Six months in the Bay Area

Today marks six months since I left behind California’s Central Valley and moved to the East Bay Area of San Francisco. Half a year later, I’m still reveling in the fact that I escaped the oppressive heat and the exceedingly flat terrain.

Many days I drive home from work and see clouds approaching; often they’re upon me by the time I go for an evening run. I gaze at hills, which offer wonderful views and provide much better training for my legs. Since moving, I’ve run my air-conditioner a total of three times, despite the fact that I live upstairs and my windows face the sun.

Do I miss the valley? No, I do not. I spent 13 years, 4 months in the greater Sacramento area, but I never stopped missing the mountains and the cooler night air. People will swear that the “Delta breezes” cool the air at night in the valley, but they’re only comparing the temperature to that of the blazing sun. I grew up in a place that saw triple-digit heat, but I also needed a sheet or blanket every night — I knew the Central Valley people were just grasping for hope. Now I have confirmed that I was right: I can sit out on my patio on a July night without sweating. “Delta breezes,” my ass.

I still need to make friends in my town, but I’m now close to a rather large group of Bay Area runners I’ve known for a while. I can — and do — actually hang out with them any weekend. They came along at a time I truly needed the friendship. While I do still miss my Lodi running crew, they recently split due to some sort of misunderstanding. It was all very awkward and not what I’d expect from adults who hold advanced degrees and have successful careers, and I didn’t want to have to choose between them. I didn’t: My move came just in time.

Now I can drive 35 minutes to downtown San Francisco, meet friends at the Ferry Building, go for a run that takes us over the magnificent Golden Gate Bridge, and later in go to a free concert in Golden Gate Park. Seriously, it doesn’t get much better than that.

The last six months haven’t all been roses, and today also marks the point at which I’m now officially closer to being yet another year older. I still don’t know where my life is going, and I have absolutely no idea where I’ll be in 10 years. But for now I’ve spent six months in the Bay Area, and I’m very happy with that decision. Here’s to the next six months.

6 Responses to Six months in the Bay Area

  1. Congrats on six months of Bay area awesome. I am always so jealous of your run locations and blogger buddies! One of these days I will get out there again and when I do, we are going for a run my friend!

  2. Yay! So glad you’re enjoying it here!

    I went through something similar when I moved here a few years ago. I feel really lucky to have met so many awesome & supportive people in & around SF. :) (Also, having grown up in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, I hear you about the climate!)

  3. You took the words right out of my mouth. I am 9 months in to the Bay Area and the runners couldn’t have come at a better time:

    “I still need to make friends in my town, but I’m now close to a rather large group of Bay Area runners I’ve known for a while. I can — and do — actually hang out with them any weekend. They came along at a time I truly needed the friendship. “

  4. 35 minutes to SF sounds amazing to me! Congrats on 6 months and for getting unstuck from Lodi!

  5. I am so glad that you moved here – and looking forward to our weekend adventure!

  6. You must love it there, because you have become the unofficial recruiter for Lodi people to move there! Myself included! LOL!