Zero's August 2001 revision of the Liz Mythology thread intro

graphic courtesy of Redhawk
Zero began the first "Liz Myth" thread on May 5th when Max To The Max had just aired and Destiny had not yet been considered. It was titled "Is Liz More Important to the Aliens/Mythology than we are led to believe?" and had 183 replies with the last post on 05-30-2000. Shapeshifter, a newbie poster at that time, started the second Liz Myth thread, and then encouraged Zero to begin the third again. Since then Zero has started each thread (eight in the first season) with a summary and timeline. The first thread was archived before the Great Pruning of threads in July of 2000. Thread 9 is now available for reviewing as well.
Zero's Summary of Theories of the Importance of Liz:

First - and foremost - the general consensus is that Liz is important to the alien mythology and the pod squad, and that there is more to the Liz/Max connection than a mere attraction (i.e., a crush). From the first look - Max getting off the bus in Kindergarten, Max has been strongly attracted to Liz. Max often makes comments such as "It was you!" that leads us to believe that her importance to him was beyond the bounds of "normal." How Liz is important is where the fun - and this thread! - comes in.

Most believe that when Max healed Liz and then caused a "reverse connection" (Pilot), that something changed in Liz - whether the change was new or an awakening of something already a part of her is not known. Many feel there is something that goes to the core of who Liz is - maybe from a past life on the pod squads planet, or a previous life encounter with Max's alien "essence" or human DNA donor on Earth, or was Liz the original "4th" podster who "hatched" early and was humanized by her human parents, or was Liz the "second in command" referred to in the Mom'ogram, who somehow was separated from the group, or could it just be Liz's advanced human intelligence that "connects" her to Max - but that the connection that Max had to Liz started the day he first got off the bus and saw her, and was awakened in Liz by the healing and reverse connection that occurred in the Pilot. Some have wondered if the way Max held the back of Liz's neck during the healing could have changed her cerebral cortex - the location that Pierce said the Special Unit had identified as the source of the aliens' powers. Could the number of connections also come into play into "changing" Liz, or awaking an already - yet dormant - power within her? Many have wondered about Liz's origins - are her parents her birth parents, does she have a connection to the Indians, why does she look so much like Sheila Hubble? - and how this plays into the connection with Max. Is Liz totally of human origin or does she have some alien "blood" - literally or figuratively - in her?

"Soulmates" seems to be a continuing term used when referring to Max and Liz, and we all seem to think this is done for a reason. Though much is made of Max's Destiny being Tess, many of us wonder if Liz is actually his Destiny due to the use of the Human DNA and where it came from. The use of that DNA could have totally altered the "planned" destiny. There is also much thought given to whether the alien Max played out his "destiny" on his home planet when killed in the conflict that envelopes that place, and that now has an entire new "destiny" that includes Liz - one that could not have been anticipated by his home planet creators. Most of us draw a clear distinction between someone's "destiny" and "duty." We - mostly - also believe that by using human DNA for the pod squad, and the fact that they were raised as humans, brings the issue of "free choice" into play. The continuing debate of "nature" vs. "nurture" also comes up here - and is the podsquad's "nature" completely "alien" given that all their powers are "human." There has also been an excellent analysis of what "essence" truly means, and can a being's destiny or soul follow the transfer of one's essence. Also, does one's memory follow one's essence? Are those visions Max's alien being's memories, or are they coming from someone or somewhere else? There have also been many wonderful discussions concerning what "destiny" truly means, and how the environment (the "nurture" argument) can affect one's destiny.

In the Mom'ogram, many have wondered if the reference to Max's young bride has to be to Tess (The Evil Shape Shifter - Grace Kel )? Could it be Liz? Though many seem to accept that it probably is referring to Tess, many wonder why they would send his bride in the first place? Was Tess sent solely to provide a "mate" for Max (please - no gagging allowed on this thread), or was there another purpose for her presence? There is also the question of whether the Mom'ogram is authentic, or a projection from Tess? It was hard to tell when Tess' projections left off and reality began. Was it pre-recorded like a video tape (in which case - is the home planet still in existence, or has it been destroyed by war or natural consequences?), or was it a direct communication with the home planet or a hidden spaceship (hidden by the V formation?)?

