Destiny aired at the end of Season One and introduced a rather radical idea to the fans of Roswell. Politics were the reason for the podster's
existence. Max was the leader of a world. They all perished in conflict.
War. They had enemies. They were risking their safety by listening to the
Mommogram. Here are some thoughts Qfanny developed about the Twilo's politics.
1) The Max/Tess pairing is a political union between good and evil aliens--a visual sign of a peace treaty. Also, The Twilo race's political structure is akin to our old feudal systems.
Assuming that the proto Max/Tess pairing is a political peace treaty, then it likely that both sides of the conflict had factions that did not support the peace treaty. I doubt that every argument was solved by the marriage of two leaders to join two races. And it's possible that the adage, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" started to come into play after the marriage of Max/Tess occurred. |
Evil Alien
Pro-Destiny: Support M/T: Tess's group
The general opinion with Dreamers is that Tess was an Evil Alien. But Tess was definitely pro-"Destiny." She lived and breathed to be reunited with Max. She was the one that recovered the Saturn book and explained their purpose to the pod squad. It was therefore easy to put Tess into the faction of Evil Aliens that supported the peace treaty marriage. An offspring between proto Max/Tess would forever unite two opposite sides.
Leadership, seems to be passed through bloodlines.
There was also a theory that Pierce was an Evil Alien. So,
assuming that Pierce would have an opinion on the peace treaty, I place him
in the anti-destiny faction of Evil Aliens. His mission is to destroy
destiny. He hunted down Max. He threaten to kill those around Max unless
Max activated the ORBS. I assume that Pierce wanted the orbs activated so
his faction would come with backup support. If Pierce was against destiny,
or against proto Max/Tess creating an offspring, he would therefore be in
favor of Max and Liz. He doesn't want Destiny to be achieve, and Liz is his
most favorable ally to this goal.
Shapeshifting Podians
Pro-Destiny: Support M/T: Harding's group