewhat long theory on why. So hopefully no one else
has already come to the same conclusion as myself.
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By michworl
10:06 PM |
As we know, Max failed to save his planet the first time
around...with Tess as his "bride". Something that bothers me
about Tess is here tendency to back everything Max says. I
think that's a little strange to never disagree with someone's
prospective. Tess is too loyal, too subsurvient...which could
just be because she's really the enemy, but I don't think so.
I think that it is just her way.
On the other hand, Liz is strong. She always gives
suggestions, finds solutions to problems. Maybe in order for
Max to succeed he needs a strong partner willing to help him
rule the planet not a weak partner willing to go along with
anything he says. In a previous posting, Estrella mentioned
that a dragon (in Liz's window) also symbolizes
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By azcat |
10:11 PM |
*Maybe* this is reaching, but I found these images on the
Crashdown ( THANKS NEMO! ), and I thought that the picture
behind Maria's head kind of looked like the royal seal Rath
showed Max in the sewer. [IMG]
I couldn't get the image thing to work, so just go look!
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shapeshifter |
10:21 PM |
quote:Originally posted by 1wld4L/M: Hi!!
I've been a bit of a lurker but I have a lot of ideas about
what has/is/will happen on the show, so I've finally started
I also noticed that there were only 3 pods in NY. and I
have a somewhat long theory on why. So hopefully no one else
has already come to the same conclusion as myself.Welcome
1wld4L/M Actually, we love it when we come up with the same
theories independently. So I won't tell you what the theory is
on The Three NY Pods so far (so I won't influence you before
you post your idea)...unless you want to read what's already
been posted here and on the Sci Fi thread (and probably
elsewhere) and then build on (or digress) from those ideas.
Either way, it's okay!
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By Pisces3Jen
10:24 PM |
quote:Originally posted by sleepybehr: Hi everyone, I don't
post here normally but I do follow along. I had a thought on
mitc. Redhawk mentioned a profecy and that was the exact
thought that I had. I think that there was a profecy in the
old world that zan would save the life of his soulmate and she
in turn would become very powerful and destroy Khivar,
returning peace to their planet. When Ava heard that max saved
liz she got scared almost, like she realized the profecy had
come true. She was scared of Liz because of how powerful she
had become. Ava also said that zan was waiting for someone
else to come into his life. I think that the pods were sent to
Roswell because liz would be born there and the profecy would
come true. Max was the real King and not the duplicate, that
is why he has the granolyth and was sent to liz. Liz is the
one who can help save the planet because of the profecy.
I don't know if this makes any sense to any one else, it's
just a thought I had.
I think that would make a lot of sense, and I love that
theory!! I really hope it will be true........
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By 1wld4L/M
10:32 PM |
So my theory on the 3 pods in NY is...
We saw that one of the pods was leaking, (maybe this was
because of some US Gov. tampering, or damage caused during the
escape) and I think that this damaged pod actually belonged
with the true royal 4 (not the rejects of NY) and this pod
contained none other than Ava. But possiblely another alien
(NOT Nasedo)was affraid to send the 4 rejects to NY, in fear
that Ava might not make it, or be damaged, weakening the power
of the Royal 4. So perhalps he sent the 3 to NY, but held onto
Tess for insurance. Then later, Nasedo took Ava to NY. Either
by mistake, or on purpose, since Tess may have been
stronger/healthier/ less human, which would've appealed to
Nasedo more.
Anyway, I would love to hear what you all think!!
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By 1wld4L/M
10:36 PM |
Thanks for the great Welcome shape shifter!!
I'll be sure to post some more of my ideas and questions.
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By gij |
11:00 PM |
umm, well, this might seem obvious, but i could theorise a lot
better if someone actually told me what happend... and then,
you know, i could jump up and down and scream with the best of
you. come on, please?
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By 1wld4L/M
11:01 PM |
Ok, so I rewatched MiTC, and did anyone else raise an eyebrow
to Nicolas' response to Max telling the other planet leaders
at the summit that he had the Granolith here on earth.