The same concerns are raised with the "book" found by Tess with respect to its authenticity and reliability. Could Grandma Claudia's book - which is in Liz's possession (we assume) - help decode the alien's book and shed light on the aliens' connection to the Indians in the area? If the alien book is authentic, how did the aliens know exactly what the pod squad would look like when they grew up? (Lots of discussion re: DNA, cloning, etc. - very interesting! )

Liz is also viewed - when the episodes are rewatched (multiple times by some of us! And in slow motion! We fondly call this "Grace Kelled" :D ) - as a critical element to moving the plot along. She is the one who often initiates the actions that help unravel the aliens' mythology (e.g., thinking of the plan to throw Valenti off the trail in the Pilot, finding the way out of the hidden room at Atherton's place, making the initial contact with River Dog, going to Valenti to seek help in rescuing Max, etc.). She is a leader that takes action when it is needed, and is the intellect that comes up with the plan. She could possibly be the equivalent to Max - whom we find out in Destiny is the former leader of his people. Could Liz be the human equivalent of Max that is here to help Max save the human race, as well as free the pod squad's people?

Liz is also "a brain" - which is relevant when we find out in the White Room that the podsters are just very advanced humans (approximately 3000 years ahead of us normal mortals!). Could her intelligence mean that she has the potential to obtain some of the "powers" that the pod squad have? We will have to wait for Season 2, but many have expressed that they would NOT be surprised if Liz is capable of some advanced powers in the future, and that her visions may be just a precursor to these. Will she be the one able to SEE the evil within as the Mom'ogram says the podsters will have to be able to do? Is that what she was "seeing" when she kissed Harding/Max? Does she only get visions while kissing or in a state of heightened emotion (i.e., the hand touching in SH in Chemistry class)? The aliens supposedly get such visions sometimes according to Max in Missing - remember the vision he got of Kyle in Liz's bedroom.

Each of Liz's visions has been examined in-depth, and it is hard to summarize all the thoughts here. Not only has she been able to "see into Max's soul," but also she has seen a (the?) trip through a distant galaxy, the crash on Earth, and her visions were the reason the second communicator was discovered. Many feel these visions were not coming from Max, but from an outside source - or a source internal to Liz just now being released or awakened. Some of the visions seemed to be from the perspective of the communicator itself or an alien hiding it (a deep breathing - out-of-breath alien).

Some wonder if others - aliens? - have observed Liz for some time. The shot came from two "strangers" who mention - "We have to get rid of her" - in the background (listen carefully while Liz shows the alien picture to the tourist couple) right before she is shot. Was it intentional?? Why would anyone (or any being) "watch" Liz prior to the shooting unless she has an importance we are not aware of yet (though we suspect)?

The picture Liz shows the tourists in the Pilot was supposedly taken by her Grandmother at the crash before the military arrived - a connection or just a joke as we were supposed to think?? Many have speculated about Grandma Claudia's involvement and her book about the Ancient Treasures of the Navajo Indians. Could Grandma Claudia have had contact with the aliens previously? Was Grandma Claudia killed intentionally? Did she know that Liz was "special," thus, necessitating the early arrival and that "soulmate" discussion? Is Liz affected or a product of one of these earlier alien contacts? Could Liz have an alien relative? There seems to be many hints connecting ancient Indian cultures to the podsquad or other aliens, including the Machu Picchu in Peru culture highlighted at the UFO Museum, the continuing references to "ancient languages" (e.g., Liz's Blind Date Doug Shellow's major at the UofNM and where the aliens' manual was hidden in the library) and Grandma Claudia's studies. Only coincidence - we think not! Could Liz's review of her Grandmother's possessions in Season 2 reveal those connections? We are hopeful!

