Tuesday Time-Waster: James Bond and the Olympics

If you missed the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics, well, you missed a segment that was an overload of awesome things. I’m talking about how James Bond/actor Daniel Craig (one awesome thing, though it’s kind of two in one) escorted the 86-year-old Queen through her home, past her Corgis (second awesome thing), to a helicopter. Then they parachuted out of the helicopter (third awesome thing). The awesomeness doesn’t end there, but we will pause for today’s Tuesday Time-Waster, when James Bond meets Queen Elizabeth:

Corgi bonus!

And then they went flying off into the sky on a helicopter, and then they went skydiving.

Well, here’s where the awesome things continue. The actor playing the queen is a stuntman named Gary Connery — you know, sharing a last name with Sean Connery (fourth awesome thing). He holds the record for the highest skydive (fifth awesome thing). And he was a stuntman in the Indiana Jones movies. I’ll be conservative and lump those into one awesome thing.

So, there were six awesome things, according to the book of Layla, in one scene from the Olympics. Yep, sitting through the very long opening ceremony was worth that.

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