He says something like...(bare with me) "Yes, Kavar does
not have the Granolith, and yes we've known this for a
I thought that Congress Woman Whitaker told Isabelle that
she has been looking for the Granolith for 50yrs. (I maybe I
just assumed that)
But I always thought that the granolith was somehow placed
on earth at the time of the crash in '47, but after what
Nicolas said...I'm beginning to think that it must have been
brought here more recently, possibley in '88, the year that
the pods "spontaneously" hatched.?.
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destinedloveml |
11:55 PM |
I'M TALKING ABOUT!!! Ok this is the first post for me so
bare with me. I've be trying to keep up with everyone, but
there are so many theories to consider.
Well consider this one. I believe Liz is either the
"CHOSEN ONE" or the "FIFTH ELEMENT". Has anyone seen the movie
the FIFTH ELEMENT? Well in the movie there are four stones
that represent FIRE, WATER, AIR, and EARTH. Then there is the
FIFTH ELEMENT. In the movie they had to have all the stones
because without them the fifth element would be useless to
save the world. Each stone contained a different element and
are important in the balance of life. DOES THIS IN ANY WAY
SOUND FAMILIAR.The protectors of the stones were from another
planet or something and the stones were even hidden away so
that no one but the FIFTH ELEMENT would know where to find it
and use it at that.
Anyway, remember when Tess SUPPOSEDLY killed the skins with
fire, maybe Tess represents fire. I have no idea who the
others would represent because this is just a guess. But I
honestly think Tess is in on the whole thing with the dupes,
the skins, and whoever else wants the granolith or the royal
four out of the picture. Question-If Rath and Lonnie took Tess
why would Max easily find her sitting on the floor? Rath and
especially Lonnie aren't thoughtful in any way, shape, or form
so they would have killed her easily without thinking twice
about it. I think some shapeshifter or even Lonnie took her
place. Who knows, anything is possible in Roswell.
Oh, thank goodness Liz finally opened her mouth and told
Maria what happened in EOTW ep. Now we got to wait another
couple of eps so MAX can find out.
Gotta MAX Max:"It was you.."
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By shaiwon72
12:29 AM |
quote:Originally posted by 1wld4L/M: and I think that this
damaged pod actually belonged with the true royal 4 (not the
rejects of NY) and this pod contained none other than
Ava. But possiblely another alien (NOT Nasedo)was affraid
to send the 4 rejects to NY, in fear that Ava might not make
it, or be damaged, weakening the power of the Royal 4. So
perhalps he sent the 3 to NY, but held onto Tess for
insurance. Then later, Nasedo took Ava to NY. Either by
mistake, or on purpose, since Tess may have been
stronger/healthier/ less human, which would've appealed to
Nasedo more.
i had just posted something like that on the scifi
board. i think that ava was the leaking pod and the evilness
was leaking out of her sac... making her defective. but i
think ava was the original podster and tess a dupe and since
she was intact, she was to go w/ the podsters. ava seems more
human than rath and lonnie, whom at every chance reeks of
evil. tess got the better of the deal than ava. nacedo is
definitely not father material but at least she's learned some
human characteristics... esp living w/ the valenti men. ava
got the short end of the stick but she still has the innate
human feelings. she seems to be like the square wheel w/ zan,
rath, & lonnie. i'm still suspicious of tess and i still
don't trust her.... how can you defend yourself from lonnie
& rath "mind raping" you and still be in a meditation
stance? i think it would have been more feasable if max found
tess lying on the floor in exhaustion rather than in that
meditation stance. something's not right...
just my rambling 2 cents
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By Nemo |
12:46 AM |
quote:Originally posted by azcat: *Maybe* this is reaching,
but I found these images on the Crashdown... and I thought
that the picture behind Maria's head kind of looked like the
royal seal Rath showed Max in the sewer.
(azcat, to get your picture to show, what you did was just
fine, except you need to leave no space at all between the
image tags [ img ] and the image location. Just butt them
right together like this: [tag]location[/tag]. Don't give up
now, you were really close.)