Another major topic of interest is Liz's connection to Sheila Hubble! The resemblance between the two is amazing, and other parallels exist (e.g., pictures of both driving in an open-air car with the wind blowing through their dark hair). Plus, the visions that Liz receives from Max/Harding include Hubble's wife at the death scene - meaning it had some significance to him. Did he kill her, or did the handprint come from a failed attempt to save her? Were the fireworks Hubble mentions seeing when kissing his wife the same as the stars Liz sees when kissing Max? Could Sheila Hubble be related to Liz somehow - an aunt, DNA donor, or was Sheila an alien? The fact that Sheila Hubble was three months pregnant with a girl seems to be relevant somehow! Could the DNA from the girl have been used for the podsquad - Max maybe, or Tess - or for Liz? AND why is Tess' mother's name listed as Sheila on her school records? Everett Hubble, Ed Harding - both EH names with a wife named Sheila - INTERESTING! hummmm! :eyespin:

Liz's ability to "see" into Max/Harding's "soul" again points to the possibility that she may ultimately be able to "see the evil within." What is it that she sees in these visions? Sheila Hubble, Lightening, a wormhole, the high desert, clouds rolling in? Some see sea foam, which is related in mythology to Venus. Is Liz the Venus often referred to? The Venus constellation is often referred to in connection with Liz (e.g., Max in response to Liz saying her parents are on a trip to see Venus in the morning sky says "I thought she was standing in front of me."). Could it be that the four squares (pod squad) + plus the fifth star being Liz "complete" the constellation? The numbers 14 and 104 seem to pop up often - why? Some have found a connection between these numbers to Venus in astronomy and mythology, or could it be 1 for Liz, and 4 for the podsquad? Or are they just some writer's favorite apartment number or address? :facespin: We also have the evil aliens' beeper that is a pentagon - 5 sided. Any connection?

And what significance does the cave map have to Liz's connection to the podsters? A number of the symbols in the cave "map" have raised some interesting analysis! What do they represent, and is Liz represented somehow - like one of the "dot" in the series of boxes, one of which is open with the dot outside? Some have tried to identify each of the symbols and draw a correlation between the symbols and the various characters with some fascinating results! We have also begun to analyze the symbols that are "flashed" in the promos - you definitely have to Grace Kel them or you will miss them. Redhawk has done some wonderful screen caps for us to analyze!

Many have wondered if the "bad" aliens might also be from the podsquad's planet, just part of a civil war - therefore, having similar characteristics and powers to Harding's type of alien. Many of us think that the podsquad's people had to have visited Earth before - maybe many times! Could the pods have been planted on Earth at a time separate from the 1947 crash, maybe later on? Could other pods have been planted at other times? Could there be more than one set of podsters that will show up later? Clones? And could some of these earlier visits have some connection to Grandma C or someone else in Liz's family? Was the '47 crash caused by the bad aliens, or another ship of the "good" aliens? How long have the bad and good aliens been visiting or aware of Earth? And what have they been up to on these visits?

Most of us also think that there are more than one alien "watching" the pod squad, and that the tic-tac popping alien (AKA Tic Tac) (i.e., Hank-killer, one that found them asleep in the desert, and Dr. M impersonator) is a different alien, possibly watching out for them (we hope!), than Harding/Nasedo (assuming Harding is Nasedo). And what about the person who burns their picture at the end of Blind Date - another alien or one of the above two? Some wonder if Tess, Doug Shellow, Pierce and/or Deputy Owen might be a shapeshifter, or evil aliens? There is a wonderful observation of the different ways Harding and Tic Tac shapeshift and the different colored light involved! Many feel that Tic Tac is a good alien watching over the podsters, but maybe he is watching over Liz, too! Some wonder if Tic Tac switched the orb in the desert before Liz and Max woke up? If he did, why? The orbs have become a significant focus of discussion - how are they connected to the alignment of the constellations, or to the podsquad, or to the evil aliens? Also - what was with the "visit" during Into The Woods? Was it a spaceship that left the marking, or a single alien? As far as the color analysis goes, generally yellow seems to represent - or be present - evil, and blue seems to represent good - though this is not always true. And then, there is always the green cells and occasional glow!

