2014 goal check-in: February

I’m not sure where February went, but it seemed to be a haze of birthday and Valentine’s Day and weekend adventures. Come to think of it, that was a pretty good month. Anyway, here’s another check-in on this year’s goals:

  1. Qualify for the Boston Marathon: Nope. I said in last month’s check-in that I’d taken this goal off the plate because of a cranky IT band. It’s still mad.
  2. Set a new personal record in the marathon: See above.
  3. Run sub-1:45 in a half-marathon: Also see above.
  4. Do a century bike ride: I didn’t ride outside at all in February, but that’s fine. I need to ponder possible summer century bike rides.
  5. Run 1,500 miles: Not happening. I did two run/walk tests in February, which totaled 20 minutes of running, or probably less than 2.5 miles of running.

    No running, but this was a lovely six-mile hike at South Mountain, south of Phoenix.
  6. Bike at least 700 miles: I rode 141 miles in February (all inside, but that still counts), which put me at 342 for the year. I should have made this goal harder, apparently!

    Does this count for my biking miles? (Answer: nope!)
  7. Go to the gym at least 150 times this year: I went to the gym 11 times in February, so I was one or two visits short of what I need to reach that goal. I still have time to get back on track, though.
  8. Read at least one book a month: I finished a book (“The Eight”) on a plane on the very last day of February! I, um, started the book last year, though, so does that count? I’ll count it because it’s 598 pages and wasn’t a fast read due to a complex plot that switched back and forth between the 1700s and 1900s.
  9. Cook dinner more often: I may have usually forgotten about this one?
  10. Go to bed at 10 p.m.: Oh dear, another failure. I think I met this goal twice, unless a few nights in Arizona count, because they’re currently an hour ahead of California? (WHY is daylight saving time still a thing? It’s 2014, for crying out loud!) However, I have high hopes that this will improve in March.
  11. Get down to XXX amount of pounds: I lost the two pounds that I gained in January, so now I’m back to the original goal. No progress toward the bigger picture.
  12. Blog an average of twice a week: I blogged six times. Most were Tuesday Time-Wasters, so that is kind of an oops/fail. But it’s still okay, since it’s my unpaid blog. I liked this post about my hometown best.
  13. Find a cheaper place to live: Ugh. Since February only had 28 days, my per-day rent was even worse than normal.

    Life is good.