Weekend Wrapup: Marc’s 40th

If a friend turns 40, you’ve had lots of time to clean your house, and you’ve been talking for eons about throwing a party, what do you do? Why, you throw him a party! So that’s what I did this weekend. After all, how many times does Marc Lutz the cartoonist turn FORTY? It was a busy weekend for lots of people, other others just flaked out, but that’s OK. I probably went overboard anyway, so I was left with lots of pizza (mmm), snacks (not what I need!), and wine (yay!), despite my best efforts to send most of it home with people.

We wound up with a good group of people, and they made it a lot of fun. They tolerated the awesome black decorations that Marc’s wife, Melinda, helped scatter around my house:

They played “Pin The Tail On The Marc” (admire my stellar PhotoShop skills):

Yes, that's me.

They ate. They drank (Jasmine supplied the wine!). And they ate the cake made by Marc’s wife (Marc helped decorate it):

The cake was almost directly beneath my smoke detector, which somehow didn’t go off despite ALL those candles:

And the guests humored me by reading some of the research I’d done, printed out and left around the living room. On the day Marc was born, a loaf of bread cost 24 cents. A nice house on the good side of town was going for $17,000. Sputnik launched that day.

When they left, I posted to Twitter and Facebook, “I have party hats on the front lawn and empty wine bottles in the kitchen. Party must have turned out ok!”

So, happy birthday, Marc! Here’s to another four decades of cartooning.

Tomorrow I hope to test my leg on another short run, so I’ll blog about that.

One Response to Weekend Wrapup: Marc’s 40th

  1. My eyebrows went missing after that cake incident. Other than that, 40 is awesome!