(Also, I posted the larger version, assuming that's what
you wanted.)
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By Zero |
12:51 AM |
I'm about to post the new Thread - #19 - so please move over
there. I have revised the "short" intro - so I look forward to
your comments.
Zero I Shall Believe!
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By 1wld4L/M
12:53 AM |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by shaiwon72:
i'm still
suspicious of tess and i still don't trust her.... how can you
defend yourself from lonnie & rath "mind raping" you and
still be in a meditation stance? i think it would have been
more feasable if max found tess lying on the floor in
exhaustion rather than in that meditation stance. something's
not right...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I agree with you that
something is up with Tess. If you get a my post
on page 9 of this thread.
I think that the Tess we saw was no doubt an imposter!!
Most likely Lonnie.
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By 1wld4L/M
12:56 AM |
Make that page 10, not 9.
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INdieFlmChic |
01:13 AM |
I really like the concept of this thread...hmmm I've been
thinking about the whole idea about how Liz and Max are always
referred to as "soul mates". It's interesting because in terms
of reincarnation, I've read that there is a distinct
difference between what is considered a "soul mate" or "twin
soul". Alrighty, here I go with my theory. Soul mates
are individuals who are intended to play a significant role in
your life. They are individuals whose presence changes your
life for better or worse. Although associated with romance,
soul mates are not entirely life long partners. I think the
whole romantic notion of believing that another individual
could be your destined "mate" is an extension of popular
sentiment. This is NOT to say that Max and Liz are destined to
be apart. I think in consideration to what was started in this
thread about Max and Liz being each other's half follows more
closely along the lines of "twin souls", which I think is a
stronger and more powerful role. I believe that twin souls
are individuals whose spirits are split in half prior to
arrival upon Earth, and manifest in two separate bodies. They
can be considered each other's "ying and yang". They balance
each other because each possess aspects of their personalities
and being which are complimentary. Example, two people who
share twin souls may find that although they both are
wonderful musicians one is better in the technical skills
(better in playing but lacks emotion), and the other performs
more expressively (more emotion but not as proficient in
skills). I hope that makes sense. Can you tell I'm a musician?
Anyway, I'll return back to the topic of Liz and Max. I
believe they are twin souls because they are so closely
entwine in terms of their energy and teamwork. In the first
season, it is Liz who really attempts to collaborate teamwork
effort between Maria, and the rest of the Pod Squad. Liz is
really effective in giving Max a sense of security and
strength in terms of advice. They really are just in tuned
with each other. This is seen in Blind Date when makes reveals
that he doesn't know how to control himself around Liz. Max
seems to be more lost without Liz, Iz, and Michael. Well the
first season revealed what happens to Liz at least physically
when she is without Max But seriously, she seems to lose a lot
more focus. They are just more in tuned and effective when in
each other's presence.
Oh, and I wanted to respond to what Willow42 had to say
about the theory revolving around Lillith, Ava, Eve, etc.
Well, to my knowledge, we all just know that Zan/Max made
bad decisions while back in his home planet. Well, what I
don't understand is simply this: Who were his
advisors? It's rare for a ruler to do his work without a
set of people to advise him. I'm wondering how much effect his
"bride" Tess had upon him? If we were to follow the whole
theory about Adam and Eve we would find some interesting
similarities. Although Eve wasn't necessarily evil, she had a
strong influence upon him that resulted in their exile from
the Garden of Eden. Sooo...let me put this in relation to
Tess/Ava and Max/Zan. Is it possible that as his "young
bride" Tess somehow was elemental in influencing Zan's
decisions? Did their home planet result in war and suffering
because Tess possibly influenced Zan to make the wrong
decision? I mean history and literature seem to capture many
women in a position of power in terms of their influence upon
men. In Shakespeare it was Lady MacBeth, and in Ancient Egypt
it was Antony and Cleopatra. These women were able to
infiltrate and change the coarse of their homelands/countries
histories. Is his "young bride" Tess an exception?