Harding's connection to Liz has been pondered often! Why was he so eager to kiss Liz - not just in the car, but also in bus after "saving" her? (Horny alien? ) Why did he save Liz and not Max from the house of mirrors? Could he have been Sheila Hubble's lover or had some other strong connection to her, with a later connection to Liz? Could he have known Grandma Claudia? Could GC been connected to Sheila Hubble somehow? Harding has done nothing - we know of - to harm Liz, but MANY are suspicious of his intentions. Is his sole reason for being on Earth to protect the podsquad - an official "worker bee" - and what did he do for all those years?? Some feel he is a bad alien using Tess to infiltrate the podsquad. Why didn't he give them more information about themselves and what he has been up to? There are so many questions he could answer for the podsters! Will the real Ed Harding please stand up?

Finally, some have noted the reoccurrence of handholding as symbolizing the connection between Max and Liz and the other podsters. Handholding has great significance in the books as a form of joining energy, and we believe it does in the show too. The V constellation also looks like the joining of two hands. Also, in The Balance much is made of Max reaching out his hand to pull Michael from the pit, and M/I/M walking away holding hands.

There are three different camps of Liz mythologists. Camp A believes Liz was "altered" or changed by Max (unknowingly). Camp B believes Liz is an alien/and possibly the missing podster (and Tess is a fake). Camp C (where Qfanny pitches her tent) strongly believes Liz is 100% human.   See:
The Altered Liz Theory   |   Time Travel   |   Alliances   |
FanForum Thread Discussions

Here's Zero's Timeline of Events Critical to the Roswell Mythology:

1911 - James Atherton born in TN

1927 - Buffalo Visitation

1/15/1943 - Pentagon (think beeper shape) completed

6/14/1947 - Crash

6/24/1947 - 9 Disk-like objects spotted flying near Mt. Rainier in WA

7/4/1947 - Milton claims the crash occurred

7/7/1947 - Farmer Brazel (from Foster Ranch) finally reports debris from Roswell crash to sheriff, who calls Roswell Army Air Field

11/14/1947 - Everet Hubble born

1950? - Observation of alien held in captivity by FBI ends (Escaped? Died?)

1952 - Atherton involved in Project Blue Book (Air Force project on aliens)

1959 - Atherton dies (murdered?)

1959 - Milton (Max's Boss) has picture with "alien" shadow next to him outside the Ice Cream Parlor

1962 - Agent Lewis - first head of Special Unit killed in CO

1967 - Agent Delbianco killed in TN

1970 - Sheila Hubble dies (murdered?)

1972 - Silo Murder occurs involving Hubble and Sheriff Valenti Senior

3/15/1983 - Max's birthday (Blood Bothers)

1989 - Pod Squad come out of the cave (look like 6-year-olds)

1992 - Max and Isabel "find" Michael again

1992? - Liz and Max "meet" in the 3rd grade for the first time (but may have been in the same school before this, just didn't meet.)

1999 - Agent Daniel Summers killed

9/17/1999 - Max saves Liz - and Roswell is Born!!

Qfanny and LSS Discuss the Altered Liz Theory
From: Fanforum/Roswell, The Science Fiction of the Toy House Thread:

Level 1
Registered: Jul 2000
Posts: 21
07-21-2000 06:38 PM

I find it interesting how the science fiction threads eventually also lead to the altered Liz theory. I know that that this theory is very popular and frankly, IMO, very plausible. Yet the fact remains we simply do not have any solid evidence of this. The flashes Liz got when kissing Max in SH was the result of the physical and emotional connection between the two. If Liz is "altered" then when they kissed for the first time, wouldn't she have started seeing "flashes" then at the end of HW? Max and Liz had tried to kiss 2x before and they were "ready" emotionally to start exploring the physical side of their relationship. If Liz was "altered" or the "4th" alien, I think the kiss would have triggered this fact.

Assuming that "altered" Liz didn't know she was altered at this time, then why couldn't Max tell??? (Of course, we don't really know either way.)

What makes Max attracted to Liz is the fact she is so different from him. She even calls herself a "simple, small town girl". Max after all has "a lot going on" (there I got my TH tie in).

Now, here's my nickel's worth. Liz Parker is completely 100% human. Why Liz thinks she has to walk away from Max at the end of Destiny is beyond me. Now- I've said this before in other posts. Mommogram never said "We cloned you to save our species through reproduction." What she said was--and I'm paraphrasing here, "You have all lived before. We cloned our beloved leader's essence and mixed it with human DNA along with his sister, 2nd in command, and young bride." Let's think about why Michael, Isabel, and Tess were chosen. Michael is easy-- 2nd in command, a friend Max trusts. Isabel, also pretty easy, wife of Michael, sister to Max and someone he trusts. Now Tess, this is harder. Tess was to be or was Max's spouse. Usually, our most trusting relationship is the one we have with our spouse. This would be a logical assembly of people to clone for such a mission.

