Tuesday Time-Waster: Trapper Keepers

Raise your hand if you had a Trapper Keeper. Raise your hand if you remember the design on it. And shake your hands in the air like you just don’t care (preferably while wearing acid-washed jeans and your bangs in a 3-inch-high poof) if you can find a picture of that Trapper Keeper via Google’s image search. Oh yes, my friends, I found my old Trapper Keeper.

Yep, my Trapper Keeper looked exactly like the one above (and it looks like vintage ones are still floating around on Etsy)). I used it in school for quite a while. At some point I stopped using it, I think maybe when we needed bigger binders. But the Trapper Keeper stuck around my house for years, because it was a nice-sized binder to hold sheet music on the piano without being too bulky.

I think my classmates and I switched to big canvas-covered binders, which were cool because we could write and draw all over them with multi-colored ballpoint pens. I don’t remember what was written on mine, but I do remember a pink binder and a turquoise one, both of them completely covered with writing and doodles by the end of the school year.

Anyway, here’s some interesting history on the Trapper Keeper.

And, after all these years, the Trapper Keeper is still going strong.

4 Responses to Tuesday Time-Waster: Trapper Keepers

  1. Avatar famousamy
    famousamy says:

    This was mine – http://i50.tinypic.com/jrfclk.jpg
    Not the greatest picture there, but I knew it as soon as I saw it.

  2. I think mine had horses on it. Or a unicorn. But I really don’t remember anymore. Which is either a good thing, or else it’s just another sign of my geriatric-ness.

    • I think it’s probably a good thing. My brain is so full of useless information (such as, oh, which Trapper Keeper I had), that I might be starting to lose my marbles.