OR...There could be a whole other reason entirely.
Another possibility is that Liz perhaps represents Eve in
the sense that she is the other half of Adam, who in this case
is Max/Zan. Tess could be the snake, an advisor? It's would explain why Tess came along with the
others. Let's see: Michael: Officer in
Command Isabel: Sister/Vilandra Tess: Advisor,
councelor...etc. Liz: Young Bride Max: Leader.
There is a lot of issues revolving about the past repeating
itself...but what remains unspoken is the fact that despite
the reoccurrence of past events, there are certain actions and
individuals who change. According to karma each life we live,
depending upon how good/bad we were before dying, has an
effect upon who we wind up being in the future. Is it possible
that the "young bride" that died upon Max's home planet was
Liz? Also, the fact that Max saved Liz from dying at the
Crashdown ultimately changed their destinies. The reason I
mention this is because in previous chats/threads there is
mention that the "young bride" dies. In terms of the others in
the Pod Squad, I don't think it's fair to assume that because
they are aliens that their feelings are completely different.
If Vilandra was willing to sacrifice her family for a great
love express the fact that their emotions are not completely
different from humans? Perhaps Earth is a place that is
similar to their home planet in terms of their characteristics
and emotions...just a thought. These are my ideas, and
maybe it'll give you all something to think about in between
new episodes. I just hope that finally realize how
important they are to each other and the way they function
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scoobysnacks |
02:09 AM |
I read this on the wb17 posts about Roswell and it really got
me thinking. What if Max and Liz were really meant to be
together and destiny has alrady been changed by Max healing
Liz that day of the shooting in the crashdown. I think that
Max loved liz in a past life and she was killed. As a result
of that he could no longer think clearly, did not care about
life and made horrible decisions. The marriage between Max and
Tess was rearranged. Tess truely loves Max and will be by his
side, but Max could never love again after Liz's death. And if
you notice Liz is always the one to get Max out of trouble and
the one who notices the enemies and comes up with plans to
help the Royal Four. It could be true that Tess is Max's bride
but Tess only knows what Nacedo told her. Brody (Larek) says
"I was at your wedding" But this does not necessarily mean
that it was the wedding between Max and Tess it could have
been Liz an Max's. Though I am no completely sure how Liz fits
into the whole alien mix. I think the reason that Tess would
leave after Liz and Max "cement" their relationship s because
it is confirmed that they will never be together. So in sum I
am basically saying that Liz is the key to ending the war and
that Max saving her life changed destiny.
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By uphere |
02:37 AM |
IndieFilmChik- (spelling?) Anyhoo, whoa! Your post was pretty
deep. You have put a LOT of thought into this show. But, as I
was just asking over on a spoiler thread. Who do you think our
couple is best represented by.
In EOTW Liz said to Max that the title was really "The
TRAGEDY of Romeo and Juliet". However, I have read this play
many times and I don't feel that Liz and Max replicate them
very well.. But I havn't been able to think of a couple that
they do remind me of..
I am going somewhere with this I promise..
Okay, so the reason I ask is because of this. Take your
average person, they go to see a movie and they leave thinking
"hey, that was a good movie. That was a good writer".. but
what they don't realize is that the writer is a four hundered
year old adulterer named Will Shakes...somthin..
My point being, if we can find the couple that are really
like Liz and Max we may be able to figure out where the story
is heading, or at least whats up with Liz and Max. Because
than we know where the writers are getting the inspiration
BUT, and this is a big one It could just all be chance. I
think it will be fun just the same.. So everyone, any ideas?
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dreamergirl68 |
03:10 AM |
Anyone with a thought about why Max didn't ask Liz about her
new found powers? I would think it would suprise him to find
she could dream walk to NY.
Just wondering?
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Dreamdancer |
05:17 AM |
Hey guys another thing I noticed was that in the begining when
Max and Tess are riding the elevator to the the top of the
Empire State Building the floor they stop on is 86 8+6=14 Ther
it is again that number 4+1 I am starting to think that this
has become an on going theme which will be important later
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