It’s no secret to most of my friends that I am easily amused. This extends to numbers and patterns, which often drive me mildly nuts because I see them constantly. On long drives, I’ve been known to mentally calculate my miles per hour to the nearest hundredth, simply because I was bored. My days of grocery store work and crime/court work have made it that I see produce and criminal codes everywhere, too. We’ll get to 11:11 in another post on another day.
Anyway, the other day my car’s odometer hit a cool number. Since I’ve gotten better at thinking, “Oooh, photo opportunity, let me pull out my phone,” I documented it:
Aren’t you glad you spent the time reading this blog post?
Sure, why not! I like numbers
Hey, 20 minutes ago, the time and date here (where we write days before months, like most sane people do) was 20:10 20.10.2010!
Ha! I love that! OK, there is a 😛 for the “sane people” bit, but 2010201020102010201020102010 (give or take a couple) makes up for it.