From Pilot to Destiny an underlying theme in Roswell Season One was the "4th Alien". Not only did the podsters wonder who the fourth alien was, but so did the audience. We watched and rewatched the episodes, sometimes in slow motion. This careful viewing leads us to the theory of two shapeshifters.

see also: The August 2000 FF Discussion of the Theory of 2 Shapeshifters, Nasedo As An Evil/Enemy Alien, The SciFi of Blind Date, Doc Paul's Psychological Analysis of Nasedo, Post-Season 3 Theory and search the Archives

First let's review our shapeshifting vocabulary:

TicTac: Shapeshifting alien that eats what appear to be TicTacs after shapeshifting, primarly seen in ID, SH, and Crazy. Harding: Shapeshifting alien that has raised Tess and comes to Roswell in last six episodes of Season One. He shapeshifts without TicTacs. Nasedo: Alien that befriends River Dog and leaves the cave painting for the podsters. May or may not be a shapeshifting alien, but generally known as a shapeshifter.

The writers would have us believe that TicTac=Harding=Nasedo, but there are a lot of fundamental differences between TicTac and Harding. And Nasedo could be either of them, a combination of them or none of them. We really don't know....

Factual differences between TicTac and Harding...

  1. TicTac appears to be injured (perhaps the alien that the Special Unit captured and "tested?"), needs some sort of pill after shapeshifting, slow-moving, possibly even has a limp (like River Dog). Shapeshifting appears to be a lot harder on TicTac; it takes longer to complete. TicTac's shapeshifting is done with blue lighting effects, a color which we seem to find correlated with goodnes throughout literature. TicTac tends to watch from afar and not get involved.
  2. Harding shapeshifts quickly and with a yellow light, which has traditionally been associated with negative traits. Harding interacts a lot more directly with the podster/humans than TicTac. This is in sharp contrast to TicTac's almost voyeuristic and sometime suspicious behavior in the episodes prior to Crazy. Although Harding does not hestitate to interact with humans and podsters, his interaction can be characterized as forced and weird.
  3. Nasedo. River Dog tells us that Nasedo means stranger. He taught River Dog about himself and left the cave painting and healing rocks for the podsters. River Dog said that "The man [Nasedo] killed Atherton" but also says he didn't actually see what happened, only that Nasedo was next to Atherton when he died. It is possible that Nasedo killed Atherton, or a least this is the impression that the writers want us to have. We know that Nasedo thought that "they" were close to him. Whether "they" were the FBI or other government agency remains unclear. It could be that "they" were enemy aliens.

RemyS provided us with the first of submission to the theory of two shapeshifters:

RemyS on The Two Nacedos.

Commentary on RemyS' theory

First of all, there are 2 Nacedos, the "TicTac" one and the Evil/Ed Harding one. The "TicTac" one appears when it is necessary to protect the pod squad.

Was it Reggie who suggested that all our theories of TicTac and nEdSado Harding being 2 shapeshifters might be extinguished in the second season?

Deeds of the good/"TicTac" Nacedo

1. Up until he kills Atherton, River Dog looks upon him as a friend. But did he kill Atherton? I think it was the evil Nacedo who did the dirty deed because Atherton detected that there were two of them. Why would a seemingly harmless, liked "visitor", who was welcomed into the fold of River Dog and his people do a complete "flip-flop" and kill? Up until that time, there was no knowledge of any aggressive or murderous tendencies. River Dog himself was very perplexed by the whole thing.

In the Melinda Metz book 1 (on which the Roswell show is based) it is Max who leaves a silver handprint on a dead man whom he was trying to heal of a heart attack. This has always seemed like a possibility here too since River Dog explicitly says he did not see what happened.

2. The "TicTac" Nacedo kills Hank to protect Michael, then convinces the sheriff that "Hank" is leaving town so as not to draw any suspicions on Michael at "Hank's" disappearance.

Some of us believe it more likely that TicTac was just cleaning up after Nasedo's killing since killing does not seem like a very nice way to deal with our enemies.

Also, I think Hank was killed because he knew too much (had seen Michael's power) rather than to save Michael from an abusive situation.

3. In Sexual Healing, the "TicTac" Nacedo watches over Max and Liz as they lay sleeping in the desert, protecting them from any harm.

There is much debate about TicTac's motives here. See the "Orb Theories."

4. The "TicTac" Nacedo shapeshifts as Dr. Margolin to get the kids away from the FBI who are following Topolski.

Although his action definitely protected the podsters, it also protected the orb. Again, motive?

Deeds of the evil/Harding Nacedo

1. At the end of Blind Date, Nacedo? burns a picture of our three podsters. Why? Unless he is an enemy? Someone else mentioned the theory that Doug Shellow, the blind date, is really evil Nacedo trying to find out more about Liz and that it is he who burns the picture. Later I will discuss my theories about Liz. The Doug Shellow theory is very plausible as it pertains to the Liz theories that will be discussed.

Some of us also think it might be Pierce burning the picture. There is an entire "Evil Alien Pierce" theory that we hope to post.

2. Evil/Harding Nacedo kidnaps Liz, putting her and Max' lives in danger. If this is protection, give me none of it.

Supposedly Harding was luring the Special Unit to himself and Liz was "collateral." One plausible explanation for this action would be that Harding was a double agent for the Special Unit.

3. Evil/Harding Nacedo kills Hubble's pregnant wife, Sheila. I will elaborate on this in my discussion of Tess.


4. Evil/Harding Nacedo never uses the "Tictacs" when shape-shifting. Why not? Has he somehow determined that he no longer needs whatever it is they supply? I think not. He is a different Nacedo.

He does, however, go for the cotton candy at the carnival before turning into a clown. But in support of the 2 shapeshifter theory: perhaps TicTac is the injured, captured Alien whereas Harding still has his strength.

There is also the idea that RiverDog is a shaman shapeshifter and that the Tictacs are more akin to something you would find at your local herbalists. --But that is yet another theory.

5. Evil/Harding Nacedo kills with no apparent purpose other than someone getting in his way, e.g. the FBI agents. There are possibilities here that perhaps some of the FBI agents were killed by the "TicTac" Nacedo if indeed they were getting too close to the Podsters, but it would be difficult to know as these facts are only references throughout the episodes.


There are other circumstances differentiating the two Nacedos, but they will be discussed as they pertain to Tess and Liz. --Steff/RemyS

      This document last modified October 14, 2000

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