I don't see the need to make "Liz" the 4th or making her altered. (I am assuming the reason for the theory is to find a way to make Max and Liz get back together.) I do like the theory but I keep counting it out as unnecessary. If Max and Liz get back together, it will be because they figured out that Max doesn't have to relive his past life to every detail. He does have free will.

Have any of you ever had the experience of someone trying to "groom" you into something you didn't want to become? It isn't pleasant, especially if you feel obligated to do so. If Tess keeps pushing herself onto Max wouldn't Max revolt by turning back to Liz. And Liz would be torn between her heart and her mind. That would be a romantic story line. Not that altered Liz is bad either.

Since I'm talking so much about Destiny. I believe that Mom was real, not Tesselvision. What I don't understand, who on Earth (or planet x) actually thought that this plan was feasible? I mean think about it, it's farfetched!!!


Level 5
Registered: Feb 2000
Posts: 1199
07-21-2000 07:16 PM


You are right to say we have no solid "proof" of an altered Liz or that Liz is the 4th alien. What we HAVE is a lot of circumstantial evidence and some serious plot holes in our story line.

What viewers (and I included myself in this) have done is try to fill in the plot holes and make sense of what we see on the screen.

For instance:

FACT--at the beginning of SH Liz (in shower) reports that something inside is changing--it feels like something "chemical"

FACT: Liz gets glowing hickies and strange rashes and see flashes.

FACT: After multiple make-out session with Michael, Maria NEVER reports any of the above.

SUPPOSITION: Liz is somehow "different" than Maria.

FACT: Both Liz and Maria are the same age and gender and since both are dating aliens it seems that they both have a lot in common.

FACT The one thing that sets Liz apart from Maria is that Max healed her--and that both seem to recognize in the other a "soulmate".

SUPPOSITION: Max and Liz share a special connection because:
  • --Max healed her and began a process that altered her mentally (she can now receive flashes), or
  • --Liz is being changed physically, or
  • --Liz is the 4th alien, or
  • --Liz is Max's eternal soulmate, or....
Do you see what is happening above? Fans try to fill in the gaps in the storyline by logical extrapolation.

Truthfully--I think there is a less conscious thing happening as well. People who espouse the altered Liz/Liz = 4th alien/eternal soulmate theories are also avid supporters of M/L. All of these theories are able to bridge the species gap between Liz and Max--a gap that is a "huge" obstacle between them.

The theories developed on the "Importance of Liz to the alien mythology" thread take this a step further. They manage to elevate Liz to a key position in the storyline precisely when next fall's stated emphasis will be--alien mythology. Thus at a time when Destiny threatens to drive M/L apart (and indeed Liz leaves Max) we construct a theory that manages to bridge even Destiny!

What does all of this really indicate? (Again folks I'm talking about myself as well here--I have speculated long and hard about an altered Liz).

What it indicates to me is that standing behind all this speculative effort is a basic desire to bind M and L together in a way that defies any obstacles hurled at them. All three of the theories above do this. Why?

Max and Liz are the stuff of epic legend. Even Maria comments within the story world on the idealism presented by M/L as the perfect couple. Is it any wonder that, given half a chance, we will let our creative juices flow long and hard, and come up with "logical" ways to preserve this mythic love story? After all--regardless of whether or not I've ever experienced this ideal romantic love in my own life, there is something that wants to make me fight for the ideal as I see it in M and L.!!!

Of course this doesn't mean that these theories are "wrong" -- only time (and our writers) will tell whether they'll make it on screen. But it does perhaps help us to understand why we have spent so much time on the subject!

Qfanny, the point you make is well taken.


This document last modified November 12, 2000.
All images derived from the Roswell television show are reproduced solely for purposes of academic discussion. Any commercial usage is a violation of copyright. All screen caps courtesy of